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Would you trust a domesticated wolf?

This might fit here, a current issue with a dog biting.

I was very upset Monday morning while loading Joey into the XJ for an emergency vet visit.

All four dogs were standing behind me as I seat belted Joey's cat carrier into the passenger seat. When I was done I stepped back onto Rhoadies foot. He screamed and bit me on my calf. I screamed and turned around to see him cowering and squatting next to me so I punched him as hard as I could on the nose.

He screamed again and I told him his life would 100% END for doing shit like this. Then I drove to the vet wondering if my leg was bleeding. No blood and today the bruises are finally showing up better.

If I wasn't in a hurry I would have beat and kicked the fuck out of him!!! I am still mad af about it and it hurts like a mofo.

I finally remembered to tell Ste about it last night and we discussed how to proceed with Rhoadie. Neither of us is willing to tolerate anything like this with such a big dog. Because it was a stressed-out situation, we are waiting to see how things go. He will never, ever, be left alone with kids.
This might fit here, a current issue with a dog biting.

I was very upset Monday morning while loading Joey into the XJ for an emergency vet visit.

All four dogs were standing behind me as I seat belted Joey's cat carrier into the passenger seat. When I was done I stepped back onto Rhoadies foot. He screamed and bit me on my calf. I screamed and turned around to see him cowering and squatting next to me so I punched him as hard as I could on the nose.

He screamed again and I told him his life would 100% END for doing shit like this. Then I drove to the vet wondering if my leg was bleeding. No blood and today the bruises are finally showing up better.

If I wasn't in a hurry I would have beat and kicked the fuck out of him!!! I am still mad af about it and it hurts like a mofo.

I finally remembered to tell Ste about it last night and we discussed how to proceed with Rhoadie. Neither of us is willing to tolerate anything like this with such a big dog. Because it was a stressed-out situation, we are waiting to see how things go. He will never, ever, be left alone with kids.

You don't beat the fuck out of a dog, nor punch it as hard as you can in its nose, that just makes things worse...if the dog can't be controlled it is put down humanely, end of story. You're a piece of shit for punching the dog in the first place. :flipoff:
You don't beat the fuck out of a dog, nor punch it as hard as you can in its nose, that just makes things worse...if the dog can't be controlled it is put down humanely, end of story. You're a piece of shit for punching the dog in the first place. :flipoff:
you are an idiot.

A 75lb dog bites you what do you do?
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you are an idiot.

A 75lb bites you what do you do?

If it's cowering I sure as shit don't punch it in the face as hard as I can :shaking: If it's actively attacking that's another matter but the dog is stopped (probably not hitting it, more so restraining it) and then brought to the vet to get put down.
If it's cowering I sure as shit don't punch it in the face as hard as I can :shaking: If it's actively attacking that's another matter but the dog is stopped (probably not hitting it, more so restraining it) and then brought to the vet to get put down.
How do you train not biting again into that scenario? I'm 150lbs and he's half my size. Does he not need to learn not to bite humans?
If it's cowering I sure as shit don't punch it in the face as hard as I can :shaking: If it's actively attacking that's another matter but the dog is stopped (probably not hitting it, more so restraining it) and then brought to the vet to get put down.
why pay the vet with a bullet is already paid for?
And honestly, punching a dog like that is like punching a person in that you best not do it unless you think you can win the fight because you might be in a fight.
The dog bit you out of sheer reaction to the pain of getting stepped on. It's reaction told you it knew it had fucked up. A 75 pound dog not breaking skin wasn't much of a bite. It won't happen again.
That is our thinking and hope for situation. I would have been fucked up if he had been serious or if the other dogs decided to join in.
rule #1, don't engage the syrup sucker.

I have no advice on the biting dog. I wouldnt have one that bit. but you do you.

Wait........didnt you just tell us all that your dogs were good dogs? :laughing::flipoff2:
he might not be here long if this is an issue.

All dogs are good dogs until they aren't.
The dog bit you out of sheer reaction to the pain of getting stepped on. It's reaction told you it knew it had fucked up. A 75 pound dog not breaking skin wasn't much of a bite. It won't happen again.
This is pretty much how I see it. Cuff him on the nose and tell him no as soon as it happens to remind him to yelp instead of biting next time, but he was just trying to communicate that it hurt him for you to step on his fuckin foot. He was communicating, not trying to eat you.

When one dog puts another dog in its place it’s rarely drawn out. They might nip it, might just growl and lunge, might grab it by the neck and hold it down. But it’s just a matter of communicating a lesson. Anything beyond that is excessive and counterproductive.
This is pretty much how I see it. Cuff him on the nose and tell him no as soon as it happens to remind him to yelp instead of biting next time, but he was just trying to communicate that it hurt him for you to step on his fuckin foot. He was communicating, not trying to eat you.

When one dog puts another dog in its place it’s rarely drawn out. They might nip it, might just growl and lunge, might grab it by the neck and hold it down. But it’s just a matter of communicating a lesson. Anything beyond that is excessive and counterproductive.
I didn't have time to scruff him and tell him how I felt.

Gut reaction to pain was to hit. Anytime I get attacked I react that way.
I didn't have time to scruff him and tell him how I felt.

Gut reaction to pain was to hit. Anytime I get attacked I react that way.
He reacted and then you reacted. Everybody lived.

If you’re seriously worried about this dog attacking you or the other dogs ganging up on you it’s time for a change. Fuck that. Life is too short for that nonsense.
He reacted and then you reacted. Everybody lived.

If you’re seriously worried about this dog attacking you or the other dogs ganging up on you it’s time for a change. Fuck that. Life is too short for that nonsense.
I am not.

I am reacting to an incident that we need to now keep an eye on. If it's recurring, then it will be concluded.

I have stepped on way too many animals to count in my life and only two have ever bit me. Only one of those was half my size.
I fully expect them to react when they are hurt.

Thats exactly what happened to you as you described it, punching a dog in the face because you stepped on it is pathetic.
I punched the dog because he hurt me.

Reactionary. I get hurt by something I react.

FYI this wasn't a quick nip. This was a grab and hold without the shake.
I didn't have time to scruff him and tell him how I felt.

Gut reaction to pain was to hit. Anytime I get attacked I react that way.
And he doesn't have the vocabulary to tell you to get the fuck off his paw. The fact that he was cowering shows that he knew it was a bad situation. It was an accident, and a natural given response to pain, and you beat him for it.

You reacted poorly. If it becomes an issue, it's because you caused it.
I punched the dog because he hurt me.

Reactionary. I get hurt by something I react.

FYI this wasn't a quick nip. This was a grab and hold without the shake.
The dog is on doggyibb4x4 right now saying “I bit her because she hurt me. Reactionary. I get hurt by something I react.”

I wasn’t there. But from what you described the dog did the exact same thing you did. I dunno. Go step on his foot again and see what he does.
How do you train not biting again into that scenario? I'm 150lbs and he's half my size. Does he not need to learn not to bite humans?

You don't punch them as hard as you can that's for sure...light tap on the nose (and I do mean light, like you'd swat away a child trying to take a cookie) can work, though it depends on the dog as some will take that as you being in charge, others will take it as a challenge, depends on if they see you as the alpha. Otherwise, the general practice is to react with a sharp "ouch, no" and then remove the dog from the situation (put them in their crate or similar timeout). Beating dogs for their behaviour is pretty much not accepted at all, just makes the dog more aggressive in the end, exactly the opposite behaviour you want. Think of it this way, if someone bumped into you and you just punched them as hard as you can in their face...do you think they're going to be like "oh sorry my bad" or would they probably hit you back?

Also, as for bullet vs vet...whatever works, most people can't just take their dog out back and shoot them, but if you can and have the means to, it's not the worst way to go so long as you don't wound the animal and it doesn't suffer.

rule #1, don't engage the syrup sucker.

I have no advice on the biting dog. I wouldnt have one that bit. but you do you.

Wait........didnt you just tell us all that your dogs were good dogs? :laughing::flipoff2:

I grew up always around dogs, plenty raised from puppies, anyone who hits animals out of anger like dumbfuck Crash doesn't deserve to have an animal.
You don't punch them as hard as you can that's for sure...light tap on the nose (and I do mean light, like you'd swat away a child trying to take a cookie) can work, though it depends on the dog as some will take that as you being in charge, others will take it as a challenge, depends on if they see you as the alpha. Otherwise, the general practice is to react with a sharp "ouch, no" and then remove the dog from the situation (put them in their crate or similar timeout). Beating dogs for their behaviour is pretty much not accepted at all, just makes the dog more aggressive in the end, exactly the opposite behaviour you want. Think of it this way, if someone bumped into you and you just punched them as hard as you can in their face...do you think they're going to be like "oh sorry my bad" or would they probably hit you back?

Also, as for bullet vs vet...whatever works, most people can't just take their dog out back and shoot them, but if you can and have the means to, it's not the worst way to go so long as you don't wound the animal and it doesn't suffer.

I grew up always around dogs, plenty raised from puppies, anyone who hits animals out of anger like dumbfuck Crash doesn't deserve to have an animal.
Mr Super Kunty
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