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Pornhub Disables Access to Site in Texas

There must be a reason why you and many others are completely ignoring the real issue and subbing in a tangent instead.

I have not seen a single response address the issue at hand. Business selling direct to kids. Everyone is pretending it doesn't exist and making a sideline issue out of it instead. This is bizarre.
Are you saying that the site in question was selling their product directly to kids? Can you provide some kind of example or proof of this?
Are you saying that the site in question was selling their product directly to kids? Can you provide some kind of example or proof of this?

Same as McDonald's only markets to fat people, no skinny person has ever seen a McDonald's commercial, only fatties. Pornhub markets exclusively to the chirrens hence all the kickball and recess porn along with their targeted ad campaigns at middle schools. :laughing:
Are you saying that the site in question was selling their product directly to kids? Can you provide some kind of example or proof of this?
Think I've been very clear about what I'm saying, and not a single person has spoken to the subject or addressed it.

The state is enforcing the existing law that intends to prevent businesses from selling adult products to children. How simple is that?
Go ahead and make it complicated.
Think I've been very clear about what I'm saying, and not a single person has spoken to the subject or addressed it.

The state is enforcing the existing law that intends to prevent businesses from selling adult products to children. How simple is that?
Go ahead and make it complicated.
Maybe you have and I'm not paying attention, but I read your "ignoring the real issue" post yesterday and thought "Huh, what's she on about?", then decided I didn't care enough to reread the thread, and moved on.

Most here don't like that law, don't expect the government to do their job as parents, and don't care if it's enforced or not. Some may even want the .gov to piss off and not say "Papers please."

Pick up that can.
Most here don't like that law, don't expect the government to do their job as parents, and don't care if it's enforced or not. Some may even want the .gov to piss off and not say "Papers please."
Maybe you'll be the first one to make your position clear.
When you say "that law", you are saying you don't like the law that seeks to prevent a business selling/providing adult goods to minors, correct?

You would rather have it be that 7-11 can sell beer/cigarettes/etc to kids, correct?
Think I've been very clear about what I'm saying,
No you haven't.
and not a single person has spoken to the subject or addressed it.
Yes they have.

The state is enforcing the existing law that intends to prevent businesses from selling adult products to children.
No they aren't.
How simple is that?
Go ahead and make it complicated.
No need. You're doing great on your own.
Maybe you'll be the first one to make your position clear.
When you say "that law", you are saying you don't like the law that seeks to prevent a business selling/providing adult goods to minors, correct?

You would rather have it be that 7-11 can sell beer/cigarettes/etc to kids, correct?
You got it.

Add heroin to that 7-11 list. And hand grenades.

(Eta- I just realized that cocaine and TNT were literal drug-store products 100 years ago!)

Have we won the war on drugs? Do liquor store ID laws stop underage drinking? We can't even keep drugs out of prisons.

I'm for maximum freedom, short of anarchy. We do need some government, but this country was not founded to tell a 17yo exactly what calendar date he's allowed to look at tits.

Editedtoadd2- Your confusion probably comes from most people here agreeing with me to the point that they don't bother to say it. It's assumed that the drug war is lost and wrong, and less government is better. Some Moral Majority crusade against porn is a joke to most.
Ah yes.
Kids should be allowed to buy booze.
They should be allowed to drive cars at age 5 on the freeway, next to your family.
They should be free to do drugs in 1st grade.
No limits, or else nanny state bullshit, right?

The rest of society does not agree with you. Society thinks certain things should be off limits for minor until they turn 18, and your opinion of "let all kids have a free for all with everything" is in the minority. Therefore, you lose.
Thanks for proving without a doubt you're a moron.
Thanks for proving without a doubt you're a moron.
Obviously, if most of the civilized world agrees with me, you would be the moron.
Your words don't matter anyway because you always disappear from every thread where the going gets tough for you.
You're always proven wrong and then ghost out, only to reappear again elsewhere with a big mouth where you're wrong again.
Now here, you don't even state your position, likely because you're not smart enough to understand the subject.
So single syllables it is for you, a quick brainless phrase of "it's the parent's job, not the state" <- which I also agree with. You don't even know where we disagree, do you?
Obviously, if most of the civilized world agrees with me, you would be the moron.
Your words don't matter anyway because you always disappear from every thread where the going gets tough for you.
You're always proven wrong and then ghost out, only to reappear again elsewhere with a big mouth where you're wrong again.
Now here, you don't even state your position, likely because you're not smart enough to understand the subject.
So single syllables it is for you, a quick brainless phrase of "it's the parent's job, not the state" <- which I also agree with. You don't even know where we disagree, do you?
You missed the point entirely. It's NOT the governments place to police what a child views on the intardnet, it's the parent's job. As usual you resort to bashing me instead of admitting you had no idea WTF you were responding to. The Texas law is just transparent censorship.
Same as McDonald's only markets to fat people, no skinny person has ever seen a McDonald's commercial, only fatties. Pornhub markets exclusively to the chirrens hence all the kickball and recess porn along with their targeted ad campaigns at middle schools. :laughing:

Not sure about all of that but im starting to be upset I never had a step sister.
You missed the point entirely. It's NOT the governments place to police what a child views on the intardnet, it's the parent's job.
Wrong, that is not the point at all. We all agree on your statement, but the subject here is something else.
It's all about whether or not a business has the right to sell/provide minors with adult restricted items, and whether or not the government should enforce the law that restricts businesses from providing those things directly to children without their parental consent.

Shift your focus to that so we can see whether or not we agree on it.
Wrong, that is not the point at all. We all agree on your statement, but the subject here is something else.
It's all about whether or not a business has the right to sell/provide minors with adult restricted items, and whether or not the government should enforce the law that restricts businesses from providing those things directly to children without their parental consent.

Shift your focus to that so we can see whether or not we agree on it.
See, that's where you're 100% wrong. You're still missing the point, which I doubt you'll never understand. This series of posts are just something you'll use to claim I'm wrong, when all it is is just your opinion and not fact.
:confused: Whatchoo talkin about, Willis? You just said the same thing he said.
Sorry if you don't see the difference. You answered the question at hand earlier and I thank you for that. I disagree with you, but respect the fact that you were willing to answer.

Government is policing businesses to prevent them from going direct to kids.
Government is not policing what a kid sees on the net, that's the parent that does that policing after the parent verifies their age.
Sorry if you don't see the difference. You answered the question at hand earlier and I thank you for that. I disagree with you, but respect the fact that you were willing to answer.

Government is policing businesses to prevent them from going direct to kids.
Government is not policing what a kid sees on the net, that's the parent that does that policing after the parent verifies their age.

That's a pretty hardcore nitpick.

It's the same as saying that the ATF isn't preventing you from buying full-autos, they're just arresting the manufacturers of full-autos. Technically, those are different. Practically, they are not.

You sound like you're just looking for an argument.
I am a single guy but I will admit that I almost never watch porn. Just not my thing.

Is there something about PornHub that makes it so special compares to the other 1000's of sites that are out there? Is it just volume?

Never understood why they are the big name.
Is there something about PornHub that makes it so special compares to the other 1000's of sites that are out there? Is it just volume?
Volume and quality. Ever since they had the whole visa debacle and had to start verifying uploaders it's been steady downhill
That's a pretty hardcore nitpick.

It's the same as saying that the ATF isn't preventing you from buying full-autos, they're just arresting the manufacturers of full-autos. Technically, those are different. Practically, they are not.

You sound like you're just looking for an argument.
I'm sorry you feel it's a nitpick but it makes a big difference in terms of application of the law.
And it is existing law, by the way. They are just enforcing it, the way all states should.

Your analogy would be correct if you stated the ATF is preventing kids from buying machine guns directly, but allows for parents to buy machine guns and then decide what's best for their home. Huge difference and much less of a nitpick, isn't it?

If some people are against the law being enforced to ensure kids don't decide directly what adult products they engage in without parental consent, then would these same people complain if a child decides to directly engage in gender treatment without parental consent? You open the door, and everything flies out. It's a broad approach and a lot falls under it, all on the same notion.
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