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Pornhub Disables Access to Site in Texas

Dude... WTF. Im gunna go on a limb and say its the adult forcing those acts on a kid. Not usually the kid forcing sex on an adult.

Curious, what do you do for work? What industry?

You are changing the goal posts again...you were talking about 5-10 year olds I thought. And these kids were out looking to buy guns, drugs porno etc.

Im not saying remove the law.

your words:
You are ok with pedophiles? Since you raised your kids right, your kids won't fuck an adult, so who gives a shit about all the other kids, right. Therefore it's ok for adults to fuck kids?
Come on. Where do you draw the line and drop this edgy act?

your own statement is then confilcting. At first you are saying kids are out hunting to fuck adults, then you end with adults hunting to fuck kids. do you understand the difference?

Pedophiles are the adults fucking the kids. The kid is not a pedo. And no I am not ok with pedos.

So please clarify. How you are winning an argument here?

So you are saying kids should not have a right to consent with an adult.
Because...? Since they are kids, they don't appreciate the seriousness of their actions. Because their minds are not fully formed, they can not be allowed to have the same rights as adults. Therefore, they should not be able to buy beer, guns, porn, or engage with adults.

You agree or not? You kinda dodged the question with your last response.
Appears you are the one dodging questions. :flipoff2:

Good news last night when I was buying booze. The kids are safe :beer::lmao::flipoff2:


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I thought he was a remote goat farmer? Or an office dweeb. Maybe I'm conflating him and arse. If I am, I'd like to apologize to arse.

I'll tell ya what he ain't, and that's a cabinet installer, mechanic, or otherwise useful individual.

I remember finding porn when I was 8 or 9. By the time I was 12, I could have the odd beer. Cigarettes were easy, and I had my own guns. Ammo I had to ask for, but since I was trusted with it, I could have it. I learned to drive logging roads around 8 or 10 as well. Never did get my mitts on grenades though. Fireworks were available on the rez's. It's a good thing we have those laws, cause all that REALLY fucked me up.:laughing:
Prior to you getting up on your cloud, judging everybody else and casting opinions. I would like to know what you were hooked on. Coke? Meth? Ebt?
Reading this thread, the opposite shows to be true.
I maintain a respectful conversation while others talk shit, call names, and act almighty and emotional.
I try to continue a discussion focusing on ideas and concepts while others try to attack my character.

Surely if I was judgmental then I would have at least called someone, anyone, a degenerate by now? Have I?
Kids are smart, if they want something they will get it. Never really had issues getting beer when I was young, or clicking past the yes I am 18 shit, or even going into my accounts to set my birthdate to make it look like I was old enough to watch censored videos on youtube. Bet you never heard of the calculator app for keeping parents from tracking their kids phones or seeing what they do on their phone. It is easy enough to get a VPN and move your location outside of texas to get access to that site.

Laws are not going to stop it unless you do what china does, they go as far to having their own special versions of video games and certain times where kids can play it.

Good parenting is the best way to solve it. Teach your kids why they should not do certain things and teach them accountability for their actions.
Your username on Pirate- :confused:
Do you not remember me from back there? Why would you even ask? I've been around this group for over 20 years. Been out to plenty of in person functions, met plenty of people in real life, done a shit load of work and volunteer stuff to keep Rubicon open, etc, etc. Who are you?
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Kids are smart, if they want something they will get it.
Anyone can do anything if they want to bad enough. Therefore we should get rid of all laws?
Do you understand the difference in frequency and quantity and saturation between a free for all vs. laws against it?

Yeah, good parenting takes care of it all.
So on that subject, what do you think about current state of affairs when it comes to good parenting?
What do you think about the percentage of kids these days being raised right by good parents compared to the old days?
Are parents doing a better job overall nowadays compared to back then? Or do you think too many let the phone and internet raise their kids instead? Has the welfare state grown to a level where they pop out babies and cash the checks and let the streets raise the kids?

If parenting has gotten better over time, and gotten to the point where 99% of all parents do it right, I'd be all good with slowing the role on a lot.
But no, it's worse. Year after year, parents suck more and more and the kids are shittier and shittier. Then those kids become adults and get all access to the world and now you have thread after thread here complaining about clown world and "they was good kids" and all that other cesspool evidence of a society circling the toilet bowl.
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Maybe my poll should have been titled "If you could get rid of the law that forbids businesses from providing/selling porn to kids, would you?"
That's what this whole thing is about so let's see who's gonna post "first" and claim they would like to change that law.
If you disagree with the law that says kids shouldn't have access to porn, then try and change the law. Write your congressman, call him a faggot, and tell him our society will be better if we let 6 year olds watch porn without parent knowledge.

None of you have done that, or will do that. None of you would ever even stand up and say to a room of people "I wish we could get rid of laws that keep businesses from handing porn to our kids!!!"

Why not? Because you just don't give a shit about it at all, and you're only arguing here because it's fun to take an edgy position on something over the internet.
Give me one law that the government has made that has solved the issue of kids watching porn.
The law exists so it can be enforced, and here it is. If not for that law, porn would be everywhere. Imagine that for a minute and picture Idiocracy in your mind as you read the following:

A glimpse into the future? You got your wish. The law that makes porn off limits for kids is gone. Kids are now equal to adults when it comes to porn.
Fast forward year after year. What do you see? G-rated movies now have porn, because it's ok with the law for a company to provide porn to kids. So every cartoon has porn, every commercial has porn, every video game has porn. The last parents on earth that believe it's wrong to sexualize young children realize that in addition to never letting their kids play video games, or watch tv, a movie, or use a phone or tablet, the parents also have to take the extra step to blindfold their kids when they travel because all billboards are porn. That's the end result. You know it. Sex sells.
You did not answer it. Show me a law that WORKS. Porn is everywhere, and very easy to get to. How is this law going to keep a kid from putting a vpn on their phone and changing regions from texas to california.

The point I am getting at is not that porn is good or bad, but the government is incapable of controlling little shit like this, and should not be allowed to control shit like this, because nothing they have done has worked, and they keep doing the same thing over and over.
You did not answer it. Show me a law that WORKS. Porn is everywhere
No, it's not. You don't see porn in cartoons in G-rated movies. You don't see porn on billboards or commercials. Because it WORKS.

I'm showing you the law works because you don't see those things. If the law didn't exist, you would be seeing all that.
Please give a quick chance to try and look at it from this perspective.
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Movie ratings are not laws. Look it up. It is not even a government thing. They are just categories for a movie that help people decide if they want to see it or not. Consequences for not rating your movie? Some theaters will not show it. No legal obligation.

Ever seen a billboard for a strip club? I see them all the time.

Ever watched commercials on channels meant for adults? (MTV, Adult Swim) Half of them were ads for porn sites lol. Guess what watched those channels as a kid.
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Of course a movie theater can let a child see an R-rated movie.
They would fail the legal test for "duty of care", and be liable for it in certain circumstances.

Law is exactly what prevents every single thing you mentioned from being actual porn.
You provided examples, all of which were not porn. Replace your examples with real porn, extra filthy porn, and now come back at it.
i did notice the fuck store on the south side of I30 west of Ftworth had an open sign this morning. but i think they got busted a few months back.
The law exists so it can be enforced, and here it is. If not for that law, porn would be everywhere. Imagine that for a minute and picture Idiocracy in your mind as you read the following:

A glimpse into the future? You got your wish. The law that makes porn off limits for kids is gone. Kids are now equal to adults when it comes to porn.
Fast forward year after year. What do you see? G-rated movies now have porn, because it's ok with the law for a company to provide porn to kids. So every cartoon has porn, every commercial has porn, every video game has porn. The last parents on earth that believe it's wrong to sexualize young children realize that in addition to never letting their kids play video games, or watch tv, a movie, or use a phone or tablet, the parents also have to take the extra step to blindfold their kids when they travel because all billboards are porn. That's the end result. You know it. Sex sells.
Deranged bullshit like that is why nobody is taking you seriously. "If not for law, porn would be everywhere" :shaking:

Laws don't dictate morality or standards, only enforce them (ineffectively). Stop projecting your insecurities on everyone else. You're at a born again Christian level of proselytizing with a huge blind spot toward your condescension and assumption.

Also, self awareness is lacking in you; you're full of shit about how respectful you're being. Are you making up now for the gangsta past you like to allude to?
Deranged bullshit like that is why nobody is taking you seriously. "If not for law, porn would be everywhere" :shaking:

Laws don't dictate morality or standards, only enforce them (ineffectively). Stop projecting your insecurities on everyone else. You're at a born again Christian level of proselytizing with a huge blind spot toward your condescension and assumption.

Also, self awareness is lacking in you; you're full of shit about how respectful you're being. Are you making up now for the gangsta past you like to allude to?
Morality law in a democracy ALWAYS lags public opinion because without public opinion the legislators aren't going to write the laws because there won't be any upside vs the downside.
Do you not remember me from back there? Why would you even ask? I've been around this group for over 20 years. Been out to plenty of in person functions, met plenty of people in real life, done a shit load of work and volunteer stuff to keep Rubicon open, etc, etc. Who are you?
I don't remember you and I used to Admin there. Same user name?
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