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Would you trust a domesticated wolf?

Most of the wolves in the sanctuary I volunteered at years ago started off as pets.

Then millions of years of “nature” kicks in :eek:

That being said, I would trust a pure blood wolf over a hybrid 🫣
2 to 3 times the size of a german shepherd but would still trust a wild wolf more than I trust government.

And yes you rock crawling lunatics covid was introduced to kill off US and world population.

Georgia guidestones prophesied such thats why the stones were blown up.
You got a newsletter or maybe a blog you publish?
I'd take a wolf pup with in a second. Our GS is half coyote and is an extremely smart and very well behaved dog.
I had a heeler/coyote for 16 years that was a really great dog. Loved my daughters.

If nobody had ever kept a wolf pup we wouldn’t have dogs today. I’d give it a whirl but wouldn’t make any long term commitments.
I can't tell if this or a pit bull would maul it's family to death first. It's gotta be close.

A wolf isn't going to maul your family for no reason. There will always be a reason. We may not understand it, but, a wolf doesn't require us to understand. They certainly let you know you're about to get yourself fucked up and you'll never forget that sound. It's the sound of death.
I certainly wouldn't let my kid run across a field when mommy wolf is teaching the pups how to hunt.:flipoff2:

Pit bulls are stupid and it's that stupidity that makes them dangerous.
Yep. Known a few. Provided the owners are responsible, no stress.


Trigger, in the front, was 85lbs. Finny was around 130 in his prime. Had a lot of wolf, only part you'd see was when a dog he hadn't been introduced to by someone who was alpha to him showed up. As long as a strong male figure he knew introduced a dog, all was good. Any puppies were OK. Full grown strange dog though? You die.

Damn good dogs, I miss em both.

Angie was a coyote/husky cross.


Another good dog, could catch birds out of the air.
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Nope train to nopeville.

And yes, to another post. We wouldn't have some dogs without somebody adopting a wolf. But, after many generations of breeding them in cages. To produce a much more docile breed.
No , worked a water line job... where lady had 3 wolf n friqn huge even the one 8month old was big as well continuous nipping at whatever it could get ahold of. They tore everything up were loud and obnoxious...

I'll probably stay with American Stafforshire Terrier, for pets from now on... amazing dogs they are.
Some of you guys sound like you would shit your pants if you ever came to my house. We have a man eating mastiff/pit mix that weights about 130lbs, a GS/Coyote mix that will kill you dead by making you throw the ball so many times and an Antolian Shepard mix that kills everything that moves on my property that doesn't belong there. :lmao:



I bet a wolf pup would fit right in with this crew.
Some of you guys sound like you would shit your pants if you ever came to my house. We have a man eating mastiff/pit mix that weights about 130lbs, a GS/Coyote mix that will kill you dead by making you throw the ball so many times and an Antolian Shepard mix that kills everything that moves on my property that doesn't belong there. :lmao:



I bet a wolf pup would fit right in with this crew.

That's a damn fine pack of kibble-to-poop converters you have sir.
Some of you guys sound like you would shit your pants if you ever came to my house. We have a man eating mastiff/pit mix that weights about 130lbs, a GS/Coyote mix that will kill you dead by making you throw the ball so many times and an Antolian Shepard mix that kills everything that moves on my property that doesn't belong there. :lmao:



I bet a wolf pup would fit right in with this crew.

You can take the girl out of the trailer park, but you can't take the trailer park out of the girl.
Some of you guys sound like you would shit your pants if you ever came to my house. We have a man eating mastiff/pit mix that weights about 130lbs, a GS/Coyote mix that will kill you dead by making you throw the ball so many times and an Antolian Shepard mix that kills everything that moves on my property that doesn't belong there. :lmao:



I bet a wolf pup would fit right in with this crew.
I had 2 cane corso's for 12+ years. To this day best dogs I've ever had. The 3 times they got out, you go find where some kids are playing... that's where they'd be.

If you saw them out in my truck they'd love you to death.

If you saw them in my backyard after climbing the fence they'd murder you to death.
Fuck no. It takes generations upon generations to get the wild out of an animal. No way I'm gonna be on the cutting edge of that work.
Fuck no. It takes generations upon generations to get the wild out of an animal. No way I'm gonna be on the cutting edge of that work.

they're neat and all
but there's a whole lot of centuries of killing every dog that bit your kids so it wouldn't spread its genes, bit of a gap between wolfs and retrievers
Alaska's wolf man is a good read on the subject. The guy tried breeding to domesticate wolves and couldn't do it. I can't remember how many generations he tried.

My Mom had 3 of them back in the 80's. They were 90-95% wolf, the rest German Shepherd. Beautiful creatures. They were raised right and were great pets.
We lived in Swall Meadows between Bishop and Mammoth Lakes in the Sierras. In the path of the Sherwin herd, which I was told is/was the largest herd of deer in North America. The 3 of them would take off at night and come back in the morning all bloody. It was crazy to think about what they were out there doing.
I honestly think most of the people who claim to have wolves or wolf-dogs are mistaken. There's one here in town. I gotta admit, it 100% LOOKS like a wolf. But I've been around wolves. It doesn't act like a wolf in any way. Very docile, ears constantly laid back relaxed, it isn't tuned in like a wolf, it doesn't move like a wolf, it just LOOKS like a wolf. I honestly think it's just a big wolf looking dog. Maybe it has a small portion of wolf lineage but it's either the absolute most beta wolf ever known to man or it's just a wolfy looking run of the mill dog. My money is on the latter.

they're neat and all
but there's a whole lot of centuries of killing every dog that bit your kids so it wouldn't spread its genes, bit of a gap between wolfs and retrievers
Aren’t orangutans in the process of domesticating wolves?
Would you trust a domesticated Tiger? If the answer is no then there's your answer, its a wild animal period and will always revert back to it's natural instincts when stressed.
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