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Musk and Twitter

I hope he gets the real user stats. I bet its less than 10% actual human interactions on there.

Most people I know have a facebook account, and most of them read daily and post occasionally. I know exactly zero people that post on Twitter.
Elon Musk said he is putting his bid to acquire Twitter (TWTR) on hold, weeks after agreeing to take the company private in a $44 billion deal.
"Twitter deal temporarily on hold pending details supporting calculation that spam/fake accounts do indeed represent less than 5% of users," Musk tweeted on Friday.
The news initially sent Twitter shares down more than 20% in pre-market trading before the stock rebounded somewhat. Two hours after his first tweet, Musk posted that he is "still committed to acquisition."

from: Elon Musk says his deal to buy Twitter is on hold

I hope some of you guys bought some puts
Hmm that's interesting. I just read it as well, I see a couple different ways to interpret it.

My initial gut reaction is that "monetizable daily active users" is a figure that helped dictate the valuation of the deal between Twitter and Musk. So if Twitter thinks "false or spam accounts represented fewer than 5% of its monetizable daily active users", he wants to make sure that figure is accurate. If that number turns out to be too much higher, I wouldn't be too surprised if there's a renegotiation (which will make plenty of people sour, I know)
I hope he gets the real user stats. I bet its less than 10% actual human interactions on there.

Most people I know have a facebook account, and most of them read daily and post occasionally. I know exactly zero people that post on Twitter.
twitter is sports heavy
Hmm that's interesting. I just read it as well, I see a couple different ways to interpret it.

My initial gut reaction is that "monetizable daily active users" is a figure that helped dictate the valuation of the deal between Twitter and Musk. So if Twitter thinks "false or spam accounts represented fewer than 5% of its monetizable daily active users", he wants to make sure that figure is accurate. If that number turns out to be too much higher, I wouldn't be too surprised if there's a renegotiation (which will make plenty of people sour, I know)
No different than offering to buy a company with millions of dollars worth of inventory only to find out most of the boxes in the warehouses are empty. He has every right to know exactly what he's getting.

Also anybody that bought advertising on Twitter is going to be interested in the outcome of this. Hate to be the one that spent millions advertising to a bunch of empty boxes.
No different than offering to buy a company with millions of dollars worth of inventory only to find out most of the boxes in the warehouses are empty. He has every right to know exactly what he's getting.

Also anybody that bought advertising on Twitter is going to be interested in the outcome of this. Hate to be the one that spent millions advertising to a bunch of empty boxes.

One way or another it sounds like we'll all win. Either Musk owns twitter and shuts down the censorship or twitter gets exposed and crashes and burns.
No different than offering to buy a company with millions of dollars worth of inventory only to find out most of the boxes in the warehouses are empty. He has every right to know exactly what he's getting.

Also anybody that bought advertising on Twitter is going to be interested in the outcome of this. Hate to be the one that spent millions advertising to a bunch of empty boxes.


So with that in mind and his follow up "Still committed to acquisition", this hold just sounds like giving his own team enough time to go over the numbers and audit Twitters interpretation

So with that in mind and his follow up "Still committed to acquisition", this hold just sounds like giving his own team enough time to go over the numbers and audit Twitters interpretation
All the hard core lefties are quitting left and right at Twitter. Even if he doesn’t buy it it will take them a long time to rebuild the left team.
One way or another it sounds like we'll all win. Either Musk owns twitter and shuts down the censorship or twitter gets exposed and crashes and burns.

I still contend Feds will step in and seize...er... buy it.
Everybody expects him to become IronMan, Id say its just as likely he has already irradiated himself to become the hulk. No suit to lug around, no power supply to fail, just Elon and hate.
Fuckshit. What if he identifies as Black Widow?
I can see that happening too. Totally ignoring the previous line of Twitter being a private company and they can do whatever they want.
kind of a perfect storm.

it's too big to fail.
it's too important to "democracy"
Musk wants disinformation
Twitter will roll up under the new disinformation ministry
Feds will then go after Musk re: taxes to ensure he doesn't ever try this again.
Elon Musk said he is putting his bid to acquire Twitter (TWTR) on hold, weeks after agreeing to take the company private in a $44 billion deal.
"Twitter deal temporarily on hold pending details supporting calculation that spam/fake accounts do indeed represent less than 5% of users," Musk tweeted on Friday.
The news initially sent Twitter shares down more than 20% in pre-market trading before the stock rebounded somewhat. Two hours after his first tweet, Musk posted that he is "still committed to acquisition."

from: Elon Musk says his deal to buy Twitter is on hold

I hope some of you guys bought some puts
Typical M&A negotiating tactic. He questions the value and pushes for a lower price or other more favorable terms.
I was thinking something like this would happen, but i really thought the stock would drop a lot more. I also wanted Elon to come out and say that the numbers of real people are way lower than they report, and dump all his stock.
Sure feels like a Trump style move. Make some bold statements, watch it turn into a bonfire, fire a logic arrow or two, show it to be an empty husk, watch it crash and burn while walking away.

When questioned, Elon said he had other backup plans. I wonder if he ever intended to actually buy the damn thing or just push em over the edge to disaster then go smirk about it on Rogan.
Sure feels like a Trump style move. Make some bold statements, watch it turn into a bonfire, fire a logic arrow or two, show it to be an empty husk, watch it crash and burn while walking away.

When questioned, Elon said he had other backup plans. I wonder if he ever intended to actually buy the damn thing or just push em over the edge to disaster then go smirk about it on Rogan.
It'll be interesting to see how it plays out and I don't have any more information than anyone, but historically Musk doesn't bluff on many topics. While his timelines are never accurate, the percentage of times he has followed through with his crazy statements is pretty high.

Personally, I see this either coming out of the hold with him in agreement and they follow through with the original deal, or he comes back with statistics (from Twitters own numbers) showing 15%+ spam accounts which means Twitter inaccurately portrayed the current valuation. So he comes back with a new offer based on that loss of 10% expected customer base and things proceed, or twitter shareholders cut ties and try to recover.

The creation of the fed disinformation whatever-TF they call it department like a week after the announcement is really concerning though, I am in awe at how blatant the desire to manipulate content has become, and how much of society is approving of it
The creation of the fed disinformation whatever-TF they call it department like a week after the announcement is really concerning though, I am in awe at how blatant the desire to manipulate content has become, and how much of society is approving of it
I've been doing my part trying to foster understanding with the lefties I engage with for the last several months.
They're just scared sheep terrified of the wolves they think that the right are. For YEARS they've been taking our lighthearted banter as personal attack and we haven't been doing anything to explain that side of culture to them, just laughing about how dirt simple it is to troll the fuck outta them. Of course they're gonna be acting like scared sheep, every interaction they have with normal and sane people just reaffirms their impression that we're all out to get them.

see also for further datasets of them being unable to grok casual banter: 'toxic masculinity' and trump
Frog in a pot explains everything honestly. Just a constant erosion of...damn near everything that should be iron clad.

I've been doing my part trying to foster understanding with the lefties I engage with for the last several months.
They're just scared sheep terrified of the wolves they think that the right are. For YEARS they've been taking our lighthearted banter as personal attack and we haven't been doing anything to explain that side of culture to them, just laughing about how dirt simple it is to troll the fuck outta them. Of course they're gonna be acting like scared sheep, every interaction they have with normal and sane people just reaffirms their impression that we're all out to get them.

see also for further datasets of them being unable to grok casual banter: 'toxic masculinity' and trump

Honestly, yeah. I'm not an offensive person so I can talk across political barriers without too much effort (even though I avoid it like the plague, fawk politics). But what you described is accurate, yet unfortunately groups nicely within the normal trends of today. This is an emotionally fragile, thin skinned generation. There is no such thing as sarcasm if you disagree with the person attempting to be sarcastic on a personal level, you're supposed to take offense. Also we live in a world where "I have an opinion different than yours, therefore you are wrong". What sucks even more, this crap consumes people on both sides of the political spectrum.

On topic with the thread - tonights conversations confirm that his holdup is the accuracy of those bot/spam numbers. He's trying to keep the testing simple, and inviting everyone to do the same with accounts they see and come up with their own results. Full transparency, the way it should be.

This is the primary thread:

And just for the lulz
Sure feels like a Trump style move. Make some bold statements, watch it turn into a bonfire, fire a logic arrow or two, show it to be an empty husk, watch it crash and burn while walking away.

When questioned, Elon said he had other backup plans. I wonder if he ever intended to actually buy the damn thing or just push em over the edge to disaster then go smirk about it on Rogan.
Trump like? It’s just negotiation on a scale 99.99% of us will never experience
This is an emotionally fragile, thin skinned generation.
Look at the microcosm of talk radio.
On the right, it's like a southern baptist preacher, whipping the listeners up into a lather of righteous indignation
On the left, it's all lofty and dour, calmly crushing the listener under the weight of the world's problems

Look at Rogan and Musk and their...... Tone of voice? They're leftists ejected from the left by the cognitive dissonance tied to joking around about every little problem, trying to beat the problems into nothing while building the people up into something more. It is just the polar opposite of popular leftist communication where they're building up the problem while beating down the person.

It's just SO VERY universal. Underlying in every interaction.
Microagressions taking a world-breaking form?
Laugh about it just because I used 'the delicate lefty word' for sure, but realize what you're doing with the laughter and see that the right has been on the recieving end for years now, too.
It's starting to feel like if this acquisition ends up happening, multiple big companies are going to use the momentum to hop on the train and finally start pushing back against woke culture for the sake of freedom of speech and expression. I know it's been happening here and there for months, but I can't help but feel the latest rumblings from Netflix are no coincidence

Netflix Fires Major Warning Shot At Its Woke Employees With New ‘Culture Memo’ | The Daily Wire
That'd be nice
Edit Mikel posted at the same time haha. I've seen reference to that, but haven't watched it yet. Gotta see what is said there!

Well, what I say here is obviously my real time opinion and open to change. So I'll admit the more I hear about this, the more it feels like Musk is playing it fast and loose to call out Twitter, and he sounds less and less interested in the purchase. Now, he does state that he made the offer based off twitters official filings, and then it came to light how high the percentage of bots could potentially which is when he raised these questions. That gives basis to these shenanigans, but is starting to feel more and more like it was planned ahead of time (good call from you guys that question everything, if it does end up turning out to be the case).

If that was indeed his plan, it's a very interesting game to play. Let's say he did think there was a higher bot count than they claim before making the offer, and wanted to put it in the public spotlight for the sake of the people and advertisers. He could just sit there as a twitter user and bitch about bots on the platform (which he did beforehand to no avail), or kick it into high gear by putting his money where his mouth is and making an offer to buy the company based on the data in Twitters legal filings, primarily to call them out on these numbers and have legal recourse if deemed inaccurate. One of the points he has brought up a few times - these are the same numbers provided to advertisers paying for space on the platform. If incorrect, things get legally messy in a hurry. Knowing whether that plan leads to a renegotiation or walking away after the mic drop...is getting more blurry in my eyes.

I don't think he hates Twitter, in fact I think he believes it to be the best social platform at the moment. But that it's dysfunctional, and has to be broken down before it can be built back up. And it looks like the breaking down part is going to happen whether the acquisition happens or not. No matter what, it looks like there may be some turmoil ahead for Twitter before things start improving. Investors are probably going to lose in the short term, yet to be seen what the long term holds.

Here's a long interview that just happened, the first 20-30 minutes have some insight into his current mindset on twitter.

And a few comments that show his hand a bit:

I would love if he backs out of the deal cause of fraud on twitters part. and the sec isn't going to do anything to twitter, however, the investors will
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