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If some people are against the law being enforced to ensure kids don't decide directly what adult products they engage in without parental consent, then would these same people complain if a child decides to directly engage in gender treatment without parental consent? You open the door, and everything flies out. It's a broad approach and a lot falls under it, all on the same notion.
You can be against kids watching porn without thinking that there should be a law about it.
You can be against kids watching porn without thinking that there should be a law about it.
There is no law against it. The law is against a business providing/selling it directly to kids.
If I'm against kids watching porn, I will not provide it to my kids.
But as parents, we are the gatekeepers. As it should be.

Subybaja, you already stated you think it's ok for the local 7-11 should be able to sell to children directly booze, hand grenades, porn, cigs, etc.
Do you draw the line at anything at all, or free for all with no exceptions? Sex change operations, hormone blockers?

Curious if I start a new thread, make a poll, and see just how many people think that companies should be able to provide anything and everything to children of any age. I think most of us understand the rationale behind these laws, that children are not equipped to make adult decisions until a certain age. Yet here are in a thread where most refuse to admit their true position, and you're the only one brave enough to state yours. I disagree with you but respect you for standing up and owning it. Now I'm just curious to hear if you have a line at all per my question above regarding trans issues.
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You should reread my post you quoted. I'm against all kinds of things, but that doesn't mean we need more laws. When it comes to children, the absolute and only buck stops with their parents. I don't look to Philip Morris or Rockstar to raise my kids. Expecting corporations to have a social conscience is ridiculous- thats not what they are.


You should also consider the US of the past. Firearms, drugs, alcohol, and explosives have all been unrestricted, give or take. We've now collectively decided to follow Britain in a frantic dash for illusory safety, begging Big Daddy to keep us safe from scary choices...

this is a parenting problem, not a .gov problem

if kids want to see the porno's they are going to get to it one way or another
we watched the scrambled channel, knowing there there will be a boob somewhere
read at the magazine rack with a Playboy cleverly slid inside a Field and Stream
peeked behind the curtain at the video rental store
or the holy grail the attic-clean-out-dumped-at-the-end-of-the-logging-road <that right there was worth buying a dirtbike>

parents just need to be engaged with what their kids are doing
You should reread my post you quoted. I'm against all kinds of things, but that doesn't mean we need more laws. When it comes to children, the absolute and only buck stops with their parents. I don't look to Philip Morris or Rockstar to raise my kids. Expecting corporations to have a social conscience is ridiculous- thats not what they are.
Buck stops with parents - we agree.
We don't need more laws - we agree.
Expecting companies to have a conscience is ridiculous - we agree.

But we already have existing laws. So do we enforce them?
The reason we already have existing laws is because we don't trust those companies to raise our and while we don't need more laws, we already have existing laws that prevent those companies from directly engaging with our kids to provide/sell them adult products.

Do we agree with the existing laws that prevent those companies from going behind our backs and providing/selling to our kids?
I agree with those existing laws. Do you?

If not, does that mean you are also ok with any of those companies providing gender affirming products to your 5 year old behind your back? Or you draw the line somewhere?
this is a parenting problem, not a .gov problem

parents just need to be engaged with what their kids are doing
Let's say you're a good parent.
Let's say I'm a good parent.
But what about drunk lady over there that is not a good parent?
Should her kid be able to go to 7-11 and buy a machine gun, booze, drugs, porn, tattoos, and hand grenades? If he does, problems happen. When those problems happen, who has to deal with it? It won't be his bad mom, it won't be you, it won't be me. It will be the government, right? So if the government tells 7-11 they can't sell to that bad lady's kid, is that bad? Is that something you really want to fight against?
Let's say you're a good parent.
Let's say I'm a good parent.
But what about drunk lady over there that is not a good parent?
Should her kid be able to go to 7-11 and buy a machine gun, booze, drugs, porn, tattoos, and hand grenades? If he does, problems happen. When those problems happen, who has to deal with it? It won't be his bad mom, it won't be you, it won't be me. It will be the government, right? So if the government tells 7-11 they can't sell to that bad lady's kid, is that bad? Is that something you really want to fight against?
ID verifying isn't going to fix the POS parent in your scenario sadly and the .gov is paying for all that stuff that you listed anyway on her EBT Card :grinpimp:

I see and agree with your point, but, shitty people are going to be there
I tell my kid all the time that bad people are amongst us daily, protect yourself
My kid is about the last in her class to get a cell phone, does that mean that she can't get her hands on one, nope not at all, in fact when she reallllllly needs to call home, she gets her hands on one and makes a call
same with porn, she can get it. I just hope that I have good job raising her and she can make wise decisions

where is this 7-11? asking for a friend
I hear you and I think we're all on the same page with all of that, but I'd like to shift focus and talk about the business and law perspective instead.

Good parent, bad parent, no parent, parent aside:
A company sells adult products. Whiskey, hand grenades, porn, shrooms, weed, and RPGs.
Should they be allowed to sell directly to children of any age?
Yes or no?

This is the whole point.
Let's say there's no rules for any business that sells/provides adults products, and that there is no limit on commerce in any way, meaning you can buy or sell anything. But we still have good parents, although not all.

Insert movie trailer:
Your neighbor's kid just threw a rock onto your property. He's a 10 year old acting out. You try to talk to his parents, but they are druggies and don't seem to care. So you go home.
That night, his parents are passed out on the floor of the living room. Kid takes money from the parent pocket and runs to 7-11. Buys a hand grenade. Tosses it over onto your property. Your dog went after it, your dog is dead. Your little daughter just lost an eye and need major face work.
You're pissed off. You want to sue the druggie parents of that kid to pay for your daughter's surgery?

Hold on. Don't tell me you want you want to sue 7-11 for selling that hand grenade to that 10 year old.
You know, it's OK to be in a minority. You want more enforcement of certain morality laws, we get it. You don't have to get everyone else to agree.

This is an obscure den of right-wing anarchy. You might have better luck somewhere mainstream like Reddit.
We can find out if it's a minority.
Maybe a poll to see who would sue 7-11 for selling a grenade to a druggie kid that bombed your house.
Maybe a poll to see who is ok with a store selling booze and drugs to a kid.
Maybe a poll to see who supports any organization giving a kid a sex change without parental consent.

I wonder how all those polls would go. Do you have a guess?
Reddit? In favor of gov restrictions.

Here? About like this thread:

fuck the verification bullshit

Age verification bullshit is just that, bullshit.

It is less damaging to society to allow that than to have the .gov micromanage.


The money and effort wasted by the gov monitoring it.

The government overreach and subsequent requirement to relinquish my personal data to a crooked collector is a hard fuck you.

It should be 100% on the parents.

But thank god we have the state to keep the children safe.

apparently that's too hard so we should all invite the .gov to raise the kids.

I honestly don't really care to hear from a government who...

Oh, wait, I knew there was one:

So verify your age and pound away, its been done in several other states for quite awhile now

Maybe next you can argue for CCW licenses instead of Constitutional carry! So much safer when someone has oversight...
Maybe next you can argue for CCW licenses instead of Constitutional carry! So much safer when someone has oversight...

You're like the guy whos house gets robbed so he goes and buys a security system, why ? Its too late

If you were worried about having to verifi before jacking off then you should have done something to prevent it. Its too late, so back to the Sears catalog for you it is :laughing:
Buck stops with parents - we agree.
We don't need more laws - we agree.
Expecting companies to have a conscience is ridiculous - we agree.

But we already have existing laws. So do we enforce them?
The reason we already have existing laws is because we don't trust those companies to raise our and while we don't need more laws, we already have existing laws that prevent those companies from directly engaging with our kids to provide/sell them adult products.

Do we agree with the existing laws that prevent those companies from going behind our backs and providing/selling to our kids?
I agree with those existing laws. Do you?

If not, does that mean you are also ok with any of those companies providing gender affirming products to your 5 year old behind your back? Or you draw the line somewhere?

The law also says that someone under the age of 17 can't watch an R rated movie without the consent of parent or guardian. Will you support age restrictions being placed on all TVs, streaming services and any device that can play videos the the extent that you have to verify your age and sign in each time you want to use it? After all, it's already the law and its for the children.
Reddit? In favor of gov restrictions.

Here? About like this thread:

Oh, wait, I knew there was one:

Maybe next you can argue for CCW licenses instead of Constitutional carry! So much safer when someone has oversight...
Damn, I heard that bitch slap all the way up here. :smokin:
We can find out if it's a minority.
Maybe a poll to see who would sue 7-11 for selling a grenade to a druggie kid that bombed your house.
In a board full of people that boil with rage about gun manufacturers being sued for the actions of mentally ill mass shooters. Excellent plan.
Maybe a poll to see who is ok with a store selling booze and drugs to a kid.
In a board full of people old enough to have literally done that "for their parents" in small towns growing up. Excellent plan.
Maybe a poll to see who supports any organization giving a kid a sex change without parental consent.
In a board full of people who are currently making an effort to be more involved in their children's lives and taking them out of the public school system to prevent that exact scenario instead of crying to their congressmen about it. Excellent plan.
I wonder how all those polls would go. Do you have a guess?
See above.
The law also says that someone under the age of 17 can't watch an R rated movie without the consent of parent or guardian. Will you support age restrictions being placed on all TVs, streaming services and any device that can play videos the the extent that you have to verify your age and sign in each time you want to use it? After all, it's already the law and its for the children.
Wrong. No such law, therefore nothing to enforce and no need for additional laws.

And above - no constitutional carry for children. If a child wants to carry, yes oversight CCW. Don't want Druggie Debbie's little rotten shit with long a rap sheet packing his pistol and shooting up your house, do you?
In a board full of people that boil with rage about gun manufacturers being sued for the actions of mentally ill mass shooters. Excellent plan.
Are you claiming you would not sue that 7-11 and just eat shit and not be able to afford the surgery for your kid? If so, I call bullshit.
7-11 did not make the gun, they knowingly sold it to that rotten little kid and did so against the law. There is no law against making guns, that's why it would be bullshit to sue a gun maker.
The rider that comes along with your feel-good plan is that Joe and Kamalla get to tell YOU whether you can carry. No thanks, I'll also take my chances.
Another tangle. No rider, no fantasies, no future doom theory. Just right right now, please.
But you have me curious. Are there any laws originally intended for children that have been spun out to apply to adults? Interesting and concerning, if so.
I'll take my chances. There were no problems with kids packing heat 100yr ago. The transition period might suck but it'll sort itself out.
100 years ago? Have you looked around recently? See the thread "They was good kids" for an update.
So there's a law against kids driving cars, but you're not required to independently verify your age every time you want to start your motor vehicle. What is stopping my kids from sneaking behind my back, jumping in the car and going for a joy ride? Nothing but my efforts as a parent. And you're far more likely to get someone else killed driving a car below the age limit than you are to be whacking it to porn under the age limit, yet here we are, generally avoiding that catastrophe on a daily basis.
So there's a law against kids driving cars, but you're not required to independently verify your age every time you want to start your motor vehicle. What is stopping my kids from sneaking behind my back, jumping in the car and going for a joy ride?
You are. You have the keys. You, the parent, are the gatekeeper.

To make your analogy correct, we need to replace you with a business that goes direct to your kid behind your back.
So let's look at it from your point: A car rental company hands the keys to a car to a child. The company is required by law to verify age of child before doing so.
You are. You have the keys. You, the parent, are the gatekeeper.

To make your analogy correct, we need to replace you with a business that goes direct to your kid behind your back.
So let's look at it from your point: A car rental company hands the keys to a car to a child. The company is required by law to verify age of child before doing so.

We get it. You need the state to make sure someone else is protecting your kids, just like all the other shitty parents.
You are. You have the keys. You, the parent, are the gatekeeper.

To make your analogy correct, we need to replace you with a business that goes direct to your kid behind your back.
So let's look at it from your point: A car rental company hands the keys to a car to a child. The company is required by law to verify age of child before doing so.
My kid doesn't own the car and I control the access?

Same with an electronic device.

Your analogy is off. The road is porn, the car is a computer/tablet/phone, fuel is internet access.
We get it. You need the state to make sure someone else is protecting your kids, just like all the other shitty parents.
Not my kid. The other kids. The businesses out there.
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