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Musk and Twitter

Hit that slob in the face. Fuckin A' :eek:

Never heard of project veritas - so Gew Gull turned up -

wikipedia.2x.png https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Project_Veritas

Project Veritas - Wikipedia

Project Veritas is an American far-right activist group founded by James O'Keefe in 2010. The group produces deceptively edited videos of its undercover operations, which use secret recordings in an effort to discredit mainstream media organizations and progressive groups.

Hit that slob in the face. Fuckin A' :eek:

Never heard of project veritas - so Gew Gull turned up -

wikipedia.2x.png https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Project_Veritas

Project Veritas - Wikipedia

Project Veritas is an American far-right activist group founded by James O'Keefe in 2010. The group produces deceptively edited videos of its undercover operations, which use secret recordings in an effort to discredit mainstream media organizations and progressive groups.

"Deceptively edited" - likely per some Wiki editor who thinks bringing truly free speech to Twatter = terrorism :homer:
Project Veritas is an American far-right activist group founded by James O'Keefe in 2010. The group produces deceptively edited videos of its undercover operations, which use secret recordings in an effort to discredit mainstream media organizations and progressive groups.

That's exactly what they do. They slink in under false pretenses, ask leading questions and get people to tell the truth. Works for me!:smokin:
True journalism and respectable as fawk :beer:

As opposed to what passes for "journalism" these days: give people the opinions they should have and quote a couple of tweets that support it :homer:
Oh, that and sneaky fucks :laughing: don't talk to nobody, you don't know whose going to the paper!
He had no financing in place to take the company private when he made that tweet, he had at best some speculative interest. He was squeezing (or breaking) the short sellers with that tweet, and it was fabricated entirely to do that, there was nothing else to it. The company at that point was already massively overvalued, and was rightfully being shorted. Since he basically got a slap on the wrist for it, there was a clear message, if you short TSLA you are not going to be in a fair fight. This really helped the stock price to continue to grow massively to absolutely ridiculously unsupported "valuations." This was fraud through and through as it was entirely to his own financial advantage. There is clear (and I mean clear) rules about board members/executives making statements about company activities for these exact reasons, and he knew them and broke them willingly on the basis that he's smart enough to know he wouldn't pay a significant price for doing so.

His crypto manipulation just makes me laugh. Idiots getting played by him because they worship him as an idol. I'm not totally sure about the legalities of this, as really the only issue was that TSLA was holding (and then selling) some of these assets during this, but I suspect he was legally (not ethically) in the clear on this.

The bottom will fall out of TSLA for a simple reason. It isn't worth anywhere near its current "valuation" in any way. In order for it to be worth what it currently is "valued" at, it would have to completely displace GM, Toyota, Ford, and probably FCA. At its peak it would have had to completely displace ALL of the current car companies. By displace I mean take the entirety of their sales. This is simply not possible, unless you fanboi real fucking hard and ignore all facts and logic. There will still be a market for ICE consumer vehicles for another decade, even if dwindling, and every manufacturer has some sort of EV (or a bunch) in the works or currently selling (and selling all of them they can make). The battery electric long haul semi-truck concept is neither viable now, nor will it be for at least another few generations of batteries, and it may never be (hydrogen, synthetic fuels, or carbon capture may be the long term solutions, or even tram/trolly power combined battery town/local trucks). There also is limited value in TSLA's IP, as guess what, building an electric car is not really that hard using mostly off the shelf hardware now. This is also very damning for the semi-truck. Full self driving also has taken much longer to implement, and is only a few high profile incidents away from being mired in regulatory hell for decades to come, so again there is very limited value there.

The reason the stock price had not corrected sooner was because every Tom, Dick, and Harry was throwing everything they had at the stock market since everything had done nothing but go up, plus the added risk of shorting TSLA since you won't get a fair chance. I didn't short it because of this, but now there's some big names/money that are doing it as they know the wind is out of the sales.

Realistically it's worth about $80-120/share.

Don't take anything I say as financial advice as I am not and financial analyst, and I literally get paid to pump fuel. :flipoff2:
I see a hell of a lot of new Teslas here for whatever that is not worth.
More food for the haters - :lmao: - AOC wants to ditch her Tesla after Twitter dustup with Elon Musk

" Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she wants to get rid of her Tesla just weeks after a Twitter dustup with Elon Musk in which the billionaire CEO playfully teased the “Squad” member to “stop hitting on me.”

The Green New Deal-backing progressive congresswoman from the Bronx and Queens told Bloomberg News that she’s itching to switch to an electric car that is manufactured by a company that employs union members."

Scott I appreciate your insight and reasoning behind feelings on Tesla's valuation. I'm not invested and don't plan to own one any time soon, so I'll just be eating popcorn from the outside. Should be entertaining either way :laughing:

More food for the haters - :lmao: - AOC wants to ditch her Tesla after Twitter dustup with Elon Musk

" Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she wants to get rid of her Tesla just weeks after a Twitter dustup with Elon Musk in which the billionaire CEO playfully teased the “Squad” member to “stop hitting on me.”

The Green New Deal-backing progressive congresswoman from the Bronx and Queens told Bloomberg News that she’s itching to switch to an electric car that is manufactured by a company that employs union members."


Elon pushed the topic a little harder yesterday putting up a poll asking who people trust less, politicians or billionaires. And then tagged AOC to do the same haha.

75% of 2.8 million votes trust politicians less at the time of this response

The twitter shareholders are now suing for the drop in price. They weren't complaining when the price jumped when he said he would buy though. People are idiots and cant figure out that the stock market is just another form of gambling where the house always wins.

More food for the haters - :lmao: - AOC wants to ditch her Tesla after Twitter dustup with Elon Musk

" Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she wants to get rid of her Tesla just weeks after a Twitter dustup with Elon Musk in which the billionaire CEO playfully teased the “Squad” member to “stop hitting on me.”

The Green New Deal-backing progressive congresswoman from the Bronx and Queens told Bloomberg News that she’s itching to switch to an electric car that is manufactured by a company that employs union members."


bartender who becomes Rep complains about not making enough money... and drives an expensive car... and then lectures people.

it's the 'murican dream
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:lmao:. All quiet on the Twitter front. Elon hasn't been dragging them through the coals this last week. But because this thread has opened into a pretty broad spectrum -

snippet Alright as I put this post together I think about something amusing - I'm moderating content and filtering it down to what I think would be relevant here on IBB. How ironic :flipoff2:


who is twitter?

major shareholders will take the money, they don't care about twitter
Well they, Board, earlier wanted to set him up on the board in a position that would limit how much twitter stock he could own, so basically not own a majority of the stock. Now this move to not provide the data seems to be a way to get what they, the board, wanted earlier, to keep him from owning twitter or the majority of the stock. Yes, I read your posts and you love to be pedantic and focus on semantics, so fire away.
I would think in a normal world that would be the case, it would be harmful to their perceived objectivity. But it seems a lot of twitter users really don't like a potential Musk ownership, you no for truth and equity reasons:shaking: so who knows?
two things could happen.
1 - major lawsuit from advertisers for false data
2 - twitter is a house of cards... and could collapse if the details get out.
It should make investors and advertisers question all social media platforms. They are all infested with bot accounts and click farms.
Wouldn't Twitter refusing to share that data bring great doubt about the real value of the company?
two things could happen.
1 - major lawsuit from advertisers for false data
2 - twitter is a house of cards... and could collapse if the details get out.
typical NDA in general, it should go to musk and i could see the NDA limiting that, and we know musk would skirt the nda to discuss it...

however, if its blanket statement, no NDA, them not wanting it to get out falls under two scenarios
1-trade secrets
2-see rockota post.

this being most likely:
It should make investors and advertisers question all social media platforms. They are all infested with bot accounts and click farms.
Possibly dumb question - twitter's outstanding shares at 764.18m and Musk's $44b offer would put it around $57 per share.

Is that what shareholders would get if the sale took place?

If that's the case, doesn't the current ~$38.50 price point suggest that investors don't think it's going to happen?
Looks like Twitter as refusing to provide musk the information, even with NDA in place.

someone there knows what the information will show

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