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COVID Vaccine!

COVID Vaccine!

  • Yes, I trust my government

    Votes: 13 9.4%
  • Hell to the naw

    Votes: 60 43.5%
  • I'll wait as late as possible to see what happens to others muahahahah

    Votes: 51 37.0%
  • Bacon

    Votes: 14 10.1%

  • Total voters
Well, the way I'm looking at this, it IS a vaccine: it's using that few billion years of knowledge to make a body produce antibodies, just like every successful vaccine ever built. Yes, it's pretty dicey whether you can hit that "successful" part, but the odds seem to be relatively good that it's at least going to do SOMETHING toward its original goal. I'm good with that.

If the vaccine works, and chances are pretty good that it will, I'm good with people still being scared of it: sure, it'd work better on a global scale with more people taking it, but there's a certain price to pay for freedom there: you've got to let people be smart just like you've got to let them be stupid or just scared.

I'm a long way from "not questioning anything": I've been questioning the fuck out of it, and I've yet to hear ANYBODY come up with a rational reason NOT to get this thing. Nobody can come up with anything worse than the piddly list of side effects that the manufacture published months ago. I've asked that question multiple times, in multiple locations and forums, and the best they can come up with is just some claptrap about "because the government is trying to control you" or "because people are going to riot over the vaccine"... Well, we've got something on the order of fifteen million doses under our belt now, and go figure: we haven't had riots, have had minimal side effects, and to my knowledge there's been nobody turn into a zombie. Everybody who wants to get it seems to be patiently waiting their "turn", and seems to understand that there's a priority schedule here that they're following. Nobody but 29 year old Congresswomen have cut that line for the most part.

Meanwhile, have you honestly had even a hint of anybody "forcing" this on you? Sure, there's plenty of sky-is-falling theories out there about people being forced to take it at gunpoint after next Tuesday, but really... it just hasn't happened, and likely won't. We're talking six months or more before they actually get everybody vaccinated, and by that time all but the most freakish anti-vaxxers are going to look at their neighbors, realize that they haven't grown additional limbs and ALSO haven't gotten COVID, and they'll probably go ahead and take it..

I really don't see a realistic scenario where people will be forced to take it: there likely will be companies that require it, airlines may require it for passengers, etc., but that's a long way from a governmental mandate..

Execpt its not a traditional vaccine where they inject you with an inactive virus (whatever the technical term is).

You also need to put the concerns of people in the cultural context of what's going on. One year ago today if you told me what was going on with lockdowns, mask mandates and clown world level of counter narratives was going to occur I would laugh you off as a lunatic who need to take thier meds. Having it forced upon people is closer than not having it forced upon people based on how 2020 has went, then again there is no predicting what the future will hold.

As usual I need my "I'm not an anti vaxxer" disclaimer, I'm a "due to my current medical state I'll sit this vaxx out"-er.
No, that's not a downside. That's a factor which needs to be considered into the risk. A downside would be a third arm, an untimely death, my dick getting shorter, pancreatic cancer, etc.... Nobody seems to be able to come up with ANY downside, and the month or two of case history we've got under our belts so far seem to bear that out..

You have ZERO actual knowledge that it "doesn't really do anything"... Mere conjecture on your part based on your own desperate want for it NOT to work... Nobody has any solid knowledge besides some assorted clinical tests that it will do anything and everything they promise. However, the chances are good enough based on what I have actually seen about those tests, to the point that I simply don't have enough of a problem with giving it a shot, in the absence of any rational "downside"... Which nobody can come up with.

Read the history on RNA vaccines. There is no other similar ones approved. No other vaccine that we use in the US works this way. Search dengue fever vaccine phillipines. Fauci was involved. People are being prosecuted for killing children. He’s not of course. It was more than 2 mos later...

the COVID-19 vaccine is not tested properly. That’s a fact. Long term effects, even the effectiveness of it agains the actual virus is unknown. Deaths from it aren’t being reported correctly. (Just like the actual death rate of COVID-19 sars deaths)

what makes you trust anything the government or
media puts out today? They have been proven to lie over and over and over.

this isn’t about a cure, it’s about an 800 billion dollar payout to big pharma. The fact that they are already peddling booster shots just pads their pockets more.

do what you want but don’t accuse others of misinformation when you are the one in the dark.
Read the history on RNA vaccines. There is no other similar ones approved. No other vaccine that we use in the US works
this way. Search dengue fever vaccine phillipines. Fauci was involved. People are being prosecuted for killing children. He’s not of course.

the COVID-19 vaccine is not tested properly. That’s a fact. Long term effects, even the effectiveness of it agains the actual virus is unknown. Deaths from it aren’t being reported correctly. (Just like the actual death rate of COVID-19 sars deaths)

what makes you trust anything the government or
media puts out today? They have been proven to lie over and over and over.

this isn’t about a cure, it’s about an 800 billion dollar payout to big pharma. The fact that they are already peddling booster shots just pads their pockets more.

do what you want but don’t accuse others of misinformation when you are the one in the dark.

And yet you still can't come up with a downside.... Not a single one. Zilch. Just the same old tired crap about a government conspiracy.
No, that's not a downside. That's a factor which needs to be considered into the risk. A downside would be a third arm, an untimely death, my dick getting shorter, pancreatic cancer, etc.... Nobody seems to be able to come up with ANY downside, and the month or two of case history we've got under our belts so far seem to bear that out..

You have ZERO actual knowledge that it "doesn't really do anything"... Mere conjecture on your part based on your own desperate want for it NOT to work... Nobody has any solid knowledge besides some assorted clinical tests that it will do anything and everything they promise. However, the chances are good enough based on what I have actually seen about those tests, to the point that I simply don't have enough of a problem with giving it a shot, in the absence of any rational "downside"... Which nobody can come up with.

What's an actual upside? Is the scary flu just less scary if you get it? If so that's not an upside
My brother and sister inlaw both work for a govt entity. They were told to get it or be fired. They got it and both got covid a few days later. He is still off work because he cant get a negative test. Been off work for nearly 3 weeks now.

Similar. Have friends who are being forced to get the vaccine or lose their job of 30 years.
That's not a theory, doctors have been saying evreyone will eventually get it from the onset, hence the flatten the curve talk. There's an argument to be made that they never should have locked down to minimize the mutations.

And you said load on your tongue:flipoff2:

That argument can't be won. Because it's a shit argument.
There is no downside when someone refuses to acknowledge them.

Please tell me what downsides have been presented here. Just come up with one. All the standard claptrap about "it hasn't been tested" isn't a downside.

Come on, you can do it.. Actual symptoms, actual problems caused by the vaccine.

So far, here's the list:
redness, soreness around injection site
Muscle aches.

Anxiously awaiting your addition to the list.... Riots, lost freedoms, government conspiracies don't need to apply..

Come on, you can do it...
Similar. Have friends who are being forced to get the vaccine or lose their job of 30 years.
This definitely has the potential to create a second class citizen.

Wonder how long this stays free? Good money to be made for a multi-shot vaccine that’s good for 3-4 months.
Riots, lost freedoms, government conspiracies don't need to apply..
Why don’t they apply?

Im making the statement that when two people discuss a difference of opinion they have to be open enough to the other side to hear what they say.

I like to sit back and read these threads, listening to others opinions that differ from mine helps me grow. I didn’t specifically go after you, I made a generalized comment concerning the fact that there is no problem if it isn’t acknowledged.
Not getting the disease. Just like any vaccine. ffs.

But it's not just like any vaccine. It doesn't even fit the legal definition of a vaccine. Yet, the government and media are all calling it a vaccine and are talking about making it mandatory. That should be setting off some concerns in everyones head.
“Show me some legitimate side effects to the vaccine”

well, Norway is alarmed that the number of people dying from the vaccine is increasing while America quietly acts like it’s not happening and Bell’s palsy is also occurring in people that were very healthy prior.

“well duh! It’s a small percentage and they were old and had underlying issues. This is a part of life and people are going to die. If they had underlying issues, you can’t blame the vaccine and it’s unfair to use those deaths in the percentages”

but we’ve been saying exactly that since the beginning and we were told that every life counts, so we needs lockdowns and mask. We were also told that underlying issues are actually irrelevant and it’s idiotic to use them as the cause.

“ but this is different! I was told that vaccines are good by my leaders, so I’m gonna keep making hypocritical statements because that’s the norm”

So to get this straight,
-underlying issues are the cause when it involves the vaccine, but not covid.
-every life counts and saying otherwise makes you a heartless piece of shit, unless of course it involves the vaccine. Then it’s acceptable.
-small death percentages are super bad when it comes to covid but not vaccines?

“Well yeah”

Ok, you win. I can’t argue with such a well thought out and intelligent argument that makes complete sense.:rolleyes:
“Show me some legitimate side effects to the vaccine”

well, Norway is alarmed that the number of people dying from the vaccine is increasing while America quietly acts like it’s not happening and Bell’s palsy is also occurring in people that were very healthy prior.

“well duh! It’s a small percentage and they were old and had underlying issues. This is a part of life and people are going to die. If they had underlying issues, you can’t blame the vaccine and it’s unfair to use those deaths in the percentages”

but we’ve been saying exactly that since the beginning and we were told that every life counts, so we needs lockdowns and mask. We were also told that underlying issues are actually irrelevant and it’s idiotic to use them as the cause.

“ but this is different! I was told that vaccines are good by my leaders, so I’m gonna keep making hypocritical statements because that’s the norm”

So to get this straight,
-underlying issues are the cause when it involves the vaccine, but not covid.
-every life counts and saying otherwise makes you a heartless piece of shit, unless of course it involves the vaccine. Then it’s acceptable.
-small death percentages are super bad when it comes to covid but not vaccines?

“Well yeah”

Ok, you win. I can’t argue with such a well thought out and intelligent argument that makes complete sense.:rolleyes:

I really appreciate the links and such to back up the assertion of bell's palsy. (which, with some quick research, seems to be happening basically at the same rate as it happens in the background population) . I'll put that right next to the "dying from the vaccine", which is happening at a rate similar to the background population, just like the same deaths from Covid.. You can't use the same deaths two different ways. You can make that shit up all you want, however I'm not the one inflating the COVID death count: far from it..

However, deaths aren't what this is all about.. It's just simply keeping the virus at bay, maybe keeping somebody from getting sick and having to take two weeks off work when they might not need to.. You guys seem to be so absolutely fixated on death. There's other options, you know..
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But it's not just like any vaccine. It doesn't even fit the legal definition of a vaccine. Yet, the government and media are all calling it a vaccine and are talking about making it mandatory. That should be setting off some concerns in everyones head.

I guess a Tesla doesn't fit the legal definition of an automobile, either...

Things change, science moves forward. It still is operating like the same vaccines we've been dealing with for a couple of hundred years. It's a new path to get there, but it's still simply stimulating the body's natural antibody production. That's not that hard. Sorry they didn't check with you to see if it fit all the requirements for the title "vaccine".

I've yet to hear any serious call for mandatory vaccine. A few democrats are talking about it, as they always will. That's about as far as it's gotten. They're still trying to figure out how they can do mandatory masks without a revolution.
I really appreciate the links and such to back up the assertion of bell's palsy.. I'll put that right next to the "dying from the vaccine", which is happening at a rate similar to the background population, just like the same deaths from Covid.. You can't use the same deaths two different ways. You can make that shit up all you want, however I'm not the one inflating the COVID death count: far from it..

However, deaths aren't what this is all about.. It's just simply keeping the virus at bay, maybe keeping somebody from getting sick and having to take two weeks off work when they might not need to.. You guys seem to be so absolutely fixated on death. There's other options, you know..

That makes perfect sense. We need to protect people from “missing work”. That’s why we shut down the country for almost a year and cost people their jobs, livelihoods and all security’s they had.

You’re right, I cant argue such a well thought out argument that makes perfect sense.
That makes perfect sense. We need to protect people from “missing work”. That’s why we shut down the country for almost a year and cost people their jobs, livelihoods and all security’s they had.

You’re right, I cant argue such a well thought out argument that makes perfect sense.

Well, I've gotten a flu shot for probably a dozen years running. Company does them free, I've got to walk about a hundred feet to the conference room to get it. I get it every year to keep from getting sick and missing work. That's exactly why my employer pays for it, to keep people from getting sick and missing work. I've yet to ever hear a single person say they get a flu vaccine to keep from dying of the flu. Never.

I'm really not sure just why it's so hard to apply the same logic to a different vaccine.. This isn't about national policy. It's about individual people making a measured decision after hearing the pros and cons about getting the shot, and deciding to go ahead and accept the risk of a vaccine with less testing than we're used to, in exchange for a possibly increased immunity to a virus that's screwed everybody up for a year. People simply making their own decisions. I don't know why that's so hard: no national mandates, no grand government conspiracy, just people accepting a risk in order to increase their chances of a given reward. I'm bewildered why that's so freaking hard to understand..

It doesn't indicate stupidity, being a "sheep", or any other detrimental label you can put on it. It indicates people making a decision based on the best information that they've heard as of yet. Are there sheep out there? Yes. Just like there's psychos that are so phenomenally afraid of a needle that they lose all sanity. We're not talking about them. This is intelligent people making intelligent decisions. Just because it doesn't happen to coincide with your decision doesn't in any way make it less legitimate.
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It still is operating like the same vaccines we've been dealing with for a couple of hundred years. It's a new path to get there, but it's still simply stimulating the body's natural antibody production. That's not that hard. Sorry they didn't check with you to see if it fit all the requirements for the title "vaccine".

No, it doesn't. It does not stimulate anitbody production. That's why the mask mandate even if you get the shot.

Dr. David Martin said:
Let’s make sure we are clear… This is not a vaccine. They are using the term “vaccine” to sneak this thing under public health exemptions. This is not a vaccine. This is mRNA packaged in a fat envelope that is delivered to a cell. It is a medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator. It is not a vaccine.

Vaccines actually are a legally defined term under public health law; they are a legally defined term under CDC and FDA standards. And the vaccine specifically has to stimulate both the immunity within the person receiving it and it also has to disrupt transmission. And that is not what this is. They have been abundantly clear in saying that the mRNA strand that is going into the cell is not to stop the transmission, it is a treatment. But if it was discussed as a treatment, it would not get the sympathetic ear of public health authorities because then people would say “what other treatments are there?“

The use of the term vaccine is unconscionable for both the legal definition and also it is actually the sucker punch to open and free discourse… Moderna was started as a chemotherapy company for cancer, not a vaccine manufacturer for SARSCOV2. If we said we are going to give people prophylactic chemotherapy for the cancer they don’t yet have, we’d be laughed out of the room because it’s a stupid idea. That’s exactly what this is. This is a mechanical device in the form of a very small package of technology that is being inserted into the human system to activate the cell to become a pathogen manufacturing site. And I refuse to stipulate in any conversations that this is in fact a vaccine issue. The only reason why the term is being used is to abuse the 1905 Jacobson case that has been misrepresented since it was written. And if we were honest with this, we would actually call it what it is: it is a chemical pathogen device that is actually meant to unleash a chemical pathogen production action within a cell. It is a medical device, not a drug because it meets the CDRH definition of a device...

As far as checking with me, who cares.... As far as legalities, we're talking about injecting people, this is health care and yes, there are legal definitions and good reasons for it.

As far as why the distinction is important, in today's world, everything is about laws, rules and regulations. If the government and the media are skirting those, then you should be very wary of what they are doing.
Well, I've gotten a flu shot for probably a dozen years running. Company does them free, I've got to walk about a hundred feet to the conference room to get it. I get it every year to keep from getting sick and missing work. That's exactly why my employer pays for it, to keep people from getting sick and missing work. I've yet to ever hear a single person say they get a flu vaccine to keep from dying of the flu. Never.

I'm really not sure just why it's so hard to apply the same logic to a different vaccine.. This isn't about national policy. It's about individual people making a measured decision after hearing the pros and cons about getting the shot, and deciding to go ahead and accept the risk of a vaccine with less testing than we're used to, in exchange for a possibly increased immunity to a virus that's screwed everybody up for a year. People simply making their own decisions. I don't know why that's so hard: no national mandates, no grand government conspiracy, just people accepting a risk in order to increase their chances of a given reward. I'm bewildered why that's so freaking hard to understand..

It doesn't indicate stupidity, being a "sheep", or any other detrimental label you can put on it. It indicates people making a decision based on the best information that they've heard as of yet. Are there sheep out there? Yes. Just like there's psychos that are so phenomenally afraid of a needle that they lose all sanity. We're not talking about them. This is intelligent people making intelligent decisions. Just because it doesn't happen to coincide with your decision doesn't in any way make it less legitimate.

If it's up to personal risk based decisions, why are you in here arguing like your a marketing rep from Pfizer and Moderna? Some people made a risk based decision to tell evreyone to fuck off you aren't sticking me with shit, others are making a risk based decision that seeing their parents out weigh the future unknown side effects of this thing.

Conspiracy theories are the symptoms of a lack of trust in leadership.
If it's up to personal risk based decisions, why are you in here arguing like your a marketing rep from Pfizer and Moderna? Some people made a risk based decision to tell evreyone to fuck off you aren't sticking me with shit, others are making a risk based decision that seeing their parents out weigh the future unknown side effects of this thing.

Conspiracy theories are the symptoms of a lack of trust in leadership.

Why am I arguing? Because the anti-vaxxers are in here telling everybody they're fools for getting a dang shot. If you accept the risk, you're a "sheep"..

If you don't want to take it, then freakin don't. Just leave those of us alone that are good with the risk vs. return here. We've made intelligent, reasoned, well-researched decisions. Ffs.
Please tell me what downsides have been presented here. Just come up with one. All the standard claptrap about "it hasn't been tested" isn't a downside.

Come on, you can do it.. Actual symptoms, actual problems caused by the vaccine.

So far, here's the list:
redness, soreness around injection site
Muscle aches.

Anxiously awaiting your addition to the list.... Riots, lost freedoms, government conspiracies don't need to apply..

Come on, you can do it...

death. All of the legitimate studies before this one testing RNA vaccines ended with mass deaths. ALL of them. People and animals. Very high rates.
“Show me some legitimate side effects to the vaccine”

well, Norway is alarmed that the number of people dying from the vaccine is increasing while America quietly acts like it’s not happening and Bell’s palsy is also occurring in people that were very healthy prior.

“well duh! It’s a small percentage and they were old and had underlying issues. This is a part of life and people are going to die. If they had underlying issues, you can’t blame the vaccine and it’s unfair to use those deaths in the percentages”

but we’ve been saying exactly that since the beginning and we were told that every life counts, so we needs lockdowns and mask. We were also told that underlying issues are actually irrelevant and it’s idiotic to use them as the cause.

“ but this is different! I was told that vaccines are good by my leaders, so I’m gonna keep making hypocritical statements because that’s the norm”

So to get this straight,
-underlying issues are the cause when it involves the vaccine, but not covid.
-every life counts and saying otherwise makes you a heartless piece of shit, unless of course it involves the vaccine. Then it’s acceptable.
-small death percentages are super bad when it comes to covid but not vaccines?

“Well yeah”

Ok, you win. I can’t argue with such a well thought out and intelligent argument that makes complete sense.:rolleyes:

I'm stealing this...
-underlying issues are the cause when it involves the vaccine, but not covid.
-every life counts and saying otherwise makes you a heartless piece of shit, unless of course it involves the vaccine. Then it’s acceptable.
-small death percentages are super bad when it comes to covid but not vaccines?

perfect example of the manipulation the general population receives from the gov and MSM
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