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Pornhub Disables Access to Site in Texas

My kid doesn't own the car and I control the access?

Same with an electronic device.

Your analogy is off. The road is porn, the car is a computer/tablet/phone, fuel is internet access.
If the subject here was to put breathalyzers on all cars, or verification systems on all devices, we would not be having a discussion because it's obvious everyone would be against it. That's not the subject.
Your kid does not own your computer and you control the access? Right?
Your kid does not own your beer and you control the access?
It's all about you, parent. Not about 7-11 giving beer to your kid behind your back.

The subject is whether or not a business should card children before selling/providing to them.
Adult product.
Providing to children direct going behind the parent's back.
Existing law.
That simple fact does not compute for Yota Up, and that's why I called him a moron.
You're like a little monkey jumping up and down on the sidelines.
You have nothing to add to the conversation, you've not provided any input at all other than cheering from the sidelines and throwing shit anytime you get a boner. Go back to junior high and leave this discussion to the adults, please.
Are you claiming you would not sue that 7-11 and just eat shit and not be able to afford the surgery for your kid? If so, I call bullshit.
7-11 did not make the gun, they knowingly sold it to that rotten little kid and did so against the law. There is no law against making guns, that's why it would be bullshit to sue a gun maker..
Oh, you were implying that it was a hypothetical real 7-11 selling a hypothetical illegal grenade through the company instead of some bullshit fantasy where that distribution would be legal like I interpreted it as.

I guess if you want to nitpick that hard to stay right in your own mind, I'll just bring up the fact that in reality, if the hypothetical scumbag could have actually gotten a hypothetical grenade over the counter at a 7-11, it would be due to the fact that the hypothetical cashier would be in some shady hypothetical business himself moreso than a reflection on 7-11 itself as a hypothetical company. People calling you a woman makes a lot of sense when contextualized with your disdain for individual accountability. Hypothetically.

I'll just take the fact that you didn't even respond to my other two quips as a win. Best of 3 wins, nerd :flipoff2:
:idea: - leveraging controls from "common sense" gun legislation:

Make it so folks can only use a mute button after registering with the Feds and paying for a $200 tax stamp.

The mute button is just like a silencer and it could allow folks to get away with "shooting" when and where our legislators say they shouldn't. Hell, a national registry of mute button owners would surely cut down on mass killings turbations :flipoff2:
You're like a little monkey jumping up and down on the sidelines.
You have nothing to add to the conversation, you've not provided any input at all other than cheering from the sidelines and throwing shit anytime you get a boner. Go back to junior high and leave this discussion to the adults, please.
Man, the blind squirrels are on fire this week. :laughing:
If the subject here was to put breathalyzers on all cars, or verification systems on all devices, we would not be having a discussion because it's obvious everyone would be against it. That's not the subject.
Your kid does not own your computer and you control the access? Right?
Your kid does not own your beer and you control the access?
It's all about you, parent. Not about 7-11 giving beer to your kid behind your back.

The subject is whether or not a business should card children before selling/providing to them.
Adult product.
Providing to children direct going behind the parent's back.
Existing law.
Fair enough point. Too bad for Texas that pornhub isn't keen on complying with required method of verification.
You're like a little monkey jumping up and down on the sidelines.
You have nothing to add to the conversation, you've not provided any input at all other than cheering from the sidelines and throwing shit anytime you get a boner. Go back to junior high and leave this discussion to the adults, please.
Nice, you've completely ignored addressing the facts. Thanks for showing your true colors, wanting the government to tell you and everyone else how they should live. :shaking:
Well. I learned a new thing today.
What did you learn? That TrampASS is an asshole? :flipoff2:

BTW, this is hasenpfeffer.

Let's say there's no rules for any business that sells/provides adults products, and that there is no limit on commerce in any way, meaning you can buy or sell anything. But we still have good parents, although not all.

Insert movie trailer:
Your neighbor's kid just threw a rock onto your property. He's a 10 year old acting out. You try to talk to his parents, but they are druggies and don't seem to care. So you go home.
That night, his parents are passed out on the floor of the living room. Kid takes money from the parent pocket and runs to 7-11. Buys a hand grenade. Tosses it over onto your property. Your dog went after it, your dog is dead. Your little daughter just lost an eye and need major face work.
You're pissed off. You want to sue the druggie parents of that kid to pay for your daughter's surgery?

Hold on. Don't tell me you want you want to sue 7-11 for selling that hand grenade to that 10 year old.
:confused: no, it isn't 7-11's fault
it was the kid, the parents are responsible for the kid

this is also the mindset that if you get in a car crash you go after the auto manufacture
or......the (gasp) gun manufacturer, but to take it one step further, shouldn't they go after the ammunition factory?? the gun didn't kill, it was actually the projectile

bottom line is, a person had to take accountability for themselves at some point
pretty soon they are going to be going after hurtful words posted on the internet that doesn't fit the narrative... oh wait :laughing:
Slander brought up a good point in the other thread.

Everyone here is perfectly ok with the company Pfizer making profit from vaxxing your kid behind your back, right?
Come on now, don't be a pussy and talk about nanny state shit to prevent them from doing it or anything. Fuck your rights as parents, the company profits and their right to jab your kid comes first. Come on.
Slander brought up a good point in the other thread.

Everyone here is perfectly ok with the company Pfizer making profit from vaxxing your kid behind your back, right?
Come on now, don't be a pussy and talk about nanny state shit to prevent them from doing it or anything. Fuck your rights as parents, the company profits and their right to jab your kid comes first. Come on.
Holy fuck the entire Midwest couldn't come up with as many straw men if they were on a fucking mission from gawd. :lmao:
I didn't click on this thread thinking it was some kind of sick midget porno shit...
I am fucking rolling on the floor! YOU SICK BASTARDS!:lmao::lmao::lmao:
:confused: no, it isn't 7-11's fault
it was the kid, the parents are responsible for the kid

this is also the mindset that if you get in a car crash you go after the auto manufacture
or......the (gasp) gun manufacturer, but to take it one step further, shouldn't they go after the ammunition factory?? the gun didn't kill, it was actually the projectile

bottom line is, a person had to take accountability for themselves at some point
pretty soon they are going to be going after hurtful words posted on the internet that doesn't fit the narrative... oh wait :laughing:
When you are on a topic and the other person keeps changing the subject, it's obvious they are dodging it because they can't face it.
So keep up the tangents of manufacturers that do not provide direct to kids, keep talking about everything in the world except for businesses providing direct to kids.

You support Pfizer vaxxing your kids behind your back, because the profits of these companies is most important to you because you own stock in Pfizer, you own stock in 7-11, and you own stock in Pornhub. That's why you want all the existing laws destroyed so that your stocks can make you more money by being able to provide direct to kids behind the parent's back. You support drug dealers dealing to kids, they should never go to jail for that. We should not have laws against drug dealers selling at elementary schools, right? No nanny bullshit needed, right?

Oh, and illegal aliens should be able to buy and carry guns concealed, and sell those guns to your kids, too, because fuck all laws, no nanny shit. Right?

You're bunch of open-border supporting Antfia anarchists that think you're so cool. If only you got your wish and all those laws disappeared in your town, I'd love to check back in with you 5 years down the road and ask you how it's going.
Everyone here is perfectly ok with the company Pfizer making profit from vaxxing your kid behind your back, right?
The straw man in ^ is- anything done to your kids is your responsibility.

You keep trying to get people to agree with you that we need to use the big dick of the government to keep corporations in line, so that you won't have to take responsibility for your kids...and no one agrees.
When you are on a topic and the other person keeps changing the subject, it's obvious they are dodging it because they can't face it.
So keep up the tangents of manufacturers that do not provide direct to kids, keep talking about everything in the world except for businesses providing direct to kids.

You support Pfizer vaxxing your kids behind your back, My kid is not vaxxed because I could see it was bullshit because the profits of these companies is most important to you because you own stock in Pfizer, you own stock in 7-11, and you own stock in Pornhub. You can buy stock on Pornhub? What is the ticker? :grinpimp: (asking for a friend) That's why you want all the existing laws destroyed so that your stocks can make you more money by being able to provide direct to kids behind the parent's back. You support drug dealers dealing to kids, No they should never go to jail for that. We should not have laws against drug dealers selling at elementary schools, right? No nanny bullshit needed, right?

Oh, and illegal aliens should be able to buy and carry guns concealed, and sell those guns to your kids, too, because fuck all laws, no nanny shit. Right? My kid is already well armed, as a parent I made sure that (1) she can protect herself if the time comes (2) she can enjoy the sport of shooting/hunting safely

You're bunch of open-border supporting Antfia anarchists no that think you're so cool. I am pretty cool If only you got your wish and all those laws disappeared in your town, I do think we should have a purge night, wasn't there a movie about that? I'd love to check back in with you 5 years down the road and ask you how it's going.
Not sure of this was a group blast or just at me, both answers are ok
I am not saying you are wrong, but I will hold my ground at accountability and parenting is more the problem than the 7-11:grinpimp:
...and to continue with the mindset of getting rid of laws, since apparently all kids are equal to adults in some of your books...

You are ok with pedophiles? Since you raised your kids right, your kids won't fuck an adult, so who gives a shit about all the other kids, right. Therefore it's ok for adults to fuck kids?
Come on. Where do you draw the line and drop this edgy act?
Not sure of this was a group blast or just at me, both answers are ok
I am not saying you are wrong, but I will hold my ground at accountability and parenting is more the problem than the 7-11:grinpimp:
No, it was not at you specifically, just at the mentality behind "get rid of laws, don't enforce laws, kids are equal to adults" line of thinking.

But maybe it's not about that. Maybe some of you people are just really really selfish. Since you helicopter parent over every little thing your kid does to make sure they don't do bad until they get older(6+), then you raise them right and teach them right, then you don't care about all the other kids out there. You'd rather have strangers that own companies sell/provide adult things to other kids because it doesn't affect me or you, right?

Well, guess what. It will affect you when "those kids" get older, and maybe even in the near future when Jamal at age 7 walks into 7-11 to buy an uzi and use it on you or your kids.
so, with the abortion stuff and pornhub being banned in texas... I'm guessing some cuzzin fuckin is goin on in midland....
kids are equal to adults
Strawman. No one but you mentioned that.
"Kids" are by definition not adults, and as such are the responsibility of their parents. When they reach majority, then they are adults and responsible for themselves.
I know bubble-wrapping the world so that parents can ignore their feral children is popular- but that doesn't make it right.

But maybe it's not about that. Maybe some of you people are just really really selfish. Since you helicopter parent over every little thing your kid does to make sure they don't do bad until they get older(6+), then you raise them right and teach them right, then you don't care about all the other kids out there. You'd rather have strangers that own companies sell/provide adult things to other kids because it doesn't affect me or you, right?

Won't you please do it for the chilluns? For just $.25 a day...

You have an odd focus on corporations. It is pretty common on the left, though.

Nom nom nom! I do love this stinky bait!
No, it was not at you specifically, just at the mentality behind "get rid of laws, don't enforce laws, kids are equal to adults" line of thinking.

But maybe it's not about that. Maybe some of you people are just really really selfish. Since you helicopter parent over every little thing your kid does to make sure they don't do bad until they get older(6+), then you raise them right and teach them right, then you don't care about all the other kids out there. You'd rather have strangers that own companies sell/provide adult things to other kids because it doesn't affect me or you, right?

Well, guess what. It will affect you when "those kids" get older, and maybe even in the near future when Jamal at age 7 walks into 7-11 to buy an uzi and use it on you or your kids.
Helicopter parenting is not doing your kid any favors, you have to let them fail. But there is a safe firm way to fail
My daughter wanted to be a big kid and control her school homework schedule. I told her that if she wants to do fun stuff, I need to see the grades that I am expecting from her
Naturally she got behind on homework, and all of a sudden some dance (homecoming(?) came around.......guess who's grades were in the shitter.......guess who was doing homework when all of her friends were having fun
that sux :grinpimp: Tough love
I know, no drug or porn sales in my situation, but life has consequences,

this 7-11 has Uzi's now, I really want the address to this place :laughing:
"Kids" are by definition not adults, and as such are the responsibility of their parents.
So why do you advocate for a business to be able to provide adult products to kids?
Just because you helicopter your kids and make sure they won't get porn at age 5, and then raise them right and make sure they don't buy drugs at age 8? Because as long as you raise your kid right, that's all you care about? You don't care about the other kids out there? They'll be a part of your future society someday, you know.

I care about my community. I care about the other kids out there, even the kids of drug addicts and parents that don't care. I care because they are a part of the future of our society. So fuck me because of that I guess.

Helicopter parenting is not doing your kid any favors
But you did it, didn't you? When your kid was 4 or 5 years old and got on the internet for the first time, you were there to make sure they didn't get into porn. You steered them toward positive and clean things, right?

Society before porn. Better or worse than society after porn?
Society where kids don't access porn. Better or worse than a society where kids access porn at a young age?

You people always complain about our society being in the gutter and how we're circling the drain, yet here you flinch at Texas enforcing existing law to try and do it right. Yet you support Texas enforcing existing immigration law, right? Let's check responses in that thread for contrast.

And the only reason this thread exists is because one company, Pornhub, is too lazy to do their job. So you cheer on behalf of that company and champion for them to be able to be exempt from the law that all other companies adhere to. Pave the way for no more childhood, all kids end up with the rights to access adults products from birth. The outcome, in the future society of a situation like that would be so much worse than what you see today. You complain about today yet embrace a world in the future that's ten times worse.

(Curious, is Pornhub a bigot or do they also feature gay porn and weird shit? Is Pornhub liberal? Do they donate to Democrats?)
* when I say "you" I mean it in a collective sense addressing all the people that are against enforcing existing laws regarding adult products.
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