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Would you trust a domesticated wolf?

Nope train to nopeville.

And yes, to another post. We wouldn't have some dogs without somebody adopting a wolf. But, after many generations of breeding them in cages. To produce a much more docile breed.
I don’t think Oggo the Caveman was breeding generations of wolves in a cage. He was more of a make it up as you go kind of guy. Plus he made sure Oggette tossed the nippier pups into the stewpot.
I had a coydog for 17 years. When I got her, she'd been returned to animal control like 5 times. During the first 6 months I had her, I seriously wondered if I would ever get her 'on the plan' and trained and happy and living with us the way I wanted.

She tested me completely... then, one and then the next, it clicked for her. She became a great dog that I would have trusted without any question. By the time she was 4 or 5 she was like a golden retriever mixed with a german shepherd. Super smart, protective but docile and she had her commands down.

But, a full blooded wolf would be a different matter. If I lived with another adult on the ranch, I'd give it a shot... but, not with little ones or other animals that would not be able to defend themselves.

I've seen animals snap. The capability of a wolf would be way too much for a person to deal with who was not prepared.

One of my wife's cousins adopted a dog that turned out to be a 140 sight hound mutt who is stronger than anyone in their family. The dog hospitalized her husband and he had to have surgery on both hands. It hss subsequently attacked other dogs. They have spent thousands of dollars on training (they are retarded in that they have a ton of opinions, but no confidence in them)

Anyway, they came to us a couple of weeks ago asking if we'd take the dog. I have a golden that is almost 3.... ain't no way I'm putting that damn near perfect pup into a shit storm of a dog that probably has problems that are unresolvable in a normal environment. I told them that they need to return the dog. Their egos were what hurt... They are embarrassed that they had 'too much dog' and couldn't deal.

It is this kind of 'flex' bullshit that gets people into a world of hurt. Knowing our own limitations is part of it.

btw, when I adopted the coydog, I did not know it was a coy dog. She was a beautiful puppy who bit me in the first 5 seconds and part of me thought 'not good' but, I couldnt get over what a great looking dog she was.... so, I was stuck. 4 years later, my vet was curious and we talked about it and I had her tested.
clearly, you don't know shit.

that is some stupid shit right there. would you take a tamed tiger raised from a baby over a pit any day too?

I sure as fuck wouldn't. take a wild fucking animal over a domesticated dog breed:homer::homer::homer::lmao:

But pits tear babies limb from limb daily, don't you watch the news!?!? :mad3:

The loudest people on most any given subject are the dumbest when it comes to actual knowledge on it. I don't even bother opening threads about dog attacks here since it's always the same handful of fucktards calling for genocide of an entire breed because they're too fucking dumb to understand reality :homer:
My neighbor had a part wolf dog, never was any trouble. He had a wife & 2 daughters.

Somebody else had a pair of Malamutes, they were fuckin huge- :eek:
But pits tear babies limb from limb daily, don't you watch the news!?!? :mad3:
The loudest people on most any given subject are the dumbest when it comes to actual knowledge on it. I don't even bother opening threads about dog attacks here since it's always the same handful of fucktards calling for genocide of an entire breed because they're too fucking dumb to understand reality :homer:
found the pitmommy :flipoff2:
found the pitmommy :flipoff2:

I don't believe I've ever tried to hide my dogs. I just know better than to enter into threads with fucktards frothing at the mouth compounding their stupidity with each other. :laughing:
I honestly think most of the people who claim to have wolves or wolf-dogs are mistaken. There's one here in town. I gotta admit, it 100% LOOKS like a wolf. But I've been around wolves. It doesn't act like a wolf in any way. Very docile, ears constantly laid back relaxed, it isn't tuned in like a wolf, it doesn't move like a wolf, it just LOOKS like a wolf. I honestly think it's just a big wolf looking dog. Maybe it has a small portion of wolf lineage but it's either the absolute most beta wolf ever known to man or it's just a wolfy looking run of the mill dog. My money is on the latter.

I agree. Kinda like how a short haired dog with muscles is a "pit".
But I've also seen wolves acting like a dumbass dog in the yard, playing with each other, getting the zoomies, jumping over shit just for the fun of it and wrestling around with each other.

When you see a wolf dog, they move different. They have a different awareness, and a different attitude when they interact with other dogs. They're really hard to train, and require absolute consistency. Give them an inch, they don't take a mile, they take the hell off on a 50 mile walkabout of misbehaviour. You have to be dedicated to that dog for it's lifetime. Finny, from my first post, was a dog killer, and he stayed dangerous until he was 12 and crippled. Long after he would have been gone had he stayed with the pack he was running with when my friend caught him.
My god though, they're great dogs to have in the bush. No worries about critter problems. Domesticated dogs can be honey dicked by a pack of wolves. A wolf dog is smarter than that.

Most of the northern rez dogs in Canada are gonna have some wolf in em. I imagine it's the same in Alaska.
The number of people I see in real life grab a dog's head and put their face right up to a dog's face disturbs me.

"Uh.. that's not really a good idea to do."
"He's a good dog!"
A stupid bitch did that to my aggressive dog after I told her not to get in his face. Chance only barely broke the skin on her top and bottom lips. Maybe he felt sorry for the dumb twat?

I put my face on my dogs' faces.

I wouldn't own a wolf dog. I am not strong enough to attempt a wild big dog.

I hung out with a guy that had one in the mid 80's. It was tall enough to rest its chin on the counter and it stole my hot dog. I took it from him saying BAD DOG, then bopped him on the head with it. Everyone else was shocked af I did that and afterward, so I was I. I don't share food!!!! The dog was shocked also and just stared at me.

I used to want a domesticated bob cat. I have since found out they are still wild no matter how many generations of domestication. I have enough animal drama's, and a new Crazy neighbor, to attempt a wild card pet.
Random super short story, my grandfather briefly kept a black bear cub many many decades ago...the family has some pictures kicking around. Fairly sure it wasn't for long (less than a year for sure) and don't know all the details, but yeah, nobody got killed or hurt lol I know, cool story bro, I sure as shit wouldn't have done it.
The number of people I see in real life grab a dog's head and put their face right up to a dog's face disturbs me.

"Uh.. that's not really a good idea to do."
"He's a good dog!"

This is one of those things I'm chronically on my kids ass about. Any remotely friendly dog, they're both face on face/ eye on eye with the dog. I've explained this a thousand goddam times.

As for original question, NO. Now no kids, and we got it at 6-8 weeks old? Maybe.

One of my best friends growing up had a half wolf/ half German Sheppard his dad got from Canada. They had her my entire childhood. Outside dog in the boonies, just stayed around the house. Loved everybody.... random kids over every week... never even barked or growled at anybody. Never bothered neighbors dogs running around. Solid black and huge.

But still... full blood, "adopted", me with kids? No.

Same answer for a pit in this scenario. And I'm not a pit hater.
I have had my golden since he was 2 months old. Every morning we put our foreheads together, breath and relax. I swear its made him super chill. He is almost 13 now, cannot get out of the truck by himself anymore. After I open the door, he'll sit there until I put my head on his, then he knows its time to jump out. I 100% would not be worried about any kid with my dog. any other dog? sure. And I realize that none of you know my dog and would still be worried about your kids with him. But im not. Also, he's a golden retriever, a family dog. Not an asshole rot or pit. :laughing:

I drove a ups truck for 15 years in a rural ks county. Had 100s of dogs at my rural deliveries. Ive said forever that "a dog is a direct reflection of its owner". Fight me on that. :laughing: If you're an asshole or a general fucktard, your dog is too. period.

for the op ?, would i keep a wolf around kids? Probably not. LIke others here though, I'd raise it for myself though. I'd like to think if I had him/her from 2 months on, he'd be kind of likemy old Scout? Buddy brought by two baby trash pandas, last month. tiny bastards, still needed bottle feeding. I wanted to keep one. the war department said its not been voted for in the budget amendment, so thats a "no"


But pits tear babies limb from limb daily, don't you watch the news!?!? :mad3:

The loudest people on most any given subject are the dumbest when it comes to actual knowledge on it. I don't even bother opening threads about dog attacks here since it's always the same handful of fucktards calling for genocide of an entire breed because they're too fucking dumb to understand reality :homer:
And it's always the same crowd that say its how the dog was raised along with (the after effect of) it never showed any aggression. 🤷‍♂️
I have had my golden since he was 2 months old. Every morning we put our foreheads together, breath and relax. I swear its made him super chill. He is almost 13 now, cannot get out of the truck by himself anymore. After I open the door, he'll sit there until I put my head on his, then he knows its time to jump out. I 100% would not be worried about any kid with my dog. any other dog? sure. And I realize that none of you know my dog and would still be worried about your kids with him. But im not. Also, he's a golden retriever, a family dog. Not an asshole rot or pit. :laughing:

I drove a ups truck for 15 years in a rural ks county. Had 100s of dogs at my rural deliveries. Ive said forever that "a dog is a direct reflection of its owner". Fight me on that. :laughing: If you're an asshole or a general fucktard, your dog is too. period.

for the op ?, would i keep a wolf around kids? Probably not. LIke others here though, I'd raise it for myself though. I'd like to think if I had him/her from 2 months on, he'd be kind of likemy old Scout? Buddy brought by two baby trash pandas, last month. tiny bastards, still needed bottle feeding. I wanted to keep one. the war department said its not been voted for in the budget amendment, so thats a "no"


Our previous UPS driver LOVED our dogs. She would open the gate and drive to the front door, through all the dogs, if there were heavy packages. When I asked her why she was so trusting with them she said, "You guys are nice people so your dogs are too." Awwwww.

Both of the officers that showed up for the dog bite attack last year met all of our dogs and each officer was hugging a big black dog :laughing:

As for my dogs around kids I have been made fun of by parents for not wanting to leave my dogs alone with their kids. As the dogs and kids are in full body hugs on the floor. It's my responsibility to keep their kids and my dogs safe.
I saw a tiktok clip of a woman who had wolf hybrids. One dog was laying on the bed, they were playing, and something in the play turned into the dog getting pissed. Dog changes from play growl to "Ima fuck you up" growl and lunges at her.

Faster than she could have done if the consciously thought about it, she throws her non dominant hand over her throat. I mean lightning fast. I commented "Why the fuck would you have an animal in your home that creates a subconscious reaction like that?"

"Oh, no. He's fine. He just got mad because I touched a sensitive spot. It's not because he was trying to hurt me. He would never..."

I said "You are not the Alpha in this relationship. You are the abused spouse making excuses. That dog is likely going to kill you soon. Make sure your affairs are in order." and subsequently got blocked from her account. But not before her legion of followers jumped my shit telling me what an excellent trainer and owner she was and how I just don't understand the breed. Like pitbull people.

I still wonder if that bitch is dead or maimed yet.
A stupid bitch did that to my aggressive dog after I told her not to get in his face.

Our previous UPS driver LOVED our dogs. She would open the gate and drive to the front door, through all the dogs, if there were heavy packages. When I asked her why she was so trusting with them she said, "You guys are nice people so your dogs are too." Awwwww.
Contradiction much :laughing:
Contradiction much :laughing:
Now you got me thinking........ :laughing:

I've had 12 dogs and only one was aggressive.

Chance was 1-2yrs old at the shelter and I said, "Good luck getting adopted being that aggressive." and walked out the door to another kennel. Ex boyfriend opened that door yelling, "Crash!! This is the dog for you. THIS IS YOUR DOG YOU NEED HIM." and then it became not my choice. I did end up needed him. He kept me much safer than I could have done without him.
And it's always the same crowd that say its how the dog was raised along with (the after effect of) it never showed any aggression. 🤷‍♂️

Some dogs are typically assholes like Chihuahuas but they aren't going to do the same damage if they go cookoo like a larger breed can do.

I don't keep a dog for protection or status to flaunt my feigned studliness. I have a Staffordshire mix because I've never had another breed that was as caring or loving, not even close.

Your mileage may vary of course but you don't see me telling everyone to go get one either.
My FIL had a wolf/Shepard mix. More wolf than shepherd. It was an extremely intelligent dog and was never aggressive. I wouldn’t trust a 100% wolf though.
Noted, always thought a bobcat would be badass
I knew a guy that lived in the middle of 50 sections in New Mexico with his girlfriend and some horses, cows, and some dogs, including some lion and bear hounds. They found a bobcat kitten someplace and she brought it home. She raised it and kept it in the house for some time and but by the time it was grown it wasn’t really working out so one day he opened the front door and let it run for its life.

Then afterwards he talked to people and everybody told him the females are too mean.
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