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Musk and Twitter

Think this site would be a good target for agent provocateurs?
No. Nobody here will get off the porch until someone else does it first. :flipoff2:

Dumb question: Why would a fed want an account on irate? If they're attempting to surveil someone, why not just lurk as a guest?
They don't want "an account on IBB". We're not special.

The dude probably had three dozen accounts on three dozen sites and when it became clear that we were skeptical he prioritized greener pastures.
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Dumb question: Why would a fed want an account on irate? If they're attempting to surveil someone, why not just lurk as a guest?
I can’t think of the guys name but the feds went as far as to help a mentally unfit (as in couldn’t live alone) schizophrenic build a dummy bomb. The guy was living with his parents and in no way expressed any thoughts of harm other than to the agents. Now he is doing 27 years in prison. Why would they do this? Why did mk ultra create the people it created? They’re drunk on unchecked power. They’re untouchable and answer to no one.
evernoob was clearly a fed to anyone with eyes
I called him out on it a few times and instantly he'd stop posting lol

he was a fun fed though, miss that guy
That was fun to ask him. Are you a cop?…poof
Any suggested reading on this beyond what Google brings up?
P much that

they fucked with supporting/agitating both sides of the spectrum fairly evenly, so even lefty sites like wikipedia will give you an okay idea about it
Any suggested reading on this beyond what Google brings up?

I was listening to a conversation from libertarians on search manipulation and they said that the worst offender was.... Duckduckgo. I believe it referred to the Ukraine mess.
No fed here, I work for the state and not in the executive branch
"completely unrelated" photo


- ya fookin' narc :flipoff2:
I was listening to a conversation from libertarians on search manipulation and they said that the worst offender was.... Duckduckgo. I believe it referred to the Ukraine mess.
That's because they use Bing search results, they just claim to anonymize them before they send them to Bing.

Aaron Z
I was listening to a conversation from libertarians on search manipulation and they said that the worst offender was.... Duckduckgo. I believe it referred to the Ukraine mess.
Joe Rogan and that nerd guy?
the precedents created here will be important, regardless.
if Twitter doesn't have to disclose, the precedent will be huge for all companies in the future. And it won't be good for shareholders
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