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COVID Vaccine!

COVID Vaccine!

  • Yes, I trust my government

    Votes: 13 9.4%
  • Hell to the naw

    Votes: 60 43.5%
  • I'll wait as late as possible to see what happens to others muahahahah

    Votes: 51 37.0%
  • Bacon

    Votes: 14 10.1%

  • Total voters
Poll options aren't accurate...will wait a month or two, make sure zombies don't happen, then get it so we can end this shit.
This vaccine is similar to many others made before it. The chance for unknown side effects is negligible in my opinion. I won't be lining up to get one right away, but I have no moral/religious/physical/mental reason not to get one, especially if it puts a stop to all of the crazies.
And all of a sudden all the news networks are all excited about rolling out the vaccine by the end of the month, when trump was pushing it they challenged it needing to analyze the data six way to Sunday by 6 different committee experts .
Looks like the U.S. will have the Pfizer one, at least at first. Over here it's looking like we'll have a few options and it'll be up to each country's government to decide which they'll go for.
The vaccines are also not going to be identical and they'll be pricey as fuck.

I'mma wait it out as long as I can unless my employer or gooberment makes it mandatory.

I do not trust "Big pharma" :homer:
Heres my question for someone smarter than me. They say if you get the rone, you are only immune for three months. What will make the vaccine any different? If you get the vaccine will you have to get it every 3 months? Another observation is currently the side effects of the vaccine are worse than covid itself for myself and basically every younger healthy person I know who has gotten it.
With people I talk to those that speak loudest against masks and lockdowns are also dead set against the vaccine, which seems strange to me. I don’t know if vaccines will eliminate the virus but if it gets life back to normal I’m all for it. I’ll do my part and take it.
Heres my question for someone smarter than me. They say if you get the rone, you are only immune for three months. What will make the vaccine any different? If you get the vaccine will you have to get it every 3 months? Another observation is currently the side effects of the vaccine are worse than covid itself for myself and basically every younger healthy person I know who has gotten it.

Can't be worse than half the ones they advertised on TV, all of them give you the shits,some kill you. :homer:
Heres my question for someone smarter than me. They say if you get the rone, you are only immune for three months. What will make the vaccine any different? If you get the vaccine will you have to get it every 3 months? Another observation is currently the side effects of the vaccine are worse than covid itself for myself and basically every younger healthy person I know who has gotten it.

I have not watched this yet, but this youtube series has been the best and most objective I have found on covid info. This may explain it.

So if a coronavirus is one type of viral strain that causes what we call "the common cold," and COVID-19 is a family member of that particular family of viruses, are we trying to cure the common cold in only a few months?

I will hold off on a vaccine for as long as possible. "They" can't even settle on a method of transition and/or if it can be transmitted asymptomatically etc, so holding off on the injectables seems like a safer bet.
I have no problem with vaccines. Looking like September for the average Canadian, sooner for the high risk folks.
So if a coronavirus is one type of viral strain that causes what we call "the common cold," and COVID-19 is a family member of that particular family of viruses, are we trying to cure the common cold in only a few months?

The common cold (aka upper respiratory inffection) is not one particular virus. Basically a cold is a symptom of a virus, many types of viruses can cause a cold. Rhinovirus, RSV, Coronavirus are a few that cause colds with a decent number of cold-causing viruses unknown. We have known vaccines for many strains from those viruses, but the risk is relatively low to the population and we have enough herd immunity that mass vaccines are not needed.
With people I talk to those that speak loudest against masks and lockdowns are also dead set against the vaccine, which seems strange to me. I don’t know if vaccines will eliminate the virus but if it gets life back to normal I’m all for it. I’ll do my part and take it.

I'm not at all convinced that anything will get back to normal, post vaccine. We don't even know if it will work, long term.
With people I talk to those that speak loudest against masks and lockdowns are also dead set against the vaccine, which seems strange to me. I don’t know if vaccines will eliminate the virus but if it gets life back to normal I’m all for it. I’ll do my part and take it.

So here's the deal, you and I, while on opposing red vs blue teams are over here quarreling about who's right, there's billionaires pushing a bunch of fear pron about how bad this virus is on the infotainment which is owned by about the same 7 billionaires.

John Hopkins IIRC just published a study that says that the overall deaths in the country haven't really changed. Then the study got retracted almost instantly.
Why all the hype? Where are all the bodies? Wouldn't houses and classic cars and diesel trucks be getting cheap if their owners were all dying?

You say, "red, if you're against lockdown, why don't you get the shot? " I say "blue, this is much ado about nothing, nobody trusts a salesman that tries to hard"

we have a lot more in common than the men behind the curtain, but it's in their best interest to keep us fighting amongst ourselves
With people I talk to those that speak loudest against masks and lockdowns are also dead set against the vaccine, which seems strange to me. I don’t know if vaccines will eliminate the virus but if it gets life back to normal I’m all for it. I’ll do my part and take it.

Life hasn't changed from normality because of COVID. US deaths (from all diseases) hasn't been higher because of COVID. Life isn't normal because the media and big tech have been running a 24/7 fear and propaganda campaign since January.
So here's the deal, you and I, while on opposing red vs blue teams are over here quarreling about who's right, there's billionaires pushing a bunch of fear pron about how bad this virus is on the infotainment which is owned by about the same 7 billionaires.

John Hopkins IIRC just published a study that says that the overall deaths in the country haven't really changed. Then the study got retracted almost instantly.
Why all the hype? Where are all the bodies? Wouldn't houses and classic cars and diesel trucks be getting cheap if their owners were all dying?

You say, "red, if you're against lockdown, why don't you get the shot? " I say "blue, this is much ado about nothing, nobody trusts a salesman that tries to hard"

we have a lot more in common than the men behind the curtain, but it's in their best interest to keep us fighting amongst ourselves

Exactly. Everyone seems stuck in the right/left paradigm, and overlook the ruling class that are playing us like puppets.
For a bunch of people who harp on anti-vaxxers and flat-earthers...you sure are a skeptical bunch.
The power of the vaccine is not in its ability to prevent you from getting sick. It is a quantifiable security blanket that is accepted by both the government, institutions and society. Masks can be seen, measured and regulated. Social distancing can be seen, measured and regulated. A vaccine can be seen as you are getting it and possibly tracked like school immunization records. It can be measured and regulated. This allows people to check off a box and say we no longer have to worry about X as we did our due diligence and are being responsible. This allows people to carry on with normal routine and not have to worry about being held accountable for doing something that wasn't approved.
People are really stressed out about a 99%+ survival rate because they have no control over it. Give them a 95% effective cure or security blanket that they can decide to take and feel protected with and they are happy to face the world again.
Do what you want to do to your own bodies and give others the choice to decide what they want to do to theirs. This is the real problem, as a society we cannot leave each other alone, we want to control if others smoke, drink, drive fast, have weapons, take medicine or drugs, eat, have sex, reproduce, abort, kill, euthanize, believe or not believe what we believe they should believe.
Society enslaves each other with guilt, shame, suppression, control, hatred until they they break the others into doing what they want them to do. If there was a cure for people to leave each other alone I would probably take it even if it meant I would die early just so I could enjoy a free life.
Life hasn't changed from normality because of COVID. US deaths (from all diseases) hasn't been higher because of COVID. Life isn't normal because the media and big tech have been running a 24/7 fear and propaganda campaign since January.

This x1000000. The problem is NOT the virus, so why take a risky vaccine that doesn't cure the problem? Now if there was a socialism vaccine...
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