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Slowpoke attempts to kill himself in a golfcart!

SLOWPOKE693 looks like you had a mighty good time, minus the local tornadoes/storms of course.

How ya liking the trailer?

We had a blast this weekend. The track was awesome, the facility is awesome and the people running the series are awesome. I'm excited to go back in June for round 2.

Trailer could use a bigger fresh water tank (woman caused issue IMO🙄) but other than that we have zero complaints and love it.
I got a PVC bladder tank for boondocking, cheap solution, various sizes.

We had a blast this weekend. The track was awesome, the facility is awesome and the people running the series are awesome. I'm excited to go back in June for round 2.

Trailer could use a bigger fresh water tank (woman caused issue IMO🙄) but other than that we have zero complaints and love it.
That’s great on the racing and understandable on the fresh water issue. Takes some getting used to having to take “rv showers” (water on/off as needed) vs traditional showers.
That’s great on the racing and understandable on the fresh water issue. Takes some getting used to having to take “rv showers” (water on/off as needed) vs traditional showers.
I don't think either of them need to get used to it, they lived in a trailer for like 3 years. They are seasoned pros.
So which one of you is going to show up at MAO next weekend with their downhill barbie Jeep and run it? 🤔

Decided to race Vet N/A as well as Expert N/A at round 2 and see how I stack up against the fast guys in that class. I doubt I'll be able to pull off a podium but double the seat time and a chance to chase down (hopefully!) fast cars sounds pretty awesome.

Car doesn't need much except a good cleaning, a nut and bolt job and the inner wheel half that I punctured swapped out (once it arrives) and the car will be race ready again.

Almost forgot..... All the MAO racers voted to pay extra for entry fees going forward so we will have the races live streamed for the rest of the season! :smokin:
Used my service truck crane outrigger to break the inner bead and once the tire was off I cut the silicone between the halfs and split them. Keizer uses clear silicone and it peeled right off the wheel half I am reusing. Put the three pieces back together and torqued the bolts to 8 ugga-duggas each in a star pattern. The only silicone I had on hand was Permatex Ultra Grey in the cheese whiz can so I used that and put a bead in between the two halfs and then smoothed it out with my finger the same as Keizer does......



Good as new and waaaaaay cheaper than having to buy a new wheel. I'll put the tire back on later tonight once the silicone sets up.
Ordered 2 more tires and a tire grinding disc from Summit earlier. With the way the track at MAO chews up tires and me running 2 classes next weekend I'm going to need 2 complete sets. I'll probably save the 4 new tires and use those on Saturday for the two mains. If I start the Expert Main on a set of freshies I'll have an advantage over the guys running used tires. I'm going to need all the help I can get in that class so hopefully new tires and a bunch of luck are enough help to get me on the podium. 🤞
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Woke up early so I would have a chance to give the race car trailer a wash/wax before the honey do list for the weekend commenced. I wouldn't think 6 feet longer than my old trailer would be a big deal but holy shit that's alot of surface to go over...and over...and over... Next time I think I'll go to Dallas and find me some illegals at Home Depot and pay them to do it! :laughing:

Woke up early so I would have a chance to give the race car trailer a wash/wax before the honey do list for the weekend commenced. I wouldn't think 6 feet longer than my old trailer would be a big deal but holy shit that's alot of surface to go over...and over...and over... Next time I think I'll go to Dallas and find me some illegals at Home Depot and pay them to do it! :laughing:

Try the spray wax. I don't remember which one was best, but project farm did a review I think?
Unfortunately I don't think I'll be racing this weekend. I was involved in a car accident earlier this morning and I'm 99% sure my hand is broken. :mad3:

Lady driving a box truck ran a stop sign and piled into my FF as I was passing. Truck is totaled.....

Dude WTF. Sorry man. Did you chew that dumb bitch out?
dude the important question is how is your sex like going to recover from this? :flipoff2:

kidding, that sucks dude..
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