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What's up with the center of the rood mounted exhaust one?

and screenshot just in case
It's good to see that people on the left are starting to worry about what governments are doing.

I hope he didn't get fired. Will update anything I know.

My personal opinion is, in the country we should all get one free hit and not get tossed in jail. Just for shit like this. The country would be a ton more civil place knowing that if you piss the wrong dude off he will knock your ass out.
My personal opinion is, in the country we should all get one free hit and not get tossed in jail. Just for shit like this. The country would be a ton more civil place knowing that if you piss the wrong dude off he will knock your ass out.
Society seemed like a more polite place when people knew you had to support the bullshit you're talking about/pulling.
My personal opinion is, in the country we should all get one free hit and not get tossed in jail. Just for shit like this. The country would be a ton more civil place knowing that if you piss the wrong dude off he will knock your ass out.
Was it SilverZuk who had the quote about 'the cost of a punch to the face is too expensive' or something along those lines... fully agree. There are no consequences any more. Start dropping assholes and they will stop being assholes- hence why bullying is out of control. I got bullied in HS after I quit the wrestling team, took the kid down two flights of stairs when I had enough- he learned not to do that anymore.
Colorado flag hanging and Academy bank sign makes me think this in/around Colorado Springs. Nice to see someone in this liberalized state take a stand. Cheers to that guy. :beer:

not sure on the win level

Local to me, we had a storm blow through this week

either way, pretty sure the seat cover isn't on the seat :laughing:
thats no win! i missed it by about 5 minutes. almost got stuck on the not home side. fuxking hate the bridge.

dont know how local you are, i live less the 1/2 mile from the bridge... this is the second time in 6 months or so, a trucks gone over on the bridge. the time before that was 15+ years back,

this particular area is normally paradise, relative, we get 1/3 to 1/4 the rain of most western wa. the last 2 years dont seem to be more 'rainy' than the previous 35ish i've been here. but recently when it rains its coming down! i work on or by the water every day and its been 15yrs since i owned legit 'rain gear'. i aways have a light rain jacket, but this is the first year in a long time i've considered getting a full set.

a friend even had a small landslide at his place. i want to post pics but not my place before insurance settles
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