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Would you trust a domesticated wolf?

!!! What did the Swahilis/Hindis know that we don't?!?!?
Probably something about EMPs.
my neighbor raises wolf hybrids.


the last place he had them they got out twice... both times they went around killing dogs for fun. he was forced to put them all down, but was able to get 2 of them to another property (the one by me). he built a proper enclosure for them, and I have had a meeting with him to let him know they get out, ever at all, I will kill them... even if he gets them back in without any damage, I will kill them.
Me? No I don’t trust my domesticated wife…

But man through history? Seems like it went well for 20,000 years so…

for all but recently of those 20k yrs a problem pet was a dead pet. now everyone wants to save them .

wolves kill, just like a hearing dog will herd even if never taught to.
Looks like a husky mix, maybe some coyote or rez dog and not a wolf to me....

I've been around them a couple times, wouldn't trust them one bit.

Id also never trust any dog around kids and letting that dog up on the table while the kids are eating?!
for all but recently of those 20k yrs a problem pet was a dead pet. now everyone wants to save them .

wolves kill, just like a hearing dog will herd even if never taught to.
Yep one chance then done. It turns on you once it’ll do it again

Around here people are going to other peoples property and abandoned buildings around here and feeding the stray cats. A local demolition was held up so they could remove the strays but those same people are the ones demanding the eyesore be removed at county expense
Id trust one more than i trust a :mr-t: with a pitt/rott/dobi.
shitty renter neighbor at the old house had a rott puppy mill. He kept them on chains, and never interacted with any of them. He's an OTR trucker.

While I was out of town one week, his big male got into my yard (past two fences). It charged at my jack russel, and my dog sitter got in the middle and got bit. We got home a couple of days later. The dog got into our yard at 1 am while my wife was letting our ridgeback out... wife took care of the rott, permanently. The dog sitter was in the hospital for a week due to an infection.

Shitty dog owners suck.
shitty renter neighbor at the old house had a rott puppy mill. He kept them on chains, and never interacted with any of them. He's an OTR trucker.

While I was out of town one week, his big male got into my yard (past two fences). It charged at my jack russel, and my dog sitter got in the middle and got bit. We got home a couple of days later. The dog got into our yard at 1 am while my wife was letting our ridgeback out... wife took care of the rott, permanently. The dog sitter was in the hospital for a week due to an infection.

Shitty dog owners suck.
The owner should have meet the same fate....
The number of people I see in real life grab a dog's head and put their face right up to a dog's face disturbs me.

"Uh.. that's not really a good idea to do."
"He's a good dog!"
This is one of those things I'm chronically on my kids ass about. Any remotely friendly dog, they're both face on face/ eye on eye with the dog. I've explained this a thousand goddam times.

As for original question, NO. Now no kids, and we got it at 6-8 weeks old? Maybe.

One of my best friends growing up had a half wolf/ half German Sheppard his dad got from Canada. They had her my entire childhood. Outside dog in the boonies, just stayed around the house. Loved everybody.... random kids over every week... never even barked or growled at anybody. Never bothered neighbors dogs running around. Solid black and huge.

But still... full blood, "adopted", me with kids? No.

Same answer for a pit in this scenario. And I'm not a pit hater.
I have posted this before
When I was in High School
the neighbors at the end of the road had two Timber(?) Wolves

classic double wide, two car stick build garage combo
the kennel was the area between the two buildings, with feeding chutes from inside the garage

They would pay me to take care of them (feed) while they went out of town or on vacation or whatnot
The neighbor girl was between here and there
and they had a dune buggy in the garage that I thought was cool, so I did it

All I had to do was dump food down the hole, those mutherfuckers would have made a meal out of me if they could. I can still hear the plywood tearing as they were pulling on it because I was in there

mean, mean mean
fuck no
This is one of those things I'm chronically on my kids ass about. Any remotely friendly dog, they're both face on face/ eye on eye with the dog. I've explained this a thousand goddam times.
The sketchiest one was the dad of a kid my son mountain bikes with. He works out in the wilderness doing some science stuff- basically he helps hike a bunch of gear out to measure things in the middle of nowhere and camps out there for a week or two at a time. On one of his last excursions he came upon a juvenile husky that was either lost or had been abandoned. Fleas, ticks, malnourished, all beat up. He brings the dog home, cleans her up and adopts her. Two weeks later he brings her out to camp with all of us, and she's the nicest rescue I've ever met, but an insane prey drive(probably because she had been hunting to survive for a long time before he found her). So he's got this kinda feral husky that they've only known for 2 weeks and he and his 8 year old are taking turns grabbing it and blowing raspberries on its snout. You could see the dog flinch every time they whipped their face in there and I had to walk away when I saw him letting his kid do it too.
I had one many years ago. Eastern Timber, Arctic tundra and Malamute mix. Unfixed male.

They are smart as fuck.........smarter than you. They are aware of their surroundings to a point we can't even comprehend. You have to give them a high level of respect, cause if you're near them, you're in their world and that world is a violent place.

I saw him stalking birds like a cat.......and catch/eat them. Seen him climb up and over a chain link fence. Watched him jump on top of a wood fence and walk along the top of it.

If they like you, they let you know it, same goes for them not liking you.

Mine had way too much wolf. He ended up running off into the hills and never came back. Probably made super coyotes in the hills of San Diego.

Anything more than 50% wolf I would say is really uncontrollable. You're not changing millions of years of evolution.
i would take a tamed wolf i raised from a baby over a pit any day.
Nope. Not with a family. Either of them. But even if you get a wolf as a pup it will at some point try to gain leadership. And there's a good chance you're going to get fucked up.
Ilistened to an old bush pilot rail against people who were buying part wolf dogs in the 90s. He was telling about having to set down before it was to dark, then draining the oil from the plane and keeping it warm by a fire all night, while listening to the wolves just out of the fire light move around the camp all night. He said anyone who trusted one was a damn fool!
About as much as I would trust a rottweiler.
I wouldn't leave a defenseless child alone with anything more than a cat. Once he's grown up a bit, say 12 or so, I wouldn't mind leaving him with a wolf if it was raised with him.

I'm sure the root question here is would I trust a wolf over a pitbull or whatever and the answer is most definitely yes. At least the wolf would act on instinct instead of shitty breeding.

The sketchiest one was the dad of a kid my son mountain bikes with. He works out in the wilderness doing some science stuff- basically he helps hike a bunch of gear out to measure things in the middle of nowhere and camps out there for a week or two at a time. On one of his last excursions he came upon a juvenile husky that was either lost or had been abandoned. Fleas, ticks, malnourished, all beat up. He brings the dog home, cleans her up and adopts her. Two weeks later he brings her out to camp with all of us, and she's the nicest rescue I've ever met, but an insane prey drive(probably because she had been hunting to survive for a long time before he found her). So he's got this kinda feral husky that they've only known for 2 weeks and he and his 8 year old are taking turns grabbing it and blowing raspberries on its snout. You could see the dog flinch every time they whipped their face in there and I had to walk away when I saw him letting his kid do it too.
I have no doubt that one of my kids will get half their face ripped off soon. And probably by a good dog.
now do pit bulls
What is a pit bull? The media shows just about anything medium sized with short hair as a "pit bull".
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