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Musk and Twitter

They’ve trotted out this old horse way too many times for anyone with a brain to take note.
Hmmm . . . dude has FU money and isn't running for any elected office - I'm thinkin' they picked the wrong Ninja to fock wit :grinpimp:
Biden actually has a lower approval rating on a liberal tracker site than Trump now...

Har Har :cookie::cookie::cookie:

At least the depressing is gone for now.


Elon just keeps getting better and better. Announced he would be supporting Republicans just today . .. .

Is that a poodle boner?

Do you need 35% glasses? :pinky:

You must be the authority on something much bigger than an apostrophe violation :flipoff2:
If this is true then it needs to be fully looked at. If it's not true then I hope he goes full scorched earth on them.


If this is true then it needs to be fully looked at. If it's not true then I hope he goes full scorched earth on them.

Agreed. Sexual harassment is absolutely a shitty thing, and the exact context should be analyzed objectively to see if it has merit. The hard part is it's very obviously being weaponized by the media in retaliation to the very loud political stance Elon has taken in recent weeks in an attempt to turn the public against him during the Twitter acquisition. There is absolutely no way the public is going to divide the two subjects and give them each the objective analysis they deserve, which is exactly why they decided to publish the article now.

From what I've read - the alleged incident happened 6 years ago. They settled in person 4 years ago. The article comes to light a month after Elon states he is purchasing Twitter, and a week or so after he states his current political stance? They don't give a fuck about supporting the woman alleging misconduct, their motive is only to tarnish his image. Hell it wouldn't surprise me if they've been sitting with this in their back pocket waiting for Elon to piss them off like he is currently.

So yeah, it needs to be analyzed thoroughly. But the manipulative intent of the media is so obvious it hurts (this is my shocked face)
100% agree it is all political. They are going to try this case in the court of public opinion to try to damage him in whatever way they can. He is one of the few people that has the resources to hit them back.
100% agree it is all political. They are going to try this case in the court of public opinion to try to damage him in whatever way they can. He is one of the few people that has the resources to hit them back.
He needs to sue her for 250k for breaking the NDA I'm sure she would have signed if there was a payout.
Did she actually talk or are they just reporting on that there was an accusation and a payment. For someone in his position it's probably cheaper to pay 250k then let it go to court regardless of weather it's true or not.
Did she actually talk or are they just reporting on that there was an accusation and a payment. For someone in his position it's probably cheaper to pay 250k then let it go to court regardless of weather it's true or not.
I believe its an anonymous friend that heard about it from the "victim"
That would be a genius move for a wealthy or celeb type - get something tattooed on your penis. A star or heart or number, etc. When the sexual harassment claim comes out, easy way to disprove it. Or at least disprove the penis ever made an appearance.
Would work for the first occurrence. Then word gets out what the right answer is, and the next hussy takes you to poor town.

tat on your junk? Fukkin ow.
That would be a genius move for a wealthy or celeb type - get something tattooed on your penis. A star or heart or number, etc. When the sexual harassment claim comes out, easy way to disprove it. Or at least disprove the penis ever made an appearance.
Prove when the tattoo was done...and then I guess you gotta whip it out to prove you have one too.
That would be a genius move for a wealthy or celeb type - get something tattooed on your penis. A star or heart or number, etc. When the sexual harassment claim comes out, easy way to disprove it. Or at least disprove the penis ever made an appearance.
The rapper Drake was raked over the coals a few months ago. He banged a chick and put hot sauce in the condom before he threw it away. Apparently she made a big deal about it when she tried to knock herself up with it and it burned her hooha.

It went away pretty quickly when everyone was on his side.
thats fuckin genius. The GF and I were just talking, we concluded Musk probably taught himself how to tattoo, and took video of him doing it in front of a bunch of clocks. Dating Amber Heard probably scared the shit out of him and that would be his insurance policy.
The victim broke the nda telling the friend. Torch her.
I don't really like Elon because of security fraud(s) and generally being a bit of an aloof douchebag about certain things, but I agree. She got paid out a ton of money for a NDA and broke it, she's not a victim at this point. Assuming this ever even happened.

Besides, what the fuck sort of work environment is it where you can't just show your employees your penis in a friendly manner?

Next question, as TSLA is going to implode to sub $300 levels in the next few months, will he actually be able to finance this deal?
I don't really like Elon because of security fraud(s) and generally being a bit of an aloof douchebag about certain things, but I agree.

Next question, as TSLA is going to implode to sub $300 levels in the next few months, will he actually be able to finance this deal?

It's no secret that I follow a lot of what Elon's companys do (and for the first time, actually following along with anything other than technology), but I try to stay pretty objective and unbiased. The securities thing is a really strange topic. His statement about taking Tesla private definitely seemed fradulent and caused a market reaction because the deal wasn't signed. Seemed like he learned his lesson and waited to announce the Twitter deal until the agreements had been made.

But there have been many other times that people have claimed fraud based on his tweets and such that brings up a moral conflict for me. He has become so well recognized, that simply stating an opinion on just about anything influences markets. So literally by having an opinion, markets get manipulated/influenced.

He deserves his opinion and a platform to speak freely
People invested the stock market deserve protection from manipulation/fraud

What's the resolution?

Also, I'm not up to speed. Besides the side effects of the current chaos, what's causing the bottom to fall out of TSLA stock in the coming months?
It's no secret that I follow a lot of what Elon's companys do (and for the first time, actually following along with anything other than technology), but I try to stay pretty objective and unbiased. The securities thing is a really strange topic. His statement about taking Tesla private definitely seemed fradulent and caused a market reaction because the deal wasn't signed. Seemed like he learned his lesson and waited to announce the Twitter deal until the agreements had been made.

But there have been many other times that people have claimed fraud based on his tweets and such that brings up a moral conflict for me. He has become so well recognized, that simply stating an opinion on just about anything influences markets. So literally by having an opinion, markets get manipulated/influenced.

He deserves his opinion and a platform to speak freely
People invested the stock market deserve protection from manipulation/fraud

What's the resolution?

Also, I'm not up to speed. Besides the side effects of the current chaos, what's causing the bottom to fall out of TSLA stock in the coming months?
He had no financing in place to take the company private when he made that tweet, he had at best some speculative interest. He was squeezing (or breaking) the short sellers with that tweet, and it was fabricated entirely to do that, there was nothing else to it. The company at that point was already massively overvalued, and was rightfully being shorted. Since he basically got a slap on the wrist for it, there was a clear message, if you short TSLA you are not going to be in a fair fight. This really helped the stock price to continue to grow massively to absolutely ridiculously unsupported "valuations." This was fraud through and through as it was entirely to his own financial advantage. There is clear (and I mean clear) rules about board members/executives making statements about company activities for these exact reasons, and he knew them and broke them willingly on the basis that he's smart enough to know he wouldn't pay a significant price for doing so.

His crypto manipulation just makes me laugh. Idiots getting played by him because they worship him as an idol. I'm not totally sure about the legalities of this, as really the only issue was that TSLA was holding (and then selling) some of these assets during this, but I suspect he was legally (not ethically) in the clear on this.

The bottom will fall out of TSLA for a simple reason. It isn't worth anywhere near its current "valuation" in any way. In order for it to be worth what it currently is "valued" at, it would have to completely displace GM, Toyota, Ford, and probably FCA. At its peak it would have had to completely displace ALL of the current car companies. By displace I mean take the entirety of their sales. This is simply not possible, unless you fanboi real fucking hard and ignore all facts and logic. There will still be a market for ICE consumer vehicles for another decade, even if dwindling, and every manufacturer has some sort of EV (or a bunch) in the works or currently selling (and selling all of them they can make). The battery electric long haul semi-truck concept is neither viable now, nor will it be for at least another few generations of batteries, and it may never be (hydrogen, synthetic fuels, or carbon capture may be the long term solutions, or even tram/trolly power combined battery town/local trucks). There also is limited value in TSLA's IP, as guess what, building an electric car is not really that hard using mostly off the shelf hardware now. This is also very damning for the semi-truck. Full self driving also has taken much longer to implement, and is only a few high profile incidents away from being mired in regulatory hell for decades to come, so again there is very limited value there.

The reason the stock price had not corrected sooner was because every Tom, Dick, and Harry was throwing everything they had at the stock market since everything had done nothing but go up, plus the added risk of shorting TSLA since you won't get a fair chance. I didn't short it because of this, but now there's some big names/money that are doing it as they know the wind is out of the sales.

Realistically it's worth about $80-120/share.

Don't take anything I say as financial advice as I am not and financial analyst, and I literally get paid to pump fuel. :flipoff2:
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