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Vaccine FAILURE, on every level.


One thing I don't comprehend is these politicians enact policies or whatever (especially during Covid) that are ruled unconstitutional at some point, but nothing happens to them. The policy/law/rule is overturned and life goes on.

They took an oath to uphold the Constitution. They violated it. They should be punished for it. Severely. It really isn't that hard to abide by it.
Er Ma Gerd!! There were bodies piling up in the streets! My Oreos® and TP, when I could find them as I walked one-way down the grocery aisle, standing 6 feet behind the person in front of me to check out, had to be wiped down with disinfecting wipes before taking them into the house.

I mean....it was SO bad, I had to sit in a well-spaced Parent-Pod® at my son's high-school graduation....wearing a mask.....in a field.

Er Ma Gerd!! There were bodies piling up in the streets! My Oreos® and TP, when I could find them as I walked one-way down the grocery aisle, standing 6 feet behind the person in front of me to check out, had to be wiped down with disinfecting wipes before taking them into the house.

I mean....it was SO bad, I had to sit in a well-spaced Parent-Pod® at my son's high-school graduation....wearing a mask.....in a field.

This one time, at a Safeways, young punk wuss in front of me gave me shit for being too close, while other people were cutting the line because he was standing so far back.
This one time, at a Safeways, young punk wuss in front of me gave me shit for being too close, while other people were cutting the line because he was standing so far back.
This 1 time at a Safeway I was open carrying during Covid. I think I was the first person she ever saw with a gun that wasn’t wearing a badge. She jumped literally into a paper towel display. I just turned down the next isle without reacting a single bit. That was probably the hardest I have ever had to work to keep a straight face.
This one time, at a Safeways, young punk wuss in front of me gave me shit for being too close, while other people were cutting the line because he was standing so far back.
But, didja die? Sounds like he kept you from dying. :flipoff2:
The looks you would get for not wearing a mask...like you had 3 heads with 5 eyes each.

Why I have little doubt the majority would fall right back in line like good little sheep.

We were in a region that was considered low risk at the time at a brewery...with outside seating. The little Nazi employees had a conniption whenever anyone not wearing a mask would break off from the group they were with. Had a group of 10 of us, riding with each other in a couple vehicles, sometimes all men in one and women in the other or whatever. Went out for supper and the max number at one table was 6...at least that waitress was decent, she had 2 tables about 6" apart so we weren't "together".

The mental gymnastics some of these idiots went through to come up with this shit is still amazing. And even more amazing that so many bought into it.
Er Ma Gerd!! There were bodies piling up in the streets! My Oreos® and TP, when I could find them as I walked one-way down the grocery aisle, standing 6 feet behind the person in front of me to check out, had to be wiped down with disinfecting wipes before taking them into the house.

I mean....it was SO bad, I had to sit in a well-spaced Parent-Pod® at my son's high-school graduation....wearing a mask.....in a field.

Yup, 95% of people went on with life and it was fine. Gloss it all over and call it a day, you probably will continue to be fine :rasta:
Friend and I were on a bike path in the middle of nowhere, probably July of 2020. This "professional" cyclist (jersey, shorts, clipped in, helmet, gloves) passes us going the other way and he's screaming "six feet, SIX FEET!" He was next to us for maybe three seconds. We just laughed.
I had a moron in the grocery store grab an empty cart to put between him and myself at the checkout line because I wasn't wearing a mask. Like I've said a million times, the scamdemic hoax really revealed how many braindead morons were among us the whole time.
I found it quite amusing to use it to my advantage. Line to long??…… just cough a couple times :laughing:
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