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Vaccine FAILURE, on every level.

I've never seen anyone wear a mask for that pre-2020.
My dad did on occasion when the pollen would get really bad and always would when working with hay. He has brutal allergies but once they started him on shots he's hardly bothered anymore.
So in Wyoming you can legally register a 4wheeler/SxS to ride on public roads (pretty cool cause you can't here in Colorado)

I saw an old man in a SxS riding around in a very desolate hwy the other day, alone, wearing a mask. Just thought it was funny,
Like this? Pretty common for riding in the dust actually.
Always wore paper masks or bandanas when I was cutting grass when it was dry out, same thing for grinding welds or cutting any of the primed trim we use at work. Saw dust has never bothered me but whatever that primer they use is makes me sneeze a million times when I'm cutting it.
The weather changed here, and my sinuses clogged up like they do every year around this time.

My plant manager called me.

Her: what are you doing?
Me: struggling to breath.
Her: you got the covids?
Me: probably.
Her: well, don't get tested.
My dad did on occasion when the pollen would get really bad and always would when working with hay. He has brutal allergies but once they started him on shots he's hardly bothered anymore.

Always wore paper masks or bandanas when I was cutting grass when it was dry out, same thing for grinding welds or cutting any of the primed trim we use at work. Saw dust has never bothered me but whatever that primer they use is makes me sneeze a million times when I'm cutting it.
Legit reasons. That's what masks are for, to stop particles of those sizes getting into your mouth/nose.
And of course, it doesn't affect your exhaust, never has. Just to keep the pollen/grass/dust out of your intake.
This country is finished if the truth is not hammered home in courtrooms all across the nation

The truth is known by people in all aspects of health care who are on the front lines and complicit/aiding the enemy with their silence

Time to subpoena them, make them put their careers on the line

... put in "information / data requests" using the discovery process to require compliance and things will get real with a quickness

There's all kinds of data that would absolutely fuckup their narrative if it was a matter of record in a courtroom

I am genuinely surprised that more lawyers aren't stepping up pro bono :frown:
He should fire back.
Hire lawyer and take psych exam through his lawyer.
File suit against them for libel.
Keep on the fight of speaking up honestly and not be bullied into shutting up.
This country is finished if the truth is not hammered home in courtrooms all across the nation
The problem is, is this:
That would require a legitimate court

Our court systems are no longer legitimate. The politicization that has occurred in our court systems, I'm afraid is the final nail in the coffin. If there is a political agenda at stake, the courts overwhelmingly side with the (D)ipshits (or the (R)ino in cases where there is no (D)). For everyone else, the court isn't interested in the truth, only in processing as many cases as quickly as possible with as many convictions as possible, truth be damned.
The problem is, is this:

Our court systems are no longer legitimate. The politicization that has occurred in our court systems, I'm afraid is the final nail in the coffin. If there is a political agenda at stake, the courts overwhelmingly side with the (D)ipshits (or the (R)ino in cases where there is no (D)). For everyone else, the court isn't interested in the truth, only in processing as many cases as quickly as possible with as many convictions as possible, truth be damned.
They should no longer be treated with a shred of respect.
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