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Low Testosterone

My natural path got me on Tribujack 100, I need a refill but has anyone used it long term?
When it really hit me hard I was miserable. Zero energy, zero drive. Slept like shit, when I did try and workout or go on a hike or do anything physical I felt like crap for a week. It was a gamechanger for me. I'm back to feeling good, working out, loosing weight. Able to take a trip and keep going every day.

Yes, I get there are risks. But I'm at the stage of my life where my career is established enough I can go on adventures, I make enough money to do most of what I want and my body is healthy and still able enough to do almost anything. I have a kid I need to be able to keep up with. Now is a really important part of my life. I'm willing to risk getting having this time and potentially less when I'm old and not able to do as much.

But if you want to stick something up your nose to feel better, try cocaine.

I might look into the pellets next year. I've been on a solid, predictable dose (shots) for over a year. The shots can get annoying when you are traveling (both flying and the temp issues camping).
Not sure why you try the pellets when the injections are tried and true.

It's simple to do. Dosages aren't hard to figure out at all and even any sides are fairly easy to take care of.

I don't even use a doctor anymore. Test is easy to get, insulin syringes are everywhere and blood work is blood work. There are blood labs all over the place for cash pay. Just check what's going on and adjust or leave it as is.

I honestly haven't had a single side effect other than a raised cholesterol and that is a family thing anyways so I was fucked from the get-go.
Not sure why you try the pellets when the injections are tried and true.

It's simple to do. Dosages aren't hard to figure out at all and even any sides are fairly easy to take care of.

I don't even use a doctor anymore. Test is easy to get, insulin syringes are everywhere and blood work is blood work. There are blood labs all over the place for cash pay. Just check what's going on and adjust or leave it as is.

I honestly haven't had a single side effect other than a raised cholesterol and that is a family thing anyways so I was fucked from the get-go.
Test is easy to get, as in no doctors office? I dont have a problem getting it but still have to go to the doc twice a year for bloodwork and to get it refilled.
That is up to you I guess. I didn't feel like my online doc knew more than I did from reading a shit ton on the internet, and in some cases I knew more than he did. Doctors aren't magicians.

I haven't been to a doc in about 1.5 years now. I do my bloods for cash pay, I can choose what tests I have ran, and get the results in about 2 weeks for about $300. From there I can see my levels of everything and adjust if needed.

There are tons of online forums for test and HRT with smart ass people. Believe it or not, Reddit has some of the better info when you get past the bro dipshits. People have been taking test forever so there is a ton of solid information out there that is tried and true.

I buy all my test online and pay with Bitcoin, which I have never done before. It wasn't hard. It's all legit stuff. Test is insanely cheap and easy to make so no real issue of getting bunk shit. Not at all like buying anabolic steroids which is vast with fraudulent crap.

I was dropping a ton of cash for clinics, doctors, and way overpriced test so I just went solo. no regrets so far.
Yep, HRT tends to give humans cancer.

Large, peer reviewed, blah, blah.

Protects prostate, heart, and brain. Higher Test, longer, heather life. I'll see if I can find it for the lazy. Wasn't even close. If you have low test, you are at WAY higher risk of prostate cancer, heart issues, and dementia.

If you hear any "prostate cancer" shit from your doc, run. Talking out their ass, 100%.

Large, peer reviewed, blah, blah.

Protects prostate, heart, and brain. Higher Test, longer, heather life. I'll see if I can find it for the lazy. Wasn't even close. If you have low test, you are at WAY higher risk of prostate cancer, heart issues, and dementia.

If you hear any "prostate cancer" shit from your doc, run. Talking out their ass, 100%.
What? A doctor talking out of his ass? No way! We haven't seen a single example of this since May 2020. They're experts.

Talk of that Viagra (sildenafil) lowers the risk of Alzheimer's disease by 60%. The blue pill increases blood supply, which is good for the noggin 🧠 inside the cranial cavity/improves brain health-

Large, peer reviewed, blah, blah.

Protects prostate, heart, and brain. Higher Test, longer, heather life. I'll see if I can find it for the lazy. Wasn't even close. If you have low test, you are at WAY higher risk of prostate cancer, heart issues, and dementia.

If you hear any "prostate cancer" shit from your doc, run. Talking out their ass, 100%.

Correct. PAE is just talking out of his ass like the usual dumb fuck he is.
I got my numbers checked... 322. It seems that they keep lowering the number to be considered low, didn't 400 used to be the low mark? The VA says anything over 220 is normal.

Curious if I should seek outside remedies. Been working out for nearly 5 months with little results, no real appreciable weight loss, been dieting at the same time. Energy has been lower this year than in the past as well.
Fuck that. The ranges that they give you as "normal" are basically anything that will keep you from being a total sloth. Nothing that is "healthy" let alone ideal.

What is your Free Test?

Mine was more than yours and I felt like shit.

I started at 160mg/week and that brought me into the 800s I think it was. I felt like a new person.

There is risk in starting TRT and it's not something you want to start and think you can quit or not stay on top of. You are fucking with your hormone system and shutting of your body's ability to create it's own testosterone. I will most likely never return depending on how long your stay on TRT.

I used Defy online clinic. It isn't cheap to get it all going and it cash/cc only. They will get you going with the basics as far as blood work, test, etc. I used them for about a year until I had myself dialed in and learned a lot. Now I just do it myself. I buy from UGL (underground labs) and get my own blood work and they email me the results. I adjust from there with help from some online forums sometimes if I am not sure.
I got my numbers checked... 322. It seems that they keep lowering the number to be considered low, didn't 400 used to be the low mark? The VA says anything over 220 is normal.

Curious if I should seek outside remedies. Been working out for nearly 5 months with little results, no real appreciable weight loss, been dieting at the same time. Energy has been lower this year than in the past as well.
your spot on, not long ago it was something like 400-1200?

Two things driving it,

1) Pussy doctors and just general lack of knowledge on diet and physical conitioning

2) Pussy population,
average man is carrying less because of how they grow up, little to no activity.
Mine was in the low 400's at 32 yrs old
I checked it 7 yrs later at 39 after changing my eating habits and weight training regularly 7 yrs ago, it was near 600...
Apply that logic in reverse to your average man 30 yrs ago. Nothing but video games as kids, computers as adults..

Cholesterol "normal" has been trending down since the 70's, used to i think 270ish was normal, yet heart disease is higher than ever. Guessing a large percentage of the people in the "normal" range are medicated with statins. Doing things to lower your cholesterol like the .gov wants you to do hurts your test level also
Cholesterol "normal" has been trending down since the 70's, used to i think 270ish was normal, yet heart disease is higher than ever. Guessing a large percentage of the people in the "normal" range are medicated with statins. Doing things to lower your cholesterol like the .gov wants you to do hurts your test level also

Atorvastatin here. My cholesterol came back good this time, but the "good" cholesterol was low, whatever that means. Maybe I should eliminate that horse pill.
My opinions....Based on reading & listening to alot of folks over the years. I'm def not a whitecoat, not even close. I quit going to GP's years ago cause I got tired of the wasted $ just for someone to try and sell me some fucking statins. I get my bloodwork done on my own, and do DOT physical every 2 yrs.

The whole fat is bad, whole grains is good has really fucked us.

Animal fats and natural fats are actually good for you and your body's systems, whole fruits, and vegetables, including starches, with fiber in-tact is good and satiating as well.

Highly processed fats (veggie oils etc) are bad, just like anything else highly processed including "healthy low fat, made from whole grains" bullshit...
Its among the many things killing us

There is not one thing that will fix your problems, its a bunch of little things.
Treating the symptoms is killing us, treating the causes is what makes a good change.

When you got half the damn population (rough guess) on something like statins, ssris, blood pressure meds etc it really explains alot, as well as why the "normals" are lower.

I bet 25% could fix their issues if they ate 75% better and got out and moved more, preferably some heavy shit on occasion..

Atorvastatin here. My cholesterol came back good this time, but the "good" cholesterol was low, whatever that means. Maybe I should eliminate that horse pill.
What horse pill?
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