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Need the wrong tool for the job.

Tried to jack cabinets against wall. Wouldn't budge. Found these odd tapered pieces of wood behind it. Don't know how they got there but it's keeping the cabinet from touching the wall.
I wonder if OP owns a level . . . and the wherewithal to interpret its output.
Back up a second. Do you think this cupboard pulled itself away from the wall recently and instantly? Like you think it just shifted all of a sudden on Sunday? Or do you think it's been like this for a while and it isn't going anywhere anytime soon?

It's hilarious how you guys are in a hurry for other people to do things, as if other priorities don't exist.:laughing:
Question answered.
Back up a second. Do you think this cupboard pulled itself away from the wall recently and instantly? Like you think it just shifted all of a sudden on Sunday? Or do you think it's been like this for a while and it isn't going anywhere anytime soon?

It's hilarious how you guys are in a hurry for other people to do things, as if other priorities don't exist.:laughing:
I think most of us process a cabinet falling off the wall as a ' that is not gonna get better- only worse' and most of us who are in the trades or engineers, realize that the fact that it has already lost at least some - if not most of its fasteners, means it is not stable and on its way to complete failure.

If there were 4 nails holding it in from new and that was not enough to do the job then 2 fell out- why would you expect the remaining 2 to be capable of doing what 4 could not:confused::confused:

It is failing and at least in my world things that are failing normally get push up a notch on the priority list.

Did you ever answer if you emptied it or not?
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Did you ever answer if you emptied it or not?

He's got other priorities, you think he got enough time to empty a cupboard? That shit takes like 2 minutes plus the 5 minutes it will take to screw it in place, then another 2 minutes to load the cupboard back up.

You think he got 9 minutes in his day to fix something that actually needs fixing? He's busy stressin out about the physics of a misfire dood.

I'm gonna assume yoterup hasn't fixed his cabinet:homer:. Which don't make sense to most of us as this is something that would have been fixed after getting home, post work dump and between first beer.
Just screw a short 2x4 to the inside - side of the cabinet and use it as a lever to get it against the wall then sink a screw in and work your way across the rest of the studs.

Screenshot_20240208_175314_Samsung Notes.jpg
Why are you fuckers obsessing on a medicine cabinet? This is an animal husbandry thread now.
Will you keep it straight, if it was a medicine cabinet I am sure he could have done it with out the wrong tool. This is clearly a cupboard that has dislodged from the wall and requires deep reflection and a trip to town or a 7' tall acrobat! :laughing:
Nice! Now just put it back up like a normal person. Halfway there sir!
Nah, I don't think so. Not yet. Gonna be a bit still before we get to it, probably the Monday after this Monday since we need to go to Big Town.
Relax, everything will be fine. Some people stress and worry too much.

Oh, and my great grandma got killed by a bull. Pinned her against the wall and crushed her chest. I think my mom said it broke it's nose ring thing or something, got free and angry, and BAM...grandma got run over by a bull.
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Nah, I don't think so. Not yet. Gonna be a bit still before we get to it, probably the Monday after this Monday since we need to go to Big Town.
Relax, everything will be fine. Some people stress and worry too much.

Oh, and my great grandma got killed by a bull. Pinned her against the wall and crushed her chest. I think my mom said it broke it's nose ring thing or something, got free and angry, and BAM...grandma got run over by a bull.
Holy moly I'm sorry that is awful news

Did that really happen cause that is a wild story?

Edit: order the tool from Amazon to save gas, use, return.
Holy moly I'm sorry that is awful news

Did that really happen cause that is a wild story?

Edit: order the tool from Amazon to save gas, use, return.
Oh yeah. My mother and father told us about it when we were young, I used to have bad dreams about it.
I asked her again in my 20s and got more details about the nose ring thing and how she got crushed. Up to then it was just a vague story about livestock accident/bull run her over/etc. My mom died a few months ago so unfortunately I can't follow up with any more questions on it.

I loved going to that farm as a kid. Jumping off the top in barn onto a stack of hay. Accidentally pushing over my uncle's motorcycle. Having my older brother slash my face with a bull whip. Watching great grandpa pick a chicken for dinner. Good times.

I'm cool with the cabinet how it sits right now for a bit. We have an out of town sports event next Monday so that's the first chance to visit a Big Town and buy the tool. That's how we usually do it, we wait until a match/game takes us out of town anyway and then do other stuff like Costco/ChinaFreight at the same time. We never missed a game so that gas is always spent anyway.
Oh, and my great grandma got killed by a bull. Pinned her against the wall and crushed her chest. I think my mom said it broke it's nose ring thing or something, got free and angry, and BAM...grandma got run over by a bull.
Today? That’s a rough way to go. Sorry for your loss, man.
Not going back to find it, but what "tool" do you need from the "Big Town" to reinstall a fucking cabinet?
Had a sporting event out of town today so got to visit Big Town.
I love Harbor Freight. Like Toys R Us for adults. Ended up also grabbing a magnetic bar for tools you mount on the wall for only $2.99.
They didn't have any JIS screwdrivers, though.:frown:

Got the tool and have just one question. What is the purpose of the metal tab with the loop thing for?
It's the flat metal piece that slides along the main metal bar in this picture.
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