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Musk and Twitter

fawk it's an R
It also gives him cover to still moderate some content. Threats of violence are illegal. Showing how to assemble an AR15 isnt. It sounds like he's going to allow legal discussion. Hopefully I'm right.
“Burn the witch” is considered a threat
These never get old. :laughing:

Id say hes the richest man in the world cause he can forecast and create business's to fit that forecast. Hes only done it on a grand scale, 4 or 5 times now.
Name the 4? Sold an early one, then another was PayPal wasn't it? Then Tesla.

Rocket stuff, star link, tunnel digging....lots of things in the wind :rasta: magic Tesla valuation cuz "it's not a car company" has paid for most all of it
wasn't there and early one before Paypal that he sold to Cisco?

Edit: looks like it wasn't Cisco it was Compaq.

Compaq acquired Zip2 for $307 million in cash in February 1999,
wasn't there and early one before Paypal that he sold to Cisco?

Edit: looks like it wasn't Cisco it was Compaq.

Compaq acquired Zip2 for $307 million in cash in February 1999,
Yup, mentioned that. It's what helped fund PayPal.

But again, not worlds richest amount of money. Even PayPal didn't get him to this level.

Magic sky fairy dust did, this is paid for by finding loose change.
Tough to say those are forecasting and creating successful businesses to fit those forecasts to generate massive wealth, when only 1 has generated massive wealth and it sure as fuck isn't from product demand. :flipoff2:
Maybe he wasn’t forecasting product demand…. :flipoff2:
You're probably right, cult of personality.

Sucks he's a socialist, oh well. At least he is entertaining and accepts that people can be people at most levels.

he's an opportunist... we all are. I've not heard him tout socialism, but I'm also not on the tweeters.
some of the tweets floating around SM are hilarious...

And this is why they are panicking someone bought out the Democrats propaganda machine. They were manipulating the “likes and shares, subscriber” data.

The people in charge knew damn well that the lazy writers for the times, post ect were just using tweets to generate data for their stories. Should be pretty neat to see the nuclear weapon that is musk go off, and see what remains. They are gonna have to try something new to manipulate the narrative.
The explanation that I saw was that the increase was all new accounts and the decrease was all the people upset with elon buying twitter leaving.

yea... OK
Late to the party, but strange times we're in. It'll be interesting to see how things look when the dust settles. As you guys note it's very interesting to hop on Social Blade right now and check on what's happening with the accounts of your favorite public figures over the past few days. So far it seems to be an overwhelming surge in new likes, but there are some slumps that definitely raise eyebrows. Many accounts with no political affiliation are getting a huge spike in new likes too so it doesn't seem to 100% correlate to the issue, but then accounts such as AOC are in absolutely massive slumps right now, losing tens of thousands per day so far. Can't help but notice that when nearly everyone else is having a surge.

You're probably right, cult of personality.

Sucks he's a socialist, oh well. At least he is entertaining and accepts that people can be people at most levels.
he's an opportunist... we all are. I've not heard him tout socialism, but I'm also not on the tweeters.
some of the tweets floating around SM are hilarious...


This is a topic that could probably become it's own thread, but yeah Elon has made comments about a "universal income" being a probable eventuality for humanity. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Though when looked at in the full context of that discussion he was having, by the time we reach that point, everything about the day to day life of humanity itself will have changed far beyond what we can understand and predict right now. The basic context (my interpretation just from fuzzy memory) - There will come a time where robots and computers are capable of almost everything, and the trend of replacing the need for human labor with robots will continue. The proportion of available job opportunities per human in existence will continue to decrease. The world economy will have to cope with that eventuality, and provide people a way and a will to live in the process.

Now is that 20 years, 50 years, 100 years from now (or does an apocalypse cut us short), who fawking knows. But we can't deny we are literally building ourselves out of work on the grand scale.
This is a topic that could probably become it's own thread, but yeah Elon has made comments about a "universal income" being a probable eventuality for humanity. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Though when looked at in the full context of that discussion he was having, by the time we reach that point, everything about the day to day life of humanity itself will have changed far beyond what we can understand and predict right now. The basic context (my interpretation just from fuzzy memory) - There will come a time where robots and computers are capable of almost everything, and the trend of replacing the need for human labor with robots will continue. The proportion of available job opportunities per human in existence will continue to decrease. The world economy will have to cope with that eventuality, and provide people a way and a will to live in the process.

Now is that 20 years, 50 years, 100 years from now (or does an apocalypse cut us short), who fawking knows. But we can't deny we are literally building ourselves out of work on the grand scale.
I can see how that could eventually be a possibility. I would even say its a desired outcome if its allowed to happen naturally. (think Star Trek) Unfortunately, just like renewable energy, electric cars and so many other things, the govt will try to mandate them well before they are feasible and screw it up for everyone.
No disagreement there lol. I just felt like the theme of that discussion and the assumed timelines would add an asterisk to the standard Socialist label
We're already close to needing UBI. Lower paying jobs are becoming harder to harder to fill in most of the country and huge portions of those can be automated now. I'd much rather go to McDonalds and order from a touch screen and have reasonable prices again because they only need two or three employees to operate. First few decades are going to be a fucking disaster though, no chance the government doesn't fuck it up completely. Nevermind the shear number of people who are going to want to get on it purely for free money.

I do think the future of it is pretty bright though at least in the long term, as someone else said, like Star Trek. No need to work just to put food on the table, but you're free to do whatever you're passionate about. You're looking at a massive societal shift in attitude and economics for that though. Realistically though the economic change doesn't need to be as hard as we're going to make it. Our currency globally is already nothing but a shell game and completely artificial. Once robotics and automation are at a point where they can replace basically every job, the economics of it is easy because you're not fucking huge portions people in the economy by printing more money. Devaluation won't really matter if the money isn't a daily necessity to live anymore.
This is a topic that could probably become it's own thread, but yeah Elon has made comments about a "universal income" being a probable eventuality for humanity. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Though when looked at in the full context of that discussion he was having, by the time we reach that point, everything about the day to day life of humanity itself will have changed far beyond what we can understand and predict right now. The basic context (my interpretation just from fuzzy memory) - There will come a time where robots and computers are capable of almost everything, and the trend of replacing the need for human labor with robots will continue. The proportion of available job opportunities per human in existence will continue to decrease. The world economy will have to cope with that eventuality, and provide people a way and a will to live in the process.

Now is that 20 years, 50 years, 100 years from now (or does an apocalypse cut us short), who fawking knows. But we can't deny we are literally building ourselves out of work on the grand scale.
well yeah actual functional communism is born only from a post-scarcity society

we will never see a post-scarcity society, we're just totally incompatible with the concept of it. Evolving on a planet where supplies must be stockpiled in order to survive the lean times of the year has selected the possibility of such a society right out of our brains.
I do think the future of it is pretty bright though at least in the long term, as someone else said, like Star Trek. No need to work just to put food on the table, but you're free to do whatever you're passionate about. You're looking at a massive societal shift in attitude and economics for that though. Realistically though the economic change doesn't need to be as hard as we're going to make it.
bullshit, look at africa
we naturally expand to the balancing point of available resources to human suffering
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