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Would you trust a domesticated wolf?


Checks out :flipoff2:

Just fuckin with ya Crash, I got no dog in this fight ba dum tissss
What's the plus of a wolf vs say a true German shepherd as a pet?

This guy kept the sheep safe
Gawd damn! Popping a dog on the nose with a rolled up newspaper, pencil, your fingers like a slap, was the way I grew up. :flipoff2:
"so I punched him as hard as I could on the nose"
"so I punched him as hard as I could on the nose"
Sometimes a little violence solves behavioral issues. When my dog was a pup she would jump in my face when I'd lean down to pet her. She split my lip twice, gave me a black eye and busted a tooth off. When she busted my tooth I punched her in the side of the head. She hasn't done it since, that was 4 years ago.
Gawd damn! Popping a dog on the nose with a rolled up newspaper, pencil, your fingers like a slap, was the way I grew up. :flipoff2:

Yeah, not "punched his as hard as I could" though...a tap on the nose was typical for dogs when I was growing up too, but it was never enough to even come close to hurting them.

"so I punched him as hard as I could on the nose"
^ exactly
Yeah, not "punched his as hard as I could" though...a tap on the nose was typical for dogs when I was growing up too, but it was never enough to even come close to hurting them.
since you're omniscient and all
where did I leave my 6" 1/4 dr extension? The mac one with the nice knurling on it.
Crash you did the right thing, you never let any dog get away with anything like that. i promise you all my dogs know who the alpha male is and what is allowed. i have had to put down dogs that can't be trusted, it is life. and don' t pay any attention to the whiny bitches, ignore is your friend.
Crash you did the right thing, you never let any dog get away with anything like that. i promise you all my dogs know who the alpha male is and what is allowed. i have had to put down dogs that can't be trusted, it is life. and don' t pay any attention to the whiny bitches, ignore is your friend.

Discipline and abuse are two different things, as hard as they can as Crash said is abuse...fuck anyone defending abusing dogs :flipoff:
Hell ya I would.

After raising it and being mindful of it's character.
Hell ya I would.

After raising it and being mindful of it's character.
To get back on topic, I think it’s probably a pretty low probability thing. If you started with five wolf pups every spring you’d probably have to shoot all five by the time they were a year or two old most years.

Maybe one year out of three you get a female that’s semi workable. One year out of five you get a male, then you’re excited and breeding those together and getting the same numbers. Then maybe one year out of twenty you get one that’s head and shoulders above whatever else you’ve had and you ask yourself why I was messing around with all the others.

Now you’re excited and you’d like to text some naysayer to let them know things are looking up, except you’ve spent the last two decades trying to make wolves into pets and all your fingers have been bitten off.
I think a bunch of you ninnies were traumatized as a child by reading too much of the 3 little pigs or Red Riding Hood.
I have had 3 wolf hybrids, and they have been the best pets I have ever had. There has never been a single time they have scared me regarding their interaction with people of any type.
They are what you make them.
First one was Sugar, quarter wolf and the rest German Shepherd. By far the smartest dog I have ever had, and the best guard dog. She never bit anyone, but she made sure you knew there was a stranger around. She was with us 16 years, 1995 to 2011.

The second one was Shadow. She looked very intimidating, but would run and hide when somebody strange pulled up. She was the biggest of the 3, and weighed 110 lbs. She was roughly 3/8 wolf, and the rest GSD.
She made it 15 years, 2007 to 2022.

The current knucklehead is Sasha. She had a rough puppyhood until we got her, probably abused. She is the sweetest pup, but doesn't like anyone but my wife and I. She is quarter wolf, 1/2 GSD and the rest Husky and Malamute.



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To get back on topic, I think it’s probably a pretty low probability thing. If you started with five wolf pups every spring you’d probably have to shoot all five by the time they were a year or two old most years.

Maybe one year out of three you get a female that’s semi workable. One year out of five you get a male, then you’re excited and breeding those together and getting the same numbers. Then maybe one year out of twenty you get one that’s head and shoulders above whatever else you’ve had and you ask yourself why I was messing around with all the others.

Now you’re excited and you’d like to text some naysayer to let them know things are looking up, except you’ve spent the last two decades trying to make wolves into pets and all your fingers have been bitten off.
You sound like a pussy.

I punched the dog because he hurt me.

Reactionary. I get hurt by something I react.

FYI this wasn't a quick nip. This was a grab and hold without the shake.

The dog bit because you hurt him. It was reactionary, he got hurt by something a reacted to stop the hurting.

If I didn't have hands and you stepped on my foot, I'd bite you too.:flipoff2:

I find it funny that folks here think a dog should allow you to hurt them without trying to stop the hurting. That's stupid.

If it was a grab and hold without the shake....as you say.......the fucking dog wasn't trying to hurt you, he was trying to get your attention to stop hurting him.

Sounds like the dog needs to train you better to not step on him.:flipoff2:

Now tell him you're sorry.:grinpimp:
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