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Musk and Twitter

but we had all that 60 years ago
p much all that's changed since then is computers it feels like
The biggest leap in my lifetime that I have noticed is the availability of information. The collective knowledge of the entire human history is available to us at our fingertips. Just 15 years ago to find out about something, you had to go to a library and hope they had a book that was written within the past decade on your subject. Now you can access it all while sitting on the shitter:lmao:.

It’s awesome the stuff a person can learn nowadays.
The biggest leap in my lifetime that I have noticed is the availability of information. The collective knowledge of the entire human history is available to us at our fingertips. Just 15 years ago to find out about something, you had to go to a library and hope they had a book that was written within the past decade on your subject. Now you can access it all while sitting on the shitter:lmao:.

It’s awesome the stuff a person can learn nowadays.
I dunno, feels like 08 was just about peak internet
searches would net you results instead of advertisements and such
everyone had lovely plaintext sites instead of the flashy trash that's been popular the last decade

"20-25 years ago" and I can see it
I dunno, feels like 08 was just about peak internet
searches would net you results instead of advertisements and such
everyone had lovely plaintext sites instead of the flashy trash that's been popular the last decade

"20-25 years ago" and I can see it
Yea, 2000-2006 ish.

I’ve had internet since around 96ish. I think we got cable internet in 02ish.
I dunno, feels like 08 was just about peak internet
searches would net you results instead of advertisements and such
everyone had lovely plaintext sites instead of the flashy trash that's been popular the last decade

"20-25 years ago" and I can see it
Such a cool time, tons of independent sites, forums everywhere. Any info you wanted was easy to find,

now it’s just like 4 sites and a million keyword scams.
I'm talking 100+ years in the future. Look at how different life was at the start of the last century vs the end. In 1900 we hadn't figured out flight. We'd just scratched the surface of electricity. Indoor plumbing was just becoming widespread. If you told someone in 1900 that by the end of the century we'd have figured out how to have regular commercial flight, space flight, have landed on the moon, electricty/plumbing/HVAC/internet/etc in almost every home, etc they'd think you were fucking nuts.

The idea that life will be remotely similar in 100+ years to how things are today is pretty retarded.

Guess you never watched the Jetson's. According to that show we're way behind the learning curve.

This was on Reddit's WallStreetBets sub

I thought that it was funny and enough Hmmmmmmm to make you think just a few brain cells deep.


Elon Musk bought Twitter for one reason and only one reason,
Lets take a look at the facts, and as I lay them out, it should become fairly obvious why this will be fucking terrible for all of man kind. Then we will examine the best fiscal path forward.

  • First we already know TESLA is making robots, so it is fairly obvious that the he is aiming for AI technology.


  • Second- Elon Musk watched the Movie 'Ex Machina' so we can clearly deduce that he knows one of the keys to creating AI is having access to a enormous amount of data(twitter). See the below Script Analysis from Scott Myers for reference.
" 61–64 Nathan shows Caleb his lab where he makes the AIs. He explains that he managed to crack the problem of creating a convincing face by hacking into all the cameras on peoples’ iPads, phones etc and using that data. He goes on to show a brain, like that inside Ava, made from structural gel that holds its form for memories but shifts for thoughts. The software for the AIs is ‘blue book’ which is Nathan’s (Google-like) search engine company, that tells the AI how people think — thought patterns, impulsivity etc — more than what they are interested in. Nathan says he wanted to show Caleb all this to remind him that Ava is just a computer, a grey box, with no gender. SOURCE

"Ok.... you are probably thinking "so fucking what?!?" Well wait there is more. Now check out this math I did.

$TWTR + $TSLA + Starlink = Terminator



The combination of SpaceX(Starlink), TESLA, and TWITTER will lead to the rise of TERMINATORS! Machines designed to eradicate human beings. If you are still not connecting the dots, you are probably fucked anyway, leave this post and go back to facebook.

For those of you still paying attention let me drop some more knowledge bombs on you and then we can have a serious discussion about what we need to do about this....

  • It is entirely possible Elon is a Terminator, I mean who the fuck names a kid X Æ A-12 ? I am not going into all the other supporting facts supporting this right now, but it is possible because Terminators time travel.
  • Starlink is designed to be a literal net of satellites in the sky a fucking SKYNET(in case you needed some spelling instead of math)
  • SpaceX is teaming up with the military just like Starlink does.
  • Neuralink (mind control)
  • Boring Company (tunneling robots)
  • Examine all the Terminator names: They all Start with letters just like Teslas , T-1000 , T-8000 , shit one of them is even called a Series - H, now tell me that does not sound like Tesla! SOURCE
"The US military is teaming up with Elon Musk's SpaceX to build a rocket capable of delivering weapons around the world at 7,500 mph. The plans call for a rocket that can carry 80 metric tons of cargo into space and land anywhere in the world in about an hour. " SOURCE

"Upon connection to the secure military network, Skynet spread itself further, locking out human operated systems, and quickly took control of every weapon system that it came into contact with. Only then did its creators realize that the virus was Skynet. Exactly one hour later, at 6:18 PM, Skynet launched the American nuclear missiles at their target sites across the world. The ensuing nuclear holocaust wiped out three billion human lives in what was to be known as "Judgment Day". SOURCE

  • I also asked the smartest person I know u/VisualMod , and he said and I quote: "this was all totally possible and 97.1523486% likely to happen.
    "Fucking boom! Microphone Drop on your face!

"This is all totally possible and 97.1523486% likely to happen." ----u/VisualMod

So there you have it, we are all fucked now, all thanks to Elon Musk who is 97.1523486% likely to be a Terminator. So what do we do? Nothing in the short term, depending on how the secret time traveling wars play out, we could be a decade or more from actual Judgment Day. There is also a 2.8476514% chance that this will not happen and Elon is not a Terminator, so if you play FDs you are used to worse odds and should probably just fuck off as per usual.

I am going to stay in the market until I see certain signs:

  • When TESLA Robots Division reaches 3 Million deliverables per year
  • Serious AI integration between Twitter and the US military emerges
  • US Military Begins Purchase of Autonomous TESLA Tanks
  • SpaceX merger with LockHeed Martin
If you see any of these things happening, go cash gang asap and head for a bunker in the hills, after the fallout maybe you can join the resistance and help bringdown Starlink.

this is not financial advice, this is the fate of humanity

Positions: I am definitely not telling any of quacks the coordinates of my bunker.
This was on Reddit's WallStreetBets sub

I thought that it was funny and enough Hmmmmmmm to make you think just a few brain cells deep.


Elon Musk bought Twitter for one reason and only one reason,
Lets take a look at the facts, and as I lay them out, it should become fairly obvious why this will be fucking terrible for all of man kind. Then we will examine the best fiscal path forward.

  • First we already know TESLA is making robots, so it is fairly obvious that the he is aiming for AI technology.


  • Second- Elon Musk watched the Movie 'Ex Machina' so we can clearly deduce that he knows one of the keys to creating AI is having access to a enormous amount of data(twitter). See the below Script Analysis from Scott Myers for reference.
" 61–64 Nathan shows Caleb his lab where he makes the AIs. He explains that he managed to crack the problem of creating a convincing face by hacking into all the cameras on peoples’ iPads, phones etc and using that data. He goes on to show a brain, like that inside Ava, made from structural gel that holds its form for memories but shifts for thoughts. The software for the AIs is ‘blue book’ which is Nathan’s (Google-like) search engine company, that tells the AI how people think — thought patterns, impulsivity etc — more than what they are interested in. Nathan says he wanted to show Caleb all this to remind him that Ava is just a computer, a grey box, with no gender. SOURCE

"Ok.... you are probably thinking "so fucking what?!?" Well wait there is more. Now check out this math I did.

$TWTR + $TSLA + Starlink = Terminator



The combination of SpaceX(Starlink), TESLA, and TWITTER will lead to the rise of TERMINATORS! Machines designed to eradicate human beings. If you are still not connecting the dots, you are probably fucked anyway, leave this post and go back to facebook.

For those of you still paying attention let me drop some more knowledge bombs on you and then we can have a serious discussion about what we need to do about this....

  • It is entirely possible Elon is a Terminator, I mean who the fuck names a kid X Æ A-12 ? I am not going into all the other supporting facts supporting this right now, but it is possible because Terminators time travel.
  • Starlink is designed to be a literal net of satellites in the sky a fucking SKYNET(in case you needed some spelling instead of math)
  • SpaceX is teaming up with the military just like Starlink does.
  • Neuralink (mind control)
  • Boring Company (tunneling robots)
  • Examine all the Terminator names: They all Start with letters just like Teslas , T-1000 , T-8000 , shit one of them is even called a Series - H, now tell me that does not sound like Tesla! SOURCE
"The US military is teaming up with Elon Musk's SpaceX to build a rocket capable of delivering weapons around the world at 7,500 mph. The plans call for a rocket that can carry 80 metric tons of cargo into space and land anywhere in the world in about an hour. " SOURCE

"Upon connection to the secure military network, Skynet spread itself further, locking out human operated systems, and quickly took control of every weapon system that it came into contact with. Only then did its creators realize that the virus was Skynet. Exactly one hour later, at 6:18 PM, Skynet launched the American nuclear missiles at their target sites across the world. The ensuing nuclear holocaust wiped out three billion human lives in what was to be known as "Judgment Day". SOURCE

  • I also asked the smartest person I know u/VisualMod , and he said and I quote: "this was all totally possible and 97.1523486% likely to happen.
    "Fucking boom! Microphone Drop on your face!

"This is all totally possible and 97.1523486% likely to happen." ----u/VisualMod

So there you have it, we are all fucked now, all thanks to Elon Musk who is 97.1523486% likely to be a Terminator. So what do we do? Nothing in the short term, depending on how the secret time traveling wars play out, we could be a decade or more from actual Judgment Day. There is also a 2.8476514% chance that this will not happen and Elon is not a Terminator, so if you play FDs you are used to worse odds and should probably just fuck off as per usual.

I am going to stay in the market until I see certain signs:

  • When TESLA Robots Division reaches 3 Million deliverables per year
  • Serious AI integration between Twitter and the US military emerges
  • US Military Begins Purchase of Autonomous TESLA Tanks
  • SpaceX merger with LockHeed Martin
If you see any of these things happening, go cash gang asap and head for a bunker in the hills, after the fallout maybe you can join the resistance and help bringdown Starlink.

this is not financial advice, this is the fate of humanity

Positions: I am definitely not telling any of quacks the coordinates of my bunker.

Omfg. Also emojis are turned off?
Where's the :lmao::lmao::lmao: reactions!

and because meme thread....

This thread needs more Rammstein. :smokin:
Free speech is supposedly very dangerous these days.

Censorship is def way more dangerous.

I applaud Musky if he does what he says he will.
This thread needs more Rammstein. :smokin:


I think Rammstein is bringing out this last record and will then retire. Or so the rumor mill says...

I thought it was mentioned here that they would now stop using the term african american. Looks to be that case.

"SpaceX mission arrives at ISS with first Black woman to join space station crew"​

Do the satellite dishes need washing? :confused:
ah, interesting. i see you have also read a thread on reddit

tesla is the ai models, not the data collection
are you telling me webiltwat is just regurgitating his social media feed and not any original thoughts or opinions? I'm shocked! Shocked! Well, not really that shocked.
but we had all that 60 years ago
p much all that's changed since then is computers it feels like
I mean that's a gross oversimplification. :laughing:

That's like saying phones have barely changed since they were invented because they're still a phone. 15 years ago most phones didn't even have cameras. 10 years ago most people didn't even have smartphones. Today if you've got a new phone you've got a supercomputer in your pocket with a camera capable of taking photos of other planets with clarity that satellites built for that purpose didn't have 30 years ago.

We'd probably be much further ahead getting into space had we not massively scaled back funding for NASA over the decades, but now we're seeing private companies step in to fill that role regularly completing both manned and unmanned missions to space. It's likely we'll see people land on Mars within our life times. Elon Musk is saying he can likely accomplish that within the decade. That was unfathomable 20 years ago.
This was on Reddit's WallStreetBets sub

I thought that it was funny and enough Hmmmmmmm to make you think just a few brain cells deep.
I've listened to at least half a dozen interviews with him, and he's not a huge fan of AI.
I'm talking 100+ years in the future. Look at how different life was at the start of the last century vs the end. In 1900 we hadn't figured out flight. We'd just scratched the surface of electricity. Indoor plumbing was just becoming widespread. If you told someone in 1900 that by the end of the century we'd have figured out how to have regular commercial flight, space flight, have landed on the moon, electricty/plumbing/HVAC/internet/etc in almost every home, etc they'd think you were fucking nuts.

The idea that life will be remotely similar in 100+ years to how things are today is pretty retarded.
Agreed. But not sure if progress will advance or regress.
Agreed. But not sure if progress will advance or regress.
Barring natural cataclysmic events, as a species we're generally always progressing even if societies within it are regressing or even collapse outright.

As a country, we're certainly regressing and it seems like our government is trying it's hardest to accelerate that. There's generally five factors that contribute to a societal decline or outright collapse. Huge population migrations that can't be controlled, epidemic, warfare, famine, or extreme climate change. We've had all of those going on lately other than extreme climate change.

On the other hand, we could get hit with a giant asteroid right now that completely wipes out all life on Earth forever. :laughing:
maybe must will be the one that gets the gov to drop social media protections for all of them. hahhhahaha
I hope that, if there are somewhat not crazy liberals out there with the power, voice, and megaphone that Muck has, they see what the liberals really are with this Twitter situation and this Ministry of Truth bullshit.

This really is some scary shit.
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