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Musk and Twitter

Just in general - as one side moves, the defined center has to move, mathematically. I think the meme does an amazing job taht. I'm curious what it would look like in 1900, 1950, 1975, etc... Knowing that it's unscientific, of course.

Now I'm going to end up in a rathole of researching if the "right" has moved farther right... dang it.
The majority of the "right", just want to be left alone. I think that's been pretty consistent for a very long time. Meanwhile the left has gone from make love not war, to if you don't let this interdimensional quazisexual have sleepovers with your children unsupervised, you are a racist hate filled biggot.
The majority of the "right", just want to be left alone. I think that's been pretty consistent for a very long time. Meanwhile the left has gone from make love not war, to if you don't let this interdimensional quazisexual have sleepovers with your children unsupervised, you are a racist hate filled biggot.
The left claimed some very appealing ideals that on paper look very good(ask me how I know).

"Do you care about keeping our planet healthy? We do!"
"Do you care about about people's freedom of self-expression? We do!"
"Do you want to keep everyone safe? We do!"
"Do you want to help the needy? We do!"
"Do you want minorities to be treated fairly? We do!"

Everyone wants all of that, so I bet a lot of people who don't think about politics and its ramifications very much think that platform sounds pretty good.
The left claimed some very appealing ideals that on paper look very good(ask me how I know).

"Do you care about keeping our planet healthy? We do!"
"Do you care about about people's freedom of self-expression? We do!"
"Do you want to keep everyone safe? We do!"
"Do you want to help the needy? We do!"
"Do you want minorities to be treated fairly? We do!"

Everyone wants all of that, so I bet a lot of people who don't think about politics and its ramifications very much think that platform sounds pretty good.
Wierd. cause conservatives would pretty much answer all those questions the same way. Except, instead of the heavy hand of governmental authority hammering it into being, conservatives tend to explore non-governmental methods of achieving these ideals.

And as of late, I dont think the second one is a core belief of the left anymore.
Wierd. cause conservatives would pretty much answer all those questions the same way. Except, instead of the heavy hand of governmental authority hammering it into being, conservatives tend to explore non-governmental methods of achieving these ideals.

And as of late, I dont think the second one is a core belief of the left anymore.
Right, but conservatives don't advertise it well
Wierd. cause conservatives would pretty much answer all those questions the same way. Except, instead of the heavy hand of governmental authority hammering it into being, conservatives tend to explore non-governmental methods of achieving these ideals.

And as of late, I dont think the second one is a core belief of the left anymore.

Yup, like, just be a good person...job done.
Ugh, not to stereotype, but you alt-right extremists are all the same . . . why do you hate gays and minorities? I bet you're transphobic too. You're, like, literally Hitler, or something :flipoff2:

EDIT: Harry Johnson - I fixed your graphic for perspective about incurring the ire of the moonbat demographic:

harry's graph.jpg
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Whats funny is when people say trump is extreme right to a few way older friends they were shocked how left he was when he ran.. having a gay pride flag during a rally, not hyper religious etc, they just never thought because of this he would get the nomination.. I think it was just his life dealing with new york construction workers and is straight up no fucks given ability to call out bullshit is when this extreme right came around.. the Ilan Omar comment of if u don't like it leave and go back to your shithole country type stuff.. which I think everyone would agree with
insert the Gun Control CAKE meme here


The Cake
Let's say I have this cake. It is a very nice cake, with "GUN RIGHTS" written across the top in lovely floral icing. I received it from the 2nd amendment.

Along you come and say, "Give me that cake."

I say, "No, it's my cake."

You say, "Let's compromise. Give me half." I respond by asking what I get out of this compromise, and you reply that I get to keep half of my cake.

Okay, we compromise. Let us call this compromise The National Firearms Act of 1934.

There I am with my half of the cake, and you walk back up and say, "Give me that cake."

I say, "No, it's my cake."

You say, "Let's compromise." What do I get out of this compromise? Why, I get to keep half of what's left of the cake I already own?

So, we have your compromise -- let us call this one the Gun Control Act of 1968 -- and I'm left holding what is now just a quarter of my cake.

And I'm sitting in the corner with my quarter piece of cake, and here you come again. You want my cake. Again.

You say, "Let's compromise once more." What do I get out of this compromise? I get to keep one-eighth of what's left of the cake I already own?

So, we have your compromise -- let us call this one the Machine gun ban of 1986 -- and I'm left holding what is now just an eighth of my cake.

I sit back in the corner with just my eighth of cake that I once owned outright and completely, I glance up and here you come once more.

You say nothing and just grab my cake; This time you take several bites -- we'll call this compromise the Clinton Executive Orders -- and I'm left with about a tenth of what has always been MY CAKE and you've got nine-tenths of it.

Then we compromised with the Lautenberg Act (nibble, nibble), the HUD/Smith and Wesson agreement (nibble, nibble), the Brady Law (NOM NOM NOM), the School Safety and Law Enforcement Improvement Act (sweet tap-dancing Freyja, my finger!)

I'm left holding crumbs of what was once a large and satisfying cake, and you're standing there with most of MY CAKE, making anime eyes and whining about being "reasonable", and wondering "why we won't compromise". ~

I'm done with being reasonable, and I'm done with compromise.

I want my damn cake back. ALL OF IT

The left claimed some very appealing ideals that on paper look very good(ask me how I know).

"Do you care about keeping our planet healthy? We do!"
"Do you care about about people's freedom of self-expression? We do!"
"Do you want to keep everyone safe? We do!"
"Do you want to help the needy? We do!"
"Do you want minorities to be treated fairly? We do!"

Everyone wants all of that, so I bet a lot of people who don't think about politics and its ramifications very much think that platform sounds pretty good.
It's like a Facebook marketplace scam ad.
The left claimed some very appealing ideals that on paper look very good(ask me how I know).

"Do you care about keeping our planet healthy? We do!"
"Do you care about about people's freedom of self-expression? We do!"
"Do you want to keep everyone safe? We do!"
"Do you want to help the needy? We do!"
"Do you want minorities to be treated fairly? We do!"

Everyone wants all of that, so I bet a lot of people who don't think about politics and its ramifications very much think that platform sounds pretty good.
I've often said to people when they can't seem to understand why anybody would defend the welfare state, intervention in foreign affairs, taxing the wealthy at a much greater percentage than other groups, affirmative action, ect. ect.,... All of those things started with a "good idea". What I mean by that is, it's the same "good idea" that makes communism look good on paper, makes the song "Imagine" seem like a good policy direction, and makes people believe that every problem has a "solution" that can be implemented top-down by government. These are all literal pipe-dreams dreamt up in marijuana smoke-filled academic offices and dorm rooms, fueled by that, alcohol, lack of sleep, and possibly laced with psilocybin mushrooms and LSD.
The problem with all of these things is they fail to take into account all the unintended consequences. These are dreams of a child with no experience of actually doing anything. In any human society that we've ever seen or studied, there are no "solutions" only trade-offs. The history of the US government is one that attempted to limit the scope of what the government could do to effect any policies on the individual or group in order that the power of the 'state' wouldn't be pointed in a bad direction as it wouldn't really have the power to point in any direction and push really hard. Many in the founding generations spoke of the good that the government can do being counter-balanced by all the bad collateral damage that could be left in it's wake.
I often think of an article I read in Hot Rod magazine in the mid 90s about the project 'Crusher Camaro'. Their goal was to add performance while making it CARB/EPA legal (even though it was exempt, they were attempting to show that you could make power emissions-legal). It is one of my earliest memories about the unintended consequences of government trying to make things better. IIRC they had the project done and took it in to smog. Passed the exhaust emissions test with flying colors, but failed the underhood examination. It was missing 'something' (can't remember what). They installed the correct part to pass the underhood inspection. Emissions were worse than before, but passed with the widget that they needed to install because the exhaust emissions were still 'within tolerance'. Perfect example of the government trying to 'help' something and making things worse. Yes, this little story is on a small scale, but if they can fuck this problem up why wouldn't you assume that they can fuck anything up that they touch. Better of not having them touch an issue than having them try to "help".
Respect people we disagree with?

That is saying we should respect tyranny.

These people want to strip us of our freedoms.

They aren’t to be respected.

They aren’t to be compromised with.

They want to rob you of your money through taxation, your property through regulation, your speech through a disinformation board, your guns to for the regulation.
They want to destroy values.
No. They deserve no respect.

Not the government itself but those that have been programmed with fear to support the expansion of the government.
Engage them in conversation, alleviate their fears about 'the dangerous right', fix their minds.
People in EITHER party are unwilling publicly acknowledge logical points from the other side because "All or nothing, fuck the other guys"
Compromise isn't even necessary.
Many of them are nearly as afraid of the first being gutted.
Many of them can be brought to see the light of the second, especially after seeing ukraine.
Everyone loves the fourth.

They're just scared and running their minds on pure propagandized fear. Supporting restrictions is the only solution they're sold, conversation will alleviate their fears much better but the propaganda machine wants them scared and hanging off their every word.

All you need is patience. Start a conversation. Bring them back into their senses. It just takes the right words in the right order and the right tone.
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I think it was just his life dealing with new york construction workers and is straight up no fucks given ability to call out bullshit is when this extreme right came around.. the Ilan Omar comment of if u don't like it leave and go back to your shithole country type stuff.. which I think everyone would agree with
it's all about tone

the left thinks he's calling for her to be lynched and the media stokes this fire with gasoline

the right can take a joke, so everything he says comes off much more lighthearted
Haven't been following this thread, including this page.

But i can say this, i don't have a problem with Elon. Okay, maybe one.

He should stick to doing incredible expensive shit that other people cannot do. Sending rocketships into space. Selling more Teslas to send more shit into space. Get your notoriety from that, not from cause/effect of fucking with commonfolk on god damned twitter. :homer:
Haven't been following this thread, including this page.

But i can say this, i don't have a problem with Elon. Okay, maybe one.

He should stick to doing incredible expensive shit that other people cannot do. Sending rocketships into space. Selling more Teslas to send more shit into space. Get your notoriety from that, not from cause/effect of fucking with commonfolk on god damned twitter. :homer:
like restoring free speech to a digital platform? :stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot:
like restoring free speech to a digital platform? :stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot:

Yes but, leave that shit to some other billionaire who isn't sending ships into outer fucking space.

Get it?

He has ambition, balls, money, vision, gaul, and any of the other shit it takes to be grandiose and fkg MEAN it. :homer:

Twitter is one-dimensional.
Yes but, leave that shit to some other billionaire who isn't sending ships into outer fucking space.

Get it?

He has ambition, balls, money, vision, gaul, and any of the other shit it takes to be grandiose and fkg MEAN it. :homer:

Twitter is one-dimensional.

free speech is one-dimensional? if he does what he has alluded to, this is by far the most ambitious, multidimensional project he's ever attempted.
and name another "billionaire" who GAF about free speech?
I don't see how fucking with the millionaire media manipulators is a bad thing.

Agree. Let someone else do it.

Musk has a singular agenda in space, outside of selling Teslas. Why would a noble move to flatten the bullshit curve on twitter even attract a man of that much ambition. Has he too much TIME? There's plenty of shit to do with SpaceX and (his) life is short. F social media Elon, F that noise. Stay on the forefront of science, mfer!
Agree. Let someone else do it.

Musk has a singular agenda in space, outside of selling Teslas. Why would a noble move to flatten the bullshit curve on twitter even attract a man of that much ambition. Has he too much TIME? There's plenty of shit to do with SpaceX and (his) life is short. F social media Elon, F that noise. Stay on the forefront of science, mfer!
He has an interest and the means, besides he uses the platform to promote his other projects, maybe he is concerned about his influence being throttled by "someone else."
Agree. Let someone else do it.

Musk has a singular agenda in space, outside of selling Teslas. Why would a noble move to flatten the bullshit curve on twitter even attract a man of that much ambition. Has he too much TIME? There's plenty of shit to do with SpaceX and (his) life is short. F social media Elon, F that noise. Stay on the forefront of science, mfer!
People at Elon’s level are more a ring master that doer. He’s smart enough to get other smart people to do the bulk of it, he just provides direction. Do you think he’s running the finite element analysis on the rocket motors?

If you want something done, and done right, get a busy person on it. They already know how to get shit done. Anybody with idle time to do it has idle time because their time isn’t worth much. :stirthepot:
He has an interest and the means

Everyone knows.

Not everyone, and seemingly not anyone, can boast being a "space frontier capitalist" as he can.

Musk seems like a complete dork. Which i find odd for someone with his accomplishments to date. He seems more of a dork for wasting time with chat platform drama.

It's about time. He hasn't any more than anyone else. I believe he should value his time in space exploration (etc) than with earthlings on a flat plane.
Everyone knows.

Not everyone, and seemingly not anyone, can boast being a "space frontier capitalist" as he can.

Musk seems like a complete dork. Which i find odd for someone with his accomplishments to date. He seems more of a dork for wasting time with chat platform drama.

It's about time. He hasn't any more than anyone else. I believe he should value his time in space exploration (etc) than with earthlings on a flat plane.
fuck, that's obtuse and simple-minded
Maybe he wouldn’t have taken on twitter if someone else had?
It’s taking an immigrant to show Americans how important free speech is.

Edit yes I know he is naturalized now.
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