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Low Testosterone

I noticed the symptom right after I turned 35. It was like a brick wall of fuck you hit me.

1300 is high, iirc 800-1000 is where most places shoot for.
That's what my college buddy told me before I got checked a few years ago, as he said his was 280. I knew nothing about it, so I asked the range, and both he and the doc said the same thing. IDK why mine is like this.
I have a buddy like that, he shakes like crazy and has to get phlebotomies all the time. Crazy high natural T
I have a buddy like that, he shakes like crazy and has to get phlebotomies all the time. Crazy high natural T
Mine hasn't been an issue as far as anything like that. It would certainly help explain my behavior growing up, and likelihood to engage in dangerous and or risk taking activities, etc. Doc told me to be glad about it. I suppose I'm indifferent either way, but I'm betting if I had just a bit less, I don't think it would have anything but a positive impact on the way I do and approach things.
Dangerous risk-taking shit might be a different part of your brain doing something different..
Dangerous risk-taking shit might be a different part of your brain doing something different..
True. I was just looking to blame it on something after I got those results, so I could say it was science, and not my fault :flipoff2:
Tried the shots at home for a smidge. Didn't notice much. Tried clomid but it's hosed my vision. So now I'm hoping he'll just go with a higher dose pellet.

I tested 180. Still new to all of it. So far nothing has had much noticeable effect but I wasn't on the shots very long (4 weeks). Clomid hasn't done shit.
Tried the shots at home for a smidge. Didn't notice much. Tried clomid but it's hosed my vision. So now I'm hoping he'll just go with a higher dose pellet.

I tested 180. Still new to all of it. So far nothing has had much noticeable effect but I wasn't on the shots very long (4 weeks). Clomid hasn't done shit.
This is a long game. It was over a year before I landed on my current dose. Small changes, wait 3 months or more, test, repeat. You Dr may be more or less aggressive.

Don't go more than 7 days between doses. I split mine 3 and 4 days apart.

Ignore the number other than a metric. If you still feel like shit, try upping the dose. When you feel great, have some drive and focus, you're there. If you want to smash every chick you see, dial back.

It's worth is and once you get used to it, it's 5 min max 2x a week. I've got it down so well it rarely even hurts. Even when I was learning it was never worth mentioning. Although sub cutaneous is way more comfortable.
This is a long game. It was over a year before I landed on my current dose. Small changes, wait 3 months or more, test, repeat. You Dr may be more or less aggressive.

Don't go more than 7 days between doses. I split mine 3 and 4 days apart.

Ignore the number other than a metric. If you still feel like shit, try upping the dose. When you feel great, have some drive and focus, you're there. If you want to smash every chick you see, dial back.

It's worth is and once you get used to it, it's 5 min max 2x a week. I've got it down so well it rarely even hurts. Even when I was learning it was never worth mentioning. Although sub cutaneous is way more comfortable.

Giving myself the shots was the easy part. I'm quite used to that with the crohns treatments.

I honestly don't think we gave the shots enough time to tell. I'd like to give them a go again before committing to the pellets.
Giving myself the shots was the easy part. I'm quite used to that with the crohns treatments.

I honestly don't think we gave the shots enough time to tell. I'd like to give them a go again before committing to the pellets.
Pellets are trash. You need at a minimum weekly injections. Twice a week is better.
Giving myself the shots was the easy part. I'm quite used to that with the crohns treatments.

I honestly don't think we gave the shots enough time to tell. I'd like to give them a go again before committing to the pellets.
4 weeks isn't enough time to see a difference. Clomid isn't going to get you to "normal" levels. The pellets are dumb. You need a new doc.

My script is for 160mg/week. I was injecting twice a week, 80mg per injection, for the first 6 months but my estrogen starting getting high. I never got gyno (bitch tits) or any other symptom but I read that injecting everyday COULD help. It did. I inject everyday now. I have the pills to control estrogen but I have never taken them and my goal is to never take them. They fuck you up.

I hated the needles at first. The first time was like a kid on a high dive. Ready...............................ok now Im ready........................ok now for realz I am ready and on and on for 15 minutes like that. Now, it's just a part of the routine. Deodorant, brush teeth, inject, etc.

I found some good online resources so I am done with my "clinic". I can do my own bloods, interpret the results and get into online when I need to. Underground labs for testosterone for 1/5 the cost too.
Tried the shots at home for a smidge. Didn't notice much. Tried clomid but it's hosed my vision. So now I'm hoping he'll just go with a higher dose pellet.

I tested 180. Still new to all of it. So far nothing has had much noticeable effect but I wasn't on the shots very long (4 weeks). Clomid hasn't done shit.
that seems like a normal number for a woman.
Tried the shots at home for a smidge. Didn't notice much. Tried clomid but it's hosed my vision. So now I'm hoping he'll just go with a higher dose pellet.

I tested 180. Still new to all of it. So far nothing has had much noticeable effect but I wasn't on the shots very long (4 weeks). Clomid hasn't done shit.
What happened to your vision while taking Clomid?
Bump. So it turns out my numbers are pretty low which explains how I've been feeling the last couple of years. It has been progressively getting worse.
I'm supposed to meet with the doc to come up with a game plan on Friday. He encouraged me to do my research beforehand on what methods I'd like to try for treatment. I'm very rural now so a weekly trip of 70 miles for a shot won't cut it. He mentioned deodorants and such as another option.

I'd really prefer just a daily pill if possible. If shots are really the best way I guess I could get my wife to jab me. Anybody using anything besides the shots that seem to work well?
Bump. So it turns out my numbers are pretty low which explains how I've been feeling the last couple of years. It has been progressively getting worse.
I'm supposed to meet with the doc to come up with a game plan on Friday. He encouraged me to do my research beforehand on what methods I'd like to try for treatment. I'm very rural now so a weekly trip of 70 miles for a shot won't cut it. He mentioned deodorants and such as another option.

I'd really prefer just a daily pill if possible. If shots are really the best way I guess I could get my wife to jab me. Anybody using anything besides the shots that seem to work well?
Shots. My doc gives me 7 loaded syringes at a time to keep down trips to the office.
Bump. So it turns out my numbers are pretty low which explains how I've been feeling the last couple of years. It has been progressively getting worse.
I'm supposed to meet with the doc to come up with a game plan on Friday. He encouraged me to do my research beforehand on what methods I'd like to try for treatment. I'm very rural now so a weekly trip of 70 miles for a shot won't cut it. He mentioned deodorants and such as another option.

I'd really prefer just a daily pill if possible. If shots are really the best way I guess I could get my wife to jab me. Anybody using anything besides the shots that seem to work well?
Shots are the only way to go. Gels, pills and creams are trash. 2 injections a week is the preferred way.
There are some things that testosterone fixes and some that it does not fix/repair in the body.

Some things that were previously thought would be fixed with taking testosterone are now realised that it wasnt always low testosterone that caused the issues in that area it turned out in my case to be related to CAD, aka Coronary Artery Disease.
Bump. So it turns out my numbers are pretty low which explains how I've been feeling the last couple of years. It has been progressively getting worse.
I'm supposed to meet with the doc to come up with a game plan on Friday. He encouraged me to do my research beforehand on what methods I'd like to try for treatment. I'm very rural now so a weekly trip of 70 miles for a shot won't cut it. He mentioned deodorants and such as another option.

I'd really prefer just a daily pill if possible. If shots are really the best way I guess I could get my wife to jab me. Anybody using anything besides the shots that seem to work well?
Just jab yourself in the thigh. I use a 1cc syringe with 1/2” 27ga needle. I used to get dizzy as hell just thinking about a shot. It gets better with practice. Still have to take a deep breath but can get it done. Been doing them for about 1 1/2 years now.
Injections are too easy. Subcutaneous into fat is the way to go. Don't use dull needles. Use a 18g to fill quickly and easily, then switch to a 22-25g to inject. Don't go too small or it's a pain. Takes forever to inject. I don't feel anything about 1/3 of the time, and barely anything the rest of the time.

If a doc says, creams or any injection schedule longer than a week, I'd run. It only last about 3 days max in your blood. I bet the suicide rate goes up exponentially in men on a wild hormone roller coaster.

It's a long term science experiment. Give it 3-4 months and the compare numbers with how you feel. No more than 6 mo while your figuring shit out. After that, 6mo to a year for labs.

Ideally this will assist you in getting other shit in order. If I don't lift 2-3x a week it messes me up. I could barely work out before. it would wipe me out and I'd be so sore I could barely function for a week. After about a year I started seeing real strength gains, and that led me to try and get some protein in me daily. That and the Wuhan got me into vitamins and supplements. Been lifting pretty consistent for about 4 years. Raw weight, I'm probably stronger at 48, than I've ever been. I'm still fat, but my overall physique makes the wife pretty happy. Like I said it took a probably 6 months to a year to really feel and see changes from working out.

For me I get a pretty zen chill when I'm spot on. Too low, and my temper/ frustration are right there at the surface. Too high and my dick starts doing all the thinking. On that note, if you're in a relationship talk to her. We went from 1-2x a month, to a lot. Probably average 3-5x a week now.

Once you feel good, that's your number. Otherwise the numbers mean shit, other than monitoring for health. Consistiency is key, lots of shit affects levels.
Injections are too easy. Subcutaneous into fat is the way to go. Don't use dull needles. Use a 18g to fill quickly and easily, then switch to a 22-25g to inject. Don't go too small or it's a pain. Takes forever to inject. I don't feel anything about 1/3 of the time, and barely anything the rest of the time.

If a doc says, creams or any injection schedule longer than a week, I'd run. It only last about 3 days max in your blood. I bet the suicide rate goes up exponentially in men on a wild hormone roller coaster.

It's a long term science experiment. Give it 3-4 months and the compare numbers with how you feel. No more than 6 mo while your figuring shit out. After that, 6mo to a year for labs.

Ideally this will assist you in getting other shit in order. If I don't lift 2-3x a week it messes me up. I could barely work out before. it would wipe me out and I'd be so sore I could barely function for a week. After about a year I started seeing real strength gains, and that led me to try and get some protein in me daily. That and the Wuhan got me into vitamins and supplements. Been lifting pretty consistent for about 4 years. Raw weight, I'm probably stronger at 48, than I've ever been. I'm still fat, but my overall physique makes the wife pretty happy. Like I said it took a probably 6 months to a year to really feel and see changes from working out.

For me I get a pretty zen chill when I'm spot on. Too low, and my temper/ frustration are right there at the surface. Too high and my dick starts doing all the thinking. On that note, if you're in a relationship talk to her. We went from 1-2x a month, to a lot. Probably average 3-5x a week now.

Once you feel good, that's your number. Otherwise the numbers mean shit, other than monitoring for health. Consistiency is key, lots of shit affects levels.
Did you do IM first and then go SubQ? Any difference in impact? Currently doing IM and thinking of converting to subQ. I have no fat on my legs, so I'd probably go abdominal.
Did you do IM first and then go SubQ? Any difference in impact? Currently doing IM and thinking of converting to subQ. I have no fat on my legs, so I'd probably go abdominal.
I did two years IM, then switched to SQ just for comfort. I have seen some stuff touting fat absorption being better/safer. My doc suggested I try SQ, and sent me a couple videos on the process.

No fat in my legs either, I alternate sides/ locations on my gut area. I haven't had any injection site issues going on 4+ years.

I keep notes on amount, approx injection site, date every single time. I add notes occasionally weight, any issues like sleep, libido, energy etc.
Mine are in the upper ass check. I switch cheeks every week.
I have been back on it for about 6 weeks now. Inject in my leg muscle. Got a blood test 2 days ago and then got a call from the nurse saying I either need to donate blood or stop injections. Didn't catch what was too high. Went and donated blood yesterday and came home and checked my blood panel. Only thing high was the hemoglobin and HCT. Get another blood panel in March and they said I may have to have therapeutic phlebotomies.

Testosterone is sitting at 800 but I am not feeling much difference. Unfortunately I am on a drug referred to as pharmaceutimacal castration for anxiety. I would like to quit taking it as it really doesn't do it's job anyway but I am afraid the VA will catch wind of it and reduce my percentage. I just got bumped up to 100% and that is huge in the state of Virginia. Personal property taxes are gone and the ones on the truck and camper were killing me.
I have been back on it for about 6 weeks now. Inject in my leg muscle. Got a blood test 2 days ago and then got a call from the nurse saying I either need to donate blood or stop injections. Didn't catch what was too high. Went and donated blood yesterday and came home and checked my blood panel. Only thing high was the hemoglobin and HCT. Get another blood panel in March and they said I may have to have therapeutic phlebotomies.

Testosterone is sitting at 800 but I am not feeling much difference. Unfortunately I am on a drug referred to as pharmaceutimacal castration for anxiety. I would like to quit taking it as it really doesn't do it's job anyway but I am afraid the VA will catch wind of it and reduce my percentage. I just got bumped up to 100% and that is huge in the state of Virginia. Personal property taxes are gone and the ones on the truck and camper were killing me.
Its your hemoglobin that’s probably high (thickening) blood. If it gets on the high range the blood clinic will not draw. The doctor you are getting your testosterone from should be able to give you orders and then you can donate every three days to bring that number down.
No shit? I thought I was restricted to every 90 days no matter what. I would donate more often if I could so I guess I will ask next week. My hemoglobin gets up in the upper teens and I think they don’t take it out like 20 or 21
No shit? I thought I was restricted to every 90 days no matter what. I would donate more often if I could so I guess I will ask next week. My hemoglobin gets up in the upper teens and I think they don’t take it out like 20 or 21
Yes i had the same problem going on. Mine was up around 21, 22. Felt like shit and was red as a cherry. Blood was thick and no one would take my blood. Got the doc to sign off on “orders” for blood assurance donation center and gave every 3 days til i got down to 14. Felt waaaaayyyyy better.

Not sure if related but once i started taking dim (for estrogen) and vitamin D my blood has stayed in a healthy range. I just went to give blood thinking i would be on the high side since it had been a couple months and was at 15. Not sure what changed but for a while i was having a hard time keeping my blood from getting thick
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