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Vaccine FAILURE, on every level.

guessing Campbell's channel will be up for review soon

Lab origins likely true, masks proven useless, lockdowns more damaging than the virus, an ineffective vaccine people were coerced into taking, and we're all supposed to forget and move on while nobody is held accountable. :mad3::mad3::mad3::flipoff::flipoff::flipoff:

And to this day Governor Hokum still defends the mandates.
Lab origins likely true, masks proven useless, lockdowns more damaging than the virus, an ineffective vaccine people were coerced into taking, and we're all supposed to forget and move on while nobody is held accountable. :mad3::mad3::mad3::flipoff::flipoff::flipoff:

Given what we have seen of Epstein in the USA it isn't much of an imagination to think about what happened to the original Wuhan lab guys and gals that were there at outbreak. Probably removed from the face of the earth and not even recognizable as chemical fertilizer.
good video... worth listening if you have some time to fill.


Was just telling 3 of my vaxxed coworkers that they seem to be CONSTANTLY sick and to keep their vaccinated asses away from me and then this pops up the next day :laughing:
There have been plenty of people who think that the treatments that were prescribed for COVID (such as ventilators) may have caused many unnecessary deaths.

Just heard this mentioned - That during the Spanish flu pandemic, SOP was to prescribe huge does of aspirine, which was the wonder drug of the time and not fully understood. According to several studies, these massive doses would have caused the death of many young patients, with flu-like symptoms.

There have been plenty of people who think that the treatments that were prescribed for COVID (such as ventilators) may have caused many unnecessary deaths.
It's not that it's "thought". It's fact. Remdesivir was and still is the prescribed treatment for those hospitalized with Covid. Remdesivir has a history. It was used to treat Ebola during an outbreak. Remdesivir is a wide use antiviral. And, it was found to be more deadly than Ebola itself. So, it's use was halted. It was found that in the infected patients that Remdesivir would affect the function of the kidneys with some loss to complete loss of function. The result was a build up of fluid in the system of the patients and ultimately the lungs where pnemonia would develop and death was not far behind.

If you recall, Covid patients that die in hospital (the only ones that I've heard of dying) die of this exact scenario. Death by Covid is a remote chance, a fraction of a percent. Get admitted for Covid in a hospital and I'd be certain that percentage goes to double digits.
It's not that it's "thought". It's fact. Remdesivir was and still is the prescribed treatment for those hospitalized with Covid. Remdesivir has a history. It was used to treat Ebola during an outbreak. Remdesivir is a wide use antiviral. And, it was found to be more deadly than Ebola itself. So, it's use was halted. It was found that in the infected patients that Remdesivir would affect the function of the kidneys with some loss to complete loss of function. The result was a build up of fluid in the system of the patients and ultimately the lungs where pnemonia would develop and death was not far behind.

If you recall, Covid patients that die in hospital (the only ones that I've heard of dying) die of this exact scenario. Death by Covid is a remote chance, a fraction of a percent. Get admitted for Covid in a hospital and I'd be certain that percentage goes to double digits.
A hospice nurse we know lost her husband in this exact fashion, she was not allowed to go in the hospital or to demand a different protocol.

She has become an advocate against it but still 7 of people in her group of friends lost people in the exact fashion. None of the people who declined remdesivir died.

Not a clinical study but good enough for me.
A hospice nurse we know lost her husband in this exact fashion, she was not allowed to go in the hospital or to demand a different protocol.

She has become an advocate against it but still 7 of people in her group of friends lost people in the exact fashion. None of the people who declined remdesivir died.

Not a clinical study but good enough for me.
Same. I'm not a doc, but I am a master of observation.
A hospice nurse we know lost her husband in this exact fashion, she was not allowed to go in the hospital or to demand a different protocol.

She has become an advocate against it but still 7 of people in her group of friends lost people in the exact fashion. None of the people who declined remdesivir died.

Not a clinical study but good enough for me.
A good friend of mine's brother is alive right now (I believe) because he told the hospital to fuck off.

40, healthy exercise guy, got really bad with covid early '21, low O2 and all that. Hospital is getting ready to put him on the vent + remdesivir... he says nope I'm going home. Has an hour long fight with them that eventually got security called... they finally sent him home with an oxygen bottle and told him he'd probably die and good luck. He went home and got better.

Maybe he'd have also gotten better on the vent and poison-i mean medication, but I'm leaning towards nope.
I recall Donald Trump saying in early 2020 "people get sick, they go on ventilators and they die". No context but that was what was reported. Remember the huge efforts to acquire and then manufacture ventilators ? Tesla ? :confused:
A good friend of mine's brother is alive right now (I believe) because he told the hospital to fuck off.

40, healthy exercise guy, got really bad with covid early '21, low O2 and all that. Hospital is getting ready to put him on the vent + remdesivir... he says nope I'm going home. Has an hour long fight with them that eventually got security called... they finally sent him home with an oxygen bottle and told him he'd probably die and good luck. He went home and got better.

Maybe he'd have also gotten better on the vent and poison-i mean medication, but I'm leaning towards nope.
Early on in 2020 there was a doctor that accidentally let the truth slip.
He said he came down with Covid, and was adamant that his family do not let them put him on a vent.

When I heard a doctor say that, it got my attention and I started digging and being suspicious. All the suspicion came true over time as more and more data came out to prove it.
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