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Low Testosterone

It’s not always about the numbers. What most doctors say is fine isn’t. The VA will not give you T replacement unless your body isn’t making any for the most part.
The VA won't look into it at all unless you ask, and you won't be referred for treatment until you get below 230 total T.:shaking:
Making me want to go get a test done. 47 year olds
My junk still works great, but my workouts, and motivation have been a battle the last few years. Not gaining strength, basically just maintaining and any slip up in diet and I am putting on pounds easy.

Would love to feel some more energy, muscle gain and get some good sleep. I am always tired.
The VA won't look into it at all unless you ask, and you won't be referred for treatment until you get below 230 total T.:shaking:
One more reason I do not go to the VA.
I go there for just about everything due to the zero copay and zero out of pocket costs I incur as a 100% DV... nothing states I cannot seek treatment elsewhere for other conditions they don't want to touch.
My dad is a Vietnam veteran. He only goes to the VA for his flu shot.
I felt this should be re-posted
not long ago "normal" was something like 400-1200?

Two things driving it,

1) Pussy doctors and just general lack of knowledge on diet and physical conitioning

2) Pussy population,
average man is carrying less because of how they grow up, little to no activity. and microplastics, ultra processed foods etc...
Mine was in the low 400's at 32 yrs old
I checked it 7 yrs later at 39 after changing my eating habits and weight training regularly starting 7 yrs ago, it was near 600...
Apply that logic in reverse to your average man 30 yrs ago. Nothing but video games as kids, computers as adults..

Cholesterol "normal" has been trending down since the early 70's, used to i think 270ish was normal, yet heart disease is higher than ever. Guessing a large percentage of the people in the "normal" range are medicated with statins which drives the "normal" down. Doing things to lower your cholesterol like the .gov wants you to do hurts your test level also, including statins.
I felt this should be re-posted
not long ago "normal" was something like 400-1200?

Two things driving it,

1) Pussy doctors and just general lack of knowledge on diet and physical conitioning

2) Pussy population,
average man is carrying less because of how they grow up, little to no activity. and microplastics, ultra processed foods etc...
Mine was in the low 400's at 32 yrs old
I checked it 7 yrs later at 39 after changing my eating habits and weight training regularly starting 7 yrs ago, it was near 600...
Apply that logic in reverse to your average man 30 yrs ago. Nothing but video games as kids, computers as adults..

Cholesterol "normal" has been trending down since the early 70's, used to i think 270ish was normal, yet heart disease is higher than ever. Guessing a large percentage of the people in the "normal" range are medicated with statins which drives the "normal" down. Doing things to lower your cholesterol like the .gov wants you to do hurts your test level also, including statins.
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

I refuse to take the statin I am prescribed and I work out 5 days per week. My weekends aren't sedentary, I'm always doing something around the property or shop and working to the point I can barely walk.

I don't eat much processed food, mostly chicken, fish, beef and some pork. Some rice, occasional tater. Lots of veggies and salads. I'm probably in the best physical shape I've seen since before retiring from the Army a decade ago... yet I still have low T and don't see much visible gains from my gym time. My wife noticed how much more solid my mass is, and my belt is a couple notches tighter, but I still have a bit of a leftover gut from my beer drinking days.

I'd probably be better off without the lung damage limiting my cardio, though.
I'm pretty sure he is talking about measured test levels of 400 total and free of 8 which is on the lower end of normal. I've been told the goal with TRT is to get total to 700 because that is the level most men will feel good.

My doctors website lists these as the normal range:
Total = 264-916
Free = 6.8-21.5

I was tested 5 years ago and 2 years ago. My total is in the mid 500's, but my free is below 5. I have yet to do anything about it. I guess I waiting for it to get worse.
Correct, measured at 400 and 8 free test. I will go back in a month and have labs done again to adjust as needed. Also joining the gym in a week or so. My bestie is a power lifter at said gym and he is going to put a routine together for me.
No complaints yet, if my nuts shrink to the size of raisins, I shall report back!
your nuts will definitely shrink, some don`t shrink much and some lose quite a bit of size, you can run Hcg to keep em working if you want.

I went on TRT after I broke my neck and cracked my skull open, for some reason my body couldn`t regulate my testosterone so my levels (along with my mood) would vary greatly, I ran hcg to keep my nut function but my estradoil and blood pressure seemed to really go up with the Hcg mixed in, doctor friend told me it was probably because I didn`t have low testicular function when I got on TRT my body just couldn`t regulate it anymore, so when I kick started my boys again I had a ton of testosterone in my body.

It`s been 5 years and i`d really like to try to get off TRT if my body can self regulate again i`m just not in a spot to go messing with my energy and mental health right now.
Correct, measured at 400 and 8 free test. I will go back in a month and have labs done again to adjust as needed. Also joining the gym in a week or so. My bestie is a power lifter at said gym and he is going to put a routine together for me.
No complaints yet, if my nuts shrink to the size of raisins, I shall report back!
I get a shot of HCG along with my test every week. The good thing about your balls shrinking it makes your dick look bigger. :flipoff2:
I get a shot of HCG along with my test every week. The good thing about your balls shrinking it makes your dick look bigger. :flipoff2:
Exactly what my buddy told me. Small beans make the frank look bigger. I can live with it, my porn career never really took off anyways.
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