Harlan Black Mountain Off Road Park?
Harlan Black Mountain Off Road Park?
beware, that any gem in its current form isn't guaranteed to stay that way, so just buy enough land to ensure the neighbors dont bother/ affect you.
I was >||< THIS close to moving to Gillam for a job.
It's not somewhere you would ever want to put down roots, northern MB in general. Take it from me and Scott Cee and maybe one or two others on here who have worked there, the indians will kill you. There were a few threads detailing some of what goes on up there on the other place that you were probably absent for. Actually outside of one of the "towns" I am kinda doubtful you could even own any land up there anymore as it all belongs to the indians.
I made damn good money up there but I would never ever go back unless the money would make me a small fortune in this day and age.
No there isn't a hidden gem and if there were only an unamerican asshole would a) post about it on the public internet and b) do so in direct response to a commiefornian asking the question.
You don't get it. Everybody is being nice.
Fuck. Off.
Don't move. Sit your ass down where it belongs, where you made your bed.
So its better? Which means its the right choice? Sounds like the OP is in a rural area and still unable to make it. In NY you can live in a rural area and still make good money.
This is probably the best comment in the thread, and it's really all you can do.
We did the same thing when we moved from town to the country. I grew up in the country, but the wife always lived in town, so I dealt with it for 5 years. After 5 years I couldn't take it anymore. The trashy neighbors behind us were talking shit to the neighbors beside us, because he had a crush on her, and we were friends so naturally spoke more than any other neighbors. I told the wife, we either move to where we have NO neighbors, or I'm going to go over there and beat the fuck out of the trashy neighbor so he stops running his mouth. We had no other issues with any neighbors, but one bad neighbor can make life HELL.
So, we specifically looked for homes that sat roughly 600' or more off the road, and came with more than 10 acres. We found our little slice of heaven on 20 acres and 600' off the road. We have one neighbor we can see in the winter. The other neighbor behind me I've spoke to twice in passing as he owns 60 acres. There's 350 acres vacant above us that has been stripped and timbered, and will most likely never leave the family.
You 2 should hang out
Where did I say I'm unable to make it? Yes I'm rural, we were set to actually buy something decent and then the fire happened. Not only did it knock us on our ass, but it made real estate skyrocket. People were offering $500k cash on houses liked for $425k that were really worth $350k. It's calmed down a little, and we could probably afford something OK, but just really don't want to stay anymore.
Didn't mean it like that. I'm sure your doing just fine, I'm just saying you can't get what you want where your at so moving elsewhere you might be able to make out better.
So its better? Which means its the right choice? Sounds like the OP is in a rural area and still unable to make it. In NY you can live in a rural area and still make good money.
Wtf good does increased property value do unless you own multiple pieces of property and have significant equity in them?
If you own one piece of property and it goes way up in "value" because of urban growth, that just means anything else you buy in that area is gonna be just as expensive.
If I lived on 100ac that I planned on never selling and living there forever, then I wouldn't give a shit if it was worth $1000 or $1,000, 000.
Buy an RV to full time in and chase 70 degree weather, make your home base the place that suits you best.
Coronado ca was the perfect place for year around weather but 99% can't afford to live there.
I cannot recommend TN enough.
An amazing state to live in.
The rural areas are pennies cheap and there is good money to be made in the cities.
My house cost me $125 a year in property tax, no water, no sewer charges.
You can make an unlimited amount of money in the City which I am just 30 mins away from.
I have land, i am on a large creek, I have no neighbors, I paid 5 figures for my house.
Freedom is everything here and taxes are low.
Whats the job market like in the Knoxville area right now? Specifically mech engineering with a heavy industry mfg background. I see listings from time to time that I could apply for but local knowledge of the market would be nice to hear.
We visited Knoxville on a whim last summer and fell in love with the area. It is on my very short list for our CA exit plan in the next year. I spent a lot of time at a plant in northwest GA so I know roughly how bad the humidity and winters can get. I'd trade that for overcrowded and traffic any day.
There is a hidden gem "place to live" left... quite a few actually. My little town is getting swamped this summer.
Sucks, but kinda sweet at the same time. Getting crowded, but my home price is seemingly soaring.
Fuck that place, it's almost as bad as old Mexico. Nothing but tumbleweeds and savages looking for scalps. Stay away!Nobody mentioned New Mexico, (except Flecker)]
Fuck that place, it's almost as bad as old Mexico. Nothing but tumbleweeds and savages looking for scalps. Stay away!
Ya know, if I had the opportunity and didn't live where I currently am, I'd seriously consider this move. Way up in Manitoba somewhere.
AZ is too fucking crowded to have hidden gems left. There's not enough towns and highways in this state. Traffic sucks statewide with people venturing out of the metro area to everywhere in the state. It's changed a lot in the 27 years I've been here.
Nobody mentioned New Mexico, (except Flecker). This place even has an awesome name. https://www.google.com/maps/place/T...41fcdb78a71a4f08!8m2!3d36.13122!4d-105.759201
Strangely I've never been there, close, but never been. Looks beautiful, less heat than AZ, etc. I know wages are low, but in 5 years that won't matter to me.
Santa Fe, ABQ, or Las Cruces?
AZ and NM. Isn't it, like, 125º there?