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Low Testosterone

Or high blood pressure, cholesterol, thick blood, and kidney damage
“thick blood”, high blood pressure is controlled by donating blood because test can produce polycythemia

”kidney damage“ is correlated to other things that trt is used to help

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is Associated with Delayed Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease​

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Wasnt really thinking about the ailments Animal Mother mentioned more about cancer later in life after taking TRT for years.
Or high blood pressure, cholesterol, thick blood, and kidney damage
When I was in the Gym business I saw all that and more, but those guys were taking massive amounts in comparison to TRT, and they were stacking. Most of them were buying black market and not being monitored by a Dr. I know a few that didn't live to be 50.
“thick blood”, high blood pressure is controlled by donating blood because test can produce polycythemia

”kidney damage“ is correlated to other things that trt is used to help

I guess it all depends on the person and is why it’s important to get labs done. For some even mild doses can jack up hematocrit numbers, cause blood to thicken and a host of other side effects.....including kidney strain.
When I was in the Gym business I saw all that and more, but those guys were taking massive amounts in comparison to TRT, and they were stacking. Most of them were buying black market and not being monitored by a Dr. I know a few that didn't live to be 50.
Yeah I’ve got a couple friends who I think to myself well never make 60.

I’ve gone both routes. Dr (term used loosely) vs gym bros. Like most things in my life my dumbass had to learn by trial and error or the hard way. Its funny now how I can pick up on all the little tell tell signs of someone juicing at the gym when before I wouldn’t have noticed. Even the TRT guys.
TRT and Prostate Cancer links

For those that actually need TRT I think there are potential benefits. But.…from what I have read the people that actually suffer from low T as a result of a medical condition are a lot fewer than those that are just taking T because their levels tested low. Plenty of T factories out there willing to load people up on test but a lot less real doctors that know much about it or willing to work with someone. Plus I don’t think the side effects are fully understood and vary a great deal. Lot of people don’t understand that TRT is meant to be forever.

No point in dicking around shutting your bodies production down unless you absolutely need to. I’m off of taking anything for about 2 years. I know my levels are lower now than they would have been had I never took anything but feel like I’ve recovered pretty well. Luckily. Especially at my age…mid 40s.

All in all I feel better now but I was always prone to side effects. Even at low doses under dr supervision I would take a hit to my cardio. I was constantly having to give blood to keep my iron down. My cholesterol was jacked. My face was always beat ass red and liver and kidneys were under stress. Got tired of the mood swings and wanting to bang a hole in the floor or whatever was around.
I need to get mine checked. Everything seems to be a push nowadays. I really hate the idea of shots. lots of fawking seems to help, but my wife is just not near a horny as she was 30 years ago. maybe Mathew was right and I need to up my numbers on rubbing one out.
So what's the natural way to boost T levels?? I heard "sunning your balls" was a good start.
I need to get mine checked. Everything seems to be a push nowadays. I really hate the idea of shots. lots of fawking seems to help, but my wife is just not near a horny as she was 30 years ago. maybe Mathew was right and I need to up my numbers on rubbing one out.
They have pellets they can inject, patches, etc
After reading this thread, alot of it resonates. About to turn 45 and have been feeling a decline the last few years; just thought it was mild depression or something.

I'll be contacting a doctor and looking in to this.
There is a diet for avoiding things that kill testosterone

Testosterone diet tips The Diet that Doubled my Testosterone in 2015 | SpartanTraveler

Also gout is the rich man's disease stay away from red wine coffee and shellfish. I had a lobster sandwich that killed my knee for about a week.

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals you can take. Find an ionized liquids formula
Its funny now how I can pick up on all the little tell tell signs of someone juicing at the gym when before I wouldn’t have noticed. Even the TRT guys.
There's no fucking way you're picking up on "tale-tell" anything from the TRT guys unless you just think it's really odd that a 40-something+ could be in decent shape. TRT is what, 100mg/week max dose? Thereabouts? A very safe, very sane, very low key steroid cycle is that dose every day. You're picking up on tale-tell signs of older guys cycling.
There's no fucking way you're picking up on "tale-tell" anything from the TRT guys unless you just think it's really odd that a 40-something+ could be in decent shape. TRT is what, 100mg/week max dose? Thereabouts? A very safe, very sane, very low key steroid cycle is that dose every day. You're picking up on tale-tell signs of older guys cycling.
Oh really? who the fuck are you to know what I am picking up on?

Because I guess it’s impossible to later on have my suspicions confirmed?

Anyways…. cycling means going on and coming off. And yeah I can spot those guys even easier. TRT guys never come off and are doctor prescribed. There are plenty of T clinics that have people that check all the boxes to call themselves doctors that will happily start someone off at 200mg/week. COVID has made it even easier to get prescribe. Yet these dudes run around saying they are on TRT. For all intents and purposes they are. They never come off so they aren’t “cycling“ Shit. They are under dr care. Call it what you want.

But yeah…since we are being nit picky little ****s TRT isn’t old dudes cycling it’s old dudes taking steroids and I can spot them pretty consistently.
But yeah…since we are being nit picky little ****s TRT isn’t old dudes cycling it’s old dudes taking steroids and I can spot them pretty consistently.

I'm that old guy who went to a real Doctor not a clinic, a urologist actually. What is it you think you pick up on ?
Its a real question, while I feel great I am concerned about side effects
I'm that old guy who went to a real Doctor not a clinic, a urologist actually. What is it you think you pick up on ?
Its a real question, while I feel great I am concerned about side effects
If you are worried you should talk to your real doctor about side effects.

As far as what I am picking up on. Anyone that has been around it enough knows what I am talking about. It’s really not that big of deal and definitely not some kind of secret power I have. Pretty obvious if you are familiar with steroids. Also we are talking about a gym setting not some random encounter out in public at the movies or something.

It’s like being at a party and picking out which people may be doing blow in the bathroom. If you have done coke, been around people that have done coke, know there is coke at the party, then there is a good chance you can spot the ones on coke. It doesn’t matter if some are on legal coke or got their coke from China. The signs are the same.
PAE flecker

Yes, I'm concerned about long term health effects of fucking with my hormones.

I'd like to press the easy button, I'd like to spend $200mo and make an extra 1500mo by being an animal, but I don't want to pay the price in 10-15-20 years, maybe the price is cancer, baldness, or balled up in a corner crying on my bitch tits because I don't have insurance to keep up the ride

Flecker, I think most of it can be done naturally. I know if I get 2 nights of 7 hour sleep back to back I wake up with a rager.

There's foods that are T killers, and foods that are supposed to boost. I wouldn't worry about the boosting foods, more cutting out the killers, cutting out stress, and getting better sleep. FWIW, this is what I do to some extent

A lot of it is mental, IMO, when you're hot you're hot, when you're not you're not:grinpimp:
If you are worried you should talk to your real doctor about side effects.

As far as what I am picking up on. Anyone that has been around it enough knows what I am talking about. It’s really not that big of deal and definitely not some kind of secret power I have. Pretty obvious if you are familiar with steroids. Also we are talking about a gym setting not some random encounter out in public at the movies or something.

It’s like being at a party and picking out which people may be doing blow in the bathroom. If you have done coke, been around people that have done coke, know there is coke at the party, then there is a good chance you can spot the ones on coke. It doesn’t matter if some are on legal coke or got their coke from China. The signs are the same.

Concerned might be the wrong phrase, I don't want to miss any negative side effects should they happen. Simple as that.
Concerned might be the wrong phrase, I don't want to miss any negative side effects should they happen. Simple as that.
Huh? i didnt assume anything....you said you went to a real doctor and I said so talk to your real doctor :homer:
So what has fucked up my life???

The desire to chase women

The desire to build stupid shit and never finish

now I don’t feel the need to chase anything with low enough standards to smile at me, and I’m not motivated , so I stopped spending my life savings on a $3500 truck, and my first thought is “damn…. I gotta fix this”???

i wish this happened in my teens. I woulda been somebody, and may even have a dollar squirreled away somewhere.
Oh really? who the fuck are you to know what I am picking up on?

Because I guess it’s impossible to later on have my suspicions confirmed?

Anyways…. cycling means going on and coming off. And yeah I can spot those guys even easier. TRT guys never come off and are doctor prescribed. There are plenty of T clinics that have people that check all the boxes to call themselves doctors that will happily start someone off at 200mg/week. COVID has made it even easier to get prescribe. Yet these dudes run around saying they are on TRT. For all intents and purposes they are. They never come off so they aren’t “cycling“ Shit. They are under dr care. Call it what you want.

But yeah…since we are being nit picky little ****s TRT isn’t old dudes cycling it’s old dudes taking steroids and I can spot them pretty consistently.
Because average TRT mimics someone with normal test levels.

No one is going to tell the difference between a dude with 200ng and one with 600ng
Because average TRT mimics someone with normal test levels.

No one is going to tell the difference between a dude with 200ng and one with 600ng
sure the dudes that are on legit TRT with a normal range for their age would be hard to spot.

I would argue more guys are on TRT that dont really need it and walk around with higher than normal ranges especially considering their age group than the guys that truely have a medical condition and stay within natural ranges.

Especially considering the people in gyms. Especially the dudes in my gym. They are considered on TRT and stick out like a sore thumb.
Updating my progress:

1: For all of you who posted up 'I should get tested" and didn't, I'm calling you out. Call and schedule that shit.

B: For all of you "naysayers". This thread isn't about abusing steroids to get huge. All I see is folks who have zero first hand experience trying to conflate abusers with doctor monitored TRT. There are potential side effects. Talk with a doc and decide for yourself.

III: I switched from my primary care doc monitoring my TRT to a endocrinologist who specializes in TRT. Like all drugs there is a no one size fits all, but unlike most other drugs you can dial in a precise dose that works for you. This is 90% feel, so I keep a very basic journal and talk to my wife when I change dosages. The other 10% is monitoring by a doc to make sure all of the things you can't feel are good to go. While we are dialing in my dosage I'm on a 3 month testing and consult cycle.

She switched me to subcutaneous injections. Way, easier and less painful. If the IM injections were a 1 on the pain and inconvenience scale, the SQ injections are a .03.

Considering going to a 5 day cycle. I feel a difference towards the end of a 7 day cycle. I accidentally missed a dose and REALLY felt it.

Talked about the new pills. She hasn't prescribed them yet. From what I've seen you can still dial a very specific dose. No more stabbing, which isn't a issue for me anyway. The draw for me is they are daily. No more peaks and valleys.

Since someone talked about ball shrinkage a while back I've been more aware and unfortunately my balls have not shrunk enough for me or my wife to perceive any changes. Wife is hoping for a smaller purse to carry them in, and I'm hoping they'll be less annoying when it's hot as balls out. (pun intended).

So far the only negative side effect was early on. I had the thought process and libido of a 18yo for a couple weeks. There should be a clear warning "MAY RESULT IN YOU BEING MURDERED OR LOSING YOUR HOUSE". Fortunately it was short lived and no damage was done. Now I tell my wife before any dosage changes and I'm also more self aware. It was subtle, gradual, and thankfully temporary.
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