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Musk and Twitter

I mean that's a gross oversimplification. :laughing:

That's like saying phones have barely changed since they were invented because they're still a phone. 15 years ago most phones didn't even have cameras. 10 years ago most people didn't even have smartphones. Today if you've got a new phone you've got a supercomputer in your pocket with a camera capable of taking photos of other planets with clarity that satellites built for that purpose didn't have 30 years ago.

We'd probably be much further ahead getting into space had we not massively scaled back funding for NASA over the decades, but now we're seeing private companies step in to fill that role regularly completing both manned and unmanned missions to space. It's likely we'll see people land on Mars within our life times. Elon Musk is saying he can likely accomplish that within the decade. That was unfathomable 20 years ago.

Technology elbow, we're in it.
Man is this world desperate for some sort of "hero" to come along and save the day. QAnon, Trump and now Elon. It is easy to see how the world will worship the Antichrist when he does come on the scene.

If Elon does something to "win back" the hearts of the Left, while not alienating the Right, then he's a real good candidate for the Antichrist.

Admit it Mchat. Trump triggers you. I think I remember you saying you are a Trump voter but you cant hide the vibes coming through your posts. Go ahead I want to hear you admit it :flipoff2::laughing:
Like I said…

Government seizes it from musk after the deal closes under the guise of national security.

Or musk walks away right before it closes, collapsing the company, and government nails it out under the guise of protecting democracy.

I’m over 50% confident the fog t ends up controlling Twitter in the end.
Article talks about his non white friends and his anti apartheid father. But people only read headlines.

Trying to make sense of this

Elon Musk grew up in elite white communities in South Africa, detached from apartheid’s atrocities and surrounded by anti-Black propaganda. He sees his takeover of Twitter as a free speech win but in his youth did not suffer the effects of misinformation.

he sees twitter as a win for free speech BUT he did not suffer from misinformation.

why is there a BUT there? It clearly states he grew up surrounded by anti-black propaganda, we are clearly led to believe this is the misinformation they are referring to. It also states that despite being inundated by mis-information, he was able to make heads and tails of it.

So their point is that it doesn't actually matter if misinformation is rampant because a kid with autism can ignore enough of it to become a billionaire :confused: The headline is then saying that free speech is useless and misinformation isn't a big deal? or rather, that free speech is harmed when not controlled :confused:

what are we supposed to see beyond the headline, when that is what they are presenting as their tag. Excluding the contrast of BUT would make the whole thing feel so much less argumentative :shaking: but but but, fuckin' journo's
Tesla took a major hit today in the market. There's a little voice in the back of my skull saying the big drop today was completely intentional to scuttle the deal.
Well George Soros and the Clinton's are pretty outspoken about Elons acquiring twitter
Screenshot_20220509-121123_Samsung Internet.jpg
While that statement could be due to the whole twitter deal, I think it's because of how he's been poking the Russian bear.

This was from earlier in the day, apparently sent to the Russian media by Rogozin (head of Russian space program, one of Putin's inner circle). Elon (and much of the western world) has beefed with Rogozin for a long time


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You would think he could disable any equipment that was transferred without authorization
You would think he could disable any equipment that was transferred without authorization
without authorization?

two weeks ago he twittered that they were fixing the disruptions caused by russian jamming.
You would think he could disable any equipment that was transferred without authorization
Smells like Russians trying to get public opinion on their side by inferring that the Ukrainian Military is all Nazis and thus the Russian invasion of Ukraine is justified...

Aaron Z
Don't forget, the intended audience of this was the people of Russia. The state media paints the picture they need (just like ours, though our media has more facades trying to hide the strings being pulled). They wouldn't get any sort of public support for the war if they hadn't been continuously reinforcing the "bad guy" framework. That translation seems worded pretty similar to all the other propaganda I've seen in past months, just groups Musk in with the bad guys for one of the first times.

It seemed pretty obvious from the start of his support that providing Starlinks could understandably be used in military applications, but this is the first direct reference (claim?) I've seen. It is worth noting that Rogozin is the king of sabre rattling though. Being assigned to the head of Roscosmos was actually a bit of a demotion. He was some sort of head of defense figure until 2018, and seems always ready to puff up his chest and speak loudly to impress Putin. He was the one that sarcastically said the US could use trampolines to jump into space if they didn't want to fly on Soyuz during the fighting in 2014. So now that the US has it's own capsules online, you'll frequently notice commentators slip a trampoline reference under their breath during crewed launches.

While Elon is gunna Elon, you reap what you sow and it'd suck if he takes it too far. I'm a sucker for technological development, and his companies push innovation harder than any so it would suck to lose the leadership
Elon Musk said he is putting his bid to acquire Twitter (TWTR) on hold, weeks after agreeing to take the company private in a $44 billion deal.
"Twitter deal temporarily on hold pending details supporting calculation that spam/fake accounts do indeed represent less than 5% of users," Musk tweeted on Friday.
The news initially sent Twitter shares down more than 20% in pre-market trading before the stock rebounded somewhat. Two hours after his first tweet, Musk posted that he is "still committed to acquisition."

from: Elon Musk says his deal to buy Twitter is on hold

I hope some of you guys bought some puts
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