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Low Testosterone

Have an appointment next week to talk to a specialist. I’ve felt like I’ve gotten run over by a train lately. I had more energy than a 20 year old up until the last few years. Been to the doctor multiple times to try and figure out what the fuck is wrong with me. Apparently low T is common in veterans with multiple deployments. Talked to a marine corp veteran. He’s 2 years younger than me. He had similar issues. He told me his initial test had him at 192. It’s a start in the right direction for me.
Got my numbers back. 379. Should be 700+. No wonder I’ve felt so shitty the last few years. Going in for the juice in the morning first thing. Hopefully it’s a step in the right direction. I’d rather check out than deal with all the issues anymore. To the people on the fence about it DO IT! I went to a clinic that specializes in it. The consultation was free. It was $40 for the lab work, it would have been less but they also checked my thyroid. Injections are $54.50 a week. I would love to get a prescription so I can do it myself. Any suggestions how to get one? My buddy said to pull the Afghanistan veterans card and tell the doctor that I can’t do waiting rooms and doctors offices.
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1 vial 10ml of 200mg/ml is 31.00 at kroger with the good rx card. Just find a doc to write the script.
with your test at 379 a lot of docs wont write it. They say 260-290 range before writing a script for it. At least around here.
i was injecting .5ml a week for several months. T went up to almost 900. Back down to .25ml and it is staying about 600 for now. I get it checked every 90 days tryi g to find a happy medium.
i didnt really see a difference in the way i feel until i stoped for 2 weeks. Seemed a lot more tired then.
Got my numbers back. 379. Should be 700+. No wonder I’ve felt so shitty the last few years. Going in for the juice in the morning first thing. Hopefully it’s a step in the right direction. I’d rather check out than deal with all the issues anymore. To the people on the fence about it DO IT! I went to a clinic that specializes in it. The consultation was free. It was $40 for the lab work, it would have been less but they also checked my thyroid. Injections are $54.50 a week. I would love to get a prescription so I can do it myself. Any suggestions how to get one? My buddy said to pull the Afghanistan veterans card and tell the doctor that I can’t do waiting rooms and doctors offices.
A clinic that specializes in it. So you went to a T clinic…:laughing:

Of course the gonna hook you up with some T. That’s how they stay in business.

379 is low range of normal. A doctor will probably give you shit about writing a script because you more than likely don’t have hypogonadism.
A clinic that specializes in it. So you went to a T clinic…:laughing:

Of course the gonna hook you up with some T. That’s how they stay in business.

379 is low range of normal. A doctor will probably give you shit about writing a script because you more than likely don’t have hypogonadism.
Thanks for the input Doc.
Thanks for the input Doc.
I damn sure wouldn’t be taking input about getting off the fence about HRT from someone that goes to a T clinic.

I probably know as much as the “doc” at the T clinic who is about as good as a used car salesman.

You wouldn’t be trying to think of a lie like being a combat vet in order to get a script if I wasn’t right. :flipoff2:
No. I’ve been deployed to Afghanistan. How many deployments to the desert do you have?
No. I’ve been deployed to Afghanistan. How many deployments to the desert do you have?
Well I deployed to Yuma but there wasn’t much combat there. :lmao:

I also know fellow Marines that did deploy to the sandbox and didnt come close to seeing combat. They don’t claim PTSD either.

But if you did then thanks for your service and go get your script then. In the meantime enjoy your bitch tits and floppy cock if you can’t make it in to get your overpriced juice. :flipoff2:
My levels were between 206-254 depending on test. A doctor will not treat you at 379 most likely. A T clinic will, but not a doc.

I called the injection place, and they wanted over $200 a month for weekly injections. I don't have time for that, and I worked with my doctor who is inserting pellets under the skin every 6 months. It cost $500-700 depending on Pellet count and strength, but is still cheaper.

I feel a noticeable difference when I am at the beginning or end of a cycle, but I still feel much better than I did without them.

The pellet insertion isn't hard, but isn't awesome either. I have to do some light duty stuff physically for about a week while it heals and gets less sore. It is still better than having to go to weekly injections though because of my crazy schedule with work. And it is cheaper.
I was 270 after working out hard AF and watching my diet, at 8 AM day after leg day. Regular doc. "levels in range, no treatment" Wait, what's the number. They tell me 270. I'm 39 at the time and incredibly active and in decent shape. I should be 6-800. Went back in an afternoon to a T doc (I know) and am 240. The PCP number/insurance number I gather is 240-260. I was cash paying. Found a different doc that would just write the scrip. $40/10 mL. Needles are next to free. Labs are $30 if you pay cash.
That said, I've been off for 5 weeks. Way less energy, pretty hard to focus, takes 4 days to recover from a hard workout vs 1.5. Less fire. Oddly, erection was like 21 year old firm after week 1 off. That was never one of my symptoms when I started, but I've had a 41 yo cawk for the duration of treatments, like 85% of your 21 YO self. That part has been largely unaffected from a functional standpoint. Doc had a death in family, I missed a dose, then haven't been back in, too busy. I will likely get back on it if my ability to complete tasks at the level I need to wanes too much. Body is already looking fatter and saggier.
It always amazes me the effort people put into trolling. You idiots gobbling up cialis and viagra like tic tacs to get it up and then talk shit about TRT? Seriously go start your own TRT sucks thread, so maybe we can actually help somebody in this one.

I always assumed low T meant low sex drive, erectile issues. Never had a issue with either, so my T level must be good, right? Meanwhile I got ANGRY about small shit, had trouble getting motivated and focusing, lost interest in shit i loved, workouts would cripple me for days, I couldn't gain any muscle, and generally felt like shit. Numbers were right around 300.

I use the numbers as a reference point only. I keep a basic journal to track what I'm feeling. When dosage is on point I feel more focused, more energy, calmer, I recover 1000% faster from workouts, my capacity to work is greater, more resilient to stress, etc. To sum it up, I feel good.
It always amazes me the effort people put into trolling. You idiots gobbling up cialis and viagra like tic tacs to get it up and then talk shit about TRT? Seriously go start your own TRT sucks thread, so maybe we can actually help somebody in this one.

I always assumed low T meant low sex drive, erectile issues. Never had a issue with either, so my T level must be good, right? Meanwhile I got ANGRY about small shit, had trouble getting motivated and focusing, lost interest in shit i loved, workouts would cripple me for days, I couldn't gain any muscle, and generally felt like shit. Numbers were right around 300.

I use the numbers as a reference point only. I keep a basic journal to track what I'm feeling. When dosage is on point I feel more focused, more energy, calmer, I recover 1000% faster from workouts, my capacity to work is greater, more resilient to stress, etc. To sum it up, I feel good.
Highly accurate
It always amazes me the effort people put into trolling. You idiots gobbling up cialis and viagra like tic tacs to get it up and then talk shit about TRT? Seriously go start your own TRT sucks thread, so maybe we can actually help somebody in this one.

I always assumed low T meant low sex drive, erectile issues. Never had a issue with either, so my T level must be good, right? Meanwhile I got ANGRY about small shit, had trouble getting motivated and focusing, lost interest in shit i loved, workouts would cripple me for days, I couldn't gain any muscle, and generally felt like shit. Numbers were right around 300.

I use the numbers as a reference point only. I keep a basic journal to track what I'm feeling. When dosage is on point I feel more focused, more energy, calmer, I recover 1000% faster from workouts, my capacity to work is greater, more resilient to stress, etc. To sum it up, I feel good.
I don’t see any trolling going on.

Seems if your goal was to help people then you would encourage all perspectives of the issue and not just demand an echo chamber full of people swinging off your nuts sack agreeing with you.
I don’t see any trolling going on.

Seems if your goal was to help people then you would encourage all perspectives of the issue and not just demand an echo chamber full of people swinging off your nuts sack agreeing with you.
Right, you might want to reread where you diagnosed Aisen's issues and declared he didn't have low T and then called out his clinic as a scam? After you reviewed his medical history and looked up the clinic right? You're post was helpful how?

How about you share your personal positive OR negative experience with TRT or STFU.
Right, you might want to reread where you diagnosed Aisen's issues and declared he didn't have low T and then called out his clinic as a scam? After you reviewed his medical history and looked up the clinic right? You're post was helpful how?

How about you share your personal positive OR negative experience with TRT or STFU.
I didn’t diagnose anything. He shared his labs and I pointed out a doctor may not give a script because 379 is considered the low range of normal. Your numbers can be on the low side that’s not necessarily a reason to start taking test. Fact is most people on TRT have not been diagnosed with a medical condition and have no idea what they are getting into. So I have statistics on my side to make a broad generalization.

Speaking of diagnosis has anyone actually been diagnosed with a medical condition other than mah numbers are low? Have you?

Do people understand that those numbers can fluctuate drastically? Did your doctor address combating estrogen sides from TRT and how to combat them? Did your Doctor explain that TRT is a life long commitment? Did he address any possible side effects?

I hadn’t heard any of that being talked about in here other than I started taking test and I feel like a fucking machine.

The thing about it is my personal experience is absolutely irrelevant to the next person as it varies so much from person to person.

But I would say now I would never shut down my bodies natural production of test unless absolutely necessary and I understood what I was getting into.

Its a public forum jackass you do not dictate the terms to me on how I am allowed to comment. Sorry you feel you are entitled to. 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻
my experience is anybody on T is a hordcore advocate of TRT. but not great at talking about all the bad stuff that comes with it.

most on TRT shoot are at way higher levels 700-1000 and yeah at that point your doping. be real. i'm not saying its bad are against any of it but when your on the much T i see it as just as bad as being low.

me, i've been tested plenty and when i allow myself to be a fat turd i'm on the low side. i'll go for 1-2 weeks to get me started on a better path and then no more. done that a couple times now last time around 3 years ago. and i'll admit i didn't go the doctor approved route. or ever test levels when on T.

if i had to be on TRT for a long time i would use it as sparingly as possible. and not go for 20yo levels of T. i dont think my old lady could handle taking the hammering.
Mine went to high 800’s and my doc cut the dosage in half. Got it back down in the 600 range.
i checked out a couple of FB pages on trt. 75% of those guys would be considered doping. Their numbers range from 900-1300. All they talk about are their gains at tge gym🤦‍♂️
I found I’m pretty happy at 600ish. Especially after living sub 300 for years. I spiked WAAAAY up last summer before They changed dose. Never got rage or was ever too on edge. Very veiny and muscular. Back on a reasonable amount I just need enough to not feel like I’m 50
I didn’t diagnose anything. He shared his labs and I pointed out a doctor may not give a script because 379 is considered the low range of normal. Your numbers can be on the low side that’s not necessarily a reason to start taking test. Fact is most people on TRT have not been diagnosed with a medical condition and have no idea what they are getting into. So I have statistics on my side to make a broad generalization.

Speaking of diagnosis has anyone actually been diagnosed with a medical condition other than mah numbers are low? Have you?

Do people understand that those numbers can fluctuate drastically? Did your doctor address combating estrogen sides from TRT and how to combat them? Did your Doctor explain that TRT is a life long commitment? Did he address any possible side effects?

I hadn’t heard any of that being talked about in here other than I started taking test and I feel like a fucking machine.

The thing about it is my personal experience is absolutely irrelevant to the next person as it varies so much from person to person.

But I would say now I would never shut down my bodies natural production of test unless absolutely necessary and I understood what I was getting into.

Its a public forum jackass you do not dictate the terms to me on how I am allowed to comment. Sorry you feel you are entitled to. 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻
Bunch of waffling shit. Sounds like you have zero personal experience and don't have anything productive to add.

If you came here to learn you failed. If you came here to inform, you failed. If you came here to provoke thought or a counterpoint, you failed. If you came here to be a douche, congrats, nailed it.

There's side effects? Really? Experienced any?

I'm happy to talk about the negatives I've experienced if you're really interested. I'd be willing to bet 90% of the internet folklore you've heard is BS.

My negative side effects after almost 2 years.

Night sweats- early on lasted about a week
Libido - I'd say I had an above average libido before. No erectile issues. It slowly ramped up until I wanted to bang everything and then subsided back to a slightly elevated level. Along with that attractive women are are slightly more distracting.

If I think of anymore I'll post em.

All in all benifets far outweigh the minimal side effects I experience.
I'm 18 months in with zero issues from the trt.

As I said before, I'm taking the pills and very happy with them. Zero up/downs, very flat which is great for me. Just trying to sort out my dose and when we do I'll be right as rain.
Bunch of waffling shit. Sounds like you have zero personal experience and don't have anything productive to add.

If you came here to learn you failed. If you came here to inform, you failed. If you came here to provoke thought or a counterpoint, you failed. If you came here to be a douche, congrats, nailed it.

There's side effects? Really? Experienced any?

I'm happy to talk about the negatives I've experienced if you're really interested. I'd be willing to bet 90% of the internet folklore you've heard is BS.

My negative side effects after almost 2 years.

Night sweats- early on lasted about a week
Libido - I'd say I had an above average libido before. No erectile issues. It slowly ramped up until I wanted to bang everything and then subsided back to a slightly elevated level. Along with that attractive women are are slightly more distracting.

If I think of anymore I'll post em.

All in all benifets far outweigh the minimal side effects I experience.
Wow you really are a sensitive little **** that takes any criticism of TRT awful personal. Not even criticizing really just pointing out a few realities that often goes unacknowledged and you go full whiney bitch.

Why are you asking me if there are any sides like you don’t believe me and then proceed to tell me about yours? That’s pretty contradicting.

I don’t feel like getting into my entire medical story to prove some petty shit to you. There are so many variables and different circumstances that apply it quickly becomes irrelevant from person to person. I chalk up my experience to a shitty T clinic and my own bodies personal reaction to test. After which I have done lots of my own due diligence and research to know if I will consider it again in the future. And here is the key part….when and if I actually need it and if I feel like managing everything to stay healthy.

My sides started pretty quick. Water retention and sore nips due to an increase of estrogen in my body. That’s right folks you can get elevated chick hormones from taking test and some people are more sensitive than others.

T doc wouldn’t even consider treating those symptoms. Found out later he was prescribing various estrogen blockers and SERMs to patients but got called out by the pharmacist so became weary. So I was shit out of luck. Luckily it did not progress to full gynecomastia. (AKA….bitch tits) I just had some puffy sensitive nipples and sweated like a hooker in church.

Noticed my face was always beat fucking red. Could tell my cardiovascular had taken a hit. Like out of breath walking up a flight of stairs. Come to find out my hematocrit numbers were high. Equals bad shit…..thick blood, higher possibility for blood clots, low oxygen. You can donate blood to lower your numbers but the donation centers will only draw you once every 60 days if they even will with those numbers unless under doctors orders.

Finally when I got around to a real doctor that addressed all my labs, I come to find out my kidneys were under stess and my blood pressure and cholesterol was jacked.

Oh and you don’t just come off of test. Not unless you want to feel worse than shit and cause even more problems. And if you do your natural test will be lower than it would have been if you hadn’t taken it to start with if it comes back at all. That’s why it is considered a lifetime car payment. So if you are even low range and think it’s worth it for a couple hundred points and want to commit then go ahead. It’s just a lot more to think about than some numbers are low this will make you feel better. So if your 400 is it really worth it to shut down and be at 600? The higher you go the more chance for sides. Personally after a year and a half I was ready to have a heart attack.

Luckily one good thing my T doc did was have me take HCG while on that kept my nuts pretty healthy. Ol whiney didn’t tell you about his BB sized nuts. Anyone that says they didn’t shrink is a damn liar. Your balls are not making testosterone while taking test and they are going to shrink. I was put on basically a post cycle therapy similar to a dude coming off a full blown steroid cycle and was able to get the boys fired back up again. Luckily. If you’re over 40 it’s sketchy and the longer you are on the less likely you will recover.

Another thing to think about for all you prepper types. Say the next China plague hits and you can’t get your meds. Say SHTF and you are over in the corner turning into an emotional women because you don’t have any test in your body. Who wants to be an emotional physical wreck in a crisis?

Anyway I’m not knocking TRT or putting down anyone it works for. Its everyones own personal choice and lots of people out there with success stories. To each their own
So again I will ask... is there a natural way to boost ones testosterone?
Yes to a degree. Having higher intake of bone broth will help to a degree but if your T levels are below normal nothing natural is going to bring them into the normal level. Have you checked your estrogen levels? Not trying to be an asshole, thats natural. But you could have elevated E levels and those can cause a lot of symptoms often associated with low T.

Buddy has been on TRT for several years now. Found a legit medical issue that all but ahut off his bodies T production. Before that he was diagnosed with Add, Adhd, depression, just being a bitch (my diagnosis) amd several other things from his PCP. He finally went to a mens health doctor after his refused to test his T levels and found out he had the T levels on a 95 year old man. Well that doc jacked him up to the levels of a 16 y/o kid and he was like a cracked out rabbit. So he awitched docs and came down to levels of a mid 30 year old. Suddenly he felt better had motivation to do shit. Was ablw to lose weight and get back on shape, previously he would eat perfectly work out and no change after months. His wife said he went from having some of the biggest balls she had even seen to raisins :lmao:
So after his PCP noticed the change he apologized profusely for not seeing it, but said they are somewhat discouraged from looking for it. For whatever reason.

He has to go donate blood regularly as well as get blood work done to monitor levels. He went from being needle phobic to being able to give himself shots.
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Yes to a degree. Having higher intake of bone broth will help to a degree but if your T levels are below normal nothing natural is going to bring them into the normal level. Have you checked your estrogen levels? Not trying to be an asshole, thats natural. But you could have elevated E levels and those can cause a lot of symptoms often associated with low T.

Buddy has been on TRT for several years now. Found a legit medical issue that all but ahut off his bodies T production. Before that he was diagnosed with Add, Adhd, depression, just being a bitch (my diagnosis) amd several other things from his PCP. He finally went to a mens health doctor after his refused to test his T levels and found out he had the T levels on a 95 year old man. Well that doc jacked him up to the levels of a 16 y/o kid and he was like a cracked out rabbit. So he awitched docs and came down to levels of a mid 30 year old. Suddenly he felt better had motivation to do shit. Was ablw to lose weight and get back on shape, previously he would eat perfectly work out and no change after months. His wife said he went from having some of the biggest balls she had even seen to raisins :lmao:
So after his PCP noticed the change he apologized profusely for not seeing it, but said they are somewhat discouraged from looking for it. For whatever reason.

He has to go donate blood regularly as well as get blood work done to monitor levels. He went from being needle phobic to being able to give himself shots.
He has to donate blood to keep his hematocrit in check
I chalk up my experience to a shitty T clinic and my own bodies personal reaction to test. After which I have done lots of my own due diligence and research to know if I will consider it again in the future. And here is the key part….when and if I actually need it and if I feel like managing everything to stay healthy.

My sides started pretty quick. Water retention and sore nips due to an increase of estrogen in my body. That’s right folks you can get elevated chick hormones from taking test and some people are more sensitive than others.

T doc wouldn’t even consider treating those symptoms. Found out later he was prescribing various estrogen blockers and SERMs to patients but got called out by the pharmacist so became weary. So I was shit out of luck. Luckily it did not progress to full gynecomastia. (AKA….bitch tits) I just had some puffy sensitive nipples and sweated like a hooker in church.

Noticed my face was always beat fucking red. Could tell my cardiovascular had taken a hit. Like out of breath walking up a flight of stairs. Come to find out my hematocrit numbers were high. Equals bad shit…..thick blood, higher possibility for blood clots, low oxygen. You can donate blood to lower your numbers but the donation centers will only draw you once every 60 days if they even will with those numbers unless under doctors orders.

Finally when I got around to a real doctor that addressed all my labs, I come to find out my kidneys were under stess and my blood pressure and cholesterol was jacked.

Oh and you don’t just come off of test. Not unless you want to feel worse than shit and cause even more problems. And if you do your natural test will be lower than it would have been if you hadn’t taken it to start with if it comes back at all. That’s why it is considered a lifetime car payment. So if you are even low range and think it’s worth it for a couple hundred points and want to commit then go ahead. It’s just a lot more to think about than some numbers are low this will make you feel better. So if your 400 is it really worth it to shut down and be at 600? The higher you go the more chance for sides. Personally after a year and a half I was ready to have a heart attack.

Luckily one good thing my T doc did was have me take HCG while on that kept my nuts pretty healthy. Ol whiney didn’t tell you about his BB sized nuts. Anyone that says they didn’t shrink is a damn liar. Your balls are not making testosterone while taking test and they are going to shrink. I was put on basically a post cycle therapy similar to a dude coming off a full blown steroid cycle and was able to get the boys fired back up again. Luckily. If you’re over 40 it’s sketchy and the longer you are on the less likely you will recover.

Another thing to think about for all you prepper types. Say the next China plague hits and you can’t get your meds. Say SHTF and you are over in the corner turning into an emotional women because you don’t have any test in your body. Who wants to be an emotional physical wreck in a crisis?

Anyway I’m not knocking TRT or putting down anyone it works for. Its everyones own personal choice and lots of people out there with success stories. To each their own
Fucking yes, this right here ^. I'm gonna chalk up the ****y bits to your low T. (I kid :flipoff2:) Thank you for sharing.

That's info that could help. Yep everyone reacts differently. I got to experience a fun trip down depression road one time thanks to a random medication that way down in the small print said clearly "may cause depression". I had no idea what depression was up top that point and it was blind luck I figured it out and dropped the med.

I never had a clue, with no sexual issues I assumed my T was fine. I was sub 300, that was working out(hard) 3 days a week with a trainer. If wasn't for a brother sharing some uncomfortable stuff I'd have never even thought to get tested.

As far as disasters, that's a legit concern. Tech is getting better, there are implants and pills now, both have longer shelf lives than the injectable.stuff. Upside to both is more even dosing as well. I'm still experimenting with optimal dosage, but once I get it dialed, I may try one or the other. Still not a permanent fix, but hopefully get you through the worst of it.

I'd say that a lot of general practice folks, even young ones are spouting 20+ year old doctrine. As with all docs you have to find one that's educated themselves on the subject.
Well after fucking around trying to just get a regular physical and see if the doc would test it I gave up on that (not going to jump through hoops for a poke and prod and maybe we can do something) I made an appointment at a specialty clinic. All of the symptoms are there and its like I fell off a cliff around the end of 2019. The brain fog is really major.

Crossing my fingers this is it. Post divorce I'm happy as a clam, but struggling to take advantage of it.
Well after fucking around trying to just get a regular physical and see if the doc would test it I gave up on that (not going to jump through hoops for a poke and prod and maybe we can do something) I made an appointment at a specialty clinic. All of the symptoms are there and its like I fell off a cliff around the end of 2019. The brain fog is really major.

Crossing my fingers this is it. Post divorce I'm happy as a clam, but struggling to take advantage of it.
As an update had my second test today, first last week. 206 on the first, 181 on the second. The free number was ~5-6 on both. That explains some things. Got my first shot today and starting on weekly shots. They said it may take ~6 weeks to really feel all the benefits

They tested everything. 5 vials on the first visit, 3 on the second. Bloodsucking vampire medical people. My triglcerides were highish, other numbers for chlorestol, kidneys, etc

Side effects I was warned of -
Estrogen - they test for this and will prescribe blockers as needed
Thicker blood - again tested, they have a company right around the building that you get sent to for donation as needed
May have issues having kids - I was looking at getting snipped already. Already have one CS payment

Given that I have felt like shit for the past year if this can fix it the cost is meh. I can make sure my HSA deferral covers it and its all pretax. I've paid more for less many times over the years.
As an update had my second test today, first last week. 206 on the first, 181 on the second. The free number was ~5-6 on both. That explains some things. Got my first shot today and starting on weekly shots. They said it may take ~6 weeks to really feel all the benefits
I'd recommend you set some reminder alarms for your doses, and keep a very basic journal. I just jot a couple notes on injection location/ amount and highlights/ lowlights. I also put in weight every now and then.

Helps me keep track, but more than anything it just makes me more mindful of subtle changes. Changes to cognitive function, drive, focus, etc are subtle and gradual.
I've been on it for a year now (I think) super happy with the changes for me. So far, no negative side effects.
Really happy with the pills, zero highs or lows.
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