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then it wouldn't be a ROW. ROW is an easement and doesn't confer ownership
A right of way and an easement are 2 different things every place I’ve done work. ROW is effectively public property, and easement is private property with an exception written for something like utilities, access or storm drainage.
conceptually... i agree. But your angst in the statements above aren't really in line with the "right wing" use of gov't, per se.
Traditionally no.

But we are in untraditional times, outside of a few key points in human history.

Just concerned about the snap back from this madness, and holding a healthy view that gov will take whatever you give them.
Clouded a bit by overzealousness and a touch of paranoia? Possibly.
When it comes down to it, I don't trust my govt regardless of party, nor do I have faith in it. I have faith in the founding documents of this nation, I have faith in her founding ideals. Is that up to me to reconcile? Dunno.

When I was a kid my parents took my to the battlefields of bull run and Gettysburg.
Those places give you chills.
To think those men fought and died to preserve something to be turned into a shock jock soap opera, where news stories are weapons, and information is disseminated in a way to provide the biggest impact on social media...it's hard to explain. Its not encouraging. And I believe it's doing very real damage to our country.
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then it wouldn't be a ROW. ROW is an easement and doesn't confer ownership
A right of way and an easement are 2 different things every place I’ve done work. ROW is effectively public property, and easement is private property with an exception written for something like utilities, access or storm drainage.

ROW is an easement for everybody, like an easement appurtenant. private easements are for certain individuals.

an utility ROW is an easement

none of these confer ownership
did you check with the information governance board?
I went to the office of official information, they sent me to the bureau of knowledge, who told me to call the ministry of truth, who transferred me to the all knowing one, who accidentally put me on hold with a Indian customer service guy who then gave me directions to the misinformation governance board.
Its hidden behind the fake meat section in a Dayton, Ohio whole foods market. You gotta yank on the soy sausage to get in.
I went to the office of official information, they sent me to the bureau of knowledge, who told me to call the ministry of truth, who transferred me to the all knowing one, who accidentally put me on hold with a Indian customer service guy who then gave me directions to the misinformation governance board.
Its hidden behind the fake meat section in a Dayton, Ohio whole foods market. You gotta yank on the soy sausage to get in.
fucking bezos
If we're talking public roads not private...
In the 5 or 6 southern states I've worked in for the past 30+ years, now-a-days a Right-of-way is solely owned by either a municipality, a county or a Department of Transportation. Before the year 1984 (In NC anyways) Most rural roads were owned by half and half property owners. Then in 1984, it became an automatic give-me that all ROW's are to be given to the state and split up accordingly to whoever maintains it. So if your plat is older than 1984 in NC, it "says" you own half the road. If your property has been altered then the half of ROW you used to own was re-platted or documented in someway as not yours anymore. I see this almost every project. And yes, it's possible for older plats that you could be paying taxes on half the ROW and not own it. So something for everyone to check. Most cities and municipalities have a department that already went in and adjusted for this.

Still speaking post-1984 here... If a public sidewalk has to go outside of a right-of-way, then an easement is granted before the property is sold or the easement is purchased in some way.
Every typical street design cross section in all 50 states now has the sidewalk within the ROW or a dedicated easement. Name your state and call me a liar and I will take your stubborn bet and spend my 5 minutes on google to show you.
As for utilities, the road changes. So utilities can end up anywhere. But anything shared / public is within a ROW or an easement so it can be maintainable. But I just had a project recently where we had to move a very small Johnston County NC US post office building on public land because it was discovered it was on top of a public waterline. We were adding on. As soon as the shovel found it, the inspector halted the work and the municipality put a foot down that the 16" waterline was there first.

Now... For the term of private vs public. Anything can be private if it terminates on your property. But as soon as it is used by 2 or more adjacent owners, it either becomes public if it is within any jurisdiction or agreed upon in the past or it can still remain private in which will be owned by the 2 individuals. So it can go either way. But eventually as soon as something is owned by more people or it hits a public ROW it becomes public from there on. Therefore if it continues and carries back over to private after it became public it has to have an easement. We're talking almost anything.

But of course there are always weird deviences in this so not always, but 99.9% likely.

Short answer is if you are on a sidewalk in any jurisdiction municipality, you are not trespassing anybody's private property, but on good ole taxpaying public property. And if you are trespassing, you're in the sticks where nobody high up would live to begin with.
Har Har :cookie::cookie::cookie:

At least the depressing is gone for now.


Elon just keeps getting better and better. Announced he would be supporting Republicans just today . .. .



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nope, the suggestion algorithm was gonna be released to the public (it mighta been open-sourced by now)
in the hours around the announcement, it started operating massively different
suggesting they rolled it back to something pre-propaganda-era
oh I gotcha. interesting
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