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Pornhub Disables Access to Site in Texas

So why do you advocate for a business to be able to provide adult products to kids?
Just because you helicopter your kids and make sure they won't get porn at age 5, and then raise them right and make sure they don't buy drugs at age 8? Because as long as you raise your kid right, that's all you care about? You don't care about the other kids out there? They'll be a part of your future society someday, you know.

I care about my community. I care about the other kids out there, even the kids of drug addicts and parents that don't care. I care because they are a part of the future of our society. So fuck me because of that I guess.

But you did it, didn't you? When your kid was 4 or 5 years old and got on the internet for the first time, you were there to make sure they didn't get into porn. You steered them toward positive and clean things, right?
well I don't know how to break it to you, my kid wasn't a computer kid at that age (still isn't) just for school and other must have activities
If fact, this is what she was doing this evening, the sun was out here in the PNW and she was outside making some new jumps for her motorcycle track and running her new lights that she wired up for me (and 24v to boot)

I am not worried about her, porn, her friends, her guns, hand grenades, sharp objects, or generally starving to death in society
I am involved in her life, let her make the mistakes that she needs to learn from when that time comes

Society before porn. Better or worse than society after porn? I will say that social media is way worse than porn
Society where kids don't access porn. Better or worse than a society where kids access porn at a young age? w

You people always complain about our society being in the gutter and how we're circling the drain, yet here you flinch at Texas enforcing existing law to try and do it right. Yet you support Texas enforcing existing immigration law, right? Let's check responses in that thread for contrast.

And the only reason this thread exists is because one company, Pornhub, is too lazy to do their job. So you cheer on behalf of that company and champion for them to be able to be exempt from the law that all other companies adhere to. Pave the way for no more childhood, all kids end up with the rights to access adults products from birth. The outcome, in the future society of a situation like that would be so much worse than what you see today. You complain about today yet embrace a world in the future that's ten times worse.

(Curious, is Pornhub a bigot or do they also feature gay porn and weird shit? Is Pornhub liberal? Do they donate to Democrats?) this is the point where I ask how many drinks have you had this evening :grinpimp:
* when I say "you" I mean it in a collective sense addressing all the people that are against enforcing existing laws regarding adult products.

all valid points, I am just not on the more .gov wagon at this point in the big shit show:beer::grinpimp:
I am not worried about her, porn, her friends, her guns, hand grenades, sharp objects, or generally starving to death in society
I am involved in her life, let her make the mistakes that she needs to learn from when that time comes
I'm not worried about her either, because she's in good hands. Your hands. Congrats, by the way.
I'm worried because not all of them are in good hands, and if those "bad kids" get "adult rights" then it's a bad thing.

How about ID laws? Is everyone here against those, too? No ID to buy beer? No ID to vote? No ID for gun? 5 year old can drive car?
I wonder if part of the reason we have ID laws is to prevent children from engaging in those businesses...
all valid points, I am just not on the more .gov wagon at this point in the big shit show:beer::grinpimp:
On that angle, I am 100% there. No more. But in this case, we're talking about existing law and whether or not to enforce it.
Just like Trump and Texas with illegals and the border.

If you don't like the law and want to change it, then it's a valid subject, but not this one.
On that angle, I am 100% there. No more. But in this case, we're talking about existing law and whether or not to enforce it.
Just like Trump and Texas with illegals and the border.

If you don't like the law and want to change it, then it's a valid subject, but not this one.
Yeah, a secure border is analogous to government enforcing morality laws :homer:

Jesus fucking Crisco, are you trolling?
...and to continue with the mindset of getting rid of laws, since apparently all kids are equal to adults in some of your books...

You are ok with pedophiles? Since you raised your kids right, your kids won't fuck an adult, so who gives a shit about all the other kids, right. Therefore it's ok for adults to fuck kids?
Come on. Where do you draw the line and drop this edgy act?
Dude... WTF. Im gunna go on a limb and say its the adult forcing those acts on a kid. Not usually the kid forcing sex on an adult.

Curious, what do you do for work? What industry?
I get where Yota Up is coming from. We already have laws that require people get ID'd when trying to buy things like alcohol, cigarettes, and I'm pretty sure also porno magazines. It makes sense that by extension anything that lets you buy alcohol, cigarettes, and porn online would also have to ID people. I think the problem comes with now you're submitting your ID in digital format to an unverified provider. Maybe pornhub is trustworthy, but how easy would it be to scrape people's personal info (name, address, DL number) by setting up a shitty free porn site and harvesting all the user data?

I also get where most of irate is coming from. It's up to the parents to raise their damn kids and other's shouldn't be impacted by people's need to have someone else protect their crotch-fruit from harm. Maybe it takes a village, but it also shouldn't consume all the village's resources to do so.
In addition to TX, you got other states on board with this now.
Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Ohio, and Oklahoma.

States like CA and NY and WA and CO are not on that list. Those "commie" states aren't there.
The states doing this appear to be "freedom" states that lean conservative, right?

In addition to TX, you got other states on board with this now.
Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Ohio, and Oklahoma.

States like CA and NY and WA and CO are not on that list. Those "commie" states aren't there.
The states doing this appear to be "freedom" states that lean conservative, right?


Those other states have been on the list for a while. Also don't forget Louisiana. They have age verification laws as well, but pornhub is cooperating with them because Louisiana has a different method of verification.
In addition to TX, you got other states on board with this now.
Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Ohio, and Oklahoma.

States like CA and NY and WA and CO are not on that list. Those "commie" states aren't there.
The states doing this appear to be "freedom" states that lean conservative, right?

Don't worry, those states are just working on figuring out how to tax per wank.
Dude... WTF. Im gunna go on a limb and say its the adult forcing those acts on a kid. Not usually the kid forcing sex on an adult.

Curious, what do you do for work? What industry?
Yota Up

Id like to hear your justifications and answer to my question
My daughter wanted to be a big kid and control her school homework schedule. I told her that if she wants to do fun stuff, I need to see the grades that I am expecting from her
Naturally she got behind on homework, and all of a sudden some dance (homecoming(?) came around.......guess who's grades were in the shitter.......guess who was doing homework when all of her friends were having fun
:laughing: Exactly the same here. It sucked telling her "No.", but afterwords she talked to teachers, did extra credit, and got it straightened out.

I care about my community. I care about the other kids out there, even the kids of drug addicts and parents that don't care.
That's a valid point, and I have two responses:
-50%, yeah, screw them. Stupid should actually hurt. Look up 1920s jungle gyms, as compared to modern rubber PlayPlaces.
-50% Do you think that sanding the edges off the world is making it better for anyone, or just promoting irresponsibility?

Your "care", which ultimately takes the form of government guns and jail, reminds me of this:



Whups, forgot to hit Post last night.

Yota Up

Id like to hear your justifications and answer to my question
75cruisin, you say the adult is forcing those acts on a kid.
However, there are plenty of situations(see teacher thread) where a minor consents with an adult.
Of course, the law says that since they are a minor they are incapable of consent, despite the kid saying yes.

So if you had it your way and we removed existing law rather than enforcing, all those cases would be void.
Are you ok with adults having relations with kids? I'm sure you have a limit. Perhaps you'll say only 16 years and older, perhaps you'll say something else. Surely you will not respond with "no limit".
75cruisin, you say the adult is forcing those acts on a kid.
However, there are plenty of situations(see teacher thread) where a minor consents with an adult.
Of course, the law says that since they are a minor they are incapable of consent, despite the kid saying yes.

So if you had it your way and we removed existing law rather than enforcing, all those cases would be void.
Are you ok with adults having relations with kids? I'm sure you have a limit. Perhaps you'll say only 16 years and older, perhaps you'll say something else. Surely you will not respond with "no limit".
You are changing the goal posts again...you were talking about 5-10 year olds I thought. And these kids were out looking to buy guns, drugs porno etc.

Im not saying remove the law.

your words:
You are ok with pedophiles? Since you raised your kids right, your kids won't fuck an adult, so who gives a shit about all the other kids, right. Therefore it's ok for adults to fuck kids?
Come on. Where do you draw the line and drop this edgy act?

your own statement is then confilcting. At first you are saying kids are out hunting to fuck adults, then you end with adults hunting to fuck kids. do you understand the difference?

Pedophiles are the adults fucking the kids. The kid is not a pedo. And no I am not ok with pedos.

So please clarify. How you are winning an argument here?
"society before porn"?

there has always been porn. Always. there is cave painting porn. Porn has always been with us. It will always be with us.
I'm not worried about her either, because she's in good hands. Your hands. Congrats, by the way.
I'm worried because not all of them are in good hands, and if those "bad kids" get "adult rights" then it's a bad thing.

How about ID laws? Is everyone here against those, too? No ID to buy beer? No ID to vote? No ID for gun? 5 year old can drive car?
You are changing the goal posts again...you were talking about 5-10 year olds I thought. And these kids were out looking to buy guns, drugs porno etc.

Im not saying remove the law.

your words:
You are ok with pedophiles? Since you raised your kids right, your kids won't fuck an adult, so who gives a shit about all the other kids, right. Therefore it's ok for adults to fuck kids?
Come on. Where do you draw the line and drop this edgy act?

your own statement is then confilcting. At first you are saying kids are out hunting to fuck adults, then you end with adults hunting to fuck kids. do you understand the difference?

Pedophiles are the adults fucking the kids. The kid is not a pedo. And no I am not ok with pedos.

So please clarify. How you are winning an argument here?
So you are saying kids should not have a right to consent with an adult.
Because...? Since they are kids, they don't appreciate the seriousness of their actions. Because their minds are not fully formed, they can not be allowed to have the same rights as adults. Therefore, they should not be able to buy beer, guns, porn, or engage with adults.

You agree or not? You kinda dodged the question with your last response.
So you are saying kids should not have a right to consent with an adult.
Because...? Since they are kids, they don't appreciate the seriousness of their actions. Because their minds are not fully formed, they can not be allowed to have the same rights as adults. Therefore, they should not be able to buy beer, guns, porn, or engage with adults.

You agree or not? You kinda dodged the question with your last response.

hey, if an embryo is a human, can kids drive at 11 now?
at our house they were :laughing:
a friend of mines son got a Jimmy at 10y/o
very common for them to all be piled in that thing taking turns driving it around the field
blocks bailing wired to the petals, milk crates for seats, they had a blast in that thing, and still do. It isn't hurting anything
wait until OP figures out what kind of fireworks we could get our hands on as kids:laughing:
all you needed was some cash and go visit the Ingun 'TNT Hut"
Don't make me jealous now.

As you guys look around your environment and take notice of the fact that it's "conservative" states that are taking steps to enforce this existing law, in contrast to lack of enforcement by liberal states, do you ask yourself what it means to be conservative vs. liberal on this subject?

Do you reflect internally and wonder if this position of yours is, in fact, a liberal position? Or do you think that these conservative states are acting liberal while the liberal states are acting conservative?

My first post in this thread started the entire clusterfuck, and I feel the need to repeat myself. Congratulations to the parents in TX, I wish CA would do the same thing. For the future of our kids, and the future of their potential friends and associates down the road.
Well done, subybaja. Thank you.

Do you think that certain times may demand authority to straighten the trajectory and make it true?
We've had years and years of liberal+authority to get to where we are now, so I wonder if a pendulum concept is justified rather than sit on our hands as libertarian.

Could it flatline in the middle without authority after all the brainwashing and agenda and policies so aggressively put in place by the heavy hand of liberalism over the years? Or is authority required to bring it back to center?

These are questions that will be answered by people smarter and more powerful than me. I'm just here to keep asking the questions.
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