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Need the wrong tool for the job.

Im allergic to cats. Besides, it’s 2024. We’re paperless.
So your pet ferret wiped it's butt across your table screen and we are supposed to think that's better? :lmao:

A single 2x4 for that big heavy 5'6" long 3'6" tall thing? Have fun with that, take video for us.
Sure, it's as strong in compression as the load bar you are getting.
Besides, aren't 2x4s like $20 nowadays?:laughing:
$3.35 near me for a 2x4x8: https://www.lowes.com/pd/2-in-x-4-in-x-96-in-Spruce-Pine-Fir-Kiln-dried-Stud/1000074211


It's just like every other thread where someone says "hey I want a cheap headlight for my Toyota".
And the horde comes in with "sell the Toyota and buy a superduty".

Edit: You don't get it because you can't see the setup and layout.
You're not going to spiderman crawl your way up the wall across from the cupboard and press your feet against the wall on other side while using superman left arm to push cupboard back while right arm sends in the screw. Not happening.

Some of you people are so fucking retarded you actually need this picture to understand my words.

2x4 method requires too many hands to hold too many things in place. On top of that, why would you buy/cut a piece of wood and then source more wood and even more to add all that shit to this equation that only calls for 1 single tool instead?
You brace across like this:

It will hold itself in place until you screw the cabinet in to the wall. No extra hands needed.

This situation due to the space between the wall across from the cupboard and the weight and size and location of the cupboard calls for this tool. I shouldn't need to spell all this shit out because I've already covered it myself and my goal was to score this tool but not at Amazon high price. Using this tool is the best way to do it and for $17 to get it done nice and easy and then keep the tool for future use is the best option here no matter how hard you try to say it's not.
Getting a new tool out of a project is always a good thing, but the 2x4 will work just as well as the load bar will.
Personally I already have enough scrap lumber that it would be faster to use a piece of that out of the barn than go buy a load bar that I will likely never use again, but that's me and I don't have an enclosed trailer to use it in.

Aaron Z
How much do you make per hour? What is your time worth?
5 minutes to save $20 makes you laugh? Telling me you make $200+ per hour?

Whatever. Like our moms told us, "20 bucks is 20 bucks".
How much I make per? Hahaha

Guarantee more than you.
that's for sure. :lmao:
Just put a fastener through the cabinet into the stud, screw or nail it doesn’t matter make sure to hit the flange and not just through the back of the cabinet.

You can hang cabinets by yourself, pick up cabinet and screw into wall, pick up next cabinet, line up with first cabinet, screw cabinet to wall, you shouldn’t need anything fancy.


Op using her dildo as a stud finder and hammer colorized.
2' of threaded rod. Punch it through the cabinet and wall. Plate the backside at least 16" on both sides so you catch two studs and don't hurt the wall. Draw it tight and rescrew it
Late to the shit-show:

Did anyone ask if this real man of genius unloaded the cabinet first?

How heavy can it really be? Put your fucking shoulder into it to push it against the wall and drive some three inch deck screws with an impact gun.
Srsly now...

A rectangle box mounted in a 2nd rectangle box that has gypsym shim built into it that a person can stand up in.

Rectangle box #1 is already installed. :laughing:

Ya, it's difficult enough to manage a 66" long oak faced cabinet that's not installed yet but one guy can overcome both scenarios easy peasy.

It's a battle of wits between you and those 2 boxes, just make sure you win it.
5 pages?!?
Ridiculous, isn't it?
1st page, post 15 answered my question.
I said thank you. Done deal, got my tool and I'm all set. End of story, right?

Nope. And then, the horde of assholes felt compelled to scream into the abyss for pages more.
"Fuck you, do it my way instead or else you're stupid"
It was never like this the past 20 years, here and the old place.
This is something recent, and it's beyond annoying.:shaking:
Ridiculous, isn't it?
1st page, post 15 answered my question.
I said thank you. Done deal, got my tool and I'm all set. End of story, right?

Nope. And then, the horde of assholes felt compelled to scream into the abyss for pages more.
"Fuck you, do it my way instead or else you're stupid"
It was never like this the past 20 years, here and the old place.
This is something recent, and it's beyond annoying.:shaking:
You asked for cheaper alternatives in your first post.
You asked for cheaper alternatives in your first post.
Yup, and I got it within 15 posts on page 1. $17 for a tool that's perfect for the job and makes it as easy as possible and then I get to keep the tool for future use since I have other projects that will benefit from it. Perfect. Clean. Easy.
piece of 1/2" or whatever pipe with a bolt, nut, and washer stuck in the end to use a jack screw.

2x4 and a scissor jack from whatever car is in your driveway

or, hit it with your purse
Why do you think that is?
Because some people are compelled to respond even if it's not needed. Just like ones that beat a horse over and over.
Maybe some internal need for validation or something, maybe they don't get enough attention at home. Who knows.
But you see this all the time. Guy asks if he should buy car A or car B. Horde jumps in to tell him he's stupid and that needs to buy car C instead when it's not even an option he's considering. They think they know what's best for him more than he does. Because their opinion is the best ever and all other opinions are therefore stupid. That's my guess.

Hey, if you got a stack of 2x4s laying around and this is the only time you'll do something like this, then enjoy measuring and cutting and wedging and banging away. I'll be happy with my tool that I grab, one trip to the garage and I adjust it for any length needed, have it work perfect, put away and it's ready to go for the next few projects coming up. You do you, I do me. Adults understand this, children scream and cuss and call names because you're not doing it their way. Furthermore, I would guess the people that scream the loudest tend to be ones least likely to be involved in efforts to keep our trails open. I doubt you see them at cleanups or government hearings or taking signatures or volunteering or putting in work to for our cause. They tend to be the "internet only" kind of people. Not 100% of course, but more likely than not.

Look at you, for example, and your position on Covid and vax. I never called you a retard or cussed you out, but plenty others did. You tried to weave a fine line in your opinion on that, and I respect others will have an opinion different from me. I talk to you like an adult and exchange ideas. Most others just jump on the dogpile to shit talk you to death. Am I right?
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Because some people are compelled to respond even if it's not needed. Just like ones that beat a horse over and over.
Maybe some internal need for validation or something, maybe they don't get enough attention at home. Who knows.
But you see this all the time. Guy asks if he should buy car A or car B. Horde jumps in to tell him he's stupid and that needs to buy car C instead when it's not even an option he's considering. They think they know what's best for him more than he does. Because their opinion is the best ever and all other opinions are therefore stupid. That's my guess.

Hey, if you got a stack of 2x4s laying around and this is the only time you'll do something like this, then enjoy measuring and cutting and wedging and banging away. I'll be happy with my tool that I grab, one trip to the garage and I adjust it for any length needed, have it work perfect, put away and it's ready to go for the next few projects coming up. You do you, I do me. Adults understand this, children scream and cuss and call names because you're not doing it their way. Furthermore, I would guess the people that scream the loudest tend to be ones least likely to be involved in efforts to keep our trails open. I doubt you see them at cleanups or government hearings or taking signatures or volunteering or putting in work to for our cause. They tend to be the "internet only" kind of people. Not 100% of course, but more likely than not.

Look at you, for example, and your position on Covid and vax. I never called you a retard or cussed you out, but plenty others did. You tried to weave a fine line in your opinion on that, and I respect others will have an opinion different from me. I talk to you like an adult and exchange ideas. Most others just jump on the dogpile to shit talk you to death. Am I right?
It was a rhetorical question.
Cheapest? Borrow your adjustable shower curtain rod then put it back when you're done. :flipoff2:
Ridiculous, isn't it?
1st page, post 15 answered my question.
I said thank you. Done deal, got my tool and I'm all set. End of story, right?

Nope. And then, the horde of assholes felt compelled to scream into the abyss for pages more.
"Fuck you, do it my way instead or else you're stupid"
It was never like this the past 20 years, here and the old place.
This is something recent, and it's beyond annoying.:shaking:
No, its not recent, this exactly why pirate has always brought the fun.

The mystery metal ball and a few others has always been what made us/these forums great.

Lol at the ms paint dildo hammer.
Because some people are compelled to respond even if it's not needed. Just like ones that beat a horse over and over.
Maybe some internal need for validation or something, maybe they don't get enough attention at home. Who knows.
But you see this all the time. Guy asks if he should buy car A or car B. Horde jumps in to tell him he's stupid and that needs to buy car C instead when it's not even an option he's considering. They think they know what's best for him more than he does. Because their opinion is the best ever and all other opinions are therefore stupid. That's my guess.

Hey, if you got a stack of 2x4s laying around and this is the only time you'll do something like this, then enjoy measuring and cutting and wedging and banging away. I'll be happy with my tool that I grab, one trip to the garage and I adjust it for any length needed, have it work perfect, put away and it's ready to go for the next few projects coming up. You do you, I do me. Adults understand this, children scream and cuss and call names because you're not doing it their way. Furthermore, I would guess the people that scream the loudest tend to be ones least likely to be involved in efforts to keep our trails open. I doubt you see them at cleanups or government hearings or taking signatures or volunteering or putting in work to for our cause. They tend to be the "internet only" kind of people. Not 100% of course, but more likely than not.

Look at you, for example, and your position on Covid and vax. I never called you a retard or cussed you out, but plenty others did. You tried to weave a fine line in your opinion on that, and I respect others will have an opinion different from me. I talk to you like an adult and exchange ideas. Most others just jump on the dogpile to shit talk you to death. Am I right?
Lets talk about your relationship with your mother. Were you breastfed as a child?
Lets talk about your relationship with your mother.
I'm not the one that jumps in on dogpiles like a half baked coward. I don't shit on people, I don't shit talk people for having a different opinion. I treat people normal. I have manners. I don't chase the ego like so many others do, to try and score high fives from strangers on the internet. Obviously things are in place in my life that I don't have an internal desire or compulsion to persist in behavior like that. Maybe I don't treat people like shit because in my life, people don't treat me like shit? Hmm. But that's real life, and this is the internet where every loser can pat himself on the back for brainlessly shit talking a stranger. Impressive.

It's not just here, by the way. Just now, this post on facebook popped up on the 1st gen 4runner mafia group:
"Just want to thank u guys for the help. It’s nice to be able to ask a question and not get 50 sarcastic or a bunch of stupid comments. Again. Thanks gang.

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(name removed)
Nah you just got lucky, trust me if you ask oddly specific questions or out of the ordinary in terms of fabrication the morons come out"

Looks like there are other adults out there with an opinion like mine.
I'm not the one that jumps in on dogpiles like a half baked coward. I don't shit on people, I don't shit talk people for having a different opinion. I treat people normal. I have manners. I don't chase the ego like so many others do, to try and score high fives from strangers on the internet. Obviously things are in place in my life that I don't have an internal desire or compulsion to persist in behavior like that. Maybe I don't treat people like shit because in my life, people don't treat me like shit? Hmm. But that's real life, and this is the internet where every loser can pat himself on the back for brainlessly shit talking a stranger. Impressive.

It's not just here, by the way. Just now, this post on facebook popped up on the 1st gen 4runner mafia group:
"Just want to thank u guys for the help. It’s nice to be able to ask a question and not get 50 sarcastic or a bunch of stupid comments. Again. Thanks gang.

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(name removed)
Nah you just got lucky, trust me if you ask oddly specific questions or out of the ordinary in terms of fabrication the morons come out"

Looks like there are other adults out there with an opinion like mine.
So what do you think the root of your pent up frustrations stem from?
I'm not the one that jumps in on dogpiles like a half baked coward. I don't shit on people, I don't shit talk people for having a different opinion. I treat people normal. I have manners. I don't chase the ego like so many others do, to try and score high fives from strangers on the internet. Obviously things are in place in my life that I don't have an internal desire or compulsion to persist in behavior like that. Maybe I don't treat people like shit because in my life, people don't treat me like shit? Hmm. But that's real life, and this is the internet where every loser can pat himself on the back for brainlessly shit talking a stranger. Impressive.

It's not just here, by the way. Just now, this post on facebook popped up on the 1st gen 4runner mafia group:
"Just want to thank u guys for the help. It’s nice to be able to ask a question and not get 50 sarcastic or a bunch of stupid comments. Again. Thanks gang.

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(name removed)
Nah you just got lucky, trust me if you ask oddly specific questions or out of the ordinary in terms of fabrication the morons come out"

Looks like there are other adults out there with an opinion like mine.
You just need to get your crayons out more. Didn’t it feel good to draw yourself as Superman with a screw gun? Next time try using more colors.
I would like to see the hinge on the bottom that is holding the cabinet from falling in the floor
Might check those bottom fasteners before it gets worse
It was a rhetorical question.
If everyone around you is an asshole it's probably not them, it's you. She'll never get it though. :laughing:

I'm trying to understand why anything needs to be bought, built etc etc in the first place. The cabinet is still on the wall so grab some deck screws and fender washers and run them in above or below the nails that are already in the studs. Or get really crazy and hold the cabinet up, pull 1 nail at a time and replace them with said longer screws with washers. This is like page 1 of a bob villa home repair book from sears circa 1992.:homer:
Bottom is tight to the wall so I can only guess it's alright. I do plan on adding a few screws to the lower part after I get the top back in place. Until then, it's not going anywhere.

Another curiosity about this is that the cupboard in the kitchen, exact same as this, is stacked with heavy dishes from left to right and if it was built the same way(only 2 nails at top), yet it has not pulled away from the wall even a hair.
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