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Need the wrong tool for the job.

we fix shit ASAP

Look, here's an insight into the male mind: problem identified --> way to kill problem identified --> kill problem --> move on to next challenge.

Whatever journey your fluctuating estrogen levels are taking you on; that's entirely foreign to me :confused:
Not looking to try and get too creative here at this point. For those of you that have a pile of 2x4s or other material laying around, some of the suggestions are great and would be perfect for you.

In my case, I gotta go to town to buy it anyway, so instead of $9 for a board I may as well pay $18 for the tool because I'll use it more than twice.
Plus the tool is cleaner and easier. No need to measure, no need to cut, no need to waste lumber every time for different needed length.
How much adjustment do you think a load bar has?

How far is the cabinet from the opposite wall?

Just buy a Hi-Lift and a 2x4 to extend the reach.

After you get the cabinet fixed, you can mount the Jack on the hood of your Toyota like the cool kids.

Then hide the 2x in your prison wallet for the times you need to flaunt your wealth to the hood ladies:laughing:
Remember how people thought my wiring on brake controller was a problem and it turned out my wiring was perfect?
Yeah, that was awesome. Also how only me and like 1 or 2 other people correctly guessed it could be a faulty controller?
Awesome. Pretty silly to add a tranny cooler to a Tundra that already came with one. That was a good one.
So Woods, if you always have the right answer and we are always wrong why is it you even need to post the question?

It should go like this:

Useless things you want others to know

Hey guys my cabinet was falling off the wall so I went out and bought this to put it in place while I threw some screws in it. <pic>
Hey guys my cabinet was falling off the wall so I went out and bought this to put it in place while I threw some screws in it. <pic>

You're fucking doing it wrong dumbass. Everybody knows you do it the other way:flipoff2:
Remember how people thought my wiring on brake controller was a problem and it turned out my wiring was perfect?
Yeah, that was awesome. Also how only me and like 1 or 2 other people correctly guessed it could be a faulty controller?
Awesome. Pretty silly to add a tranny cooler to a Tundra that already came with one. That was a good one.

All good. I'm bored today between projects so might as well BS on here.
It's funny how some people are in a hurry for me to get this one done, though.:laughing:

Gonna have to wait a bit and be patient. Gotta get new faucet done in kitchen first, fix tube lights in kitchen, replace vanity/sink in bathroom. But first, the hole in the fence where the goat got out.
This is a side of you we don’t get to see. You’ve told us about hotshot corporate big wig Yota. We know about troubled youth Yota and big dicked lady killer Yota. But not Man of the Earth, animal husbandry Yota.

You’ve been holding out on us. You got a homestead? What kind of livestock set up you got? Milk goats or meat? Both?
Gonna have to wait a bit and be patient. Gotta get new faucet done in kitchen first, fix tube lights in kitchen, replace vanity/sink in bathroom. But first, the hole in the fence where the goat got out.

Looking forward to the next episodes of "How do I...."

Can't help with the goat buttseks though - perhaps there is a reason he chose to R U N N O F T
How much adjustment do you think a load bar has?

How far is the cabinet from the opposite wall?

Just buy a Hi-Lift and a 2x4 to extend the reach.

After you get the cabinet fixed, you can mount the Jack on the hood of your Toyota like the cool kids.

Then hide the 2x in your prison wallet for the times you need to flaunt your wealth to the hood ladies:laughing:
The tool is great. Goes from 4' to 9'. Cupboard to wall across is about 6'.
I actually thought about using the hilift, but decided since I'm going to be doing other stuff that needs this kinda thing that I should just get it over with and buy the tool for the job. But forget paying $40 for it. Less than $20? Sold.

So Woods, if you always have the right answer and we are always wrong why is it you even need to post the question?
Lawless, do you remember my question? I asked for a cheaper alternative to the $40 tool on Amazon. I wanted something similar, but on the cheap. And post 15 delivered with less than half price. What's the problem here? Do you shit on every thread where someone asks where they can source a part for less cost or only reserve that for me?

By the way, I'm not always right and you're not always wrong. A lot of folks had great suggestions that would work for most people with a scrap pile in their yard. I'm a little stubborn and want this tool so I'm gonna get what I want. And I'm not in a hurry either, I know that's killing some of you for some reason.

Looking forward to the next episodes of "How do I...."
I don't see where I asked "how do I" anything. I asked for a cheaper version of a product, yes? And ended up with the exact same version of the tool at less than half price. Good day.

Did you see my thread asking about physics of intermittent misfire? I never asked how to fix it, I'm good. I just wanted to talk about the concept and physics involved in what creates a situation where a cylinder fires 100 times and misses 1 time. You know, conversation that's interesting where people exchange ideas and perhaps learn something. That kinda thing. If you're not into that, I understand.
This is a side of you we don’t get to see. You’ve told us about hotshot corporate big wig Yota. We know about troubled youth Yota and big dicked lady killer Yota. But not Man of the Earth, animal husbandry Yota.

You’ve been holding out on us. You got a homestead? What kind of livestock set up you got? Milk goats or meat? Both?
Goats are cute and great but kinda dumb so it requires a lot of work to prevent them from killing themselves.
This retard would get it's head stuck in the fence, so I had to run chicken wire along hundreds of feet to prevent it. Then it jumps into the tree and stands on the fence and eventually breaks that part and gets out. It never ends around here. Floppy ears are cute, though.
Mountain lion killed one of mine a while back when dogs were locked up overnight to let concrete set. No milk, no meat, just fire protection. We're up on a ridge so the threat would come from below us and the area between house and threat needs to stay like a parking lot in the summer as a buffer.

Might see a thread in future about chickens since I'm about to turn a little shed into a coup. It will be a thread where I ask to exchange ideas about concepts to make things better or more efficient, and people will jump in to tell me I'm retarded for asking anything. We'll all have a good laugh.
How long of a journey is it for you and the mrs to go to town?
Goats are cute and great but kinda dumb so it requires a lot of work to prevent them from killing themselves.
This retard would get it's head stuck in the fence, so I had to run chicken wire along hundreds of feet to prevent it. Then it jumps into the tree and stands on the fence and eventually breaks that part and gets out. It never ends around here. Floppy ears are cute, though.
Mountain lion killed one of mine a while back when dogs were locked up overnight to let concrete set. No milk, no meat, just fire protection. We're up on a ridge so the threat would come from below us and the area between house and threat needs to stay like a parking lot in the summer as a buffer.

Might see a thread in future about chickens since I'm about to turn a little shed into a coup. It will be a thread where I ask to exchange ideas about concepts to make things better or more efficient, and people will jump in to tell me I'm retarded for asking anything. We'll all have a good laugh.
No man, I completely get it. I was once nominally responsible for a couple thousand mostly feral Spanish goats used for brush control. I know how they are. Sheep wake up in the morning looking for a way to die, goats wake up in the morning looking for a hole in the fence. It’s a never ending struggle.

How many have you got? Is it a billy goat that keeps getting out?
Might see a thread in future about chickens since I'm about to turn a little shed into a coup. It will be a thread where I ask to exchange ideas about concepts to make things better or more efficient, and people will jump in to tell me I'm retarded for asking anything. We'll all have a good laugh.
Please don't, just log off and go bug the reddit people.
No man, I completely get it. I was once nominally responsible for a couple thousand mostly feral Spanish goats used for brush control. I know how they are. Sheep wake up in the morning looking for a way to die, goats wake up in the morning looking for a hole in the fence. It’s a never ending struggle.

How many have you got? Is it a billy goat that keeps getting out?

Sounds like a lot of coyote bait.
Sounds like a lot of coyote bait.
Goats can out breed coyotes in a civilized society. In the last hundred and fifty years or so the state and federal governments have spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to eradicate coyotes with the end result being that they have spread into places they never existed before in numbers far greater than they ever achieved prior to the arrival of European settlers. That being said, the state of Texas pays guys in helicopters that can cover a few thousand acres in a couple days and kill a hundred coyotes. If you can get that going on once or twice year and aren’t hauling trailer loads of goats to market it doesn’t take long for a goat population to be too big for coyotes to do anything about.
No man, I completely get it. I was once nominally responsible for a couple thousand mostly feral Spanish goats used for brush control. I know how they are. Sheep wake up in the morning looking for a way to die, goats wake up in the morning looking for a hole in the fence. It’s a never ending struggle.

How many have you got? Is it a billy goat that keeps getting out?
Maybe you should have used a bunch of these as the fence, they are cheap and apparently multi functional!
2-in-1 Support/Cargo Bar
Goats can out breed coyotes in a civilized society. In the last hundred and fifty years or so the state and federal governments have spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to eradicate coyotes with the end result being that they have spread into places they never existed before in numbers far greater than they ever achieved prior to the arrival of European settlers. That being said, the state of Texas pays guys in helicopters that can cover a few thousand acres in a couple days and kill a hundred coyotes. If you can get that going on once or twice year and aren’t hauling trailer loads of goats to market it doesn’t take long for a goat population to be too big for coyotes to do anything about.
Back in the 70s we used to get a $5 bounty on the coyotes in MT, I wonder if that's still a thing.
Back in the 70s we used to get a $5 bounty on the coyotes in MT, I wonder if that's still a thing.
Doubt it. There are more recreational guys with calls and long range rifles paying to shoot them now. And more of them out there to shoot.

Honestly, I like the shit out of coyotes. Federal government tried to poison and kill them out so they said fuck it and spread into New York and LA and started eating people’s cats and little dogs. That’s admirable.
Back in the 70s we used to get a $5 bounty on the coyotes in MT, I wonder if that's still a thing.

Pelts can bring $10 to $50.

I'm lazy and one of the ranchers that let's me pheasant hunt also does hides on the side. So I drop him off whole coyotes whenever they don't explode. He tans the hide and sells them by the pallet somewhere in Canada.
Got a cupboard that's pulling from wall at the top.
To get it into place and hold it there while I anchor it I'm looking to buy a tool that extends 5-6' and works like a jack/support so it will go horizontally from the wall across to push the top of the cupboard back against the wall.
The tools made for this job are like $40 for the cheapest on Amazon: Amazon.com


What cheaper alternatives are out there? What are the names of similar tools I can search for and price out?
No, I'm not gonna have my wife superman that thing.
Is this done yet?

Or are you just loving the attention?

I can't see how this is more that a 30 min job with scrap shit I have in the yard, and some screws.

Started on Sunday asking questions.:lmao::lmao::shaking:
Is this done yet?

Or are you just loving the attention?

I can't see how this is more that a 30 min job with scrap shit I have in the yard, and some screws.

Started on Sunday asking questions.:lmao::lmao::shaking:
Back up a second. Do you think this cupboard pulled itself away from the wall recently and instantly? Like you think it just shifted all of a sudden on Sunday? Or do you think it's been like this for a while and it isn't going anywhere anytime soon?

It's hilarious how you guys are in a hurry for other people to do things, as if other priorities don't exist.:laughing:
How much adjustment do you think a load bar has?

How far is the cabinet from the opposite wall?

Just buy a Hi-Lift and a 2x4 to extend the reach.

After you get the cabinet fixed, you can mount the Jack on the hood of your Toyota like the cool kids.

Then hide the 2x in your prison wallet for the times you need to flaunt your wealth to the hood ladies:laughing:

2x4 is too big, only need about a 1x2 for hi-lift extension.

some i made.

tree felling pusher for hi lift

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