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Lawsuits as in against the protesters?
As the univ. and collages should not be on the hook as the protesters violated policies and rules.
Against the university. I don't give a crap about the protestors. They deserve everything that they get for supporting terrorists. Protestors that were there and are not students should be charged with trespassing.

How can they deface statues and not get charged?

IMHO... When you get to that level of schooling part of getting a degree from a certain school is the reputation of that school.Columbia was knows as a school who turns out good lawyers. By allowing their reputation to be tarnished they are diminishing the value of their degree. If i was a student that kept their head down and just worked to get that degree and now all that hard work has been diminished by someone else I'd at a bare minimum want some money back. I thing that these schools will see a decline in applications in the next few years.

But thats just me. I'm sure some companies will look at having a columbia degree favorably just because of the protests.
Pic from FB. Mobile exhaust shop.
City tells man to put up a fence to block e view of his boat, so he has a fence built and painted to look like the boat.

that is pretty cleaver, never seen that before
Glad someone is being held accountable.
Only if there is actually a conviction. From my observation, it appears that of the left-leaning "heroes" that actually get indicted, very few are actually convicted. It's a media shell game, you hear about the arrest/indictment, but never the trial/plea/conviction.
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