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Musk and Twitter

Everyone knows.

Not everyone, and seemingly not anyone, can boast being a "space frontier capitalist" as he can.

Musk seems like a complete dork. Which i find odd for someone with his accomplishments to date. He seems more of a dork for wasting time with chat platform drama.

It's about time. He hasn't any more than anyone else. I believe he should value his time in space exploration (etc) than with earthlings on a flat plane.

nor can anyone else boast the attempt to be a free speech capitalist...
I find it funny that you disapprove of his approach... He's the worlds richest dude and you're kvetching that he's going down a one-dimensional path. Who else has any desire to "save free speech?""
Yes but, leave that shit to some other billionaire who isn't sending ships into outer fucking space.
Get it?
He has ambition, balls, money, vision, gaul, and any of the other shit it takes to be grandiose and fkg MEAN it. :homer:
Twitter is one-dimensional.
Which one, bezos?
Very seldom do those show up within the establishment that will work to peel away the controls that guarantee themselves a continued stream of brainwashed followers.
nor can anyone else boast the attempt to be a free speech capitalist...
I find it funny that you disapprove of his approach... He's the worlds richest dude and you're kvetching that he's going down a one-dimensional path. Who else has any desire to "save free speech?""

He's just unlucky to be in a contemporaneous situation with his attraction to a free speech one-dimensional platform and a space program.

I find approaching each of them (by him) to be very noble. But like i just stated, i find SpX to be much more noble than Tw.

How many other billionaires would buy tweets to make good...

How many other billionaires are building rocketships to make good...

No other billionaires are doing either, to my knowledge. So i give him serious props for being that billionaire. Contemporaneous as it may be...
Agree. Let someone else do it.

Musk has a singular agenda in space, outside of selling Teslas. Why would a noble move to flatten the bullshit curve on twitter even attract a man of that much ambition. Has he too much TIME? There's plenty of shit to do with SpaceX and (his) life is short. F social media Elon, F that noise. Stay on the forefront of science, mfer!
FUCK space exploration if the alternative is the restoration of free speech.

If you're not trolling, your Star Trek blinders are pushing on your brain :homer:
He's just unlucky to be in a contemporaneous situation with his attraction to a free speech one-dimensional platform and a space program.

I find approaching each of them (by him) to be very noble. But like i just stated, i find SpX to be much more noble than Tw.

How many other billionaires would buy tweets to make good...

How many other billionaires are building rocketships to make good...

No other billionaires are doing either, to my knowledge. So i give him serious props for being that billionaire. Contemporaneous as it may be...
NGL... I don't get your definition of tweeter as one-dimensional. But not really important, I guess.
He's just unlucky to be in a contemporaneous situation with his attraction to a free speech one-dimensional platform and a space program.

I find approaching each of them (by him) to be very noble. But like i just stated, i find SpX to be much more noble than Tw.

How many other billionaires would buy tweets to make good...

How many other billionaires are building rocketships to make good...

No other billionaires are doing either, to my knowledge. So i give him serious props for being that billionaire. Contemporaneous as it may be...
You should have listened when the guy at the dispensary told you not to eat the whole cookie at once. :flipoff2:
Musk is an optimist for humanity and seems to put all of his energy into things he thinks will improve our lives down the road. Space exploration is a good one, but personally I think Telsa's work on AI is going to be his most important contribution to humanity if successful.

This interview with him is pretty long and covers lots of topics, but I think it exposes that deep down Musk is a humanist who's out trying to address huge challenges that face humanity... or at the very least, has found ways to make money off of trying to solve those problems. When all that is taken into account, Musk tackling the problems of free speech on humanity's number one method of communication(internet) isn't that surprising.

Agree. Let someone else do it.

Musk has a singular agenda in space, outside of selling Teslas. Why would a noble move to flatten the bullshit curve on twitter even attract a man of that much ambition. Has he too much TIME? There's plenty of shit to do with SpaceX and (his) life is short. F social media Elon, F that noise. Stay on the forefront of science, mfer!

I agree, hell I think even he agrees, he'd probably rather not divide his time even further if not necessary.

But his grand vision for space relies upon the country staying healthy for a few decades. Late last year it seems that the trajectory of the country crossed a threshold that alarmed him, so he started planning (or at least enacting) this alternate path. I was trying to find the specific tweet, but I haven't stumbled upon it yet. Sometime in Q4 of last year he said something along the lines of "it looks like I'm going to have to start acting on alternate plans" (super coarse recollection). And I believe the context was in regards to free speech, open discussion, and differing opinions.

Then in January, he made it well known that this was the year of flicking the tiger in the balls... .. ...

Yale is the epicenter of the woke mind virus attempting to destroy civilization.
Oh damn
They're going to dogpile him like they did Trump because he slaps back at the woke - they must burn him for his heresy

Good luck. Seems nothing phases Musk. Dude realizes the power he wields. He probably has more power than Trump ever did. Look how he can manipulate markets with a Tweet. :laughing:
Good luck. Seems nothing phases Musk. Dude realizes the power he wields. He probably has more power than Trump ever did. Look how he can manipulate markets with a Tweet. :laughing:
Oh, I hope they're wildly unsuccessful, just calling out where I think the commies are going with this :beer:
He's just unlucky to be in a contemporaneous situation with his attraction to a free speech one-dimensional platform and a space program.

I find approaching each of them (by him) to be very noble. But like i just stated, i find SpX to be much more noble than Tw.

How many other billionaires would buy tweets to make good...

How many other billionaires are building rocketships to make good...

No other billionaires are doing either, to my knowledge. So i give him serious props for being that billionaire. Contemporaneous as it may be...
He seems like the perfect person to take Twitter to task. He does have the money, the guts and seemingly a good vision of free speech. More important than that, he had or has the backing of a lot on the left because he was "saving the climate" so it'll be harder to paint him in the corner of being a right wing conspiracy nut.

Twitter arguably had a drastic impact on the last election so it'd be a tough out to say anything has a more "noble cause" than at least keeping a platform of free speech.
He seems like the perfect person to take Twitter to task. He does have the money, the guts and seemingly a good vision of free speech. More important than that, he had or has the backing of a lot on the left because he was "saving the climate" so it'll be harder to paint him in the corner of being a right wing conspiracy nut.

Twitter arguably had a drastic impact on the last election so it'd be a tough out to say anything has a more "noble cause" than at least keeping a platform of free speech.
That. Abso-farkin'-lutely :beer:

Saw Ben Shapiro interviewing Joe Rogan about the left's attack on comedy and Joe Rogan explained why he won't cave (paraphrasing):

If you have "fuck you money" and don't say "fuck you", then who else will be able to?​

On behalf of average schmucks who have all the billions less than Elon, I admire his attempts to restore balanced discourse.

Fuck those one-narrative agenda fascists up the ass sideways with a rusty shovel :grinpimp:

EDIT: here's that clip of Rogan and Shapiro -

They can't. all the rabid left who bought teslas as some sort of environmental political vote would spontaneously combust.
I does make me warm inside to think of the number of people that are pissed about this that funded the ability for Musk to make this move through the purchase of a tesla. :laughing:
That. Abso-farkin'-lutely :beer:

Saw Ben Shapiro interviewing Joe Rogan about the left's attack on comedy and Joe Rogan explained why he won't cave (paraphrasing):

If you have "fuck you money" and don't say "fuck you", then who else will be able to?​

On behalf of average schmucks who have all the billions less than Elon, I admire his attempts to restore balanced discourse.

Fuck those one-narrative agenda fascists up the ass sideways with a rusty shovel :grinpimp:
Was thinking about posting that video in here. Joe makes a very good point.
Call me crazy...but I just realized something interesting.

Up until two months ago Jeff Bezos posted on twitter maybe a couple times a month and with a very....articulate and unoffensive tone. Within the last two months he has ramped up his posting significantly, and is definitely getting more rowdy and personal, even political. I wonder when he last spoke with Elon, because they sure seem to be on the same page at the moment about the no holds barred "de facto town square", and firing on all cylinders. If this is more than a coincidence, hell yes. The more prominent voices that publicly align with Elon's goals, the harder they're going to be to ignore or discredit.

I've never particularly cared for Jeff, but acting like an actual human and voicing personal opinions is a damn solid step in the right direction.

Here's his twitter link including all replies.

And a few surprising ones, never seen him get strongly worded with his opinions:

Good luck. Seems nothing phases Musk. Dude realizes the power he wields. He probably has more power than Trump ever did. Look how he can manipulate markets with a Tweet. :laughing:
don't underestimate the power of gov't and media dead set against a single person...
Call me crazy...but I just realized something interesting.

Up until two months ago Jeff Bezos posted on twitter maybe a couple times a month and with a very....articulate and unoffensive tone. Within the last two months he has ramped up his posting significantly, and is definitely getting more rowdy and personal, even political.
And yet, he owns a newspaper and it's attacked Trump and his crazy money saving ideas 24/7 for 5 or 6 years now.
And yet, he owns a newspaper and it's attacked Trump and his crazy money saving ideas 24/7 for 5 or 6 years now.
He’s welcome to his political views, and WaPo had haf a lot to say about Elon as well. But if they agree on free speech and he’s willing to vocalize that support, that’s huge.

Hell, it may even have a bigger impact coming from someone who’s views don’t align with Elons
What’s all this talk about extreme right BS? Whats an alt right policy proposition? Plenty of radical lefty policies to point to. Where is the flip side to that? Or are we just talking about the so called white nationalists that control nothing?
What’s all this talk about extreme right BS? Whats an alt right policy proposition? Plenty of radical lefty policies to point to. Where is the flip side to that? Or are we just talking about the so called white nationalists that control nothing?

Like guns, constitution or God? Extreme right
Dislike or have no public opinion supporting the left policies? Extreme right
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