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Vaccine FAILURE, on every level.

My entire life I struggled with social awkwardness and not being able to effectively read social ques, and I couldn't really gauge what people thought of me. This lead to me just not even factoring that in, I have learned to change and adapt a bit as an adult so I'm not a total sperg and put on a good act at work and stuff. During the immense social pressure during covid, that ability to just completely ignore and reactivate that part of my personality that just didn't pick up on that, nor care about that social pressure was like a damn super power LOL!!! I laughed through most of that video, such idiots and I can't believe people fell for it, but I also understand why.

lol yup
it isn't retardation if it proves beneficial
"Zero is a very very clear number and cannot be subject to interpretation " - :laughing:

Israel -

Zero healthy individuals under the age of 50 have died of COVID-19 in Israel, according to newly released data.

“Zero deceased of 18–49 years of age with no underlying morbidities,” the Israel Ministry of Health (MOH) said in response to a formal request from an attorney.

Officials noted that the statement only applies to COVID-19 deaths where the MOH conducted an epidemiological investigation and had received information about the underlying diseases.

“Zero is a very, very clear number, and cannot be subject to interpretation,” Yoav Yehezkelli, a specialist in internal medicine and medical management, and former lecturer in the Department of Emergency and Disaster Management at Tel Aviv University in Israel, told The Epoch Times.

“Why were all the extreme measures of school closures, vaccination of children, and lockdowns needed?” he added.

The MOH did respond to a request for comment.
"Don't do your own research"

At that moment, anyone with a brain should have seen red flags.
My first real red flag : big pharma can’t be sued. That’s when I stopped wearing my mask.

A smaller red flag was a yt video done by Ntd news before the summer of ‘20 detailing the bat woman and showing body bags at the lab. It’s long gone.
My first real red flag : big pharma can’t be sued. That’s when I stopped wearing my mask.

A smaller red flag was a yt video done by Ntd news before the summer of ‘20 detailing the bat woman and showing body bags at the lab. It’s long gone.
I believe that was put in place during the Reagan administration, people finally learned about it during COVID.

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Pretty sure the line in the sand has been drawn. In this day and age your either wise or on your way to becoming a statistic. I purposefully don't ask my sister if shes still getting jabbed, i dont want to know. But i know.

181 people attending CDC conference get COVID....

damage done. People all saw the papers, who will see the retractions
Here's the mask I wore when absolutely necessary. Had some really interesting reactions from it. People ran for cover a few times. I no longer was required to sign in at one of the plants I do work for..
The "Cock Mask"
20200630_183034 (2).jpg

From the above article:
Furthermore, the study uncovered that even papers that had been retracted were still being cited.

For example, after investigating 212 withdrawn articles, the university discovered that the retracted papers were cited 2,697 times. Of those citations, 90% failed to mention that the paper had been withdrawn and 80% were published after the retraction.

damage done. People all saw the papers, who will see the retractions

And the misinformation will continue.

That's a short, but good read. Here is part of the article:
In his speech, Martin said: "The pandemic that we alleged to have happened in the last few years did not happen overnight. In fact, the very specific pandemic using the coronavirus began at a different time."

He said that in 1965, scientists discovered the coronavirus as a model of a pathogen - an agent that causes disease. They also found out that coronaviruses can be modified.

"Later we started learning how to modify a coronavirus by putting them in animals such as dogs and pigs," Martin said, adding that such a practice became the basis for US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer's first coronavirus spike protein vaccine in 1990.

But very soon the medical sector and drug makers found out that the vaccines did not work.

"Because the coronavirus is a malleable model, it mutates," Martin said. "Every medical publication concluded that coronaviruses escape vaccines because it modifies and mutates too rapidly for a vaccine to be developed."

In 2002, a university in North Carolina initiated a study to develop an "infectious replication defective," which Martin interpreted as "a weapon to target individuals, but not have collateral damage."

Characterizing the project as having "mysteriously preceded SARS by a year," Martin said the coronavirus that caused the highly deadly infection was not from China and that it was "engineered" instead of naturally occurring.

On Covid-19, Martin said the coronavirus - named as SARS-CoV-2 by the World Health Organization - was poised for human emergence in 2016, with a preview about an "accidental or intentional release of a respiratory coronavirus" from a laboratory in Wuhan.

He said the purpose of the coronavirus "release" was to boost global acceptance on universal vaccination.
That's a short, but good read. Here is part of the article:
The 2019 world military games would be a very convenient way of spreading it. As far as i can tell that was where it all started, or at a minimum the earliest reports began there.
I used to wear this one when I ABSOLUTELY HAD TO. My local hardware store wasn’t thrilled. Her name is Karen. She still has an attitude with me.


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I'm still glad I got the shot, cause when they turn that thing on via 5G - everyone that didn't get the shot will die.
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