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Pornhub Disables Access to Site in Texas

All I needed was my swiss army knife with the phillips screwdriver on it to take the case apart. Having one of those in school now and you would probably get sent to federal pound-me-in-the-ass penitentiary.
Super loosely related story:

Was very into this blonde girl in high school. Not normally my thing, but she was cool and smoking hot. 10th grade English was ended up seated next to each other and really hit it off. Teacher was a total moron, boring as hell and kind of a ****. Girl and I are talking one day and no warning teacher just sends her ass to the office. School officer decides to search her and dumps her entire backpack out. There's a tiny Swiss army knife keychain buried in the bottom. Knife on this thing is like maybe 1/2 inch. They fucking expel her over it and I never see her again until my early 20s. Worked out later and found out what happened.

I'm fucking pissed about getting forever cock blocked by this teacher in the absolute dumbest way though. Spent the rest of the year making that teachers life hell pranking her. Lunch was in the middle of that period. I'd bring back ketchup packets and twist them and either throw them under her feet when she wasn't looking or put them under her chair wheels. Also spent the year throwing them over her head so they'd explode on the wall. Would also get gummy bears out the vending machine, get them wet and throw them at her or the wall so they'd stick. By the end of that year the top of the wall had ketchup and funny bears all over it and she was so stupid she never noticed. Whole class was in on it too because everyone hated her. Never got ratted out and she never knew who was fucking with her that whole year.
Shut up faggot. This is nothing more than nanny state bullshit. It's the parents job to monitor their child's activities, not the government.
Ah yes.
Kids should be allowed to buy booze.
They should be allowed to drive cars at age 5 on the freeway, next to your family.
They should be free to do drugs in 1st grade.
No limits, or else nanny state bullshit, right?

The rest of society does not agree with you. Society thinks certain things should be off limits for minor until they turn 18, and your opinion of "let all kids have a free for all with everything" is in the minority. Therefore, you lose.
Ah yes.
Kids should be allowed to buy booze.
They should be allowed to drive cars at age 5 on the freeway, next to your family.
They should be free to do drugs in 1st grade.
No limits, or else nanny state bullshit, right?

The rest of society does not agree with you. Society thinks certain things should be off limits for minor until they turn 18, and your opinion of "let all kids have a free for all with everything" is in the minority. Therefore, you lose.
I didnt say kids should look at porn. I said it's the parents responsibility to monitor their children's activities. Faggot.
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I didnt say kids should look at porn. I said it's the patents responsibility to monitor their children's activities. Faggot.
You clearly think the state should allow it, so you must apply the same mindset about booze and everything else, right?
Parents should monitor the booze intake of their 1st grader.
Parents should monitor the drugs their kid takes.
Parents should monitor all the things that society says minors should not be allowed to do.


By the way, I'm sure everyone with an IQ above 80 reading this thinks highly of you and your emotional resort to name calling.
It reminds me of a frustrated immature child that has lost the battle of wits and devolves into throwing feces. Keep it up, champ.
It makes you look good and totally validates your position on this subject.
You clearly think the state should allow it, so you must apply the same mindset about booze and everything else, right?
Parents should monitor the booze intake of their 1st grader.
Parents should monitor the drugs their kid takes.
Parents should monitor all the things that society says minors should not be allowed to do.


It is less damaging to society to allow that than to have the .gov micromanage.

Why is this so hard to get?

It is less damaging to society to allow that than to have the .gov micromanage.

Why is this so hard to get?
You lose. The rest of society does not agree with you.
However, if it's so important for you that your child looks at porn and drinks booze and does drugs, then you can buy it for them and provide them with it if that's what you want for your kid.

But, the law says that the kid can not go buy/get it on their own until they are a certain age and I agree with the law, as does most of society. Don't like it? Tough luck.
News flash: You already have your wish granted.
Before you argue with me further, understand the following:
Everything is exactly as you wanted, as you stated with your position - parents should monitor it.
You win. If you want your kid to have porn, drugs, booze, you can do so right now.
You, as a parent, can obtain those things and give them to your child at any age(so long as they don't rat you out).

However, your kid can not go an obtain it on their own legally. And the people/places that supply these things can not sell or provide those things directly to your children.

So what, exactly, do you have a problem with?
Parents should monitor the booze intake of their 1st grader.
Parents should monitor the drugs their kid takes.
Parents should monitor all the things that society says minors should not be allowed to do.

Exactly. I think this would be better then all the money and effort wasted on the government monitoring and trying to control it themselves.
News flash: You already have your wish granted.
Before you argue with me further, understand the following:
Everything is exactly as you wanted, as you stated with your position - parents should monitor it.
You win. If you want your kid to have porn, drugs, booze, you can do so right now.
You, as a parent, can obtain those things and give them to your child at any age(so long as they don't rat you out).

However, your kid can not go an obtain it on their own legally. And the people/places that supply these things can not sell or provide those things directly to your children.

So what, exactly, do you have a problem with?

The money and effort wasted by the gov monitoring it.
Kids are brutal and will beat meat like it's a 60 hour a week job!You can't stop it and I don't think anyone should..Block him from the net is impossible because he was raised with it. All you can do is tell em it's fake and that's not how people get down.
The government overreach and subsequent requirement to relinquish my personal data to a crooked collector is a hard fuck you.
Exactly. I think this would be better then all the money and effort wasted on the government monitoring and trying to control it themselves.
It belongs to the parents, yes?
Of course. I agree.
Does it belong to the vendors and strangers?
We, as parents, have control over that and should have control over that.
The strangers out there in the world, the liquor stores, the porn shops, the drug dealers <- we don't want those in control.
The law says that people in business of products intended for adults can not sell their wares directly to minors. That is law and has been.

The government has always monitored and tried to control vendors selling directly to kids without their parent oversight. The money and effort has always been spent to prevent the local 7-11 from selling beer to 10 years olds. This is nothing new and nobody had a problem until now. Unless I've missed a thread about "The local liquor store should be able to sell to my kids without my monitoring it". Has anyone here ever stood up to fight on behalf a vendor to profit off of adult products being able to sell to kids without parent consent?

It belongs to the parents, and that's exactly what this does. So why are we arguing if we all agree on it?
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The government has always monitored and tried to control vendors selling directly to kids without their parent oversight.
No, it hasn't.

Sure, you probably had the occasional local regulation but the states and feds didn't start doing that shit until the 1950s/60s.
The core of this subject is about a business that sells items restricted to adults.
Start a new thread and ask everyone if they think any of those businesses should be able to sell adult goods to children, like a gas station selling vodka to a 7 year old.
You'll be surprised at how much we all agree.
I’m conservative and libertarian depending on issues. Even liberal.

I’m torn, it’s like cherry-picking to me. Outlawing one company while others are free to continue seems biased.

My view is teach children responsibility. Limit their screen time with child controls etc. It should be 100% on the parents.
I’m conservative and libertarian depending on issues. Even liberal.

I’m torn, it’s like cherry-picking to me. Outlawing one company while others are free to continue seems biased.

My view is teach children responsibility. Limit their screen time with child controls etc. It should be 100% on the parents.
I don't think it's outlawing one company. I think they're trying to enforce existing law, and just so happens that pornhub would rather throw in the towel than to go through the trouble to verify age.

Yes, it's always on the parents, but at the same time do we really want 7-11 selling beer to kids?

As far as parents, and I know this will sound like reaching for straws, but what about homeless minors without parents?
They may be rare but they exist. So if a minor has no parent to steer them and provide oversight, do we allow businesses to profit off those minors and sell directly to those minors goods that are restricted for adults only?
You clearly think the state should allow it, so you must apply the same mindset about booze and everything else, right?
Parents should monitor the booze intake of their 1st grader.
Parents should monitor the drugs their kid takes.
Parents should monitor all the things that society says minors should not be allowed to do.


By the way, I'm sure everyone with an IQ above 80 reading this thinks highly of you and your emotional resort to name calling.
It reminds me of a frustrated immature child that has lost the battle of wits and devolves into throwing feces. Keep it up, champ.
It makes you look good and totally validates your position on this subject.
I100% don’t believe in a drinking age and believe it’s the parents responsibility, don’t you?


It’s the way it’s always been.
I100% don’t believe in a drinking age and believe it’s the parents responsibility, don’t you?


It’s the way it’s always been.
You're ignoring the point here.
Of course it's up to the parents. In Europe, all the kids would have a little taste of champagne every new year. That was normal and ok.

You need to focus on the subject at hand here, which is all about businesses making money by being able to sell direct to minor those things that only adults/parents should be able to buy and then decide what's right for their kids.
You're ignoring the point here.
Of course it's up to the parents. In Europe, all the kids would have a little taste of champagne every new year. That was normal and ok.

You need to focus on the subject at hand here, which is all about businesses making money by being able to sell direct to minor those things that only adults/parents should be able to buy and then decide what's right for their kids.

Parents can easily install apps or implement hardware blocking on their kids' devices. But thank god we have the state to keep the children safe.
Parents can easily install apps or implement hardware blocking on their kids' devices. But thank god we have the state to keep the children safe.
There must be a reason why you and many others are completely ignoring the real issue and subbing in a tangent instead.

I have not seen a single response address the issue at hand. Business selling direct to kids. Everyone is pretending it doesn't exist and making a sideline issue out of it instead. This is bizarre.
I honestly don't really care to hear from a government who welcomes 18 year old kids to volunteer to fight for their country and vote for their government representatives but laughs and tells them they're not mature enough to drink a beer. Fucking absurd.
I honestly don't really care to hear from a government who welcomes 18 year old kids to volunteer to fight for their country and vote for their government representatives but laughs and tells them they're not mature enough to drink a beer. Fucking absurd.
Well fuck me i agree with the liberal for once:flipoff2:
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