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I know they make smaller snorkel lifts, why not put a skinny guy in it and extend it
What's the juice in those batteries do if they all take a swim?
Most are 6 volt deep cycle acid batteries, just like you'd find in a golf cart. Most likely all wired in series so the pack voltage is 24 volts, possibly as high as 36v but I think all the ones that work are 24v.

Aaron Z
The best part is you know someone had to stamp off on the purchase order for the rafts.

“Rafts for the electricians to change light bulbs above the pool? Sound good to me”
When I worked offshore, the boat crews had an unofficial game of trying to get the weirdest crap approved through purchasing. One crew managed to get a riding mower delivered to the boat. :laughing:
When I worked offshore, the boat crews had an unofficial game of trying to get the weirdest crap approved through purchasing. One crew managed to get a riding mower delivered to the boat. :laughing:
So did they get a second one and have races?
Were they changing light bulbs, or were they working on the sprinklers? Looks like there are lights around the sides and the only thing up that high is the sprinkler system.

Aaron Z
Which begs the question, why the hell do you need a sprinkler system in a room full of water? What the fuck is there to burn?
When I worked offshore, the boat crews had an unofficial game of trying to get the weirdest crap approved through purchasing. One crew managed to get a riding mower delivered to the boat. :laughing:
I often amend/break up quotes for customers to be below a certain price point, even if it winds up being 3x the allowable limit. Apparently big companies don't care up to a 1x max. I have often wondered what gets bought just bc they can since no one will even look at it below XXX amount.
Which begs the question, why the hell do you need a sprinkler system in a room full of water? What the fuck is there to burn?
sat there a few summers ago watching the kid in swim class...
room full of water, cinderblock walls, steel trusses, and a sprinkler system :laughing:
3 out of 4 school districts in my county voted to send a letter to newscum against requiring the vax for children, wont do anything to change it but at least some people are able to think for themselves :smokin:
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