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Musk and Twitter

I would love if he backs out of the deal cause of fraud on twitters part. and the sec isn't going to do anything to twitter, however, the investors will

Dunno... My fear is the precedents set w/ GM in 08 will be used to marginalize investors...
But even if not, I still contend the administration attempts to nationalize it.
Agreed. We're fundamentally broken at the moment. Until we rediscover the ability to respect people we disagree with, this divide is only going to grow.

Twitter just loves the transparency of having all of this play out in front of the public eye

Respect people we disagree with?

That is saying we should respect tyranny.

These people want to strip us of our freedoms.

They aren’t to be respected.

They aren’t to be compromised with.

They want to rob you of your money through taxation, your property through regulation, your speech through a disinformation board, your guns to for the regulation.
They want to destroy values.

No. They deserve no respect.
Respect people we disagree with?

That is saying we should respect tyranny.

These people want to strip us of our freedoms.

They aren’t to be respected.

They aren’t to be compromised with.

They want to rob you of your money through taxation, your property through regulation, your speech through a disinformation board, your guns to for the regulation.

No. They deserve no respect.

United we stand, divided we fall. :usa:

Refusing absolutely any give and take and wanting absolutely nothing to do with those you disagree with offers nothing to make anything better, only worse.
Respect people we disagree with?

That is saying we should respect tyranny.

These people want to strip us of our freedoms.

They aren’t to be respected.

They aren’t to be compromised with.

They want to rob you of your money through taxation, your property through regulation, your speech through a disinformation board, your guns to for the regulation.
They want to destroy values.

No. They deserve no respect.
And they say the same about you...:flipoff2:
United we stand, divided we fall. :usa:

Refusing absolutely any give and take and wanting absolutely nothing to do with those you disagree with offers nothing to make anything better, only worse.
insert the Gun Control CAKE meme here


The Cake
Let's say I have this cake. It is a very nice cake, with "GUN RIGHTS" written across the top in lovely floral icing. I received it from the 2nd amendment.

Along you come and say, "Give me that cake."

I say, "No, it's my cake."

You say, "Let's compromise. Give me half." I respond by asking what I get out of this compromise, and you reply that I get to keep half of my cake.

Okay, we compromise. Let us call this compromise The National Firearms Act of 1934.

There I am with my half of the cake, and you walk back up and say, "Give me that cake."

I say, "No, it's my cake."

You say, "Let's compromise." What do I get out of this compromise? Why, I get to keep half of what's left of the cake I already own?

So, we have your compromise -- let us call this one the Gun Control Act of 1968 -- and I'm left holding what is now just a quarter of my cake.

And I'm sitting in the corner with my quarter piece of cake, and here you come again. You want my cake. Again.

You say, "Let's compromise once more." What do I get out of this compromise? I get to keep one-eighth of what's left of the cake I already own?

So, we have your compromise -- let us call this one the Machine gun ban of 1986 -- and I'm left holding what is now just an eighth of my cake.

I sit back in the corner with just my eighth of cake that I once owned outright and completely, I glance up and here you come once more.

You say nothing and just grab my cake; This time you take several bites -- we'll call this compromise the Clinton Executive Orders -- and I'm left with about a tenth of what has always been MY CAKE and you've got nine-tenths of it.

Then we compromised with the Lautenberg Act (nibble, nibble), the HUD/Smith and Wesson agreement (nibble, nibble), the Brady Law (NOM NOM NOM), the School Safety and Law Enforcement Improvement Act (sweet tap-dancing Freyja, my finger!)

I'm left holding crumbs of what was once a large and satisfying cake, and you're standing there with most of MY CAKE, making anime eyes and whining about being "reasonable", and wondering "why we won't compromise". ~

I'm done with being reasonable, and I'm done with compromise.

I want my damn cake back. ALL OF IT
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I can never get this to display right, but here it is
Illustrated-Guide-To-Gun-Control (1).png
United we stand, divided we fall. :usa:

Refusing absolutely any give and take and wanting absolutely nothing to do with those you disagree with offers nothing to make anything better, only worse.
I think this more than anything right now gets me.
There's many many ideals that I have that I could be swayed in one direction or another one with good evidence.
Constitutional rights just isn't one of those things, and anyone that wants, or even worse, actively pursues taking them away from me, or anyone else for that matter, I vehemently disagree with. And to be honest, they aren't the type of people I would want to be friendly with, or have anything at all to do with.
insert the Gun Control CAKE meme here
You're looking at my statement through a very narrow tunnel right now.

BOTH parties have been getting more and more extreme with their expectations for decades

People on BOTH sides of the aisle are becoming less and less willing to have a civil discussion without turning it into an emotionally fueled rage fest

People in EITHER party are unwilling publicly acknowledge logical points from the other side because "All or nothing, fuck the other guys"

The two party system is devolving. Everything about how it operates is in a downward spiral, and it's tearing the country apart along with it. I'm not saying there's a remedy that I'm aware of, In fact the end result could very well be shit hitting the fan in one form or another.

But on the national scale, we have genuinely forgotten how to respect our fellow Americans :beer:
United we stand, divided we fall. :usa:

Refusing absolutely any give and take and wanting absolutely nothing to do with those you disagree with offers nothing to make anything better, only worse.
compromise is how we got here...

But I think the comment about respecting each other wasn't meant to be at the macro level...
You're looking at my statement through a very narrow tunnel right now.

BOTH parties have been getting more and more extreme with their expectations for decades

People on BOTH sides of the aisle are becoming less and less willing to have a civil discussion without turning it into an emotionally fueled rage fest

People in EITHER party are unwilling publicly acknowledge logical points from the other side because "All or nothing, fuck the other guys"

The two party system is devolving. Everything about how it operates is in a downward spiral, and it's tearing the country apart along with it. I'm not saying there's a remedy that I'm aware of, In fact the end result could very well be shit hitting the fan in one form or another.

But on the national scale, we have genuinely forgotten how to respect our fellow Americans :beer:

you knew this would get questions...

Has the GOP gotten more extreme? Really?
you knew this would get questions...

Has the GOP gotten more extreme? Really?
He's going to site Trump, which is funny, because Trump is a deal maker and was effectively a 3rd party president for at least 2 years of his term.
It's well known in the tech industry that Twitter's platform is filled with bots. Twitter has a published API for authorized bot use (which is what they quote publicly), however the way around it is to use an unsecured account and run a script using the username and password to post - so as not to be subject to API call rules - or be identified as a bot. It's one of the reasons Twitter has abysmally low multi-factor authentication (MFA) standards (2.3%) and has not pushed its adoption like Facebook, Microsoft and Google (among many) have.

MFA combined with modern authentication would effectively kill the bots on Twitter instantly and have little to no impact on actual users. Musk knows this.

you knew this would get questions...

Has the GOP gotten more extreme? Really?
Now keep in mind this is just my opinion and is ever-evolving. But It may be better worded to say the public perception of the party. Not that the party is dramatically changing I suppose, but becoming much more steadfast and vocal about the views as changes the party disagree with are forced upon the nation.. I'll 100% say the Democrats have been far more extreme, and their actions are the spur, but this inherent nationwide "us or them" political climate makes everything more extreme.

No. But people who get grouped in with the right are getting more vocal as they have the life Choked out of them.

Those people are us. Just leave me the fuck alone you ****s :mad3::mad3:
You put this up as I was typing, but I do agree. More are being pushed to the right, and the right voice is definitely getting louder and louder. That's a good thing IMO, and doesn't mean more extreme so maybe I should reword. but I still stand firm that I believe the "us or them" attitude solves nothing, no matter where your political views sit.

He's going to site Trump, which is funny, because Trump is a deal maker and was effectively a 3rd party president for at least 2 years of his term.
Damn, you have my political views all figured out eh?
It's the ONLY possible argument anyone could possibly make when you hold the stance that the GOP is extreme (because they are a spineless lot) .
A specific tweet from Trump is the ONLY possible arguement I could make based on what you gathered from one of the only two or three political posts I've made on this board (because fuck politics)?

Damn, I wish I was as good at understanding people as you are
you knew this would get questions...

Has the GOP gotten more extreme? Really?
Here's my theory. Pick it apart as needed:

GOP has not gotten more extreme, shoot, the extreme right hasn't even gotten more extreme. The left has indeed gotten more extreme, and the extreme left has gone to plaid.... BUT.

There are plenty of people closer to center than extreme on both sides, and they're getting drug into the whole mess of polarization because both extreme sides have gotten more vocal and as a result everyone else is so tired of the bullshit, they have dug in. They do this because they hear something moderately left or right and immediately associate it with the loud and vocal extremists shouting their demands from every corner of social media.

Bet if any of these more moderate people were to meet and spend time with each other in real life, they would have a hard time figuring out which way their counterparts lean... That is, using the normal 2008 scale as shown in the below graphic:
Now keep in mind this is just my opinion and is ever-evolving. But It may be better worded to say the public perception of the party. Not that the party is dramatically changing I suppose, but becoming much more steadfast and vocal about the views as changes the party disagree with are forced upon the nation.. I'll 100% say the Democrats have been far more extreme, and their actions are the spur, but this inherent nationwide "us or them" political climate makes everything more extreme.

insert the Elon Musk "I haven't moved, the left has" meme >here<.
I wish the conservatives had been more vocal before 1913...

EDIT: Missed Harry's post.
There are plenty of people closer to center than extreme on both sides, and they're getting drug into the whole mess of polarization because both extreme sides have gotten more vocal and as a result everyone else is so tired of the bullshit, they have dug in.
Going to have to disagree with the comment above. You can't say people are more center and then state that one side hasn't moved... The graphic is a perfect example. Center moves as the left moves.
It's just like that old argument about the left demanding the world, and then demanding the righ compromise. I.e. the "Pay me $5000, Harry..." no. "Why won't you compromise?" act....
Going to have to disagree with the comment above. You can't say people are more center and then state that one side hasn't moved... The graphic is a perfect example. Center moves as the left moves.
It's just like that old argument about the left demanding the world, and then demanding the righ compromise. I.e. the "Pay me $5000, Harry..." no. "Why won't you compromise?" act....
I thought I had qualified it as measuring against the 2008 scale in the graphic. If not, my bad
I thought I had qualified it as measuring against the 2008 scale in the graphic. If not, my bad

Just in general - as one side moves, the defined center has to move, mathematically. I think the meme does an amazing job taht. I'm curious what it would look like in 1900, 1950, 1975, etc... Knowing that it's unscientific, of course.

Now I'm going to end up in a rathole of researching if the "right" has moved farther right... dang it.
mean or median? If a very few nutzos go running off to the very left side, but the people as a whole have really changed their point of view, then the middle (mean) moves but the middle (median) doesn't really change.

No. I have no idea how to determine the median point of voters in the US.:flipoff2:
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