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Low Testosterone

I had my 3rd injections Monday. I’m also getting HCG to keep my balls from shriveling. To the people talking shit you go fuck yourselves. Ive felt like death the past five years and have bad depression. I figure this is my last shot at a somewhat normal existence before I check myself out. If you don’t have anything constructive to add keep your fucking words to yourself.
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So..bit of a struggle the past week. Distracting levels of libido. I missed a week of work outs(trainers wife was sick/ being cautious) and the wife was out of town. I was actually contemplating going back down a notch on my dosage. It was seriously distracting, and I could see myself doing something stupid if I lived like that long term. Wife came back and I hit my workouts, feeling 100% normal again. Actually enjoying the workouts more and more. I can't tell you how frustrating it was to work my ass off for years, be crippled with pain, and see zero results. Contemplating adding running back into my life. Overall I feel damn blessed.

So heads up if the libido gets too distracting, try lifting some heavy shit repeatedly.
My numbers went from 379 to 862 at my lowest a week after my last injection. I feel much better. There are a couple things I need to work on but I feel better than I did two months ago. My patience alone is immensely better.
I have been on this shit for years. When I first got tested at maybe 31 or 32 my level was something like 70. Didn't have a problem with the 3rd member. Just giving a shit about most things I loved and could not stay in shape. I have always had a temper so not much has changed. I went through taking a couple different meds trying to boost it up before ever starting the shots. Then started doing the pellets for a year or 2 and back on the shots for the last couple years. I only go to a doc and not a clinic. I only have to get tested 1 time every 6 months and I get scripts to keep at home. I would have a hard time doing it if I had to the clinic to get shots and monthly tests and shit. I hate wasting time at anything doc or doc office related.

I know the numbers are relative, but there is no way I would start this shit if my number was close to 400. I missed my appointment 1 time a year or so ago and doc was out of town for 2 months. Coming off that shit all the sudden was muthafawking hell. My energy level was so low I felt like I had to make myself take a breath. It was bad. So just be careful. If you start taking it regularly then you will always feel "not the same" if you ever have to stop.
Ive noticed when Im weight training heavy my libido is def lower than taking a week off as well
I've been on it for a year now (I think) super happy with the changes for me. So far, no negative side effects.
Really happy with the pills, zero highs or lows.

Remember when I said this ?

Well, my level last May was 363, Friday it was down to 162. I don't know what the fuck is going on, I have an appointment with the Doc on Wednesday so hopefully he will have some idea. He's new to me, the chick I was seeing has moved on.
I don't feel bad or anything like that BUT my dick isn't working right so we get to have that conversation. It works but requires a lot of constant stimulation, if she /me lets go of it, it goes away.

I think I have some other issues going on, just a guess though.
Remember when I said this ?

Well, my level last May was 363, Friday it was down to 162. I don't know what the fuck is going on, I have an appointment with the Doc on Wednesday so hopefully he will have some idea. He's new to me, the chick I was seeing has moved on.
I don't feel bad or anything like that BUT my dick isn't working right so we get to have that conversation. It works but requires a lot of constant stimulation, if she /me lets go of it, it goes away.

I think I have some other issues going on, just a guess though.
How's your weight Todd, still at it in the gym?
What sort of activity do you do?

Mine is heavy high intensity barbell movements
Remember when I said this ?

Well, my level last May was 363, Friday it was down to 162. I don't know what the fuck is going on, I have an appointment with the Doc on Wednesday so hopefully he will have some idea. He's new to me, the chick I was seeing has moved on.
I don't feel bad or anything like that BUT my dick isn't working right so we get to have that conversation. It works but requires a lot of constant stimulation, if she /me lets go of it, it goes away.

I think I have some other issues going on, just a guess though.

So the night before I did my labs for this guy I had been up all night bow fishing when it tested @ 162, guy wanted to re test AND test my estrogen. Never had that done.

New test is 415 and my estrogen is high @ 365. Normal is 40-115. He explained to me that the fatter you are, the more the fat sucks the testosterone out of your system. Said there are good meds that block that so you can do a lower dose.
I go back in a couple days too plan a course of action
So the night before I did my labs for this guy I had been up all night bow fishing when it tested @ 162, guy wanted to re test AND test my estrogen. Never had that done.

New test is 415 and my estrogen is high @ 365. Normal is 40-115. He explained to me that the fatter you are, the more the fat sucks the testosterone out of your system. Said there are good meds that block that so you can do a lower dose.
I go back in a couple days too plan a course of action
So many variables, it's a hormone that has peaks and valleys. Sleep, Stress, BMI, and even fatty foods can all impact T levels. One of the reasons I've gone to a shorter injection cycle. I was getting a small but noticeable ups and downs in mood and general motivation.

For me I don't think I can do TRT and not workout and vice versa. I have and the effects are just so magnified/ enhanced when I do both.

I worked out with a trainer for years, various diets, pills, etc. with minimal results. Don't get me wrong it most likely saved my life both physically and mentally! But when I added the TRT it was a game changer.

I've also had weeks due to life or covid that I skipped the gym and was a wreck. Physically, mood, motivation, libido(for me sometimes low and sometimes way over the top high), etc.

I know this stuff effects everyone differently, but It's been such a game changer for me and others I feel likes it's worth figuring out. Sadly it's a bit of a experiment, even if you're dealing with a knowledgeable expert.
Agreed. I also need to exercise, whatever that actually looks like. I love lifting, however, my joints are really destroyed so I need to be careful. It absolutely is worth figuring out, I feel so much better just all around that I have no desire to go backwards. I'm also a better human when my testosterone is on track.
Been on for 3 months and have been disappointed. I honestly don't feel a bit different.

My face was a little oilier for the first 2-3 weeks but that has been about it. Not really sure if my balls have shrunk. If they have, it obviously hasnt been to BBs

I am doing 160mg/week split into 80 Sunday morning and 80 Wednesday evening.

I get 3 month labs tomorrow and I curious to see my numbers.

So far, it's been a pretty expensive nothing. I think I was at 450 initially, which isn't super low like some of you guys but I have all the symptoms of lowT so I figured I would see if that would help.

I am not sure but I am thinking that shutting down the boys and then that 160/week dosage is just getting my body to my natural capabilities, so therefore no real change in how I feel?? Basically back to the starting point. I don't know. I am with a clinic so not really sure I trust the doc either. I have a feeling he is going to want to up my dosage and that is fine but I don't want to be on a blast cycle permanently either.

I get a lot of info from Reddit as many of those guys are pretty well informed. There are some Bro's for sure buy I roll by those posts.
To bring this back up from the dead,
I move slow and because I procrastinated so much I finally got tested. Mostly because of this thread. Well now I understand why I been feeling like shit. Total T is 159. I got my first shot today. I will say that the way im feeling now is not sustainable for much longer. Im really banking on T shots turning things around. all of what I read is right on point of how I feel and what I need to turn around.
To bring this back up from the dead,
I move slow and because I procrastinated so much I finally got tested. Mostly because of this thread. Well now I understand why I been feeling like shit. Total T is 159. I got my first shot today. I will say that the way im feeling now is not sustainable for much longer. Im really banking on T shots turning things around. all of what I read is right on point of how I feel and what I need to turn around.
now get after that project car plugging up your garage
Any of you guys have a problem with your rbc, hemocrit, and hemoglobin being high while on trt? Mine was barely into the high range on my last labs i had run. Testosterone was around 460.
I may have screwed the labs up a little. Forgot I was getting them done the night before. Got in the bottle of 4 roses a little to much. I have heard alcohol/dehydration could make rbc, etc a little on the high side.
Any of you guys have a problem with your rbc, hemocrit, and hemoglobin being high while on trt? Mine was barely into the high range on my last labs i had run. Testosterone was around 460.
I may have screwed the labs up a little. Forgot I was getting them done the night before. Got in the bottle of 4 roses a little to much. I have heard alcohol/dehydration could make rbc, etc a little on the high side.
Yes your rbc will be high. Common knowledge.
Any of you guys have a problem with your rbc, hemocrit, and hemoglobin being high while on trt? Mine was barely into the high range on my last labs i had run. Testosterone was around 460.
I may have screwed the labs up a little. Forgot I was getting them done the night before. Got in the bottle of 4 roses a little to much. I have heard alcohol/dehydration could make rbc, etc a little on the high side.
Yep. All high.

I hangout with a nurse chick now and then and she drains my blood about once every 4 months. You can buy drain bags with a needle already on it.

Also, you need to drink more water than you have before, even if you have a good habit of drinking water. I am about a gallon a day on average. That has helped. Not that I completely avoid it but alcohol and TRT dont play well together.

I have lost some hairline for sure since starting but what are ya going do. I feel better than ever in the last 10 years.

What your protocol? Dosage, frequency, etc.
Yep. All high.

I hangout with a nurse chick now and then and she drains my blood about once every 4 months. You can buy drain bags with a needle already on it.

Also, you need to drink more water than you have before, even if you have a good habit of drinking water. I am about a gallon a day on average. That has helped. Not that I completely avoid it but alcohol and TRT dont play well together.

I have lost some hairline for sure since starting but what are ya going do. I feel better than ever in the last 10 years.

What your protocol? Dosage, frequency, etc.
Yep. All high.

I hangout with a nurse chick now and then and she drains my blood about once every 4 months. You can buy drain bags with a needle already on it.

Also, you need to drink more water than you have before, even if you have a good habit of drinking water. I am about a gallon a day on average. That has helped. Not that I completely avoid it but alcohol and TRT dont play well together.

I have lost some hairline for sure since starting but what are ya going do. I feel better than ever in the last 10 years.

What your protocol? Dosage, frequency, etc.
.25ml once a week, 200mg/ml. Started out at .5ml a week. Test went straight up quick. They want me under 600. Im 58 so not trying to chase every skirt in town. Lol
The giving blood is a big no go with me. I cant watch somebody give blood much less give it myself. Anything more than the little test tube full and im in the floor.
I do my own injections, that took a while to get to that point.
Trying to drink more water and just changed jobs to a wide open production job so that should help some.
Rbc, etc stayed in check for 2 years at a fairly easy job before going up. I drink but not like a fish. Usually 1-2 beers a day, maybe 3-4 on saturday.
Any of you guys have a problem with your rbc, hemocrit, and hemoglobin being high while on trt? Mine was barely into the high range on my last labs i had run. Testosterone was around 460.
I may have screwed the labs up a little. Forgot I was getting them done the night before. Got in the bottle of 4 roses a little to much. I have heard alcohol/dehydration could make rbc, etc a little on the high side.
Last bloodworks I had showed extremely low rbc.
Not sure the #, but it was low enough they retested twice thinking there was an error in the test.
Asked if I felt tired... yeah, feel like I'm running on fumes, even on a good day. After work I'm done... like barely get my boots off and I'm sleeping. Never mind supper. But I sleep like shit, usually wake up wondering why I even waste time in bed, as I feel just as tired.
Doesn't help too getting up at around 0530. I handle night shift better.

Been on iron pills a few months for the rbc hasn't helped yet. They also tested my turd to check if I was shitting blood. That was ok.

They did put me on sleep meds this week. Trasodone, so maybe that'll help.

Been trying to lose ~30ish lbs, would put me at around 180, but no luck.
Been eating ~1000-1500 calories a day since summer. Down a "whole" 3lbs. Like really? Wth!
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I've been running for a while on the shots. Moved to at home a few months back for simplicity. 110mg every 4 days seems to keep me around 800 total t.

Had to donate blood last month, my hemoglobin got too high. The doc has a specific place they recommend you go, supposedly red cross and most places will toss it if they detect the synthetic test, this place filters or someone cleans it so it can be used. Figure if I'm gonna donate it might as well let it get used.

Started working out a couple weeks ago. Except for the ankle I fubared in a onewheel crash the recovery is great, usually sore till about midday the next day, then I'm fine and ready to hit the gym again
At what age are you all seeing levels drop? My buddy who did tons of roids in college has real low T. He told me I should get mine checked. Was 1300 3 yrs ago. I think a person can have TOO much testosterone as well. I'd like to blame some of my negative attributes on this, as it would explain a whole lot after some reading I did.
At what age are you all seeing levels drop? My buddy who did tons of roids in college has real low T. He told me I should get mine checked. Was 1300 3 yrs ago. I think a person can have TOO much testosterone as well. I'd like to blame some of my negative attributes on this, as it would explain a whole lot after some reading I did.
Nobody really knows, because you have to start getting it checked in your early 30's to have a baseline of what is normal for you. The range that is normal for your age is a big one. So you (I) go get checked at 42 and you're 400 which is the lower side of good. But maybe you've been 700-800 most of your adult life, and 400 is super low for you. But they ain't giving you shit because the clipboard says you're all good.
At what age are you all seeing levels drop? My buddy who did tons of roids in college has real low T. He told me I should get mine checked. Was 1300 3 yrs ago. I think a person can have TOO much testosterone as well. I'd like to blame some of my negative attributes on this, as it would explain a whole lot after some reading I did.
I noticed the symptom right after I turned 35. It was like a brick wall of fuck you hit me.

1300 is high, iirc 800-1000 is where most places shoot for.
"they" lowered the "normal" range not that long ago. I think its used to be 400-1200? What is it now, 200-800?
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