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Vaccine FAILURE, on every level.

interesting, how does it work?

Went to that site based on a link shared here a few years ago after reports from other members here that their order went through and they received it. Can't remember the details but remember some people reported a weird payment process. I just put what I wanted in a cart and payed with a credit card as far as I remember, took minimum a few weeks to maybe a month or more to show up. Wasn't quick, but didn't seem too bad for coming from over seas.

There was a place during the order to put prescription info in, but I just skipped it, and it showed up eventually. At some point after receiving it I found emails from them about uploading prescription info, but I never did and I got what I ordered, so ? I went with the 3mg tablets since it seemed more universal based on who might need it. There was info posted here somewhere showing how much to take based on bodyweight that I'm sure I saved but not going to search for right now :flipoff2:. But if I think of it later I'll see what I can dig up. Figured it'd be good to keep on hand for any family/friends/etc. What showed up looked like what's in the pics, branded and labeled - not pills in a ziploc or anything. Looked like what you'd get from a pharmacy
Well shoot, looks like I put it in a folder labeled 'Ivermectin' so here's some screencaps from 2021
Screen Shot 2021-09-12 at 2.15.38 PM.png

Screen Shot 2021-08-15 at 7.22.41 PM.png
Yeah, no kidding.

These fuckers took the homework from a high school teenager that simply thought it up for a class project.
A theory, based not on science, by child who has no degree in anything. On a stupid little paper, was dug up and turned into national policy.

Beyond mind blowing how much out of hand every aspect of that shit show was. Those of us that saw through it all, pat yourselves on the back for not going insane watching the twilight zone all around you and being able to stick it out.

My heart valve surgery kept getting pushed back because “a spike in cases”.

After the third time I asked if you’re not going to do it here, I’ll go get it done elsewhere and started calling around.

Ended up getting it done with the original dr and hospital about a month later.

After the surgery the dr asked my wife how long ago was my last day at work.
She said Monday (surgery happened on a Wednesday).
Dr looked shocked and asked two days ago.
She said yes.
He asked how did I work, the valve really wasn’t doing anything.
She said I don’t know, stubbornness?

How’s how bad my pulmonary valve was working. :mad3: So I felt peoples pain that need surgery and screenings.

My trust in the medical field is nonexistent anymore.

Was it even necessary for anyone since it is neither safe or effective?
I don't know about effectiveness, but it does/did seem safe-ish... safe-er... not as damaging? in the elderly. For whatever reason, the younger and healthier you were, the more at risk you became for mrna trauma. There's alot of theories floating around. I assume we'll know why exactly some day.
Imagine falling for the COVID hoax and taking the frankenjab.
Well, alot of the younger people (lets say under 35) have not experienced what we have to know not to trust the government.

When it comes to government agencies, they're not as skeptical.

Unfortunately, many may learn the hard way.

Edit....hell look how many that SHOULD have known better are still defending the bullshit.

How many were pressured into? Job? I know a guy that didn't want to but did because his mother was dying in the nursing home and that was the only way he would be allowed to see her. He didn't want her dying alone.
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How many were pressured into? Job? I know a guy that didn't want to but did because his mother was dying in the nursing home and that was the only way he would be allowed to see her. He didn't want her dying alone.

I took it early '21 to (hopefully) be part of a lawsuit with my employer. Of course back then it was "this shit looks sketchy, I dunno... do not want" and then later as data and personally known cases came rolling in it was apparent that it was a garbage med with a high percentage of danger.

Oh well, I took one for the team. I do know that if I ever wind up with testicular cancer... after having 3 days of swollen grapefruit balls and could barely walk... I'll know exactly where that cancer came from.
Don't forget the whole not aspirating syringes before jabbing too. Who knows how many bad effects resulted from that?
FWIW I made the bitch at Walgreens do it. That info had just came out and I was 'just to be sure'. There was attitude and I was "Oh okay ill walk right now" and she begrudgingly did it.
I don't know about effectiveness, but it does/did seem safe-ish... safe-er... not as damaging? in the elderly. For whatever reason, the younger and healthier you were, the more at risk you became for mrna trauma. There's alot of theories floating around. I assume we'll know why exactly some day.
absolutely less than zero to back this up, didn't hear it anywhere and that ain't me being secret squirrel about some source
it literally popped into my imagination today while thinking about dethmachine's newfound everything allergy

maybe the shit (some combination of the hypecold and the mrna) was some sorta 'reset button' on your immune system's programming
making whatever the current task it's working on into its new baseline
if it was busy freaking out over paint fumes and grinder dust, that's its permanent fixation

old people already got all the slowdown of their cell replication going on, so it isn't gonna make them grow fifteen pounds of tumors in a week
FWIW I made the bitch at Walgreens do it. That info had just came out and I was 'just to be sure'. There was attitude and I was "Oh okay ill walk right now" and she begrudgingly did it.
I had a CT with contrast not too long ago and the talentless bitch missed the vein. I told her she didn't have it but what do I know? She forced it into the muscle, it not only hurt like hell but, I had to repeat the test the following week:mad3:
I think if we ever have another "pandemic", shit will get really interesting. And by get really interesting, I mean we're going to see this country burn to the ground.
The country literally burned to the ground during the last one :laughing: it was really interesting.

Maybe because I was living in Olympia WA made it more interesting, I dunno. Fire was common though.

It'd be super simple to put together a documentary or history book version that showed the mass chaos and present the period as thr country burning down for 2 years.
Ultimately politicians should be on the chopping block first and foremost.


One thing I don't comprehend is these politicians enact policies or whatever (especially during Covid) that are ruled unconstitutional at some point, but nothing happens to them. The policy/law/rule is overturned and life goes on.

They took an oath to uphold the Constitution. They violated it. They should be punished for it. Severely. It really isn't that hard to abide by it.
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