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Vaccine FAILURE, on every level.

Interesting that after the last few years that people still think we don’t have govt controlled healthcare
Go back to fall '20 and try to get your doctor to write a script for ivermectin or even hydroxychloroquin. Even if he wants to, he won't. Because he doesn't want to lose his job. Why would he lose his job I wonder?
Go back to fall '20 and try to get your doctor to write a script for ivermectin or even hydroxychloroquin. Even if he wants to, he won't. Because he doesn't want to lose his job. Why would he lose his job I wonder?
Not just his job... his license....

And many lost their license (or were at least threatened) for even questioning the protocols.

Guy who ran for MN governor (and lost, unfortunately) was one of those Dr's who ended up on the wrong side of "the science"
This is still going on. :mad3:

This is still going on. :mad3:

What’s that movie where the father holds the hospital hostage to force them to transplant his heart into his son?

I guess the good news on this one is if you get the shot and it fucks your heart a new one is available right? Kind of like intentionally blowing up an old motor at the track when you know you have the new built motor waiting to drop in. Kidding of course. This shit is what happens to an unarmed population
I haven't watched the full thing yet but I'm honestly surprised Cuomo agreed to do it. I'm sure he probably got verbally raped for as long as it lasted.
He did. His major hang ups were the ivermectin and immigration topics. That exchange goes on for a lot long too and it’s great

I've watched about a third of it so far. I don't know if I'm going to be able to get through it. Cuomo is so completely full of fucking shit and refuses to acknowledge the reality of what he did at CNN even when it is clearly played back and shown to him. He's just a goddamn liar. He just refuses to take any responsibility and still defends CNN even after they shit canned his ass.
I've watched about a third of it so far. I don't know if I'm going to be able to get through it. Cuomo is so completely full of fucking shit and refuses to acknowledge the reality of what he did at CNN even when it is clearly played back and shown to him. He's just a goddamn liar. He just refuses to take any responsibility and still defends CNN even after they shit canned his ass.
Textbook narcissist. Everyone just misunderstood what he said and what his stances were.
Textbook narcissist. Everyone just misunderstood what he said and what his stances were.
Sure seemed that way. He really thought he could just flat out bullshit his way through everything and even when shown clips where he's clearly doing exactly what he had just finished denying where most people would be a little embarrassed he didn't miss a beat. No, it's not what it looks like. Here's what I actually meant.
PDB is turning into a Cuomo apologist...
No, he's a level 9 expert at getting people to show their true colors by being friendly and non-judgemental with them. This debate is epic... I'll probably listen to it 3+ times over the next few months.... it never would have happened without PBD. Maybe one of the other guys can explain it better than I can.

Also, I posted this in the libertarian retard thread. Didn't realize it had already been posted here.
you guy fail to realize Covid is a real thing
you should be worried, even today

My Grandma is 101 years old next month
she has gotten Covid twice, both in the 'safe assistance' homes where they treat them like a they have Leprosy when they test positive, paper suits, grinder shields and paint respirators

The :laughing: part is they had to tell her that she was sick because she had no fucking clue both times
They are still harvesting those statistics, and it is like they win the sweepstakes then they find one
Textbook narcissist.
Just finished listening to the whole thing and this is actually completely spot on. The clip of him saying he didn't like the effort to take Joe Rogan down and Dave calling him out on being a part of it and then him continuing to deny it even after being shown direct video evidence of him doing exactly that is going viral but there was another moment in that exchange that actually hit me a little harder in terms of really pulling back the curtain on who Chris Cuomo is as a person. I can't remember exactly what led to it but they were talking about Rogan and Cuomo said some stupid braggadocios thing and Dave said something to the effect of "yeah and that's how you end up taking a spinning kick to the chest". Cuomo's immediate response was to puff up his chest and do the tough guy New Yorker act and scoff "pffff... you think I'm scared of Joe Rogan?"

Like wow. I get it. You're trying to do the whole tough guy thing but to anyone who actually understands fighting and understands Joe Rogan's martial arts credentials you're just coming across as a fucking moron speaking out of pure ego and letting your ego outrun your understanding of the situation. And yeah, that's probably exactly how you've had so many terrible takes on other things and why you're sitting here getting wrecked while trying to come up with new lies and acting like you were actually right all along. This is who you are. You're just an extremely ego driven person who just wants to "win" even if you're only winning in your own head.
Just finished listening to the whole thing and this is actually completely spot on. The clip of him saying he didn't like the effort to take Joe Rogan down and Dave calling him out on being a part of it and then him continuing to deny it even after being shown direct video evidence of him doing exactly that is going viral but there was another moment in that exchange that actually hit me a little harder in terms of really pulling back the curtain on who Chris Cuomo is as a person. I can't remember exactly what led to it but they were talking about Rogan and Cuomo said some stupid braggadocios thing and Dave said something to the effect of "yeah and that's how you end up taking a spinning kick to the chest". Cuomo's immediate response was to puff up his chest and do the tough guy New Yorker act and scoff "pffff... you think I'm scared of Joe Rogan?"

Like wow. I get it. You're trying to do the whole tough guy thing but to anyone who actually understands fighting and understands Joe Rogan's martial arts credentials you're just coming across as a fucking moron speaking out of pure ego and letting your ego outrun your understanding of the situation. And yeah, that's probably exactly how you've had so many terrible takes on other things and why you're sitting here getting wrecked while trying to come up with new lies and acting like you were actually right all along. This is who you are. You're just an extremely ego driven person who just wants to "win" even if you're only winning in your own head.
I will go back and listen to this thing several times over the next couple months just to absorb it.

Yea I laughed OUT LOUD at the typical New Yorker chest pump dialog. He's that 60yr old high school kid that got his head caved in by the little shy 10th grader everyone told him not to mess with.

Fauci SHOULD absolutely be tried for CAH (among other things). He, and others' and his directives are responsible for a LOT of deaths and misery.

This whole thing was, at least in large part, a way to explore, test and analyze the implementation of the mRNA tech on a large scale. With a huge pool of unwitting subjects, scared into acceptance by false narratives and exaggerated death predictions and reports (fueled in part by a treatment protocol which aided in increases of those death numbers).
The irony is that the worse the consequences of those shitty policies, the more they justified even shittier policies.
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