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well yeah actual functional communism is born only from a post-scarcity society

we will never see a post-scarcity society, we're just totally incompatible with the concept of it. Evolving on a planet where supplies must be stockpiled in order to survive the lean times of the year has selected the possibility of such a society right out of our brains.
We might get there. there are plenty of energy sources that we could use to eliminate the need to produce it on earth, we just don’t have the ability to capture and transport it economically yet. autonomous mining of other planets and asteroids could eliminate material scarcity, once we master the whole free energy thing.

I’m about 99% sure we will screw it up though, but it’s possible.
We might get there. there are plenty of energy sources that we could use to eliminate the need to produce it on earth, we just don’t have the ability to capture and transport it economically yet. autonomous mining of other planets and asteroids could eliminate material scarcity, once we master the whole free energy thing.

I’m about 99% sure we will screw it up though, but it’s possible.
It's not possible because it isn't desirable.

False desire causes mass suffering.

Freedom from the desire is, curiously enough, an achievable path to happiness.
We might get there. there are plenty of energy sources that we could use to eliminate the need to produce it on earth, we just don’t have the ability to capture and transport it economically yet. autonomous mining of other planets and asteroids could eliminate material scarcity, once we master the whole free energy thing.

I’m about 99% sure we will screw it up though, but it’s possible.
yup for a couple years until we fuck like the vermin we are and run out of space on the planet
rinse and repeat for other planets if FTL travel is figured out
It's not possible because it isn't desirable.

False desire causes mass suffering.

Freedom from the desire is, curiously enough, an achievable path to happiness.
If it happens, it won’t be something we strive for, it will be incremental. Hundreds and thousands of tiny improvements until one day your house and car are pulling free power from the air. Food is just made from raw materials on demand, things like that, eventually you find yourself without the need for money
If it happens, it won’t be something we strive for, it will be incremental. Hundreds and thousands of tiny improvements until one day your house and car are pulling free power from the air. Food is just made from raw materials on demand, things like that, eventually you find yourself without the need for money
Sure, without money we can kill each other for honorable reasons again. Like religion:flipoff2:

People fought before money, and will fight after. We've grown because we are able to support more, all the while surrounded by death
yup for a couple years until we fuck like the vermin we are and run out of space on the planet
rinse and repeat for other planets if FTL travel is figured out
I think it will be the opposite. The birth rate for all advanced countries has fallen. The poor countries are still breeding like rabbits. if the whole world had access to food shelter and most importantly reliable birth control, I think the Population would decrease. If you eliminated all unplanned pregnancies world wide, how many kids would actually be born?
I think it will be the opposite. The birth rate for all advanced countries has fallen. The poor countries are still breeding like rabbits. if the whole world had access to food shelter and most importantly reliable birth control, I think the Population would decrease. If you eliminated all unplanned pregnancies world wide, how many kids would actually be born?
you do got a good point there, I'll have to think on it a while

ETA: I'd always blamed the decrease in birthrate in the 1st world as a symptom of depression from all the futility sold to us all continuously.
I think it will be the opposite. The birth rate for all advanced countries has fallen. The poor countries are still breeding like rabbits. if the whole world had access to food shelter and most importantly reliable birth control, I think the Population would decrease. If you eliminated all unplanned pregnancies world wide, how many kids would actually be born?
I think our bigger problem is the stupid fucks are out breeding the more intelligent people. Our future has been shown to us in the movie idiocracy.
If it happens, it won’t be something we strive for, it will be incremental.
If it were to happen it'd look more like a cross between The Matrix and Idiocracy. Machines will become smarter and smarter and people will become dumber.

Machines will take over not because AI decides to eliminate humanity, but because their programming to "protect humanity" will require them to take control from a species that has become too stupid to take care of itself.
you do got a good point there, I'll have to think on it a while

ETA: I'd always blamed the decrease in birthrate in the 1st world as a symptom of depression from all the futility sold to us all continuously.
Bjorn Lomborg has commented on this. Birth rates of a given region stabilize once the average income rises above $5000 in 2013 dollars and women start to get educated. This is a due to infant mortality going down because of said education and income. Once you reach western society levels of average income replacement birth rate falls to near zero. UN estimates are stable world population of 5-7 billion sometimes after 2100 after peaking around 9.6-10 billion.
One of the things Musk opines on is the coming population crash. He doesn’t believe the population is going to stabilize but plummet. One of the things that we don’t fully understand is human motivation. We do know that people spiral into addiction and psychosis if there is no meaning in their lives and/or they have no purpose (traditionally defined by work and/or family). Think about that in context of UBI, robots taking over jobs, and declining birth rates.
Bjorn Lomborg has commented on this. Birth rates of a given region stabilize once the average income rises above $5000 in 2013 dollars and women start to get educated. This is a due to infant mortality going down because of said education and income. Once you reach western society levels of average income replacement birth rate falls to near zero. UN estimates are stable world population of 5-7 billion sometimes after 2100 after peaking around 9.6-10 billion.
One of the things Musk opines on is the coming population crash. He doesn’t believe the population is going to stabilize but plummet. One of the things that we don’t fully understand is human motivation. We do know that people spiral into addiction and psychosis if there is no meaning in their lives and/or they have no purpose (traditionally defined by work and/or family). Think about that in context of UBI, robots taking over jobs, and declining birth rates.
Because we can, doesn’t always mean we should.
Maybe a different approach to AI, robotics, business structures, etc needs to be championed.
Bjorn Lomborg has commented on this. Birth rates of a given region stabilize once the average income rises above $5000 in 2013 dollars and women start to get educated. This is a due to infant mortality going down because of said education and income. Once you reach western society levels of average income replacement birth rate falls to near zero. UN estimates are stable world population of 5-7 billion sometimes after 2100 after peaking around 9.6-10 billion.
One of the things Musk opines on is the coming population crash. He doesn’t believe the population is going to stabilize but plummet. One of the things that we don’t fully understand is human motivation. We do know that people spiral into addiction and psychosis if there is no meaning in their lives and/or they have no purpose (traditionally defined by work and/or family). Think about that in context of UBI, robots taking over jobs, and declining birth rates.

Mark Steyn in America Alone makes similar claims as Lomborg. Takes a real close look at birth rates in 1st vs 3rd world, aging populations in western Europe that need fresh bodies to pay taxes to keep up the appearances of socialist republics. Think that book is at least 20 years old - I read it around the same time as Lomberg's Skeptical Enviromentalist book
I was assuming that they would all stay in CA but that is probably overly wishful thinking.

I thought it was mentioned here that they would now stop using the term african american. Looks to be that case.

"SpaceX mission arrives at ISS with first Black woman to join space station crew"​


I thought it was mentioned here that they would now stop using the term african american. Looks to be that case.

"SpaceX mission arrives at ISS with first Black woman to join space station crew"​

bullshit, look at africa
we naturally expand to the balancing point of available resources to human suffering
I'm talking 100+ years in the future. Look at how different life was at the start of the last century vs the end. In 1900 we hadn't figured out flight. We'd just scratched the surface of electricity. Indoor plumbing was just becoming widespread. If you told someone in 1900 that by the end of the century we'd have figured out how to have regular commercial flight, space flight, have landed on the moon, electricty/plumbing/HVAC/internet/etc in almost every home, etc they'd think you were fucking nuts.

The idea that life will be remotely similar in 100+ years to how things are today is pretty retarded.

I thought it was mentioned here that they would now stop using the term african american. Looks to be that case.

"SpaceX mission arrives at ISS with first Black woman to join space station crew"​

Of course, only color matters now.
If you told someone in 1900 that by the end of the century we'd have figured out how to have regular commercial flight, space flight, have landed on the moon, electricty/plumbing/HVAC/internet/etc in almost every home, etc they'd think you were fucking nuts.

Except the moon landings were fake..... :stirthepot:

(at least the first one)
If you told someone in 1900 that by the end of the century we'd have figured out how to have regular commercial flight, space flight, have landed on the moon, electricty/plumbing/HVAC/internet/etc in almost every home, etc they'd think you were fucking nuts.
but we had all that 60 years ago
p much all that's changed since then is computers it feels like
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