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Low Testosterone

You can get a request for therapeutic phlebotomy form from whatever donation center and have your doc fill out. Blood assurance has them online. Im sure there are a bunch others.
If my hemoglobin is high the doc will drain a bag. Unfortunately it doesn’t get donated.
Apparently mine is plenty high. My body just isn't converting enough of it into usable whatever.
Apparently mine is plenty high. My body just isn't converting enough of it into usable whatever.
Check out 49 Willys video ^

" title="How I Fixed My Low (free) Testosterone: High SHBG & Iron Overload
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Just watched a podcast on this subject that had some interesting info.

Too much Iron/ high hemoglobin are two big factors in low available test when you have high #s.
My wife brought that up a few weeks ago. I tested out spot on.
Do you have male pattern baldness?
Kinda? I've beat the last two generations on my dad's side by 10 years :laughing:. Don't have as much cover up there as I used to, though.
Just watched a podcast on this subject that had some interesting info.

Too much Iron/ high hemoglobin are two big factors in low available test when you have high #s.

Donate blood. Doc should be able to write orders to be a therapeutic donor. Instead of every 60 days I can donate every 3 days if needed. That brings down your hemoglobin numbers to a healthy range pretty quick
As far as donating, I was donating plasma and had more than enough blood drawn for testing a few months ago. Clean as a whistle. Just not processing the T into usable stuff.

Then again, I've been a night owl my entire life and people keep throwing this or that pill or whatever at me to regain energy, while I'm running on 2-3 hours of sleep per day because I have to get up and do stuff during the day and then I snap wide awake at 2200 every night. F. M. L. right now.
Red blood /= plasma. Have to give whole blood iirc.
I will look into therapeutic donor
If my rbc count is high they take a bag at the clinic.
As far as donating, I was donating plasma and had more than enough blood drawn for testing a few months ago. Clean as a whistle. Just not processing the T into usable stuff.

Then again, I've been a night owl my entire life and people keep throwing this or that pill or whatever at me to regain energy, while I'm running on 2-3 hours of sleep per day because I have to get up and do stuff during the day and then I snap wide awake at 2200 every night. F. M. L. right now.
Dontating plasma only makes it worse, FYI. Has to be whole blood.

Try a Vitamin D and magnesium glycinate in the AM, Wont hurt and might help sleep regulation? Some sources say take it at night before bed. I do think it needs Vit D to process? So maybe still take that in the AM. Don't take the D at night! You won't sleep for shit...
Dontating plasma only makes it worse, FYI. Has to be whole blood.

Try a Vitamin D and magnesium glycinate in the AM, Wont hurt and might help sleep regulation? Some sources say take it at night before bed. I do think it needs Vit D to process? So maybe still take that in the AM. Don't take the D at night! You won't sleep for shit...
I quit the plaz a few months ago.

Generally have vitamin D in the mornings. No effect on sleep regulation. Seems to have a lot to do with being such an introvert. I'm always excited to work at night when most people have gone indoors.
Dontating plasma only makes it worse, FYI. Has to be whole blood.

Try a Vitamin D and magnesium glycinate in the AM, Wont hurt and might help sleep regulation? Some sources say take it at night before bed. I do think it needs Vit D to process? So maybe still take that in the AM. Don't take the D at night! You won't sleep for shit...
Magnesium before bed/night med.✔️
Dontating plasma only makes it worse, FYI. Has to be whole blood.

Try a Vitamin D and magnesium glycinate in the AM, Wont hurt and might help sleep regulation? Some sources say take it at night before bed. I do think it needs Vit D to process? So maybe still take that in the AM. Don't take the D at night! You won't sleep for shit...

Magnesium before bed/night med.✔️

Yep, magnesium is awesome before bed. Helps me sleep all night. I use the citrate version, some say that more bioavailable?

For an extra kick add in Vit D3 and K2 (helps the D3 work better).
Yep, magnesium is awesome before bed. Helps me sleep all night. I use the citrate version, some say that more bioavailable?

For an extra kick add in Vit D3 and K2 (helps the D3 work better).
Agree; magnesium at night dose while K2+D3 day dose.

I started taking magnesium when I discovered it help in producing serotonin.
On that note, if you're in a relationship talk to her. We went from 1-2x a month, to a lot. Probably average 3-5x a week now.
Well shit, I had thought about going down this route, but I'm not ready for a divorce yet. :flipoff2:
Does anyone have any experience with the nasal gel options? I was prescribed it yesterday by a urologist but I am really, really hesitant about starting it after reading whatever posts I could find about it and reading the two small scale studies done by the pharmaceutical company that makes the stuff.

HRT just feels like a bad idea all around. I suffer with my low test but I feel like I'd be worse off messing around with my hormones than just leaving things alone.
HRT just feels like a bad idea all around. I suffer with my low test but I feel like I'd be worse off messing around with my hormones than just leaving things alone.
it works out so well for the trannies

Does anyone have any experience with the nasal gel options? I was prescribed it yesterday by a urologist but I am really, really hesitant about starting it after reading whatever posts I could find about it and reading the two small scale studies done by the pharmaceutical company that makes the stuff.

HRT just feels like a bad idea all around. I suffer with my low test but I feel like I'd be worse off messing around with my hormones than just leaving things alone.
When it really hit me hard I was miserable. Zero energy, zero drive. Slept like shit, when I did try and workout or go on a hike or do anything physical I felt like crap for a week. It was a gamechanger for me. I'm back to feeling good, working out, loosing weight. Able to take a trip and keep going every day.

Yes, I get there are risks. But I'm at the stage of my life where my career is established enough I can go on adventures, I make enough money to do most of what I want and my body is healthy and still able enough to do almost anything. I have a kid I need to be able to keep up with. Now is a really important part of my life. I'm willing to risk getting having this time and potentially less when I'm old and not able to do as much.

But if you want to stick something up your nose to feel better, try cocaine.

I might look into the pellets next year. I've been on a solid, predictable dose (shots) for over a year. The shots can get annoying when you are traveling (both flying and the temp issues camping).
Yep, HRT tends to give humans cancer.
Yep, HRT tends to give humans cancer.

Everything gives you cancer in the state of California. Please shut the fuck in if you don’t have any useful input.
That is useful input, for those that dont want to die earlier in life and or arent stupid like you.

Everything gives you cancer in the state of California. Please shut the fuck in if you don’t have any useful input.
That is useful input, for those that dont want to die earlier in life and or arent stupid like you.

Again, nothing useful to add. Please close your dick holster.
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