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COVID Vaccine!

COVID Vaccine!

  • Yes, I trust my government

    Votes: 13 9.4%
  • Hell to the naw

    Votes: 60 43.5%
  • I'll wait as late as possible to see what happens to others muahahahah

    Votes: 51 37.0%
  • Bacon

    Votes: 14 10.1%

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My credibility doesn’t matter. I’m reflecting studies and facts not picking out semantics and dodging the truth. You took two statements out of context. I said mass meaning high percent. 25 of 600 is absurdly high. 80k of 100k is absurdly high. Both RNA vaccines.

post a rebuttal to the facts not picking terminology and name calling.

or get the vaccine and take the risk. I don’t care what you do.

yeah, how about posting up a link to the 200K person study in china where 80K died. I did some looking and, crazy! nothing.

help us out. I wanna believe, but I need linky.
Please tell me what downsides have been presented here. Just come up with one. All the standard claptrap about "it hasn't been tested" isn't a downside.

Come on, you can do it.. Actual symptoms, actual problems caused by the vaccine.

So far, here's the list:
redness, soreness around injection site
Muscle aches.

Anxiously awaiting your addition to the list.... Riots, lost freedoms, government conspiracies don't need to apply..

Come on, you can do it...

I bet this was your ad in the local paper 70 years ago wasn't it. :lmao: You can take your hasn't been tested and smoke it because I bet you think THAT is a good idea. If people are willing to eat Mcdonalds and get heart disease and die fat AF at 55 or drink themselves to death and everyone is fine with it. Why do ****s like you think that everyone should be forced to take this cocktail of unknown shit to be maybe safer?

I bet this was your ad in the local paper 70 years ago wasn't it. :lmao: You can take your hasn't been tested and smoke it because I bet you think THAT is a good idea. If people are willing to eat Mcdonalds and get heart disease and die fat AF at 55 or drink themselves to death and everyone is fine with it. Why do ****s like you think that everyone should be forced to take this cocktail of unknown shit to be maybe safer?

Please, please show me where I said that anybody should be forced to take it. I'll wait here...
Please, please show me where I said that anybody should be forced to take it. I'll wait here...

You really truly are the purest form of unadulterated distilled 5 times charcoal filtered stupid aren't you. :lmao:

You really truly are the purest form of unadulterated distilled 5 times charcoal filtered stupid aren't you. :lmao:

You actually thought that was in any way supportive of a government-mandated vaccine.. I'm guessing you read it, you might want to read it again. Bonus points for actually discerning context, although not completely necessary. Or just go back to licking windows or something.
You really truly are the purest form of unadulterated distilled 5 times charcoal filtered stupid aren't you. :lmao:

The fuckin guy said we need the vaccine so people don’t miss a couple weeks work, stupid is an understatement:lmao::lmao:
The fuckin guy said we need the vaccine so people don’t miss a couple weeks work, stupid is an understatement:lmao::lmao:

If you feel you need it for such a reason, you should be able to take it. Please don't try to force your views into regulation of of how we live our lives in such a manner, it's really, really reminiscent of a lot of very bad actors in history.. We simply don't need vaccine fascists saying we can't take it because they personally think it's a plot by the Rothschilds or something..
The fuckin guy said we need the vaccine so people don’t miss a couple weeks work, stupid is an understatement:lmao::lmao:

I guess he missed the part where some people have been out of work for 8 months. Oh and the whole deal with getting the "shot" does not actually prevent you from getting covid or transmitting it to others. So basically it's useless just like him. :laughing: BUT BUT it will make your symptoms not as bad. When 99% of people get sicker from eating gas station Sushi. :rolleyes:
I guess he missed the part where some people have been out of work for 8 months. Oh and the whole deal with getting the "shot" does not actually prevent you from getting covid or transmitting it to others. So basically it's useless just like him. :laughing: BUT BUT it will make your symptoms not as bad. When 99% of people get sicker from eating gas station Sushi. :rolleyes:

Great. Another vaccine Nazi.
If you feel you need it for such a reason, you should be able to take it. Please don't try to force your views into regulation of of how we live our lives in such a manner, it's really, really reminiscent of a lot of very bad actors in history.. We simply don't need vaccine fascists saying we can't take it because they personally think it's a plot by the Rothschilds or something..

I like how every time someone points out how fucking retarded the point you’re attempting to make is, you go off on a wild rant to change the subject. You’d be a great politician.

Ive never said you nor anyone can’t take it, I’ve simply made complete fun of your dumbass and pointed out the pure idiocy and hypocrisy around this vaccine.

You’re religion drives fear. Your new holy water is the only way you’ll survive. Unless of course you’re older, or have any sort of underlying issues. Then you might not survive and there may be severe allergic reactions, but we can’t tell you what those are. But yeah, the holy water is 100% the way to go:lmao:
Great, you're still a covid crusader who thinks the vaccine is virtue

Haven't read much of this, have you? I think you should go ahead and just inject a quart of the virus direct into your jugular, doesn't matter much to me. I would just rather have the vaccine available to anybody who accepts the risk and hopes for a positive return as a result of taking it.. Risk vs. return, just like anything else in the capitalistic society which you despise so.

As a freedom-loving American, I just have a really hard time agreeing with you people who are desperately trying to shut down the vaccine based on whatever e-mail you got this morning from a bunch of anti-vaxxer freakshows. Just back the fuck off, let those of us that are willing to give the vaccine a shot, where we can sit back and live our lives in peace, with or without a COVID infection, however that works out..
I like how every time someone points out how fucking retarded the point you’re attempting to make is, you go off on a wild rant to change the subject. You’d be a great politician.

Ive never said you nor anyone can’t take it, I’ve simply made complete fun of your dumbass and pointed out the pure idiocy and hypocrisy around this vaccine.

You’re religion drives fear. Your new holy water is the only way you’ll survive. Unless of course you’re older, or have any sort of underlying issues. Then you might not survive and there may be severe allergic reactions, but we can’t tell you what those are. But yeah, the holy water is 100% the way to go:lmao:

I haven't said a damned word about whether you should take the vaccine or not. Yet you guys are DESPERATELY spending loads of time trying to make the point that I'm an idiot for not being afraid to take it, and I have explained my rationale for that lack of fear. Why do you have such a compelling need to control what everybody else does?
Until I see heaps of bodies carried out by dump trucks to a mass burning, I'll stick with waiting.
I guess he missed the part where some people have been out of work for 8 months. Oh and the whole deal with getting the "shot" does not actually prevent you from getting covid or transmitting it to others. So basically it's useless just like him. :laughing: BUT BUT it will make your symptoms not as bad. When 99% of people get sicker from eating gas station Sushi. :rolleyes:

He possess a severe lack of intelligence and honesty. His entire point was to tell us all how safe and worthwhile this vaccine is and that we’re idiots because creating a vaccine in months is completely safe because we’ve come so far.

Meanwhile, side effects may include Bell’s palsy, severe allergic reaction and death. And oh yeah, by the way, it won’t really prevent you from getting, spreading or surviving covid.
Actually since what they are pedaling is not a vaccine you are wrong YET AGAIN. :lmao:

And it really, really doesn't matter what it is. It could meet all your technical requirements for being a vaccine, and you'd still be incessantly harping against it. That's what you people do, just let the conspiracy theories take over your lives and remove all residual capability for rational thought..
The problem is the people pushing the 'vaccine' want everyone to take it because rona's gonna kill everyone. I don't give a flying fuck what you do to your body but don't push your bull shit magic crystal shit on the rest if us. Also if you end up developing something unforseen from the vaccine don't expect any sympathy from anyone.

A vaccine is just giving your immune system a head start in theory, so why do you need to wear a mask if you have already been exposed to the rona in vaccine form?
Haven't read much of this, have you? I think you should go ahead and just inject a quart of the virus direct into your jugular, doesn't matter much to me. I would just rather have the vaccine available to anybody who accepts the risk and hopes for a positive return as a result of taking it.. Risk vs. return, just like anything else in the capitalistic society which you despise so.

As a freedom-loving American, I just have a really hard time agreeing with you people who are desperately trying to shut down the vaccine based on whatever e-mail you got this morning from a bunch of anti-vaxxer freakshows. Just back the fuck off, let those of us that are willing to give the vaccine a shot, where we can sit back and live our lives in peace, with or without a COVID infection, however that works out..

So we have to “back the fuck off” on pointing out facts about the virus, but you can continue to preach based off of emotions? That makes sense :lmao:

You mention “risk vs reward”. So what percentage of death and severe allergic reactions to you feel are acceptable for the risk to be worth the reward?
And it really, really doesn't matter what it is. It could meet all your technical requirements for being a vaccine, and you'd still be incessantly harping against it. That's what you people do, just let the conspiracy theories take over your lives and remove all residual capability for rational thought..

“The vaccine isn’t there to prevent death, it’s so people don’t miss work”

I think I just figured out who’s not capable of rational thinking :lmao:
“The vaccine isn’t there to prevent death, it’s so people don’t miss work”

I think I just figured out who’s not capable of rational thinking :lmao:

Do you really think the only reason for any healthcare measure of any type is strictly to prevent death, with simply making people feel better not being an issue? The makers of tylenol and advil would be really interested to hear that.
I haven't said a damned word about whether you should take the vaccine or not. Yet you guys are DESPERATELY spending loads of time trying to make the point that I'm an idiot for not being afraid to take it, and I have explained my rationale for that lack of fear. Why do you have such a compelling need to control what everybody else does?

I have a lack of fear of the Chyna beerflu, so fuck you.:flipoff2:
Do you really think the only reason for any healthcare measure of any type is strictly to prevent death, with simply making people feel better not being an issue? The makers of tylenol and advil would be really interested to hear that.

You truly don’t see the idiocy behind every post you make. That’s fuckin embarrassing:lmao:

I do like the sidestepping and irrelevant rants to change the subject though.:laughing:

Edit; If the side effects to taking Tylenol or Advil were comparable to the covid vaccine, they would’ve been belly up years ago:lmao:

”side effects of Tylenol may include severe headaches, body pain, stiffness and many others. Tylenol will also not prevent you from getting headaches, body pain and stiffness. Use as directed”:lmao::lmao:
So we have to “back the fuck off” on pointing out facts about the virus, but you can continue to preach based off of emotions? That makes sense :lmao:

You mention “risk vs reward”. So what percentage of death and severe allergic reactions to you feel are acceptable for the risk to be worth the reward?

And yet the only "facts" you'll accept as valid are those put out by whatever anti-vaxxer newsletter you subscribe to.. You simply completely discount anything the rest of the world has accepted as "facts".. Just exactly the flip side of what you're accusing me of. There's loads of conflicting information out there. To be honest, a lot of you guys' stuff just reads like you're about two sentences from it being labeled as an alien plot...

What percentage of death and severe allergic reactions? Well, the death rate being "cited" around the vaccine is pretty much right at the rate of death of the background population, (much like COVID itself), so that's really not an issue... "severe allergic reactions"? That's a gray area. Are we talking being as sick as if I actually got the virus? Then I'd go for the shot. Are we talking about being two heartbeats from death, with a 85% chance of said reaction occurring after the injection? That would change things, of course.

There's a wide range of risks and returns: after looking at it for months, both the CDC "company line" and all the assorted conspiracy theory contrary information, I'm good with taking my chances. I don't believe their 95% figure of preventing the virus, just like I don't believe half or more the crap you guys come up with.

However, the chances of all of these evil side effects, as opposed to the chances of ending up with the virus, adding in the chances of it actually having some effect as their cited studies have indicated, taken as a whole with a healthy dose of skepticism of both the CDC version and the anti-vaxxer company line, and like I said, I'm just not afraid to take my chances. Nobody's still come up with any good reason not to: I ask that question here and I get the standard line about riots and such, with an occasional mention of " you have a .0005 percent chance of dying".. Which I've got anyway. ZERO actual side effects that aren't cited by the manufacturer, with any realistically legitimate chance of occurring. (.0005% is not "realistically legitimate chance") That particular train starts at about a provable 10% and goes up.

the worst side effects that seem to have a real chance of occurring at a rate higher than the background population are right up there with a mild hangover after somebody punched you in the arm. After looking at this pretty extensively, I'm saying that any reasonable assessment of my "chances" here are <1% dying, <1% having any real significant side effect, >50% chance of getting the virus without it, and likely a much lower chance of getting the virus with it. If you want to dispose of the "reasonable" in that assessment, then you're welcome to put whatever numbers you want to into it, I'm sure you will anyway.
I have a lack of fear of the Chyna beerflu, so fuck you.:flipoff2:

How proud you must be. We're right in the middle of something of an "outbreak" here, two of our lead guys were sitting in my office twenty minutes before they got a phone call that their positive test results came back. Both of them have said they feel like absolute shit, one other guy was out for two weeks and just got back, he was out two weeks and probably 10 days of it was spent in almost hallucinatory high fever, etc.: he's a 35 year old ex-marine who is in really good shape, it looked like he went about a hundred rounds with Mike Tyson in his prime when he came back..

You can fear what you want. If I can avoid getting sick, I'm all for it. Sorry, but I'm just not going to go ahead and dive into a couple of rounds of feeling like death warmed over just so I can tell everybody that I don't believe what "they" tell me. Nothing Pfizer can come up with really compares to what I've done to myself over the last forty years or so..
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