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Musk and Twitter

That’s my feeling too. Either he’s forced to buy it and takes care of business with some vengence, or they’re proven to be lying about the numbers, he doesn’t buy it, and they’re stuck in the spotlight with no public trust left
I still think the Feds step in and a) buy Twitter or b) hate f*ck Musk
The people.

TBH I didn’t expect this outcome, but it’ll be interesting to see how it all goes down in plain view
Really? People called this weeks ago when he started waffling on spam accounts. TBH I'm kinda impressed it took this long for him to back out.
That’s my feeling too. Either he’s forced to buy it and takes care of business with some vengence, or they’re proven to be lying about the numbers, he doesn’t buy it, and they’re stuck in the spotlight with no public trust left
Trust dies hard with the Left If he walks away and Twitter stays the same they will have as many or more tweets, advance their attacks on free speech and conservatives and not one lib will walk away or question anything. My main question will be how the libs will now deal with Monk. Id like to see who now buys his consumer products and who doesn't. Will he walk away richer a year from now for having done this
I still think the Feds step in and a) buy Twitter or b) hate f*ck Musk
Honestly if the feds get into social media in blatant public view and people don't resist it, freedom of thought is doomed. Like that conveniently timed disinformation whatever the fawk group they made but thankfully hasn't "done" anything yet that I'm aware of.

Really? People called this weeks ago when he started waffling on spam accounts. TBH I'm kinda impressed it took this long for him to back out.
In the past few weeks sure, but through the beginning of all this I was just of the opinion that he was going to follow through based on what I'd seen. But as his balking ramped up, it def became more apparent. Maybe this is all still a negotiation tactic, but who fawkin knows haha.

Trust dies hard with the Left If he walks away and Twitter stays the same they will have as many or more tweets, advance their attacks on free speech and conservatives and not one lib will walk away or question anything. My main question will be how the libs will now deal with Monk. Id like to see who now buys his consumer products and who doesn't. Will he walk away richer a year from now for having done this
Agreed that people are still going to be on there, but if it's revealed that they've been seriously overcharging for advertising based on their own metrics and lose the trust of those companies paying the bills, their business model is going to need to adapt pretty heavily. Who knows what that would mean for use simple end users though
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Honestly if the feds get into social media in blatant public view and people don't resist it, freedom of thought is doomed. Like that conveniently timed disinformation whatever the fawk group they made but thankfully hasn't "done" anything yet that I'm aware of.

freedom of thought was doomed the moment that we started charging people with "intent" crimes.
it's just accelerated... the last 10 years has gotten us closer and closer to 1984
Trust dies hard with the Left If he walks away and Twitter stays the same they will have as many or more tweets, advance their attacks on free speech and conservatives and not one lib will walk away or question anything. My main question will be how the libs will now deal with Monk. Id like to see who now buys his consumer products and who doesn't. Will he walk away richer a year from now for having done this
interesting point.

and I agree with your assessment. I think the woke crowd will go after him hard, with the 100% backing of the US federal govt.
interesting point.

and I agree with your assessment. I think the woke crowd will go after him hard, with the 100% backing of the US federal govt.

Hasn't he already been under extra scrutiny from the feds since he started to talk politics they didn't like?

People should look up what FDR did to Andrew Mellon.
interesting point.

and I agree with your assessment. I think the woke crowd will go after him hard, with the 100% backing of the US federal govt.
This is a point that I'm torn on. I think half the govt wants to tear him apart, and half is relying on him in one way or another. NASA needs him and is heavily funding his Starship program over the next few years, and the military wants what he's building. They've shown extreme interest in Starlink, and point to point cargo deliveries with Starship, worldwide in an hour or two. I'm not sure what that means for the outcome, and if they try to squash him, just interesting to note.
It wouldn’t surprise me if they moved to nationalize his assets. Strip him of all patents and shove him in the corner to play with Tesla if he’s lucky under the guise of it being critical infrastructure and necessary for national security. It’s just a question of what charges they are going to dream up to hit him with.

With his son coming out as a tranny, it wouldn’t surprise me if they went with the good old stand by of abusing children.
The thought of that is terrifying. But I think he played it right by keeping SpaceX private to maintain control versus his bad experience going public with Tesla. Makes it harder for any sort of "forced takeover" (like he did with Twitter here lol). Also I think the fact that Starlink and Starship still have years of development ahead of them still, the real "product" isn't there to steal yet means extreme action like that would probably be years out. All of this twitter shit is going to be old news by then, so who knows how much the public will hate or love him then

As far as his son goes, attacking the parent for the kids choice would be a huge conflict for the left though right?
the very thing that makes you rich makes you poor.

A friend of mine told me once that people don't have to worry about strangers... if you are gonna get murdered, it will be someone who loves you.

If you want to know who will wreck your life, it won't be pussy or some evil agent, it will be you.

I've watched people self destruct at work, ruin great careers, destroy relationships over the silliest gain.

The Tesla has not advanced like I thought it could. The Boring Company has yet to do what they promised, his space stuff seems to be going well, but the whole Joe Rogan smoking pot on the podcast, and his twitter experience makes me wonder if he is doing himself in.

If I didn't hold stock in any Musk companies, I would not invest at this point. As it is, I'm waiting and seeing and glad I was cautious about him. His personal life makes me think that the worst is ahead, and I'm sorry for that because he has done some amazing things.
Hmm. I hope things aren't so bad that nationalizing huge assets in broad daylight isn't even on the horizon yet, but time will tell.

Apparently someone's feeling spicy today

just in time for midterms!

They deem it necessary to preserve the misinformation about our democratic party and it's direct benefits to the elite people.
So what will they do when he is 'forced' to buy twitter and then fires everyone.

I wonder how much of the downfall of tesla stock is related to pressure from big business vs actually numbers, not that tesla wasn't wildly overvalued.
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