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Pornhub Disables Access to Site in Texas

Do you not remember me from back there?

Who are you?
det107- :flipoff2:
Deranged bullshit like that is why nobody is taking you seriously. "If not for law, porn would be everywhere" :shaking:

Laws don't dictate morality or standards, only enforce them (ineffectively). Stop projecting your insecurities on everyone else. You're at a born again Christian level of proselytizing with a huge blind spot toward your condescension and assumption.

Also, self awareness is lacking in you; you're full of shit about how respectful you're being. Are you making up now for the gangsta past you like to allude to?

The only reason there isn't porn everywhere is because it's illegal.

By the same logic, if public masturbation wasn't illegal YodaDown would be beating it like a rented whore on the sidewalk every chance he got.
The funny thing, places where porn is 100% legal don't have it everywhere, either. Ever been to Tokyo, Prague or the Netherlands?

Places with a red light district?

I mean, sure, the UK used to have their "Page 3" girls, with nude breasts, but that's not porn to me.

Hard to find "porn laws" elsewhere, so I went for public nudity, I guess you could also search for legal prostitution:

The only reason there isn't porn everywhere is because it's illegal.

By the same logic, if public masturbation wasn't illegal YodaDown would be beating it like a rented whore on the sidewalk every chance he got.
Make Sharia Law Great Again - Aloha Snackbar! :flipoff2:
I don't remember you and I used to Admin there. Same user name?
Do you remember a huge thread titled "no masks!"? That was me.
Anyone else remember it? I was dropping studies daily proving that masks were ineffective.

"Let's put a bathroom on the Rubicon!". That was my thread, too.
Since you're an admin, do you remember when the old board got turned orange in honor of Kayla?
If so, check your PMs because I was the one that reached out to management to make that happen.
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Kids are smart, if they want something they will get it. Never really had issues getting beer when I was young, or clicking past the yes I am 18 shit, or even going into my accounts to set my birthdate to make it look like I was old enough to watch censored videos on youtube. Bet you never heard of the calculator app for keeping parents from tracking their kids phones or seeing what they do on their phone. It is easy enough to get a VPN and move your location outside of texas to get access to that site.

Laws are not going to stop it unless you do what china does, they go as far to having their own special versions of video games and certain times where kids can play it.

Good parenting is the best way to solve it. Teach your kids why they should not do certain things and teach them accountability for their actions.
Yep, and add, quit letting kids have the electronic babysitter! We all survived just fine without a phone/ipad/24/7 cartoons. Get them the hell out of the house, doing chores inside the house, helping with projects, etc. Holy hell, this isn't hard.
And yet here you are pushing for legislative oversight to "do it for the children". Odd.
What legislation have I pushed for? Zero.
Legislation existed way before me. Texas is enforcing it. I'm cheering Texas on.

You act like I'm king and I invented the law. Let's get pithy shall we?
The law exists so it can be enforced, and here it is. If not for that law, porn would be everywhere. Imagine that for a minute and picture Idiocracy in your mind as you read the following:

A glimpse into the future? You got your wish. The law that makes porn off limits for kids is gone. Kids are now equal to adults when it comes to porn.
Fast forward year after year. What do you see? G-rated movies now have porn, because it's ok with the law for a company to provide porn to kids. So every cartoon has porn, every commercial has porn, every video game has porn. The last parents on earth that believe it's wrong to sexualize young children realize that in addition to never letting their kids play video games, or watch tv, a movie, or use a phone or tablet, the parents also have to take the extra step to blindfold their kids when they travel because all billboards are porn. That's the end result. You know it. Sex sells.
Without porn the internet would not have made it.

The internet was built on porn, and I’m tired of pretending that it wasn’t.

Guys came to the internet to watch people fuckin and see tits. Once he was done and only once he was done did it occur to use the other forms of commerce. But PORN initiated the traffic first and without it…. Never would be where we are without it.

And let’s be honest , what has Texas accomplished? Well they robbed people of their freedom, their choice and really it just pushed us to update our VPN. Because that’s all that happened here.
nd let’s be honest , what has Texas accomplished? Well they robbed people of their freedom, their choice and really it just pushed us to update our VPN. Because that’s all that happened here.
I do not know what the current outcome is or what good it has accomplished, but keep in mind that pornhub made the choice to not comply with the law. I don't know if other companies have complied, but if it thins the competition I would expect some companies to step up and take that business rather than leave all that money on the table.

What would it require of pornhub to comply anyway? How would an adult like you verify your age to satisfy the requirement?
I do not know what the current outcome is or what good it has accomplished, but keep in mind that pornhub made the choice to not comply with the law. I don't know if other companies have complied, but if it thins the competition I would expect some companies to step up and take that business rather than leave all that money on the table.

What would it require of pornhub to comply anyway? How would an adult like you verify your age to satisfy the requirement?
That's one of the big issues. The Texas law forces those businesses to verify everyone's age via ID. How would you send your ID to a business in such a way that it can be verified as legitimate? Would you then trust said business to handle your ID data in an ethical way once they are able to confirm you're legit?

It's one thing to have a bouncer swioe your id before going into a bar, or have a 711 store clerk scrutinize it before handing it back when you go to buy hand grenades. It's quite another to send your state issued ID off to your favorite internet porn dealer.... Or worse- the sketchy site that suddenly stepped up to gladly collect your information when the large corporate site refused to comply because they thought there was a safety issue created by doing so.
That's one of the big issues. The Texas law forces those businesses to verify everyone's age via ID. How would you send your ID to a business in such a way that it can be verified as legitimate? Would you then trust said business to handle your ID data in an ethical way once they are able to confirm you're legit?

It's one thing to have a bouncer swioe your id before going into a bar, or have a 711 store clerk scrutinize it before handing it back when you go to buy hand grenades. It's quite another to send your state issued ID off to your favorite internet porn dealer.... Or worse- the sketchy site that suddenly stepped up to gladly collect your information when the large corporate site refused to comply because they thought there was a safety issue created by doing so.
The best point made yet. Thank you. It certainly needs work, it needs to be a better procedure and I hope there is a solution for it somehow.

As a start, all businesses that deal with adult goods are required to ID a customer to make sure they are of age. I've seen 80 year old men get carded at Walgreens for smokes, not because they might be underage, but because the company doesn't trust the dumb clerks at all and forces 100% all sales to be ID verified.

You mention a bouncer swiping your card. I don't like that at all. That swipe is the same as handing over your ID info to a porn company. All the data from your DL is there. When I get carded at Safeway for buying beer and show them my DL, I hold onto it. It's kinda funny sometimes when the clerk tries to pull it away and realizes I have a pit bull grip on it. Look at it, see my age, sell my beer, and no swipe and it never leaves my hand.

When you mention "or worse", I can help with that angle. Imagine that your information is stored and used as a data point for the porn your accessed. And it can then be used against you later on to shame you into compliance by a government agenda. Don't think it's possible? I remember reading, years ago, about data of porn browsing being used against potential terrorists or agitators in Muslim countries where the gov essentially told someone to shut up or else we'll release to the public, your family and friends will know what porn you've been looking at. I wish I could remember more about it or have a link, but I'm sorry I do not. However, it's not hard to envision this line of approach being used to silence or bully people that go against the grain.

Ay, we're at a difficult crossroad here. I admit I don't have all the answers. But I still have a lot of questions. Thank you for being one of the posters here that's willing to talk about it like an adult and be respectful, etc. Cheers. :beer:
The best point made yet. Thank you. It certainly needs work, it needs to be a better procedure and I hope there is a solution for it somehow.

As a start, all businesses that deal with adult goods are required to ID a customer to make sure they are of age. I've seen 80 year old men get carded at Walgreens for smokes, not because they might be underage, but because the company doesn't trust the dumb clerks at all and forces 100% all sales to be ID verified.

You mention a bouncer swiping your card. I don't like that at all. That swipe is the same as handing over your ID info to a porn company. All the data from your DL is there. When I get carded at Safeway for buying beer and show them my DL, I hold onto it. It's kinda funny sometimes when the clerk tries to pull it away and realizes I have a pit bull grip on it. Look at it, see my age, sell my beer, and no swipe and it never leaves my hand.

When you mention "or worse", I can help with that angle. Imagine that your information is stored and used as a data point for the porn your accessed. And it can then be used against you later on to shame you into compliance by a government agenda. Don't think it's possible? I remember reading, years ago, about data of porn browsing being used against potential terrorists or agitators in Muslim countries where the gov essentially told someone to shut up or else we'll release to the public, your family and friends will know what porn you've been looking at. I wish I could remember more about it or have a link, but I'm sorry I do not. However, it's not hard to envision this line of approach being used to silence or bully people that go against the grain.

Ay, we're at a difficult crossroad here. I admit I don't have all the answers. But I still have a lot of questions. Thank you for being one of the posters here that's willing to talk about it like an adult and be respectful, etc. Cheers. :beer:

You don't have a single answer that you've actually thought about. The only answer you have is "do it for the kids!"

Fuck those kids. They're little degenerate douche bags. Care about your own, and quit trying to push state sponsored socialism on the rest of us that already have a VPN. :flipoff2:
I do not know what the current outcome is or what good it has accomplished, but keep in mind that pornhub made the choice to not comply with the law. I don't know if other companies have complied, but if it thins the competition I would expect some companies to step up and take that business rather than leave all that money on the table.

What would it require of pornhub to comply anyway? How would an adult like you verify your age to satisfy the requirement?
Keep in mind It’s tyrannical and nanny state bullshit, bullying, and someone needed to stand up.
The best point made yet. Thank you. It certainly needs work, it needs to be a better procedure and I hope there is a solution for it somehow.

As a start, all businesses that deal with adult goods are required to ID a customer to make sure they are of age. I've seen 80 year old men get carded at Walgreens for smokes, not because they might be underage, but because the company doesn't trust the dumb clerks at all and forces 100% all sales to be ID verified.

You mention a bouncer swiping your card. I don't like that at all. That swipe is the same as handing over your ID info to a porn company. All the data from your DL is there. When I get carded at Safeway for buying beer and show them my DL, I hold onto it. It's kinda funny sometimes when the clerk tries to pull it away and realizes I have a pit bull grip on it. Look at it, see my age, sell my beer, and no swipe and it never leaves my hand.

When you mention "or worse", I can help with that angle. Imagine that your information is stored and used as a data point for the porn your accessed. And it can then be used against you later on to shame you into compliance by a government agenda. Don't think it's possible? I remember reading, years ago, about data of porn browsing being used against potential terrorists or agitators in Muslim countries where the gov essentially told someone to shut up or else we'll release to the public, your family and friends will know what porn you've been looking at. I wish I could remember more about it or have a link, but I'm sorry I do not. However, it's not hard to envision this line of approach being used to silence or bully people that go against the grain.

Ay, we're at a difficult crossroad here. I admit I don't have all the answers. But I still have a lot of questions. Thank you for being one of the posters here that's willing to talk about it like an adult and be respectful, etc. Cheers. :beer:

It's a tough situation. Look up how Louisiana is handling it if you want to dive deeper. I believe they are the one state that verifies age which pornhub is willing to work with.

If I was to have a solution- it would be to provide an anonymous unique code that maybe links to a person's birthday only, or maybe they just get a randomly generated one to use one they hit a certain age. Don't correlate that code with them in any way other than verifying birthday when they get it. From there they can use that code anywhere to verify age- store, online, porn, renting a car, buying beer, etc.

It's still very nanny state, but it keeps things anonymous.

The worst case scenario IT person in me could imagine missing the current data to learn all sorts of shit by their porn. Imagine how much leverage you could have over someone who is a closeted gay person, and you have their porn history to prove it.

Not only that but you could harvest Internet stuff such as location data, cookies, etc. and have a legit ID to link it to that person without a doubt, no matter if they're using an encrypted connection, spoofing their IP or what. Keeping people's ID on file is all bad.

Now personally, I enjoy the internet being the wild west of society and look forward to the challenge of teaching my children how to navigate that landscape. Just like in life there are great things and there are terrible things, and I'm happy to make it my duty to arm my children with the tools they need to stay out of trouble. So yeah, deep down I'd prefer there were no rules, but that's just me.

It's a tough situation. Look up how Louisiana is handling it if you want to dive deeper. I believe they are the one state that verifies age which pornhub is willing to work with.

If I was to have a solution- it would be to provide an anonymous unique code that maybe links to a person's birthday only, or maybe they just get a randomly generated one to use one they hit a certain age. Don't correlate that code with them in any way other than verifying birthday when they get it. From there they can use that code anywhere to verify age- store, online, porn, renting a car, buying beer, etc.

It's still very nanny state, but it keeps things anonymous.

The worst case scenario IT person in me could imagine missing the current data to learn all sorts of shit by their porn. Imagine how much leverage you could have over someone who is a closeted gay person, and you have their porn history to prove it.

Not only that but you could harvest Internet stuff such as location data, cookies, etc. and have a legit ID to link it to that person without a doubt, no matter if they're using an encrypted connection, spoofing their IP or what. Keeping people's ID on file is all bad.

Now personally, I enjoy the internet being the wild west of society and look forward to the challenge of teaching my children how to navigate that landscape. Just like in life there are great things and there are terrible things, and I'm happy to make it my duty to arm my children with the tools they need to stay out of trouble. So yeah, deep down I'd prefer there were no rules, but that's just me.
Online the only ways to know someone is exactly who they say they are, how old they are etc. and they are indeed the ones using the site is overwhelming intrusive.

My cousin would have loaned me his id or super secret code, hell…. My dad would have given me his.

Sharing ID will be the new Netflix Login
Online the only ways to know someone is exactly who they say they are, how old they are etc. and they are indeed the ones using the site is overwhelming intrusive.

My cousin would have loaned me his id or super secret code, hell…. My dad would have given me his.

Sharing ID will be the new Netflix Login
And that would be just fine. Let's say they issue an "adult card", with no personal info on it. This card can now be used to access all things adult.
And yes, that means if the kid gets a hold of it he can use it. No different than a kid getting his hands on daddy's gun or mommy's smokes. The law ends at the card, and once in possession of the adult no more needs done.

It seems to me that pornhub is lazy in coming up with a decent solution. The law makers are lazy in a solution.
I'm too lazy to even try at it beyond this because I just don't care enough about porn.

But if I was in business and worked at pornhub, you bet your ass I'd be up 24 x 7 until I cooked up a solid answer to keep business going while satisfying the law. Because all businesses have their hurdles. I bet all the liquor stores went through the same back when the law was put in place to force them to ID people and not sell to kids. The concept is nothing new.
Why? They're one of the number one porn sites on the Internet. Check out the metrics they're publishing: 2023 Year in Review - Pornhub Insights
Because if it's my job, the it's my job and I would dedicate myself to it. Even if you're number 1 making a million a month, no reason to not have a goal and try to hit 2 million per month if it can be done.

In the end, it will likely not matter anyway because kids will be kids.
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