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Need the wrong tool for the job.

If everyone around you is an asshole it's probably not them, it's you. She'll never get it though. :laughing:

I'm trying to understand why anything needs to be bought, built etc etc in the first place. The cabinet is still on the wall so grab some deck screws and fender washers and run them in above or below the nails that are already in the studs. Or get really crazy and hold the cabinet up, pull 1 nail at a time and replace them with said longer screws with washers. This is like page 1 of a bob villa home repair book from sears circa 1992.:homer:
Not everyone. Plenty of normal decent folks here. The loud minority is the annoyance.

Glad to hear you have super human strength. I'd love to see your hulk power in action holding this thing up.
Must be awesome being the strongest and the smartest guy on the planet. Good for you.
Not everyone. Plenty of normal decent folks here. The loud minority is the annoyance.

Glad to hear you have super human strength. I'd love to see your hulk power in action holding this thing up.
Must be awesome being the strongest and the smartest guy on the planet. Good for you.
2 nails held it back for 4 fucking decades. It's not a 3500 lb cabinet. :homer: Do you think they used a forklift to maneuver it so Pedro could put a couple nails in?
Gotta say, I’ve hung a bunch of cabinets with hardwood faces. What you described is under 100# unloaded. Putting a shoulder on it while sinking a screw is not only the best, fastest, and cheapest advice, but what any man who owns tools and has done anything physical in their life would have done first.
Unless you tell me the cabinet is solid 5/4 oak or walnut top, bottom, sides, and back as well this didn’t warrant a post.
2 nails held it back for 4 fucking decades. It's not a 3500 lb cabinet. :homer: Do you think they used a forklift to maneuver it so Pedro could put a couple nails in?
I don't shit on people, I don't shit talk people for having a different opinion. I treat people normal.
You're really putting the "duh" in "delusional" today :lmao:

Let me grab the first half-dozen or so exceptions to your statement . . . from this thread:

You really are illiterate.:laughing:

Hey basement random nobody guy, has anyone ever seen your face?
You ever done anything off the internet related to our community?
Ever volunteer your time? Ever go to a meetup or anything like that?
Is your picture even on here so I can see just how fat you are?
You always disappear in threads where we talk about real life like that, I notice.

Nobody knows you.

You've never done shit. Nobody knows you.

Now that you're confirmed as a basement faceless nobody troll, I'll treat you as such.

You're a little nobody do nothing shit starter.

You're no different than the hoodrats on the sidelines egging on the fight that you're no part of.

Then suck his dick and put me on ignore?

Maybe go back to when you had everyone who annoys you on ignore?

You're the one this bothers, and you apparently can't stand the solution :homer:

EDIT: this seems appropriate to the conversation:
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Gotta say, I’ve hung a bunch of cabinets with hardwood faces. What you described is under 100# unloaded. Putting a shoulder on it while sinking a screw is not only the best, fastest, and cheapest advice, but what any man who owns tools and has done anything physical in their life would have done first.
Unless you tell me the cabinet is solid 5/4 oak or walnut top, bottom, sides, and back as well this didn’t warrant a post.

Sending some bigger screws with the little ugga dugga should be the first option. :laughing:
I'm not the one that jumps in on dogpiles like a half baked coward. I don't shit on people, I don't shit talk people for having a different opinion. I treat people normal. I have manners. I don't chase the ego like so many others do, to try and score high fives from strangers on the internet. Obviously things are in place in my life that I don't have an internal desire or compulsion to persist in behavior like that. Maybe I don't treat people like shit because in my life, people don't treat me like shit? Hmm. But that's real life, and this is the internet where every loser can pat himself on the back for brainlessly shit talking a stranger. Impressive.

Your wonky starter in my Honda thread.

100 replies.

50 ppl said it was the starter.

You thanked em, "it was the starter guys"

Doesn't make the other 50 replies jerks.

But i get where you're coming from. Smile a little, let bygones be bygones, warm your thick skin up, enjoy the banter, learn to know when being the brunt of the joke is fine vs counterattacking.
Your wonky starter in my Honda thread.

100 replies.

50 ppl said it was the starter.

You thanked em, "it was the starter guys"

Doesn't make the other 50 replies jerks.

But i get where you're coming from. Smile a little, let bygones be bygones, warm your thick skin up, enjoy the banter, learn to know when being the brunt of the joke is fine vs counterattacking.
Yah, more advice that will be ignored.
But i get where you're coming from. Smile a little, let bygones be bygones, warm your thick skin up, enjoy the banter, learn to know when being the brunt of the joke is fine vs counterattacking.

Not goona happen. She's gone to far into grumpy old bitch land, to ever come back out:flipoff2:
But i get where you're coming from. Smile a little, let bygones be bygones, warm your thick skin up, enjoy the banter, learn to know when being the brunt of the joke is fine vs counterattacking.
Been around for over 20 years, there's a difference between the joke and this, if I had thin skin I wouldn't be here after decades. If you don't see the difference, I can't make you see it. And it's ok if you disagree.
Counterattacking is the only time I ever talk shit, per all the quotes from Exwrench above. On that, you are 100% correct. I've spent too much time replying to the do-nothing faceless trolls nobody knows, and don't plan to continue doing so. Thanks and have a nice day.
Knowing the difference should allow you to prepare yourself to adjust.

So adjust. Or kiss my ass. I don't care.
Because some people are compelled to respond even if it's not needed. Just like ones that beat a horse over and over.
Maybe some internal need for validation or something, maybe they don't get enough attention at home. Who knows.
But you see this all the time. Guy asks if he should buy car A or car B. Horde jumps in to tell him he's stupid and that needs to buy car C instead when it's not even an option he's considering. They think they know what's best for him more than he does. Because their opinion is the best ever and all other opinions are therefore stupid. That's my guess.

Hey, if you got a stack of 2x4s laying around and this is the only time you'll do something like this, then enjoy measuring and cutting and wedging and banging away. I'll be happy with my tool that I grab, one trip to the garage and I adjust it for any length needed, have it work perfect, put away and it's ready to go for the next few projects coming up. You do you, I do me. Adults understand this, children scream and cuss and call names because you're not doing it their way. Furthermore, I would guess the people that scream the loudest tend to be ones least likely to be involved in efforts to keep our trails open. I doubt you see them at cleanups or government hearings or taking signatures or volunteering or putting in work to for our cause. They tend to be the "internet only" kind of people. Not 100% of course, but more likely than not.

Look at you, for example, and your position on Covid and vax. I never called you a retard or cussed you out, but plenty others did. You tried to weave a fine line in your opinion on that, and I respect others will have an opinion different from me. I talk to you like an adult and exchange ideas. Most others just jump on the dogpile to shit talk you to death. Am I right?
The amount of time you have wasted responding to the "losers" on this site could have been used to repair the cabinet.

Been around for over 20 years, there's a difference between the joke and this, if I had thin skin I wouldn't be here after decades.
Seriously, after 20 years you should know how things work.
Been around for over 20 years, there's a difference between the joke and this, if I had thin skin I wouldn't be here after decades. If you don't see the difference, I can't make you see it. And it's ok if you disagree.
Counterattacking is the only time I ever talk shit, per all the quotes from Exwrench above. On that, you are 100% correct. I've spent too much time replying to the do-nothing faceless trolls nobody knows, and don't plan to continue doing so. Thanks and have a nice day.
Have you tried not being a pussy?
Knowing the difference should allow you to prepare yourself to adjust.

So adjust. Or kiss my ass. I don't care.
Why not both?
But yeah, in a way it's almost insulting to the good people here when I respond to the trash instead.
Will try and change that going forward.

Now back to the ghouls screaming at the ghost...
Has someone said a post and a couple of mine wedges (2x4) yet? Drive them together for fine control without screwing up your wall.

Or just the lazy way and fender washers and timber locks? Start where the cabinet is close enough to the wall and suck it up a little at a time.

Shoot maybe a YT university carpentry class?

For massive overkill a 5 ton hydraulic jack into a piece of 1-1/4 pipe dowled into a 2x4 to spread the load.
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